Workout Guide: Comprehensive Guide For Maximizing Your Bands, Provided in An Easy-To-Read Format

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Comprehensive guide for maximizing your

bands, provided in an easy-to-read format.

4 6


13 18
3 Introduction 9 Pre Workout Stretch 13 Upper Body
5 Description 10 Post Workout Stretch 20 Lower Body
6 Benefits 11 Jump Start Cardio 24 Abs
7 Door Anchor 12̀ Exercise Bank 30 Cardio
Resistance Bands
Resist ance bands gi ve you a new way to work
out, tone up, and l ose weight . They tar get pl aces
on your body that can st abi li ze musc les you
don’ t normally use. They ar e also a great
al ter nat iv e for when you c an’t use or hav e ot her
workout equipment . They c an add an ext ra
c hal lenge to body wei ght exerc ises and don’t put
t he same type of pr essur e on your joints that
ext ernal weight s li ke dumbbell s do. Anyone, at
any fi tness l ev el can benefit fr om using
r esist ance bands. The best par t is t hey ar e smal l
and li ght weight, maki ng them easy to t r av el wi th
and st or e in a small space!

Resistance Bands
Our Tube Bands var y in t hic kness t o t he str engt h
of t he band. They are color coded for dist inct ion.
The force is appli ed when t he ends ar e pull ed
away fr om one another.


Resistance bands work your Our resistance bands

muscles like weights do – your come in 5 different
muscles contract to generate resistance levels with
force to stabilize and control color-coded, text
the desired movement. descriptions along with
different thicknesses.
Our passion is fitness,
so we made exercise ALL PROGRESS
bands that actually TAKES PLACE
work for all workouts.



Bands are inexpensive workout Bands are easy to store and Each band has a particular
equipment. They are an take on the go. Fit in your amount of weight when
alternative to purchasing bulky workout anywhere you are. stretched out to use for your
equipment or a gym Pack them in your bag to training. Pair them with weights
membership. workout outside or in a hotel to increase your workout.
room while on vacation.


They are a great way to Bands can improve strength, They involve a lower amount
improve your flexibility and size, and function of muscles of force on the joints. They
joint mobility. The bands can to those undergoing muscle provide the same stimulation
assist to perform exercises rehabilitaion. They provice light with less chance of injury as
and stretches that your or heavy resistance to target weights such as bumbbells.
normally would not be able to specific muscles and joins.
with your range of motion or

help of someone.
*Tip: Lock the door for extra security.
Top Door
Anchor Position

Upper Door
Anchor Position

MIddle Door
Hinges Anchor Position


Lower Door
Anchor Position

Bottom Door
Anchor Position

Exercise on INSIDE or OUTSIDE of door.

View from outside of door.

Slide door anchor between Close, latch and lock the The door anchor stopper,
door and jamb on hinge- door, securing door anchor on the "non-exercise side"
edge of door. Loop must in place. of the door, holds and
me on "exercise side" of anchors the door anchor.

View from inside of door.

Triceps Dynamic Chest
1. Stand straight up with your arms at your 1. Start off standing up straight with your arms
sides and feet close together. at your side and feet shoulder width apart.
2. Reach up with both hands and extend them 2. Extend your hands out in front of you palms
up and behind your head. together then quickly move your arms back
3. Then with one of the hands, reach over and as far as possible.
press upon the other hand, feeling an 3. Return back to the starting position quickly
extension and stretch in your triceps.
and repeat for as man reps and sets as
4. Hold onto this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds
and repeat with the opposite arm.

Shoulder Forward Fold

1. Start off standing up straight with your feet 1. Stand upright with your inner feet parallel
shoulder width apart and your arms rested at and about six inches apart.
your sides. 2. Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your
2. Then slowly with your left arm reach across kneecaps.
your body and hold it straight out. 3. Keeping your legs completely straight, exhale
3. Using your right hand, grab onto the elbow of and bend forward from your hip joints,
the left arm and pull it towards your chest. moving your torso and head as one unit.
4. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and
then return back to the starting position.
5. Repeat for as many reps and however long
you desire.

