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PRACTICE TEST 4 Time allotted: 90 minutes. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose stress pattern is different from the others’ ineach line. Question 1: A. demand B. cover C legend D. tension Question 2:A cooperate ——_—B. infrequently © curriculum D. entrepreneur Question 3: A. capacity B. conversation © disappearance —_D. sympathetic Question 4: A origin B. dormitory © behaviour D. customer Question 5: A. interact B. historic ©. committee D linguistics Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the same fine. Question 6: A. devotion B. connection . occupation D. suggestion ‘Question 7: A. orchestra B. chaotic C. chemical D. orchard Question 8: A. preparation —_B. preliminary . presumption D. prescription Question 9: A. rugby B. shuttle . subseribe D. indulge Question 10:A slaughter —_B. drought naughty D. daughter Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 11: My father says he'd the operation unless itis absolutely necessary A rather not have B. not rather had C. rather not to have D. rather not having Question 12:~*A bat can hear from along distance" -"__” A Yes, good hearer B.No, you can't be so sure C. You know a bat well D. You bet Question 13: Waleris___of two elements: hydragen and oxygen A consisted B. composed making D. comprising Question 14: Al the interview they wanted lo know a lot about my education and my A awards B. qualifications C. winnings D. passes Question 15: The abbreviation of BBC comes from A Biitan's Broadcast Corporation B. Britain's Broadcasting Corporative C. Biilish Broadcasting Corporation D.Biilish Broadcasted Corporation Question 16: My director is angry with me. | didnt do all the work |__ last week ‘A should have done B.mayhave done C. need to have done D. must have done Question 17: The goverment is expected to take __ against the level of unemployment. ‘action B. actively C activity D. actor Question 18: Lets sit down for a short rest, A.don'twe Bletwe C.dowe D. shall we Question 19: She came in quietly __not to wake the baby up. Aasif B. eoas C. such as D.ifso Question 20: ___ what most people say about him, he hes a very good sense of humour. A Contrast to B. Opposing ©. Opposite to D.Contrary to Question 21:"How can you live in this messy room? Go and ___itup al once.* A dust B. sweep C tidy Treéng THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit- DH Ngoai ngit - PHOGHN 1 Question 22: Not unlil the end of the 19% century become a scientific discipline. A. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding C. plant breeding had D. has plant breeding Question 23: -"__? -"28 Croydon Road, Maryland.” A. What's your address, please B. Where are you from C. Could you tell me your name D. Have you got a job Question 24: We're good fiends. We ___each other fora long time. A. know B. have known C. are knowing D. knew Question 25: The train___to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late. A. supposed B. is supposed C.was supposed _D. had supposed Question 26: -"Which hat do you like better?” -"___* A. Yes, [like i best B. The one I tried on fist C. Which one do you like? D.No, Ihavent tried any. Question 27: When Ly came to Britain, she had to get__on the left A.use to driving B. use to drive C.used to diving ~~ D. used to drive Question 28: In 1879, ___, Alice Freeman Palmer became head of the history department at Wellesley College A. twenty-four years B- at the age of twenty four C. age twenty-four D.of twenly-four years Question 29: the light rein, the baseball game wall not be cancelled unless the other team concedes. A. However B. Although C.In spite D. Despite Question 30: - "Would you like lo jon our volunteer group this summer?” nl A.Do you think | would? B. I wouldn't ke. Thank you. C. Yes, you're a good friend. D. Yes, Id love to. Thanks. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or the phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined in each of the following questions. Question 31: Some people think their abilities have limitations, but with encouragement they can perform much better than expected. A possibillies B. certainties C. promises D. boundaries Question 32: Persistence is needed in order to succeed. You may fail several times before you get vwhat you want A.Continuing a difficult activity B. Realizing your ambition ©. Succeeding in a new task D. Starfing a new job Question 33: The two people were close friends, so they used colloquial language. A informal B. standard C. formal D. nonverbal Question 34: Monkeys are generally rangurl bul it an enemy approaches, they become afraid and run away A excited B. interesting C. cheerful D. calm Question 35: Animals tend to be sigid in their use of language. They generally don't communicate in different ways A. simple B. creative C. unchanging D. unnatural Trung THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - DH Ngoqi ngit - BHOGHN 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or the phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined in each of the following questions. Question 36: He was not a good father. He neglected his children A. told off B. took care of C. approved D. disregarded Question 37: Mr. Armstrong is said to be a fairly wellfo-do man. A broke B. important C. wealthy D. weak Question 38: This is a difficult topic. Please explain itn plain language. A. easy B. complicated C. different D. detailed Question 39: Many argue thal the world will never make the switch fo cleaner forms of energy as long as easily obtainable oil sources remain. A locatable B. unrefined C. inaccessible D. untreated Question 40: Unfortunately, there now seems fo be no way to prevent the spread of these malicious tumours. A kind B. nasty C. deceitful D. widespread Read the following passage and mark the lefter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Simply being bilingual does not qualify someone to interpret. Interpreting is not only a mechanical process of converting one sentence in language A into the same sentenoe in language B. Rather, itis a complex art in which thoughts and idioms that have no obvious counterparts from tongue fo tongue - or ‘words that have several meanings must be quickly transformed in such a way that the message is clearly and accuralely expressed to the listener. ‘At one intemational conference, an American speaker said, “You can't make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”, which meant nothing to the Spanish audience. The interpretation was, “A monkey in a sik dress is stil a monkey’ — an idiom the Spanish understood and that expressed the same idea. Thete are 2 kinds of inferpreters, simultaneous