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Fina Fakhimatul Usroh. 132120141.2017.The Analysis of Ambiguity Sentences in the

Students’English Textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII”. A
Thesis English Education Program, Teacher Training and Educational Faculty.
Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

In English language, a word, a phrase or a sentence sometimes have more than

one meaning which is called ambiguity. The objective of this research is to find the
types of ambiguity sentences and the most dominant of ambiguity. The researcher
analyzes the structural ambiguity and the lexical ambiguity in textbook “Bahasa Inggris

The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method for this is because the data
produced are in the forms of word rather than number. The researcher takes some
words, phrases and sentences from the textbook and analyzes which one that follows the
syntatic ambiguity and semantic ambiguity.

The result of the research is found 33 data of ambiguity. The structural

ambiguity represents about 33.3%. It is included noun phrase 1.0%. While the lexical
ambiguity represents about 66,7%. It is included noun 41.8%, verb 29.1% and adjective
29.1%. It means mostly lexical ambiguity happen in word noun. Furthermore, the
researcher can get the conclusion the most dominant ambiguity is lexical ambiguity that
is 66,7%. The researcher suggests to other researcher better to use tree diagram that
labellled bracket in analyzing ambiguity. Analyzing the sentence structure by using tree
diagram will give clearer explanation than using labelled bracket.

Keyword: ambiguity sentences, textbook



TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................ii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1

A. Background of the study.......................................................................1

B. Identification of problem......................................................................2
C. Limitation of problem...........................................................................2
D. Statement of problem............................................................................3
E. Objective of study.................................................................................3
F. Significance of study............................................................................3

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................4

A. Theoretical Review...............................................................................4
B. Text Book.............................................................................................5
C. Bahasa Inggris Sma/Ma/Smk/Mak Kelas XII......................................7

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY...................................................................8

A. Research Design...................................................................................8
B. Data Source...........................................................................................8
C. Instrument of the Research...................................................................8
D. Technique of collecting data.................................................................9
E. Technique of Analyzing data................................................................9
F. Unite of Analyzing...............................................................................10


A. FIDINGS...............................................................................................19
B. ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................19

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION......................................23

A. Conclusion............................................................................................23
B. Suggestion.............................................................................................23


Art = Article

N = Noun

V = Verb

S = Sentence

Adj = Adjective

Conj = Conjunction

NP = Noun Phrase

VP = Verb Phrase

L = Lexical

St = Structural


In this chapter the researcher will be explaining the background of the study,
identification of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significance of the study, and limitation of the study.

A. Background of the Study

People, as social creatures when have communication with another people must
use clear sentence and good language. Language is the most important thing in the
human life. The language has a meaning whether it is a spoken language or a writen
language. A good language make a communication fluent. Communication has function
in connecting some ideas to convey the information. To know the meaning of the
information the language should easy to understand.

In Indonesia, English is foreign language. That is why English language should

be learned by students. In learning English there are four main skills that consist of
speaking, listening, reading and writing. All of the skills are related to understand the
meaning. In studying English students have to practice it not only study about the
material. When reading the word or the sentence there are different between the form
and the sound. So that all of students think English language is difficult. English also
has literature knowledge. Literature is a creation, invention and it is not imitation.
Literature also an over flow emotion unexpectedly. Study about literature is interesting
because literature state something that not revealed, literature also can attend the
connotation and association that in daily activity uncommon appear. There are three
kinds of literature: a narrative, a dramatic and a poetry. The form of narrative such as a
novel and a short story. In English there are many type of text not only a narrative but
also descriptive, recount, procedure, news item, analytical exposition and other. All of
the text are given by the teacher from junior high school until senior high school.

The meaning of the text based on the structure of the sentence. If the structure of
the sentence is correct the meaning was suitable. The structure of the sentence also
called syntax. Syntax is a part of grammar that concerns itself with the structure of the
sentence. Sentence is a string of words that begin in a capital letter and ends in full stop,
and it typically to express a state of affairs in the world. Everyday human talk each
other when the situation is formal they use formal language. If they are talk using
sentence unstructured the listener has the meaning absolutely different.