Calf Raises Butterfly Stretch

1. Start off setting up either a step or a block 1. Sit up tall with the soles of your feet pressed
next to either a support structure or smith together and your knees dropped to the
machine. sides as far as they will comfortably go.
2. Place the balls of your feet on the edge of 2. Pull your abdominal gently inward and lean
the block/step and let forward from your hips.
3. your heels drop down towards the floor as far 3. Grasp your feet with your hands and carefully
as possible. pull yourself a small way farther forward..
4. Then slowly raise your heels up as high as
possible, squeezing your calves and hold for
a count.
5. Return back to the starting position.
6. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Lying Torso Twist Low Lunge Twist
1. Start on your back. 1. Start on all fours.
2. Lengthen legs and bring right knee to chest. 2. Take right foot in front and left knee down.
3. Take the right leg across your body. 3. Place left arm down next to right foot.
4. If you have range of motion take knee down 4. Reach right hand up towards the sky.
to the floor or keep it as far as you can go. 5. Repeat with left side.
5. Take right arm to opposite direction of knee
and look towards the arm.
6. Repeat on left side.

Upward Dog Frog Stretch

1. Begin by lying face-down on the floor with 1. Position yourself on the mat in table pose.
your legs extended behind you, spread a few 2. Move your knees to the outer sides of the
inches apart. Do not tuck your toes, as this mat, rocking back and forth as needed to
can crunch your spine. shift your weight and move your knees out.
2. Place your hands on the floor alongside your Widen your knees as far as you can while still
body, next to your lower ribs. Point your remaining comfortable.
fingers to the top of the mat and hug your 3. Position your feet behind your knees.
elbows in close to your rib cage. 4. Bring your torso down so you're resting on
3. Inhale as you press through your hands firmly your elbows instead of your palms
into the floor. 5. Bring your hips down as you exhale.
4. Straighten your arms, lifting your torso and 6. Hold the position for 3-6 breaths.
your legs a few inches off the floor.

Forward Fold
1. Stand upright with your inner feet parallel
and about six inches apart.
2. Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your
3. Keeping your legs completely straight, exhale
and bend forward from your hip joints,
moving your torso and head as one unit.

Use to Get Warm or Add to Any Workout!
This 5 minute workout will get you warm to start your workout
and is a great addition to any workout to give it an extra push!
It contains one circuit that repeats twice! Do each exercise for
30 seconds each. For Round Two - if squat jumps are too
advanced, do regular squats.

Round One Round Two

Run in Place Run in Place
Butt Kicks Butt Kicks
Tricep Dips Tricep Dips
Push Ups Push Ups
Jumping Jacks Jump Squats

Exercise Bank
With these workouts, you will be able to target
upper body, lower body, and your core to
make consistent progress. These workouts
are perfect for beginners, intermediate, and
advanced levels.

Images shown have colored bands only to show the placing of

the bands. Use any band you are comfortable with for the
workouts! See information page for levels of resistance.

Use these workouts along with our 1-month workout plan!

Tag us @sbsox1 or use #SBSOX on your Instagram to get


Curl Shoulder Press

Stand on the resistance band with Stand on the band with your feet.
your feet hip width apart. Take a Grip a handle in each hand and
handle into each hand and stand stand up straight. With the bands in
up straight. Keep your back and front of your arms and palms facing
head straight, chest high, and forward, bring your arms up to goal
stomach tight. Start with your arms post position (upper parallel, and
straight down and your palms forearms perpendicular with the
facing forward, and elbows tight to floor). Keep your back straight, head
your sides. Bend your elbows and straight and chest up. Press your
pull the handles up until your hands hands over your head and together
are at chest height. Return to until your arms are almost fully
starting position. Repeat for straight. Return to starting position.
specified reps. Repeat for specified reps.

Upright Row
Stand with your feet on top of the band
hip width apart and criss cross the
bands in each hand to create an "X".
Start with your arms down, palms and
handles on top of your thighs with a
slight bend in the elbows. Keep the
handles close to your body and pull
them straight up towards your chest
until your arms are parallel with the
floor. Return to starting position.
Repeat for specified reps.

Bent-Over Row
Begin the movement by stepping on to a resistance band with your feet at
shoulder-width, toes pointed slightly out. Bend slightly at the knees and
forward at the hips. Maintain a braced core and flat back throughout.
Leading with your elbows, pull the handles of the resistance band back,
bringing your shoulder blades closer together. Hold this contraction and
slowly release to the starting position. Repeat for specified reps.


Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you,

slightly bend. Loop the band around the soles of
your feet and hold a handle in each hand. Start
with your arms slightly bent in front of you,
pointing at your toes. Bend your elbows and pull
back until your hands meet your chest. Return to
starting positon. Repeat for specified reps.

