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Teens 4 (L) FINAL EXAM  P1

Listening Comprehension

Choose TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

Question 1
Not answered

Marked out of
1. Stephanie’s mum gives her permission to borrow her pink jacket. 

2. Stephanie’s mum agrees that she rarely wears her blue skirt. 

3. Stephanie is considering leaving her job. 

4. Stephanie’s mum wants her to find another job which is paid better. 

5. Stephanie persuades her mum to write her emails later. 

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and choose the correct option, true (T) or false (F).
Question 2
The ‘Flow’ of Happiness 
Not answered
A lot of people in the world today are used to working, going on holiday, and having money- but many of them aren’t happy. Yet other people
Marked out of
seem to be really happy, even if they are poor, or have no job, or are surrounded by problems. Why? 
Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, from the University of Chicago, has interviewed thousands of people who have a happy life to find out how
they do it. ‘I’ve been studying happiness for over 30 years’, says Csikszentmihalyi. ‘My interest in the subject came from my own experience as
a child during World War ll, when I saw many adults destroyed by the terrible events. But there were always a few who kept their courage,
helped others, and were able to give a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. I wanted to find out how a person could build a fulfilling
and enjoyable life’. 
In general, his research showed that people were unhappy doing nothing. The professor stresses that happy people don’t waste time, either at
work or when they’re free. ‘Many people feel that the time they spend at work or at school is wasted. But often their free time is also wasted.
Many people are used to doing passive things- watching television, for example- without using any skills. As a result, life goes past in a series
of boring experiences’. 
But it doesn’t have to be this way. The professor has found that people are happy when they get into something he calls ‘flow’. When people
get very involved in a task that they have chosen, and which is well-defined and challenging, they experience ‘flow’, a state where they don’t
notice time passing. 
They also experience enjoyment. Professor Csikszentmihalyi makes a contrast between enjoyment and pleasure. ‘I used to think they were the
same thing- but they’re not! Pleasure is a big bowl of ice cream, or taking a hot bath on a cold day- nothing bad at all! But enjoyment is about
doing something and achieving something. It isn’t really important what we do, it’s more important to do something, and feel positive about it
and to try to do it well.’ 
People who are not used to happiness can learn how to be happy, says the professor, if they constantly get into ‘flow’ states. Is happiness as
easy as that? Perhaps it is.
 Adapted from English in Mind – Cambridge

1. Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has been interested in happiness from a very young age.

2. He thinks that many people use their free time well.       

3. We can experience ‘flow’ when we do things that are impossible for us. 

4. People in ‘flow’ can easily lose track of time. 

5. It’s possible that happiness is not as difficult as we think.

SECTION B:  Language in Use

Question 3

Not answered
I. Choose the most suitable alternative.
Marked out of 5.00

1. We go to South Africa for holidays but we haven’t decided yet.

2. That’s the hotel we always stay.

3. I didn’t vegetables when I was a kid.

4. I want to keep it a secret. you see Joey, don’t tell him anything.

5. They offered me with my homework.

Question 4

Not answered
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 
Marked out of
No one knows why they’re there
15.00 The world is full of wonderful places, both natural and man-made. What is more, some man-made places are so incredible that no one can 1)
(explain) them like in the case of Easter Island.

Easter Island, about halfway between Chile and Tahiti, 2) (be) one of the world’s most mysterious islands. 3)

(discover) in 1722 by a Dutch explorer, Jacob Roggeveen, the island is famous for the Moai: hundreds of strange statues 4)

(make) from the island’s volcanic rock, with faces that either look out to sea, or towards the local villages. Many 5)

(fall) over through the years; some are incomplete. No one really 6) (understand) why they are there or who made

them. One explanation is that they were made 7) (honour) the leader of the tribe or other important people that were

People still wonder how the statues 8) (move) from where they were constructed to their present positions on the island.

A writer called Erich von Däniken has suggested that aliens 9) (build) and moved the Moai. There are several other theories,

but nobody 10) (find) the answer yet.

 (Adapted from English in Mind- Cambridge)

III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word given so that it means the same as
the original sentence. 

Question 5 We are not going skiing because it isn’t snowing.                                              

Not answered WOULD

Marked out of 2.00

If . 

The correct answer is: it snowed, we would go skiing

Question 6 My sister wants to be a musician. She plays the violin                               

Not answered WHO

Marked out of 2.00

My sister, .

The correct answer is: who plays the violin, wants to be a musician

Question 7 I’m pretty sure this photo is a fake because of the shadows.                       
Not answered BE

Marked out of 2.00

This photo  the shadows.

The correct answer is: must be a fake because of

Question 8 Last Saturday, my parents forced me to go shopping with them.                             
Not answered MADE

Marked out of 2.00

Last Saturday, my parents  with them.

The correct answer is: made me go shopping

Question 9 Ashlee didn’t do her make-up. Somebody did it for her.                                                       

Not answered DONE
Marked out of 2.00

Ashlee .

The correct answer is: had her make-up done

Question 10 He’ll get to the tennis final but he probably won’t win.                
Not answered LIKELY
Marked out of 2.00

He the tennis final.

The correct answer is: isn’t likely to win

Question 11 “Are you enjoying the party?”, Jill asked Paul                                                               

Not answered
Marked out of 2.00
Jill  .

The correct answer is: asked Paul if he was enjoying the party

Question 12 He’s nervous because he never speaks in public.                                                    

Not answered USED

Marked out of 2.00

He’s nervous because  in public.

The correct answer is: he is not used to speaking

Question 13 Everybody left the party before they arrived.                                                                          
Not answered HAD
Marked out of 2.00

When they  .

The correct answer is: arrived everybody had left the party

Question 14 “We will buy you a bike for your birthday”, my parents said.                                        
Not answered PROMISED

Marked out of 2.00

My parents for my birthday.

The correct answer is: promised to buy me a bike

Question 15

SECTION C: Writing
Marked out of Choose one of the following tasks. Write between 100- 120 words.
1.     You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that your story must begin or end with the following
“Mike was very tired, but he felt he had achieved something really important”
Write your story.
2.      Here’s part of an e-mail you have received from a friend. 
I have been thinking about learning a new language and I know you are the right person to help me with that. Do you think it’s a good idea?
Which one should I learn and why? Why do you think people say that learning a new language is important? Write back to me whenever you
Write your email.

Mike was a a person that loves do sports. He play tennis, futbol, basket and handball. But his favourite is tennis and he is going to compete in
a tournament. People over the world is going to compete and Mike was verry exited. He played every game and won all of them and is now in
the finals.He had just to score one point to win, he felt tired and succeds. Finally he won the game. Mike was verry tired, but he felt he had
achieved something verry important.

◄ What will I find the day of the exam? (Teens 4)

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