Sometimes we do not explain the meaning clearly so the listeners do not

understand what we are say and they are make a different meaning by themself. To
understand the spoken language is more easy rather than the written language. If the
listener don’t understand what we say they can ask directly but in a written language
such as a novel, a magazine, a newspaper and so on they can’t ask directly so it become
misunderstanding. The misunderstanding is known as ambiguity. The structure of the
sentence also affect the meaning. To understand the good meaning we must know the
correct structure of the sentence. Sometimes we find the sentence that grammatically is
correct but the meaning is un-correct, it become a problem by the listener or the reader.

The ambiguous words always occured early in the sentence and were biased
towards one particular meaning by the final words of the sentences; the event at the end
of the sentence was modeled. In written language the ambiguity can occur in the writing
occasion like a newspaper, a magazine, a paper, a novel, a book, a student’s text book
and so on. There are two types of ambiguity: lexical ambiguity and structural ambiguity.
Lexical ambiguity occur when the word has more than one meaning. Structural
ambiguity occur when the sentence is ungrammatically. Teacher or students sometimes
does not realize about ambiguity sentence. In teaching reading teacher use a book that
contain of many kinds of text. The teachers just give direction to the students to read it.
Even though on that text contain of ambiguity sentence, the teacher does not explain it
to the students. It is become interested by the researcher to analyze the ambiguity
sentence in Engilsh text book that used by the teacher when teaching reading. Then the
result of the analysis use in teaching reading.

The researcher choose the source from Student’s English Text Book that use in
teaching reading. The book take from eleventh grade of senior high school. On the
explanation above the researcher will conduct the research under the title “ The
Analysis of Ambiguity Sentences in the Students’ English Text Book : Bahasa Inggris

B. Identification of Problem

The researcher can identify some problems related to the topic of the research as
follows: A good sentence contain some structure of the sentence. If the structure is
ungrammatically the sentences are meaningless. In the text contain the ungrammatical
sentence. The meaning of the sentence or phrase is confusing. How to analyze the
ambiguity sentence.

C. Limitation of Problem

Based on the title the researcher only observes the semantic analysis of
ambiguity sentences in students’ text. The researcher wants to know the sentences that
ambiguous from the structure of the text and the meaning of the text.
D. Statement of Problem

In this paper the researcher wants to analyze the ambiguity sentences in the
students’ English text book through the following: What are the types of ambiguity in
the students’ English textbook: Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII”.

E. Objective of Study

Related to the problem statement the objective of the study are : To analyze the
types of ambiguity in the students’ English textbook: Bahasa Inggris

F. Significance of Study

After finishing the research, the researcher hopes that this research can give
advantages for:

1. The students to comprehend the understanding sentence, phrase or language in

the text.
2. As a reference for teachers on learning syntax semantically in teaching learning
3. As reference for the student university to analyze the semantic ambiguity
sentence of English.
4. The readers to know the ambiguity sentences that contain on the book, so that
they can choose the best book for reading.
5. The English teacher at school to give information about the book that contain
ambiguity sentence and then explain it to the students as a knowledge.


In this chapter the researcher will be explain the theoretical review, textbook,
Bahasa Inggris kelas XII in the previous study.


1. Ambiguity Sentences

Ambiguity is a pervasive phenomenon in language which occurs at all levels of

linguistics analysis. Out of context, words have multiple senses and categories,
requiring listener to determine which meaning and part of speech was intended.
According to Pehar (2001:155) states that ambiguity can be defined as pattern of
language the meaning of which cannot discerned with certainty. In order to qualify as
ambiguity an expression must generate not only two different meanings but also two
incompatible and unrelated meaning. It is only then that an expression is trully
ambiguous. When people say about something to express their idea they usually use
sentence. If the sentence have more than one meaning it can make the listener confuse
and it becomes ambiguity. The meaning on a sentence usually suitable with the context
of the topic. The cause make sentence different meaning is the component of the

