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Intention to Continue Using Facebook Fan Pages from the Perspective of Social Capital Theory

ABSTRACT PARAPHRASE: Interpersonal organization locales empower clients to communicate, set up

ties, and create and keep up social connections. As of late, numerous organizations have started utilizing
web-based media personality (e.g., Facebook fan pages) to upgrade brand allure, and informal
community destinations have advanced into social utility organizations, along these lines making various
promising business openings. To this end, the administrators of fan pages should know about the
components persuading clients to proceed with their patronization of such pages. This examination set
out to recognize these persuading factors from the perspective of social capital. This examination
utilized auxiliary condition demonstrating to explore an exploration model dependent on a study of 327
fan pages clients. This examination found that binds identified with social communication (auxiliary
measurement), shared qualities (psychological measurement), and trust (social measurement) assume
significant parts in client's proceeded with goal to utilize Facebook fan pages. At last, this examination
talks about the ramifications of these discoveries and offers headings for future exploration.


Social Media Marketing in a Small Business: A Case Study

ABSTRACT PARAPHRASE: In the present web-based media driven climate, it is fundamental that private
ventures comprehend Facebook, Twitter, and the methodologies behind utilizing web-based media for
developing their business. Tragically, numerous private ventures don't have a technique when they start
utilizing web-based media. The reason for this examination is to see how the proprietor of a private
company, perceived for utilizing online media to develop the business, utilizes web-based media to draw
in purchasers. A contextual investigation is introduced, trailed by an inside and out meeting with the
entrepreneur, and joined by an examination of the business' Facebook and Twitter posts. The
consequences of the contextual investigation uncover the various systems the proprietor uses to
assemble and keep up associations with shoppers. The investigation closes with a conversation of the
exercises gained from the examination: organizing and making associations with different organizations,
builds brand presentation; zeroing in more on connections than deals, expands deals; fascinating
substance advances cooperation; and one principle obstruction to passage is an expectation to absorb

Effectiveness of Online Job Recruitment System: Evidence from the University of the East

ABSTRACT PARAPHRASE: The motivation behind the investigation was to build up an online enrollment
programming that would encourage the quick and exact determination of qualified candidates. The
Adjusted Cascade Model was used in the improvement of the product. The created programming was
then assessed by six gatherings of respondents to decide the adequacy of the framework regarding
execution, dependability, security, and cost-adequacy. Illustrative measurements uncovered that the
product was successful. Examination of fluctuation indicated that there was no critical contrast in the
assessment of the six gatherings on the adequacy of the created online enrollment framework. This
demonstrated that the six gatherings of respondents had a similar rating on the adequacy of the
product. It infers that the product would play out its capacity adequately by choosing qualified
candidates inside a more limited timeframe. In this way, it was suggested that the framework be
embraced by the College. Suggestions to improve the product were likewise advertised.


Measuring the Effectiveness of Online Job Postings

PARAPHRASE: Estimating the viability of your enlisting and employing measure utilizing the web to post
occupations can be a dubious activity. Contingent upon your associations objectives, every business is
heading out in a different direction of estimating their prosperity on this point. It is safe to say that you
are promoting employment opportunities on your organization's site? It is safe to say that you are
utilizing online media locales, for example, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to promote positions?
Shouldn't something be said about industry explicit occupation sheets? Remember the accompanying
when attempting to assess the adequacy of your online occupation publicizing


Impact of Online recruitment on recruitment

ABSTRACT PARAPHRASE: Recruitment has be c o m e an important t process in the highly competitive

labor market. The traditional method of recruitment had been revolutionized by the emergence of the
Internet. E-Recruitment is the latest t r e n d in the recruitment process and it has been adopted in many
organizations from large to small-sized companies. Many companies use e-recruitment to post j o b s
and accept resumes on the Internet, and correspond with the applicants by-mail. The main success
factors of e-recruitment are t h e value-added services provided by the job sites, cost-effectiveness and
speed, providing customized solutions, helping to establish relationships with HR managers and fa cili tat
e brand building of the companies. Though there are many benefits to the employers and the job
seekers in e-recruitment, it still has its own limitations and shortcomings. The case study helps to
analyze the overall trends in e-recruitment use and practice, recruitment methods, E-Recruitment
Challenges and issues of E- Recruitment and its increasing scope in the recruitment process of a

Keywords: e-recruitment, online recruitment , human resource, job posting, job portals

LINK: file:///C:/Users/MARIA2020/Pictures/Saved%20Pictures/04.pdf

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