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Nama : Hilya Wildatussalma Al-Frisna

Rombel : 3 A Gizi
NIM : 6511420020

1. Personal Biography
Hello, my name is Hilya Wildatussalma Al-Frisna, you can call me Hilya. I was born
on October 22, 2001. I live in the village of Mayong, Jepara Regency, my house is in front
of the Mayong market so that every morning I can shop for household needs with my
mother there. I am the eldest of 2 siblings, my two younger sisters are all girls. My father's
name is Agus Santosa who works as a factory worker and my mother's name is Ikhwana as a
Kindergarten Teacher. I love my family very much. We live with my grandparents. Even
though our life is simple but Alhamdulillah we are always given health by Allah. Now I'm
sitting on the Lecture bench as a Nutrition Student, looks cool. I am now 20 years old on the
22nd. Hopefully there will be more blessings and convenience in terms of goodness, amen.
In Semarang I live at the Durrotu Aswaja Islamic Boarding School Banaran. I remember
very well my ustadz's message, “Education is important and it is more important to get to
doctoral degree, but the chapter on religious knowledge is much more important. Because if
you chase after the hereafter then the world will follow you. Don't think too much about
tomorrow, so what's most important is to study and study until you die. Our lives have been
arranged by God," he said.
Regarding the education that I have taken so far. I used to study at the Tarbiyyatul
Athfal Kindergarten in Jepara for 2 years. Then, I studied elementary school at SD N 2
Pelemkerep Mayong Jepara for 6 years. After that, MTs N 1 Jepara, wow, the teenage years
were very fun. During Mts, I also recited the Koran at the Ath-Thohiriyyah Islamic
Boarding School in Bawu for 3 years. After graduating, I continued my education at MAN 1
Jepara for 3 years and stayed at the Tahfidz Baitul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Bawu
Jepara for 3 years. Living in a pesantren environment has made me more mature and
understand the true meaning of life. Everything I have experienced will become memories
and lessons. Never be afraid to stay home, with ta'dzim to the kiai will be a blessing in the
lives of students.
I used to follow the SNMPTN path to enter a state university, the teacher's advice if I
enter the field of Public Health or Nutrition. Thank God I was accepted into the Nutrition
Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Semarang until now. It's not
easy to study Nutrition, but with a strong determination I'm sure I can graduate quickly and
get satisfactory grades. I really want to repay all the services of my parents, unfortunately
until whenever a child can not repay him because of their great sacrifice. My belief got
Nama : Hilya Wildatussalma Al-Frisna
Rombel : 3 A Gizi
NIM : 6511420020
stronger when my grandmother was suffering from cyst cancer, she was sadly happy when
she was visited by a nutritionist at the hospital who helped her to nourish her body. He is
encouraging so that in the future he can help many people. Nutritionist is a profession that is
not widely known by many people, but he is one of the heroes about one's nutrition. I wish
that for the rest of my life, I could spend my time helping many people and making my
parents and loved ones happy.
2. Dialogue “wearing face mask on public transportation during covid-19 pandemic”
On this sunny morning Najhan and Arsyada wanted to go to a mall in Semarang using BRT
to buy their tutor's birthday present.
Najhan: "Assalamu'alaikum Arsya." (take knocking on the door of Arsya's house)
Arsya: (hurries out to meet her friend) "Wa'alaikum salam han, done
until then.
Come in first, let's find your brother."
After a few minutes. Arsya is ready to go together.
Arsya: "Hey, I'm ready. It's fun talking to my sister, I'll just talk later. Let's go to lunch."
Najhan: "Yeah, come on."
Just a step out of the house. Arsya just realized that Najhan was not wearing a mask.
Arsya: "Wait a minute. There is something missing."
Najhan: "What? I was in a hurry, now there's something missing."
Arsya: "Why don't you wear a mask, han? "
Najhan: "Do you have to wear a mask? there's no covid. Cook using it, it's hot."
