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個案報告 Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

Yi-Hsien Tu1, Pi-Shan Sung1, 2, Wei-Pin Hong1, Yu-Ming Chang1
Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Background: In the hyperacute phase of ischemic stroke with the use of a thrombolytic agent,
angioedema and other allergic reaction to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) was an
uncommon but potentially fatal complication. Here we report a case of anaphylactic reaction to rt-PA who
had a favorable outcome.
Case report: A 80-year-old female man with underlying diseases of asthma and cardiomegaly
experienced sudden right hemiparesis, right side facial palsy, and speech arrest. After self-paid standard-
dose rt-PA using, the patient developed dyspnea, blood pressure drop, and loss of consciousness. With the
discontinuation of rt-PA, emergent intubation, and vasopressors use, the patient regained stable vital signs.
The patient was discharged 9 days later with intact language function and full muscle power.
Conclusion: Anaphylaxis to alteplase is extremely rare but potentially fatal. Physicians should
closely monitor vital signs during alteplase infusion and stop the alteplase infusion immediately if clinical
symptoms or signs indicating anaphylaxis are observed.

Keywords: alteplase, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, allergy.


Anaphylaxis of recombinant tissue An 80-year-old female had underlying
plasminogen activator (rt-PA) was extremely rare. diseases of asthma and cardiomegaly but she
The mechanism of anaphylactic reaction from rt- had no known record of angiotensin-converting
PA was not fully elucidated. Previous studies had enzyme (ACE) inhibitors using. According to her
shown that activation of the complement and kinin family, the patient developed sudden onset of right
cascades, with histamine- and bradykinin-related hemiparesis, right side facial palsy, and speech
mechanisms play an important role. Here we arrest at home. The patient and her family arrived
reported a case of an acute anaphylactic reaction at emergency room (ER) for help within one hour
during rt-PA infusion. after symptoms onset.
On arrival, her initial blood pressure was 134

Corresponding author: Dr. Yu-Ming Chang, Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan,
DOI: 10.6318/FJS.202109_3(3).0006

Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

/101 mmHg. The patient’s family reported that occlusion due to the presence of aphasia initially.
she had partial improvement of her speech but We further arranged multiphase Computed
right hemiparesis remained the same. The initial Tomography angiography (CTA) and Computed
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) Tomography perfusion (CTP) (Figure 1, Figure
score was 2. 2). The images showed left middle cerebral artery
There was a high possibility of large vessel (MCA) territory penumbra but with no obvious

Fig. 1. Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) revealed no obvious proximal large vessel occlusion

Fig. 2. CT perfusion revealed that cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume were both decreased at the
left frontotemporal lobe, but mean transit time and time to peak were both increased, which suggested
a small penumbra without the ischemic core.

Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

ischemic core or proximal large vessel occlusion diverse. Intracerebral hemorrhage secondary to rt-
but M3-4 segment MCA stenosis or partial PA use was considered first but emergent brain CT
occlusion. showed no hemorrhage. Allergic reaction to rt-
Endovascular therapy was not indicated due PA was highly suspected on the other hand. The
to distal segment of MCA lesion. After discussing patient was then admitted to the stroke intensive
with her family about intravenous (IV) rt-PA for care unit (ICU) for further care and treatment
potential benefits and risks, self-paid standard-dose under the impression of anaphylactic shock to rt-
rt-PA was injected. PA. (Figure 3).
After IV rt-PA dripping for 3 minutes, In the following course in the ICU and
the patient developed dyspnea with wheezing. general ward, her neurologic signs and vital signs
Desaturation, blood pressure drop (SBP 70- remained stable and kept improving. 24 hours
80 mmHg), and consciousness change were brain non-contrast-enhanced CT showed no
noted at the same time. Rt-PA was discontinued ICH. Clopidogrel was added and the patient was
immediately. The total amount of rt-PA infusion at extubated smoothly two days after the episode.
that time was 8.5 mg. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed left
Instant neurological examination showed frontal scattered infarct (Figure 4).
that consciousness level deteriorated (E4V1M4) She had newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation
but pupil size remained the same and four limbs and had been prescribed Apixaban 2.5 mg twice
muscle power was above 3 in Medical Research daily on the 5th day after onset. The patient was
Council grade. discharged on the 9th day after onset with intact
Emergent intubation was done due to shock language function and full muscle power.
and desaturation status. No laryngeal edema
was witnessed during the intubating process.
The patient regained stable vital signs soon
after intubation and aggressive intravenous fluid In this article, we reported a case with
resuscitation with further norepinephrine injection anaphylaxis to rt-PA during the infusion period
for shock condition. The differential diagnosis of for acute ischemic stroke, although the history
her consciousness change and desaturation was of allergy was denied. Her vital sign was

Fig. 3. Timeline figure illustrated each time points of progression. Blood pressure drop soon after rt-PA
injection and surged rapidly after stopping rt-PA injection and norepinephrine administration.

Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

Fig. 4. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed several hyperintensities at the left frontal area in diffusion-
weighted imaging, indicating several recent infarctions.

stabilized after the timely intubation, the use The mechanism of anaphylaxis of alteplase
of norepinephrine, and, most importantly, the was not fully understood. The postulation was
discontinuation of alteplase. diverse, including activation of the complement
A review of the literature indicates that the and kinin cascades,1 histamine- and bradykinin-
incidence of anaphylaxis to alteplase was extremely related mechanisms,7 and type 1 hypersensitivity
rare, ranging from 0.0004% to 1.9%. 4, 5 For reactions.4
Taiwanese patients, a multi-center stroke registry To date, the guideline for the management
study in Taiwan over a 12-year period collected of anaphylaxis to alteplase was lacking. 8 In a
559 patients who had received IV rt-PA. Five systematic review, the Adverse Event Reporting
patients developed orolingual angioedema after System database of the US Food and Drug
rt-PA administration. The incidence of orolingual Administration was searched. 7 A total of 12
angioedema was 0.89% (95% confidence interval cases of adverse allergic reaction was directly
0.29%-2.09%), which was lower than the incidence attributable to IV thrombolytics, including
obtained by meta-analysis (1.9%).6 Moreover, the angioedema, urticaria, hypotension, anaphylactic
incidence of alteplase-related angioedema was less shock, and death. Most reactions resolved
than 0.02% of patients given alteplase for acute with the withdrawal of medication as well as
myocardial infarction. The above-mentioned diphenhydramine, steroids, and/or epinephrine,
Taiwanese study also found ACE inhibitors were which were also noted in other case reports.2, 4, 5
found to have the highest relative risk for rt- Since most treatment options were empirical, we
PA-related orolingual angioedema (17.1; 95% are hopeful that future research will provide an
confidence interval 3.0-96.9). We had summarized evidence-based recommendation.
the important information in the case reports
we had reviewed in the Table, including their
demographic data, previous ACE inhibitor drug
history, neurologic deficits, presentation of allergic The incidence of anaphylaxis to alteplase is
reaction and the following management of allergy extremely low and the underlying mechanism may
2, 4, 5, 6, 7
episodes. be multi-causative. Since the history of allergy

Table. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with allergic reaction to rt-PA
Case Episode Age/Gender Underlying Previous Clinical presentation NIHSS Presentation of allergy Management of allergy Authors
diseases use of ACE of stroke
#1 #1 61/female CAD, HT Lisinopril right facial weakness, 4 Hypotension, extremities Fluid resuscitation, Zarar et al.7
and hemisensory loss hypoperfused diphenhydramine
#1 #2 63/female CAD, HT Lisinopril right hemiparesis, 3 Hypotension Fluid resuscitation, Zarar et al.7
and hemisensory loss diphenhydramine,
#2 #1 74/female HT Lsinopril left hemiparesis 17 Left orolingual Epinephrine, Fugate et al.2
angioedema, hives on her dexamethasone,
upper extremities diphenhydramine
#3 #1 70/female HT Nil right hemiparesis unknown Sinus tachycardia, Catecholamines, Rudolf et al.4
hypotension, cyanosis, antihistamines;
loss of consciousness
#4 #1 74/female CAD, DM, HT, Nil globally aphasic, 24 Urticarial rash, bilateral Hydrocortisone, Hill et al.5
congestive heart right homonymous oropharyngeal swelling, diphenhydramine,
failure hemianopia, gaze hypotension ranitidine, crystalloid
to the left, right
hemiplegia and loss
of painful sensation
#5 #1 76/female AF, CAD, Yes right-gaze preference, 18 Left orolingual Methylprednisolone Hill et al.5
HT, revious left hemiplegia, angioedema diphenhydramine,
transient hemispatial neglect, ranitidine
ischemic attack emianopia, visual
neglect, and altered
#6 #1 82/female AF, HT Nil Aphasia, right 20 Whole tongue swelling, Diphenhydramine, Lin et al.6
hemiparesis urticaria and flushing over hydrocortisone
Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

#7 #1 78/male DM, HT, prior Ramipril Poor response, 5 Right side tongue swelling Diphenhydramine, Lin et al.6
stroke urinary incontinence Hydrocortisone,
#8 #1 71/female HT, prior stroke Nil Mute, impaired 9 Right side tongue rt-PA interruption, Lin et al.6
comprehension swelling, stridor diphenhydramine,
#9 #1 58/male HT Enalapril Dysarthria, right 9 Right side tongue swelling Hydrocortisone Lin et al.6
Prior stroke hemiparesis
#10 #1 73/female CAD, Mitral Nil left hemiparesis 6 Right side tongue Epinephrine, Lin et al.6
valvuloplasty, swelling, tachycardia, diphenhydramine,
AF, DM, HT desaturation, wheezing hydrocortisone
Abbreviation: AF: atrial fibrillation; CAD: coronary artery disease; DM: diabetes mellitus; HT: hypertension.

Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report

to rt-PA was often unavailable for most patients, of anaphylaxy after alteplase infusion. Stroke
neurologists or physicians should closely monitor 1999;30:1142-1143. DOI: 10.1161/01.str.30.5.1142.
vital signs and any clinical change, especially 5. Hill MD, Barber PA, Takahashi J, et al.
allergic reactions like angioedema, during alteplase Anaphylactoid reactions and angioedema during
infusion. Alteplase must be stopped immediately if alteplase treatment of acute ischemic stroke.
clinical symptoms or signs indicate anaphylaxis. CMAJ 2000;162:1281-1284.
6. Lin SY, Tang SC, Tsai LK, et al. Orolingual

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Anaphylaxis to Intravenous Alteplase: A Case Report


杜宜憲 1、宋碧姍 1, 2、洪煒斌 1、張育銘 1

國立成功大學附設醫院 神經內科
國立成功大學醫學院 臨床醫學研究所

摘 要

關鍵詞:蛋白酉每 原活化因子、過敏反應、過敏性休克、過敏

通訊作者:張育銘醫師 國立成功大學附設醫院神經內科


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