Commercial Oven

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- History of Oven
The first official oven in recorded history was built in 1490. It was in France and made using
brick and tile.
Count Rumford of England is credited with the most significant contribution to oven
development in the 18th century. Count Rumford made improvements to the Castrol stove
or stew stove that was invented by Francois Cuvillies in 1735. This stove was considered
revolutionary at the time, as it helped to contain the smoke from the fire in the oven. Count
Rumford developed an iron stove that could heat multiple pots and was adjustable to cook
each of the pots at a different temperature. This was the first signs of the modern day stoves
and ovens we use today.
This innovation was taken one step further by Zachaus Winzler as he used gas rather than
wood fires to heat and cook. James Sharp developed a contained system based on this
manual oven, and the first gas oven model was on sale in 1834.
Almost 60 years later, William Hadaway was issued the first patent for an electric oven. Mr.
Hadaway also designed the very first Westinghouse toaster.
Although electric ovens were invented in 1896, they were not widely used in homes until the
practical application of electricity improved in the late 1920s. Today, this technology has
been taken even further with stainless steel, double wall ovens, electric ranges, and even
microwave ovens. While they may not have been a part of our grandmother’s kitchens,
microwaves were invented in the 1940s when Percy Spencer, a Raytheon engineer
discovered microwave beam heating qualities during a radar research project. This means
that we now have dozens of cooking options for our kitchens to prepare our meals. So, there
is no need to resort to having to cook our dinner on an open fire.
- What is Commercial Oven?

There are many Types of Commercial Oven one of it is

- Convection ovens
Convection ovens use fans on the inside of the unit that circulates the hot air around the
unit. This speeds up cooking times and creates a more even cooking experience inside. A
commercial oven will bake by convection rather than conventional means. The difference is
that, while both types use heating elements to radiate heat, a convection oven also uses a
fan. This fan helps food to cook evenly and quickly, two attributes that are often important
to chefs and bakers.

Parts of oven

How to use an oven

How to maintain commercial oven?

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