According to Wasow et al (2001: 5) ambiguity may be usefull in language

contact situation, were speaker of both languages should ideally be able to handle word
meaning two different things in two different situations. Ambiguity can happen in
spoken or written language. If we sometimes hear the speaker’s statement or we read
the book, we are sometime difficult to understand what the sepaker say or what the
writer mean. To study about language people should be active in practice. Language is
difficult to understand by some people in the world. While spoken or written language
usually use in our activity every day. Sometimes it is difficult to understand for many

According to Fromkin and Robert (2011:182) “A word or a sentence is

ambiguous if it can be understood or interpreted in more than one way”. It means that
ambiguous occur if a word or a sentence have more than one meaning in more than one
way. To understand more than one meaning on the one word or sentence is difficult.
Ambiguity also occur when word or sentence have more than one interpretation. One
people with another people have their opinion by themself to interpret something.
According to Wayees (2005:225) “ambiguity is a fact of linguistic life, many words do
double duty or more. It is the use of words that allows alternative interpretation. A
word, phrase or a sentence is ambiguous if it has more than one meaning”.
The term ambiguity is used to describe a word, a phrase and a sentence in
multiple meaning. Fromkin, Rodman, Hyms (2011:149). There are two kinds of
ambiguity structural and lexical ambiguities. Structural ambiguity is the phenomenon
which the same sequence of words has two or more meanings due to different phrase
structure analysis. Lexical ambiguity is a word that has more than one meaning. The
types of ambiguity that will be analyzed in this thesis are structural and lexical
ambiguities that exist in textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII”.

2. Structural Ambiguity

Structural ambiguity calls grammatical ambiguity in this level occur because the
process of structuring language such as in morphology, word, phrase, sentence,
paragraph or in a text. However the words that involved in this type of ambiguity will
lose if already come in the context of the sentence. The correct meaning of the sentence
based on the structure of the sentence. The sentence should complete the component to
get the best meaning.

Structural ambiguity also calls grammatical ambiguity. According to Fromkin

and Rodman (2011:182) structural ambiguity is kind of ambiguous that have or than one
phrase structure tree, each corresponding to different meaning. Structural ambiguity is
an ambiguity which arises from grammatical analysis of a sentence with more than two
structural interpretation (Crystal, 2008:23). For example grammatical ambiguity:

a. The river, the bridge and the hills on the fartherbank

Diagram 1


The river, the bridge and the hills P NP

On det n

The fartherbank

Diagram 2 NP


The river NP PP

the bridge and the hills P NP

on Det. N
the fartherbank

From the diagram A the phrase explain if the NP modifies PP, the diagram
explain that the river, the bridge and the hills are on the fatherbank. Meanwhile the
diagram B explain only the bridge and the hills on the fartherbank.

Sometimes sentences are ambiguous beacuse it is same word related to each

other in different ways, although no individual word are ambiguous, is grammatically
ambiguous. Some sentences are grammatically ambiguous sentence in the meaning of
the world component that can be combined in more than way.

3. Lexical Ambiguity

Lexical ambiguity in this level occurr because of the words itself. One word not
only have one meaning. It is always have more than one meaning. A word have more
than one meaning if it refer to a something arround the sentences and the context of the
sentence. The meaning of the word also came by the context of the sentence it is call
contextual meaning.

According to Kriedler (2002:55) states that when hommonyms can occur in

same position in utterances, the result is lexical ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity which
does not arise from the grammatical analysis of a sentence, but is due solaly to the
alternative meaning of an individual lexical items (Crystal, 2008:23).). For example
lexical ambiguity are:

a. Acting Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the
parents should be patient and not panic.
The sentence above is kind lexical ambiguity because of word “Acting” has
two meaning:
1. Representative
2. Performance/game

The first meaning of the sentence is interpreted as “PJ DKI Jakarta governor
Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the parents should be patient and
not panic.” while the second meaning of the sentence is interpreted as “DKI
Jakarta governor's game Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that parents
should be patient and not panic.