and consecutive. The former, sling in a separated booth, usually ata large muliingual conference, specks to listeners wearing headphones, interpreting what a foreign language speaker says - actually a sentence behind. Consecutive interpreters are the ones most intemational negotiations use. They are employed for smaller meetings without sound booths and headphones. Consecutive interpretation also requires two-person teams. A foreign speaker says his piece ‘while the interpreter, using a special shorthand, takes notes and during a pause, tells the cent what was said Question 41: What is the purpose of the passage? ‘A To explain the scope of interpreting B. To differentiate between simultaneous and consecutive interpreters. C. To state the qualifications of an interpreter. D. To point out the importance of an interpreter. Question 42: The author implies that most people have the opinion that the skill of interpreting is, AA simpler than it really is B. very complex and demanding C. highly valued and admired D. based on principles of business Question 43: The example “You can't make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear"is used fo_ ‘A. show the differences in language A and language B B. stress the importance of word for word transiation C. emphasize the need for translation of the meaning of what is said D. point out the difference in atirbutes of animals in English and Spanish ‘Truéng THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - DH Ngoai ngit - PHOGHN 3 Question 44: A precondition of being a transtator is A. being a linguist B. being bilingual C. being able to use high-tech equipment D. working well wth people Question 45: Which of the following would a consecutive interpreter be used for? ‘A. Abusiness transaction between 2 foreign speakers. B. Alarge meeting of many nations. C. A translation of a foreign book D. An interpretation of a major literary work Question 46: What would a simultaneous interpreter be most in need of? A. Addictionary or phrase book. B. Advanced technical style in writing C. Headphones and a booth D. Shorthand skills and a notepad. Question 47: What is a difference mentioned between a simultaneous interpreter and a consecutive interpreter? A. The money they are paid B. The size of group with whom they work. C. Their proficiency in the language. D. The type of dictionary they use. Question 48: The word “converting” in the first paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to A. understanding B. conciuding C. reading D. changing Question 49: The word “Rather” inthe first paragraph means nearly the same as A. in general B.asaresut C. in bref contrast Question 50: The phrase “The former” in the third paragraph refers to AA the conference B. the booth C. simultaneous interpreters D. consecutive interpreters Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction. Question 51: Even on the most careful prepared tip, problems will sometimes develop. Question 52: oni by reading one ‘and slowly that you can undesond what the man says Question 53: IFithad mol been my stubbornness, my moter woul have got coma Question 54: hen ahuman ben walks, he or she exerts a catin urbe of force on te round, Question 55: Despite the metric osm is used thro sho the wot is sil not ° A B c commonly used in the United States. D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D fo indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government States charlered manufacturing, banking, mining, and transportation firms and participated in the construction of various intemal improvements such as canals, tumpikes, and railroads. The states encouraged intemal improvernents in two distinet ways: first, by actually establishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public private companies seting out fo make a profit In the early nineteenth cenlury, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct regulatory activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs. Licensing targets reflected both similarities in and differences between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of today: in the nineteenth century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on peddlers, innkeepers, and retail Trudng THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - BH Ngoai ngit - BHOGHN 4 merchants of various kinds. The perishable commodities of trade generally came under state inspection, and such important frontier staples as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control. Finally, stale govemments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by businesses. ‘Athough the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was nol inactive. Ils goals were the facilitation of westem settlement and the development of native indusines. Toward these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action. It established a national bank to stabilize banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the frontier, where it was greatly needed for settlement. Il permitted access to public western lands on increasingly easy terms, culminaling in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed cn the basis of residence alone. Finally, it set up @ system of tarifs thal was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering for position by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tant rates throughout the nineteenth century. Question 56: What does the passage mainly discuss? ‘A States' rights versus federal rights. B. The participation of stale governments in railroad and canal construction C. The roles of slate and federal governments in the economy of the 19% century D. Regulatory activty by state governments. Question 57: The word "effect" in the first paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to. A velue B. argument C. influence D. restraint Question 58: All ofthe folowing are mentioned in the passage as areas thal involved state govemments inthe nineteenth century EXCEPT _ A mining B. banking manufacturing —_D. education Question 59: The word “distinct” in the first paragraph is CLOSEST in meaningto__- A separate B. innovative C. alarming D. provocative Question 60: Itcan be inferred from the frst paragraph that nthe 198 century canals and reiroads were ‘A built wth money thal came from the federal government B. much more expensive fo build than they had been previously C. built predominantly in the western part of the country . sometimes buitt in part by state companies Question 61: The regulatory activities of state governments included all ofthe following EXCEPT AA licensing of retail merchants B. inspecting turnpike consiruetion C. imposing limits on