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COURSE: Advanced grammar 1 (AG1)
INSTITUTE: Icpna – San Miguel
SCHEDULE: 7:30 – 9:00 pm



It’s interesting how things can change or how we can change, I’ve
been studying at Callao University for 4 months and by the
moment everything was going well .Also , I had enjoyed to be
accepted in this place. I was only 16 years old and maybe I did
not know what is right for my life , maybe I wasn’t sure what I would
really like to do ; first I had chosen accounting and I had thought
that I could like it.

Well one day specifically on April 18 I came to my house and my

mother asked me if I was okay ( at that moment I was giving signs
of being bad ) . Also she asked if I was really doing something that
I really like and I told her that I was fine but sometimes I feel bored ,
for example I get home and I do not want to investigate anymore
about my professional career and my mom told me to think well if
that really was my career and I thought so too. Suddenly my mom
told me to return to the academy to apply for a new career then I
asked my dad that same afternoon and he told me that I have
always liked mathematics and everything about physics. Then I
thought '' If I used to be good at physics when I was studying at
school ,I would be good at college ". I had felt confused those days;
15 days later I read about a Internet magazine of electronics and
telecommunications, I liked it, I wanted to find out more about the
career and besides I had been looking for a week to study that and
all about the study plan .
After some time I could enter to study in San Marcos University,
where I am studying telecommunication engineering , I am very
grateful because I have learned a bit about two careers that are
really different.

And finally I have discovered that one is more passionate than the
other because I think that I like things that are somewhat complex,
for example deep mathematics or basic principles of physics and
besides I have understood that the decisions that I make can
change my fate.


I have visited once a too strange house in the city of '' Trujillo'' , the
house is near a mountain, I think it was an amazing and spooky
place. For instance, this place had a great infrastructure! But it also
had a strange figure on the wall also there was a strange book ,
when i read a book I realized it was a novel about crimes .

The book said many mysteries and the terrifying thing was that in
the fragment of the book he described a crime unanswered from the
year 1986, and besides the person who should have written the
novel explained the facts in detail.

About the infrastructure that house had the shape of a castle, the
guide said the shape of the house was built like this because the
first owner who built the house wanted to feel protected, but that
theory can not be correct, for me the first owner was a fan of the
castles, in its walls there were paintings of castles, soldiers, horse-
riding; that must mean something. well I may know the answer

Talking about the strange figure on the wall, the rumors say that if
you take a picture you might lose your phone, in my case I did not
take any pictures because the rumors could be true. For instance
the guide told us that when he was on his first day of work and
heard about the rumor the first thing he did was take a picture of the
strange image, he thought that the old rumor might not be true, but
unfortunately his cell phone disappeared that same day.

And finally I spent a good time in that place and I was taking notes
of everything that I happened and at the end of the tour there was a
box of notes where you could read the things that people had
happened and according to the notes most of people had lost
their cell phone or tablet mysteriously , then I asked myself if might
the myth of the mysterious house have been true or only a causality.

I wrote on my paper this: "Could the theory of the house be correct?

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