From the explanation before we can conclude that ambiguity is a condition in

linguistics that occur in words, phrases and sentences. If one of them have more than
one meaning it call ambiguity. This occasion also occur when words, phrases or
sentences understood or interpreted in more than one way.
4. The Causal Factor of Ambiguity Sentences
a. Morphology Aspect
1. Affix type, this type contain of perffix and suffix that attach in a words
and it can cause ambiguity
2. Lexicon type, this type ambiguity happen because the real meaning of
word that use on the sentence. Polisemy, homonym, preposition,
antonym and abreviation can cause ambiguity.
b. Syntax Aspect Syntax is a branch of linguisti knowledge and it is study of
the structure of the word and sentence.
1. Compound word type and expression.
2. Repeating word
c. Structural Aspect Ambiguity happen cause of the structure of the sentence
that divided into two type there are:
1. Phrase structure
Phrase structure is a unit of grammatical that the form is collection of
word and the characteristic is unpredicative. This line use for
differenciate between phrase and sentence (clause) because sentence is
the collection of word that the characteristic is predicative.
2. Sentence structure
Sentence structure is one of causal why ambiguity happen. Altough all
the multiple finally cause the multiple sentence by itself, but the multiple
of structure of the sentence should be specialized because the multiple
only known.

5. Tree diagram
To analyze the sentence structure, specifics methods and symbols had to be
introduced. This is where syntax tree diagram comes in, and it is 15 utilized to perform
analysis. Arts (2001:63) state that tree diagram is a visual representation of hierarchical
linguistic structure. Syntax tree diagram can be used to understand the grammatical
structure and the different types of sentence structure in language.

Sentence structure that are portrayed in tree diagram can be drawn using the
rules such as:




The rules should be interpreted as an instruction to rewrite or expand the symbol

on the left of the arrows as the squence on the right. In S NP + VP, “S” stand for
Sentence , “NP” (Noun Phrase) and “VP” (Verb Phrase). The item on the left dominates
the elements on the right. The tree diagram start with S, the highest level and works
down to lower level until it comes to maximally specific level where in addition symbol
can be written. This process is called derivational in the sentence.

Point of juncture in tree diagram are called nodes. If one node is immediately
dominate by other, it is called a daughter node. If one node is immediately dominate by
the same node, they are called sister node.

The nodes NP and VP are daughters of S and sister nodes of each other, SP is
the left sister whereas VP is the right sister. There are some symbols that are used as
abbreviation for syntatic catagories. The list of common and abreviation is summarized
as follows:

S : sentence NP : noun phrase Pro :pronoun

N : noun VP : verb phrase Det : determiner

V : verb PP : prepositional phrase Part : particle

P : preposition AdvP : adverbial phrase Aux : auxiliary

Adj : adjective AdjP : adjective phrase Adv : adverb

Inf : infinitive

From the explanation above the tree diagram is one of the way to interpret the
structure of the sentence. To get the best meaning of the sentence using tree diagram is
easy. Not all the sentence in the correct meaning. Ambiguity sentence can be interpreted
using tree diagram. Some abbreviation and symbols in tree diagram can help to learn
about the kinds of the word from the sentence.


The process of teaching learning needs some of equiptment. One of the

equiptment is textbook to support the process of teaching learning. Choosing the best
textbook is the most important for teacher. Textbook can help students and the teacher
easy to understand the material. The material that contain on textbook must be clear to
study. Not all the textbook that given by government or made by teacher are good. The
language sometime make confuse. So it is important to choose the best textbook when the
process of teaching learning. There are several this should be considered in choosing a
textbook (Doud and Celce 2001: 416) :

1. The book should fit to curriculum.

2. The textbook should fit to the student’s need, the textbook must have no just
the English content demanded by the curriculum, but it also for the needs of
students as learners of English.
3. Textbook are also for teachers. The teachers seek three things from text
books : content/explanation, examples, and exercise or task.

Textbook means a created material designed as material for teaching learning

process in order to increase the learner’s knowledge and experience. Textbook also can
be defined as a book prepared for school’s students in teaching learning process. If there
are some ambiguous sentences which made the students feel confuse and cannot
understand the lesson from textbook, so it is become a problem to select a good
textbook. An English textbook is usually called.

An English exercise book. It contain consist of English material summary,

exercises, competency’s examination and exercises of semester test. The students can
practice it with or without the teacher. An English exercise book has some advantages:

a. An English exercise book can help the student easier to understand about
the material
b. An English exercise book makes the students to be active learn
c. An English exercise book gives the students a relax situation when they
are studying
d. An English exercise book gives a variation.