price-fixing D. control of lumber Question 62: The word "setfing’ in the second paragraph means mostly the same as_ Ac discussing B, analyzing C. establishing D. avoiding Question 63: The word "ends" in the last paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to A benefits B. decisions C. services D. goals Question 64: According fo the passage, which ofthe following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862? {A It made i possible for setlers to obtain land in the West 8. It was a law first passed by stale govemments in the West. C.Itincreased the money supply n the West. D. Itestablished tariffs in a number of regions. Question 65: Which of the following activities was the responsibilty ofthe federal government. the 19 century? ‘A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder. _B. Determining the conditions of the workers. C. Regulation of the supply of money. D. Inspection of new homes buill on western lands. ‘Truong THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - DH Ngoai ngit - BHOGHN 5 Read the following passage and mark the letfer A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks. Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need for such everyday (66) __as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the specialized training they may need fo (67) ___for a job or career. For example, a person must meet certain educational requirements and obtain a (68) ___or certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many fields, such as computer operation (69) ____ police work, require satisfactory completion of special taining courses. Education is also important (70) ___it helps people get more out of life. It increases their knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them (71) ____ the skils that make life’ more inleresting and enjoyable, such as the skis (72) to participate ina sport, paint a pioture, or play a musical instrument. Such education becomes (73)____ important as people gain more and more leisure time. Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become (74). because social changes today teke place with increasing speed and affect the lives of more and more people. Education can help a person understand these changes and provide him (76) ___ the skils for adjusting fo them Question 68: A. actions B.actvilies C jobs D. works Question 67: A. prepare B. work D. make Question 68: A. paper B. diploma C. license D. card Question 69: A. or B.orelse C. otherwise D. because of Question 70: A. despite B. although ©. therefore D. because Question 71: A. require B. acquire C construct D reach Question 72: A. able B. capable C. needed D ordered Question 73: A. vitaly B. increasingly C. excessively D. seriously Question 74: A. citcal B. primary C. necessary D. mejor Question 75: A. to B. for D. with Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 76: ! didn't tum the TV on. I didnt want to weke up the baby. ‘A | turned down the volume of the TV so as not fo wake up the baby. B.If hadn't turned on the TV, the baby wouldn't have woken up. C1 didn't turn on the TV in fear | might wahe the baby up. D.{ didn't turn on the TV for fear of waking up the baby. Question 77: He vas suspected of having stolen credit cards. The police have investigated him for days ‘A Suspected of having stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days B. Suspecting of having stolen credil cards, he has been investigated for days. G. He has been investigated for days, suspecting of having stolen credit cards. D. Having suspected of having stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days Question 78: The weather was very hot. The boys continued playing football in the schoolyard, ‘A Because of the weather was hot, the boys continued playing football inthe schoolyard. B. Because the hot weather, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard, C. In spite of the hot weather, the boys continued playing foolbell in the schoolyard D. Despite the weather was hot, the boys continued playing football in the schoolyard ‘Inuéng THPT Chuyén Ngoai ngit - BH Ngoai ngit - BHOGHN 6 Question 79: She hefped us a lot with our project. We couldn't continue without her. ‘A. Unless we had her contribution, we could continue with the proyect B. Bul forher contribution, we could have continued with the project C. if she hadn't contributed positively, we couldn't have continued with the project. . Provided her contribution wouldn't come, we couldn't continue with the project. Question 80: He failed his driving test the frst lime. Asa resull, he took it again. ‘A. He failed his driving test the first ime and so he therefore took it again. B. He failed his driving test the first te and he therefore took it again. . He failed his driving test the first time which he took it agein D. Failing his driving test the fist time and he therefore took it again, Mark the letter A, B, C, oD to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 81: You can stay in the flat for free as long as you pay the bills ‘A Whether you pay the bills or stay inthe flat, dis free B. Without the bills paid, you can stay in the free flat. C. Unless the flatis free of bills, you cannot stay ini. D. Provided you pay the bills, you can stay in the fal for free. Question 82: They believe a single gunman carried out the attack. ‘A. The attack’ is believed to have carried out a single gunman B.A single gunman is believed to have carried out the attack C. Itis believed to be camied out the attack by a single gunman. D. Itis believed that the attack has been carried out by a single gunman. Question 83: “Im sorry. I didn't do the homework." said the boy ‘A. The boy admitted not doing the homework B. The boy said that he was sorry and he wouldn't do the homework. C. The boy denied not doing the homework D. The boy refused to do the homework Question 84: Tum off all the switches before leaving the room, ‘A Allthe switches must be turned off and you must leave the room. B. All the switches must be tuned off before you leave the room. C. All the switches must be turned off before leaving the room. D. You must leave the room as soon as you tum offal the switches. Question 85: She was injured in the accident because she wasn’ wearing a seat-bell Allf she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured. B. If she had been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured. C. Ifshe had been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't be injured D. if she had been wearing a seat-bel, she wouldn't have been injured. -THE END. ‘Tneing THPT Chuyén Ngodi ngit - DH Ngoai ngt - PHQGHN 7

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