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Pa n g e o

A c o m m u n i t y p l at f o r m f o r 

B i g D ata g e o s c i e n c e
Pa n g e o
S c i k i t- d o w n s c a l e : a n o p e n s o u r c e P y t h o n
pa c k a g e f o r s c a l a b l e c l i m at e d o w n s c a l i n g

‣ I am a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR) and the technology director at the non-
profit CarbonPlan. 

‣ My research focuses on emerging data science

approaches in the climate and hydrologic modeling
‣ I help lead the Pangeo Project.
‣ I contribute to open source scientific Python projects like
Xarray, Dask, Intake and Jupyter. (and Scikit-downscale!) @jhamman

Pa n g e o : A n O p e n S o u r c e B i g D ata C l i m at e
S c i e n c e P l at f o r m ( E a r t h C u b e )

Ryan Abernathey Joe Hamman Chiara Lepore Kevin Paul Naomi Henderson Ryan May Matt Rocklin

C o m m u n i t y t o o l s f o r a n a ly s i s o f N A S A E a r t h
O b s e r v i n g S y s t e m D ata i n t h e C l o u d ( A C C E S S )

Anthony Arendt Joe Hamman Tom Augspurger Dan Pilone Rob Fatland Scott Henderson Matt Hanson

Jupyter meets the Earth (Earthcube)

Fernando Pérez Joe Hamman Laurel Larsen Kevin Paul Lindsey Heagy Chris Holdgraf Yuvi Panda

Pa n g e o S o f t wa r e E c o syst e m


Inspiration: Stephan Hoyer, Jake Vanderplas (SciPy 2015)


C l i m at e d o w n s c a l i n g
‣ Data from earth system models is frequently used for ‣ Many downscaling methods have been proposed
climate impacts and adaption studies (and implemented) in the past 3 decades

‣ Downscaling and bias correction methods are ‣ Few open source downscaling tools exist though,
routinely used to correct for statistical errors prior to leading to a proliferation of methods that are difficult
many of these applications (e.g. hydrologic modeling) compare

Precipitation (mm/year)

Change in Precipitation (%)

Precipitation (mm/year)
High-res WRF

S c i k i t- d o w n s c a l e

A new open source Python project for

statistical downscaling

‣ API mimics Scikit-Learn’s fit/predict API

allowing easy composition and

‣ Uses Xarray and Dask to support allow scaling

up analysis from point scale to large climate

‣ Supports both point-wise and spatial/global

downscaling methods.

Demo notebook

Demo uses
Pangeo’s CMIP6
archive on Google

Joe Hamman Julia Kent


Learn More

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