The quality of textbook depend on some factor, like the appearance and
clearness. The appearance of textbook is how the textbook look like, for example, the
color and the font of the book. The clearness of the textbook is depends on clear
meaning or not ambiguous.

Commercial textbook together with ancillaries such as workbooks, cassettes and

teacher’s guide are perhaps the commonest form of teaching materials in language
teaching (Ricahrd,2001:254). Textbook are used in different ways in language program.
For example, a reading textbook might be the basis for a course in reading skill,
providing both a set of reading text and exercises for skills practice. A writing textbook
might provide model composition and a list of topics for students to write about. A
grammar textbook might serve as reference book and provide as well as exercises to
develop the grammatical knowledge. A speaking textbook might provide passages for
students to read and discuss. A listening textbook together with audio cassettes or CDs
might serve as the primary listening input in a listening course.


English textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII”

The purpose of English textbook class XI is to improve the comprehen and skill
of students when using English language. The focus on discussing this book is
increasing the skill of writing a letter, writing a song and poem, a report, exposition text,
expressing hope and ambition and asking and expressing an opinion. This book
introduce many text with the different theme as a method to realte the concept that
studied with the context so that the students develop the skill of language, the skill of
critical thinks and skill of century 21 that surround creativity, skill of cooperative and
colaborative, skill of communication and as media literacy.

The purpose of the activity on this book as to spotlight and support the creativity
and imaginative on the students self. This book also present to the students about the
famous author so that it can gives insight toward the world of literature. On this book
served the famous author such as Soekarno, O. henry, Guy de Maupassant, Grimm
Brother, Ben. E. King, Pete Seeger, Robert Frost, William Ernest Henly and Langston

This textbook use for class XII, the textbook contain many kind of text, the text
use for reading activity. When teaching reading teacher asked students to read the text
on the textbook. The language that use in the textbook is not easy because there are
many new vocabulary. The students should read more than once to know the contain of
the text. The text book help teacher when teaching learning process. It is become easy
for teacher to explain the material.

This book belongs to integrated skills-texts because the contain of the book
consist of text that integrated four skill there are listening, speaking, reading and
writting when teaching learning process. Each of text use to comprehen the knowledge
of students in four skills. This book explain the minimal effort of students to pass the
competency that expected. Appropriate with an approach that use on 2013 curriculum.
The students invited to brave and find another source of study that available in their
arround. The role of the teacher to improve and adapt the permeability with the activity
in this book is very important. The teacher can be reach with creation on another
activity that suitable and applicable that source from the environment.

A. Research Design
Research is a process in which you engage in a small set of logical steps.
Creswell (2012:2). For some, research may seem like something that is important only
for faculty members in colleges an universities.
Qualitative is quality that understand by the society as rival of quantity.
According to Kaelan,(2005:28) qualitative research is focused on the quality of the
object research for example : the value, emotion, human. To get the quality of the
reserach need approaching ausvh as : Semiotica, hermeuneutica and phenomonology.
From the definistion before we can conclude that qualitative reserach is research that
produce descriptive data having a form written or spoken from poeple or the action that
can be observe ( Taylor Moleong,2002: 3). According to Sugiyono (2010:1) qualitative
research is reserach that the object is scientific and the reseracher as an key instrument,
the technique of colllecting data is inductive and the result stress s is about meaning.
Based on the explanation before that qualitative research the form of the data is
word or picture, the process more important and try to expose the sense of reality.

B. Data Source
Data is the result of registering from the researcher that is a fact or a number
(Suharsimi, 2010:161). Data is a information that looked for resolving the problem.The
data source of the reserach is written material which are taken from Students’s English
Book Text title “Bahas Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK.

