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I totally agree that at the end of the century we will be able to colonize all parts of our solar system.

feel this way for two reasons which I will examine in the essay.

First of all, I think that with the rapid development in technologies and improvements in the spacecrafts
systems we will be able to colonize planets like mars. For instance, India has successfully launched a
rover on the surface of mars which is able to send data from mars to earth. On top of that, it is able to
send pictures and recorded videos.

Secondly, Super power countries like USA, Russia and China are investing a lot of money into making
easier to travel to space and to research about other planets. If life is sustainable to other planets it will
be better for earth as due to over population earth is getting polluted and also in the future it will be
getting harder to live on earth due to the destruction that humans are creating on earth. For example, it
is being found that earth is getting hotter by 2 degrees every year. It will be very difficult for humans to
survive on this planet and an alternate planet will be needed for the people to live.

In conclusion, I would like to say that advancement in the technology will help us find resources on
other planet which are necessary for humans to survive such as water, oxygen and food.

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