Chest Fly
Anchor the band at the middle door anchor position or loop the band through
a sturdy object around chest height. With your back to the door, grab a handle
in each hand and step forward with your left foot until there's no slack in the
band. Start with your arms wide open and a little bent, but don't let your hands
be behind your shoulders. Bring your arms together in front of you, keeping
them straight. The angle between your arms and body is 90 degrees. Return to
starting position. Repeat for specified reps.

Face Pull Tricep Push-Down

Anchor the band at the upper door Anchor the band at the top door
position or loop the band through a position or loop the band through a
sturdy object in front of you at head sturdy object above your head but
height. While facing the object, grab slightly in front of you. Grab the
a handle in each hand and step resistance band with both hands
backwards until your arms are (palms facing down) just below
straight and parallel to the floor and chest height. Keep your elbows tight
there is no slack in the band. Pull the into your side and drive your hands
band towards your nos, keeping your down towards your waist. Lock your
shoulder blades pulled tightly arms out and rotate your hands
together with your elbows bent so slightly outward as you do. Return
your forearms are at 90 degrees your hands back up to just below
from your upper arms. Return to the chest height. Repeat for specified
starting position. Repeat for specified reps.

Shoulder Rotation
Anchor the band at the middle door
position or loop the band through a
sturdy object at elbow height. Stand next
to the door or object and grab the
handle with the hand opposite of the
door/object. Keep your elbow pressed
firmly to your side.Your elbow should be
flexed to 90 degrees with your hand
reaching across the front of your torso.
Pull the handle away from the
door/object by rotating your arm in a
backhand motion. Keep your elbow in
place. Return to starting position. Repeat
for specified reps. Perform exercise on
each side per set.

Lay on the floor and grasp a handle in each hand and wrap it around your
upper back. Your hands should be shoulder with apart in push up position.
Keep your back straight, legs straight and head straight.
Push your entire body off until your arms are almost totally straight. Return to
starting position. Repeat for specified reps.

Tricep Kickback
Grab the ends of the resistance band with
your right and left hand and step on the
middle of the band. Bend over at the
waist so that you chest is parallel with the
floor. Extend your arms backwards and
lock your elbows out. Return to starting
position. Repeat for specified reps.

Lat Pull-Down
Anchor the band at the middle door anchor position or loop the band through
a sturdy object around chest height. Facing the door grab a handle with both
hands and step backward until there is no slack in the band. Bend at the waist
so that your back is parallel to the floor, arms extended overhead. Pull the
band closer to you while keeping your posture straight. Pull down as far as you
can go. Return to starting position. Repeat for specified reps.

Tricep Extension
Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other and place the center of the
band under the back foot. Bring handles together straight up above the top of
your head. Slowly lower handles behind the back of your head until elbows are
bent 90 degrees, keeping elbows close to the side of your head.Press hands
back up overhead slowly. Return to starting position. Repeat for specified reps.
Perform on both sides per set.

Anchor the band at the top door position or
loop the band through a sturdy object above
your head and lightly in front of you, Grab the
handles with an overhand grip with your hands
shoulder width apart. Keep your knees slightly
bend and your feet shoulder width apart. Exhale
and pull the handles down to your thighs. Your
arms should remain straight with your elbows
locked. Return to starting position. Repeat for
specified reps.

One Arm Lat Pull-Down

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the middle of the resistance
bands with your hands shoulder width apart and your palms facing away from
you. Place the band above and behind your head with your arms fully
extended. With your left hand, pull the band down behind your back to stretch
the band. Pull down as far as you can go. Return to starting position. Repeat
for specified reps. Perform on both sides for each set.

Hamstring Curl
Anchor the band at the lower door
position or loop through a sturdy
object close to the floor. While facing
away from the door or object, put your
feet through the handles. and lie on
your stomach with your elbows bend
and to your sides. Keep your butt down
and your back flat. Bend both knees at
the same time and raise your heels
towards your butt. Return to starting
position. Repeat for specified reps.

Donkey Kick
Loop the band around one foot and hold onto the handles. Get into a table top
position with your knees and elbows on the floor. Hold the handles in front of
you with your palms facing each other. Holding the band tight, extend and
raise your leg so your foot is higher than your butt. Your leg should go from
bent to straight. Hold and return to starting position. Repeat for specified reps.
Perform on both sides per set.