C. Instrument Of The Research

Sugiyono (2010:148) states instrument is the tools used by the researcher when
conducting a research method. The main instrument in this research is the researcher.
And the supporting instrument in this research is document. According to Guba and
Lincoln, (Moleong, 2002:161) document is every written material or movie that no
prepared because of request by the reseracher. The example of document that use in the
reserach are : text book,journal, memo, letter, magazine and other. In this reserach
researcher use text book. The researcher in this research use students’s English text
book to conduct the research. The researcher in this research use students’s English text
book to conduct the research. The book contain of 16 chapter each of chapter contain 1-
3 text as the material of reading activity. The researcher analyzes all the text from the

D. Technique Of Collecting Data

The data is collected by :
1. Find the book and the data taken from Student’s English Book .
2. Read the book to get suitable text.
3. Choose 5 text from the books.
4. Read the text.
5. Read the selected sentence from the text

E. Technique Of Analyzing Data

The researcher took some steps to analyzing the data there are:

1. Classify them based on the level of words, phrases or sentences.

2. Classify them into semantic ambiguity
3. Classify them into lexical ambiguity or structural ambiguity.
4. Calculating the data precentage. In this research the researcher use formula to to
count the precantage of the data :
N = × 100
f = Individual frequency of ambiguity category
n = Total number of all data
N = Precentage of ambiguity category
5. Drwaing some conclussion.

F. Unite Of Analysis
In this reserach the reseracher wants to analyzes the ambiguity sentence that the
data taken from student’s Englis text book. The analysis focused on the semantic
meaning of the word the phrase and the sentence that probably ambiguous or not



In this study, the author uses the English textbook “Bahasa Inggris
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XII” as a research object. Structural ambiguity and lexical
ambiguity as research data. There are 4 texts that are used to determine the sentence
Structural ambiguity and the word lexical ambiguity. Of the four texts used in this
study. These data are discussed in this chapter to answer two problems formulated in
sentences and texts, namely structural ambiguity and lexical ambiguity.


a. Lexical Ambiguity Found in Parents upset, disappointed with online school

There is one kind of ambiguity case found in the text Parents upset, disappointed
with online school registration, is Lexical Ambiguity (hal. 181). There are 2 words of
lexical ambiguity. To answer this research problem, the researcher displays the types of
ambiguity data in the form of a simple table, showing the frequency and percentage of
lexical ambiguity found. Then, the researcher puts one example for lexical ambiguity.
The complete list of words contains Lexical ambiguity over what is provided in the
following Appendix.

Lexical ambiguity is when a word has more than one meaning. In text Parents
upset, disappointed with online school registration, types of ambiguity were found and
the following is the analysis of lexical ambiguity:

No Example of Sentence Page Teks Little

1 His daughter was also turned down 181 Parents upset, disappointed with
after she registered at a different
online school registration
school because her name was still
listed for SMKN 47 Jakarta.

2 Acting Jakarta governor Basuki 182 Parents upset, disappointed with

online school registration
“Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the
parents should be patient and not

● His daughter was also turned down after she registered at a different school
because her name was still listed for SMKN 47 Jakarta.
There is a lexical ambiguity found in the sentence “His daughter was also turned down
after she registered at a different school because her name was still listed for SMKN 47
Jakarta. The word turned out to be where one word has more than one meaning.
According to lexical ambiguity is when one word has more than one meaning. It is
perceived as ambiguous and leads to different interpretations from readers. The word
"turned" has two meanings it can be "`who became"

● Acting Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the parents
should be patient and not panic
There is a lexical ambiguity found in the sentence "Acting Jakarta governor Basuki
"Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama said that the parents should be patient and not panic. The word
Acting is where one word has more than one meaning. According to lexical ambiguity
is when one word has more than one meaning. It is perceived as ambiguous and leads
to different interpretations from readers. The word Acting has two meanings it can be