Arsya : “Jellas must wear a mask. Moreover, we will take public transportation later. even
though the covid case is not as bad as it has been but we must remain vigilant. Better
to prevent than treat. Well wait here I'll get the mask inside first."
Najhan : "Okay boss ready."
Arsya : " Here, use it to avoid disease. Later we will meet a lot of people there too.
Bring a hand sanitizer too."
Najhan : " Yes boss ready. My naughty but kind friend.”
3. Monologue which describes your favorite and inspiring  teacher / lecturer
My favorite lecturer is Mrs. Desy and she is the best lecturer I have ever had. He has
the ability to bring the subjects he teaches to life. Many of the students thought that at first it
was very boring and then became enthusiastic and listened to what was conveyed, and their
love for being a lecturer. Going to his lessons is something we expect, not as scary, as we
Nama : Hilya Wildatussalma Al-Frisna
Rombel : 3 A Gizi
NIM : 6511420020
imagine. When he explained about the material presented in its entirety, we were very happy
to get a lot of knowledge that we had never known.
A lecturer who doesn't take himself too seriously is always going to be a big hit for
us, though he's not afraid to impose his authority if he has to. I've only heard him scream
properly once (though luckily not me), but it's not an experience I want to repeat. Most
excited when he explained with enthusiasm. Hopefully the knowledge given by him can be
useful and I can use it for good.
4. A. One of your friends is sick of having a disproportionate body mass index
Anya: "Why san? I'm so sullen in the morning."
Sandra: "How can you not frown? My body mass index is disproportionate like my friends
this other. I'm sick of it."
Anya: "Patience Sandra. Have you tried going to the doctor?"
Sandra: "It's okay. But there's no change yet. "
Anya : “Try consulting a nutritionist. Because they are the ones who know better nutrition
based on their patients' needs."
Sandra : “Thank you for the advice, Anya. "
Anya: "You're welcome Sandra. All of that requires a process that can't be instant. As far as
I know, God is not will test his servant while his servant is able. If you are tested by
Allah, it means you are. I want to level up."
Sandra: "Yes, sir. My mother said so too. I'll try to be patient with it. "
B. One of your friends is having digestive problems
Syifa and I are planning after finishing the book store to go have lunch together at the Burge
Me: “How has Shif found everything you want to buy yet? I'm done here."
Shiva: "Not yet. Still missing a few. My stomach doesn't feel good, I don't know why."
Me: "Rest first. I bought a drink for you. "
Syifa: "I'll just rest later after everything is finished. We have lunch together. "
Me: "Well, I'll pay this to the cashier first, okay?"
Syifa: "Okaydee."
It's been a split second I've been waiting for Syifa but nothing appears and I tried to contact
her no reply. Finally I decided to look for it.
I searched every room in this bookstore. Finally I found him sitting on a bench.
Me: "Why are you Sifa?"
Nama : Hilya Wildatussalma Al-Frisna
Rombel : 3 A Gizi
NIM : 6511420020
Syifa: "My stomach hurts a lot."
Me: "Try to remember what you were originally doing to be like this?"
Syifa: "Duhh lately I don't want to eat fruits and vegetables, then I have a hard time
Me: "Well, let's eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. I'll buy some medicine at the pharmacy in
Shiva: "Thank you. I will eat foods that have a lot of fiber so I can defecate smoothly."
Me: "Well, that's right. Let's be rich surfing holy love wkwkkw."
Syifa: "You can do it wkkwk."

5. Make a sentence from each word below:

a. Digest : a grandfather is sick so it is difficult to digest food
b. Minerals and vitamins: Basically, humans really need vitamins and minerals to
stabilize their body health.
c. Healthy lifestyle : the key to a happy life is health, we should take care of the body
with a healthy lifestyle.
d. Nutritious food : Every day we must eat nutritious food to meet the nutritional needs
of our body.
e. Macronutrients : Even though the body needs little micronutrients, it must still be

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