Romanian Deadlift
Anchor the band at the bottom door position
or loop the band through a sturdy object close
to the floor. While facing the object grab a
handle in each hand and stand with your feet
shoulder width apart. With medium resistance
on the band and your knees slightly bent, bend
forward at your hips. Think of your hips as a
hinge. Extend from the hips to a standing
position. Return to starting position. Repeat for
specified reps.

Calf Extension
Sit on the floor with your left leg bent, foot flat on the floor, and your right leg
extended in front. Loop the band around the sole of your right foot and hold a
handle in each hand. Start with your arms slightly bent in front of you, pointing
at your toes. Pull the handles towards your torso to create tension. Your right
foot should be flexed, toes pointed up. Point your right foot by pressing the ball
of your foot against the resistance band. Return to starting position. Repeat for
specified reps. Perform on both sides for one set.

Anchor the band at the bottom door position
or loop the band through a sturdy object close
to the floor and step out facing away from the
door or object with your feet shoulder width
apart. Grab the handles with an overhand grip
and pull the band between your legs. Slightly
bend your knees and hips. Straighten your legs
and push yourself up to a standing position.
Return to starting position. Repeat for specified

Anchor the band at the bottom door position or loop the band through a
sturdy object close to the floor. Place your left foot through one of the handles.
Stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door or object. Place your hands behind your
ears with your elbows out to the sides. Keep your back straight, head straight,
chest up and stomach tight. Pull your right leg out to the right until it is at a 45
degree angle to the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat for specified reps.
Perform on both sides per set.

Leg Extension
Lie on your back with the band looped around the soles
of your feet, knees bent in towards your chest and
holding the handles in both hands. Engage your lower
abs and press through your feet to straighten your
legs. Keep the lower abs tight. Return to starting
position. Repeat for specified reps.

Stagger your feet with one foot in front. Now stand on the band with your front
foot. Grip a handle in each hand and raise your hands up to shoulder height.
With your back straight, head straight, elbows back, and chest up, lower your
hips straight down until your front thigh is almost parallel with the floor.
Straighten your front leg and raise your hips. Return to starting position. Repeat
for specified reps. Perform on both sides per set.

Stand on band with feet shoulder width apart and hold the handles next
to your shoulders so the band is behind the back of your arms. Slowly sit down
and back into squat position keeping abdominals tight and chest lifted Press
back up through heels, squeezing glutes. Repeat for specified reps.

Anchor the band at the top door position or loop
the band through a sturdy object above your head.
Grip each side of the band, right above the clips or
handles. Kneel down about 2 feet away from the
door, facing the door. Hold your hands close to your
forehead and position your arms so that your
elbows are about 6 inches apart and facing down.
Keep you knees bent with your buttocks touching
your heels. Crunch your body down and forward
with your elbows moving towards the floor right in
front of your knees. Repeat for specified reps.

Russian Twist
Sit on floor with legs extended and together, center of band wrapped around
soles of feet, holding one handle in each hand. Bend knees slightly, keeping
heels on floor, and clasp hands to bring both ends of band together.
With abs engaged and back flat, lean back 45 degrees and extend arms in
front of you at eye level. Keep resistance band taut throughout the resistance
band ab workout move. Twist to the left, then the right to complete one rep.
Repeat for specified reps.

Reverse Crunch
Anchor the band at the lower door position or loop
the band through a sturdy object. While facing the
door or object, lie on your back and attach each
handle to your feet. Keep your back flat, abs tight,
and lace your hands under your his. Scoot away
from the object until your legs are only slightly bent
when raised up off the floor. Keep your back flat
and abs tight, and bend your knees in towards your
shoulders. Return to starting position. Repeat for
specified reps.

Grab a resistance band by the handles and place the band under your feet.,
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Arms should be out in front of you,
elbows to the sides, and hold the handles between the palms of your hands,
Twist your body slightly to the left without moving your feet. Tuen from the
waist as far as your can without your hips turning. Return to starting position.
Repeat for specified reps. Perform on each side per set.

Reverse Wood Chop
Anchor the band at the lower door
position or loop the band through a
sturdy object low to the ground. Grab the
handles with both hands together. Stand
to the left of the door or object with your
feet wider than shoulder width apart.
Slightly bend your right knee and place
the handle to the right side of your hip.
Pull the handles up and across your body
to the left and above your head. Pivot
your hips and feet and follow the handles
with your eyes. Return to starting position.
Repeat for specified reps. Perform on
each side per set.