b. Lexical Ambiguity Found in Persian Pottery

No Example of Sentence Page Text Tittle

1. Pottery is one of the oldest and most 134 Persian Pottery
widespread of the decorative arts, consisting
chiefly of functional objects (such as vessels,
plates, and bowls) made of clay and hardened
with heat.
2. Earthenware is the oldest and simplest form; 134 Persian Pottery
stoneware is fired at a high temperature to
cause it to vitrify and harden;
3. Colors such as manganese purple, tomato red, 135 Persian Pottery
olive green, yellow and brown were applied to
the surface and then covered with a transparent
glaze, creating a glossy and smooth finish
4. By the 12th century, Persian ceramic styles 135 Persian Pottery
were well established and they set the
standards for further innovations and
5. Recent excavations and archaeological research 135 Persian Pottery
revealed that there were four major pottery-
manufacturing areas in the Iranian plateau.
6. Portraits of people are painted against floral or 135 Persian Pottery
simple scroll backgrounds.
7. The "Gombroon" ware has a hard faience body, 136 Persian Pottery
which is considerably thinner than that of
contemporary lustre ware.
8. Through the centuries, Persian potters have 136 Persian Pottery
adopted and refined newly introduced forms
and blended them into their own culture.

 Pottery is one of the oldest and most widespread of the decorative arts,
consisting chiefly of functional objects (such as vessels, plates, and bowls) made
of clay and hardened with heat.
Again, lexical ambiguity is found in the sentence "Pottery " above, the word is
considered ambiguous. "Pottery" falls under lexical ambiguity because the
reader may have different interpretations of the word "Pottery" because the word
dry has more than one meaning, there are two meanings of the word parched
based on the contextual meaning it could be "pottery" and based on the
denotative meaning it could be "pottery"
 Earthenware is the oldest and simplest form; stoneware is fired at a high
temperature to cause it to vitrify and harden.

Lexical ambiguity is found in the sentence " fired "

c. Lexical Ambiguity Found in Tenants advised to obey regulations on apartment

No. Example of Sentence Page Text Tittle
1. Most of Jakarta’s residents are more 167 Tenants advised to
accustomed to living in a landed house obey regulations on
apartment Jakarta
 Most of Jakarta’s residents are more accustomed to living in a landed house
Lexical ambiguity is found in the sentence " landed "
d. Lexical Ambiguity Found in Zebras are Equids
No Example of Sentence Page Text Title

1. Several attempts have been made to 80 Zebras are Equids

domesticate the zebra, with some animals
being trained as riding or driving animals.

2. Like other equids, zebras are odd-toed 80 Zebras are Equids

ungulates with muscular bodies which are
built for running.

 Several attempts have been made to domesticate the zebra, with some animals
being trained as riding or driving animals.

Lexical ambiguity is found in the sentence " driving "

 Like other equids, zebras are odd-toed ungulates with muscular bodies which are
built for running.

Lexical ambiguity is found in the sentence " built "



A. Conclusion
Ambiguity, meaning a construction that can be interpreted more than one
meaning. Lexical ambiguity is related to the meaning contained in each word which can
have more than one meaning or refer to something different according to the
environment in which it is used. Structural ambiguity, also known as syntactic
ambiguity, occurs when a phrase or sentence has more than one basic structure. Such a
sentence can be interpreted in more than one way.
Based on the data analysis in chapter IV, the researcher draws the conclusion as
a. From the results of the research, the books used are English books for class
XII. Where in the book has been found Lexical ambiguity and Structural
ambiguity. Each of which uses five texts.
b. From 5 text found in textbook “English SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Class XII
Semester 1” because nouns not only have one meaning. It can be interpreted
in two or more meaning.

B. Suggestion
Based on the problem statements and after having analysis, the researcher
suggests for:

1. School
Textbooks or English books are one of the important equipment when
teaching in the learning process. Ambiguity can occur in various ways so
that every school must be selective in choosing textbooks.
2. Teacher
Any words, phrases or sentences in English may have more than one
meaning, this is called ambiguity. So a teacher must be careful in using
words, phrases or sentences and in choosing words, phrases, or sentences
that match their meaning. So there is no confusion when understanding it.
3. Other researchers
The researcher suggests that other researchers are better off using tree
diagrams in analyzing ambiguity. Analyzing sentence structure using tree
diagrams will provide a clearer explanation than using labeled brackets.

Widiati Utami, Rahmah Zuliati, Furaidah. 2015. Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/

MAK Kelas XII. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,

Fakhimatul Fina, Usroh. 2017, “The Analysis of Ambiguity Sentences In the

Students’ English Textbook “Bahasa inggris Sma/Ma/Smk/Mak Kelas Xi
Semester 1”. Purwerejo: English Education Program.

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