Bicycle Crunch
Anchor the band at the lower door position or loop the band through a sturdy
object low to the ground. Attach an ankle strap around the bottom of each
foot (with the ring on the bottom of your foot), and lie on your back. Move far
enough away from the door so that the band is beginning to stretch. Place
your finger tips on the sides of your head, with your elbows flared out to the
side. Now raise your shoulders and feet about 12 inches off the floor balancing
on your buttocks. Pull one foot away from the door while you simultaneously
twist your body and touch your active knee to the opposite elbow. Return to
the starting position (controlling the resistance). Alternate sides & repeat.

Cross Overs
Hold both handles of the band in your left
hand as you place your left foot into the
loop of the band. Lie on your back and
extend your arms out to the sides in a T
shape. Extend the left leg up. Keep your
right leg straight on the floor. Use the
inner thigh of your left leg to pull the
band across your body to the right.
Return to starting position. Repeat for
specified reps. Perform on each side per

Side Bend
Grab the resistance band by its handles and place the band under your right
foot. Stand shoulder width apart with your left hand at your left hip. Raise your
right arm with your elbow bent so that the band is behind your right arm. Lean
slowly to your left while you raise the hand with your right hand. Return to
starting position. Repeat for specified reps. Perform on each side per set.

Anchor the band at the lower door position or loop the band through a sturdy
object. While facing away from the door or object grab a handle in each hand
and lie on your back, arms extend to your hips and knees bend. The band
should be under your arms. Crunch your upper body forward while drawing
your arms toward your knees. Return to starting position. Repeat for specified

Sit Up
Anchor the band at the lower door position or loop the band through a sturdy
object. While facing away from the object, lie on your back, arms extended
above your body, a handle in each hand. The top of you head should be
positioned a few feet from the object so that there is sufficient tension. With
your arms and back straight, raise your body up into a full sit up position. Return
to starting position. Repeat for specified reps.

Pilates 100
Start lying on your back. Bring both knees into the chest to form a tabletop
position. Bring your head, neck, and shoulder off the mat. Arms are long at the
sides. Extend legs long and lower as far as possible while keeping the abs
engaged and back connected to the mat in a slight imprint. (can modify by
bending knees or bringing feet to mat with bent knees).
Pump the arms up and down in a quick, controlled manner while taking five
short breaths in and five short breaths out (like sniffing in and puffing out). Be
sure to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and focus on your abdominal
muscles doing all the work.

Bird Dog
Start in a tabletop position, with your shoulders over wrists and hips over knees.
Engage your core while simultaneously lifting your right arm and left leg. Your
foot should be flexed as you kick back, and your palm should face in towards
your body. Pause for one second when your arm and leg are at the same
height as your torso, and then bring your elbow and knee to touch underneath
the body. Repeat on the other side for one rep.

Dead Bugs
Lay face up on the floor with arms straight above your shoulders. To start, bring
your knees directly over your hips and bend at the knee so that your calf forms
a 90-degree angle with your thigh. Next, simultaneously lower your left arm
above your head while straightening your right leg and sending it towards the
floor. Pause, return to the starting position, and then repeat on the opposite

Hollow Extension-to-Cannonball
Get into a cannonball-type shape on your back, hugging your knees into your
chest—yes, just like you’re at the pool at summer camp again. Simultaneously
extend your legs and arms outwards into a “hollow” position, pressing your lower
back to the floor. Hold for five seconds before curling up again,


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight in your heels, and
your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and
lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly
in front of, and just inside, your feet. Shift your weight onto your
hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in
a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your
head to heels. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick
up in the air, as both can keep you from effectively working your
core. Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your
hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the
air. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep.

Mountain Climbers
Start in a traditional plank with your
shoulders directly over your hands and
wrists. Be sure to keep your back flat and
your butt down, maintaining a neutral spine.
Engage your core (think about pulling your
belly button toward your spine) and lift up
your right knee, bringing it toward your
elbow. It's OK if you can't bring the knee all
the way to your elbow. Return the right knee
back to the starting position as you
simultaneously drive your left knee up
toward your left elbow. Return to the starting
position. Continue switching legs and begin
to pick up the pace until it feels like you're
"running" in place in a plank position.

See Jump Start Cardio for

other moves!


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