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4/29/2016 Introduction 

to Quiz: Aerodynamics | Coursera

Introduction to Quiz: Aerodynamics

This document contains all the information you need to solve the quiz called 'Aerodynamics'. Please calculate your
answers to the questions at the bottom of this page. You will then be prepared to start the quiz.

We recommend using a calculation tool such as a spread sheet or a computer programming tool to solve the

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Introduction to Quiz_ Aerodynamics _ Coursera.pdf (https://d3c33hcgi…

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to carry out calculations of thrust and power for a wind


Questions 1.- 5. of this exercise are based on 1D momentum theory while question 6.- 10. concerns the velocity
triangle and the theory that includes rotation in the wake.

Throughout this exercise, the wind speed is V 0 = 8m/s and the air density is ρ = 1.225kg/m 3 .

In question 2.- 10., it is assumed that the rotor runs with optimum induction.

In question 6.- 10. we'll consider a blade section at r = 40m from the rotor centre at a rotational speed of
10 rpm . Here the cord length is c = 3m and the blade twist is β = 4 .­energy/supplement/m0eBj/introduction­to­quiz­aerodynamics 1/4
4/29/2016 Introduction to Quiz: Aerodynamics | Coursera

Recall from the videos that the power coe倐cient, C P is optimal when the following equations are ful㽌湯lled for the
axial (a ) and rotational (a ′ ) induction factors and for x, the local ratio of rotational speed and incoming wind

1 − 3a
a = (1)
4a − 1


3 2 2 2
16a − 24a + a(9 − 3x ) − 1 + x = 0 (2)


x = (3)


10 ⋅ 2π
ω = (4)

The 벎㚐ow angle, ϕ is given as:

(1 − a)V 0 a ωr
tan ϕ = = (5)

(1 + a )ωr aV 0

The tangential force, P t is given as:

P t = L sin(ϕ) − D cos(ϕ) (6)

where L is lift and D is drag.

Torque is given by:

τ = Pt ⋅ r (7)­energy/supplement/m0eBj/introduction­to­quiz­aerodynamics 2/4
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Variables (units)

a axial induction factor


rotational induction factor

x local ratio of rotational speed and incoming wind speed

ω (rad/s) the rotor rotational speed

r (m) rotor radius

V (m/s) velocity

ϕ (degrees) 벎㚐ow angle

P t (N ) tangential force

L (N ) lift force

D (N ) drag force

τ (N ⋅ m) the magnitude of the torque

ρ (m/s) air density

Cp coe倐cent of power


When typing your results into the Quiz, please use ‘.’ as decimal separator.

1D Momentum theory

1. The wind speed after the wake expansion is measured to be 4m/s. What is the axial induction factor?

2. What would the 벎㚐ow velocity through the rotor be if it was run with optimal induction? Give the result in m/s.

3. What rotor radius (and thus approximate blade length) should the turbine have to produce 1.5M W at the given
in벎㚐ow speed? Give the result in m .

4. Assume now a rotor diameter of 2r = 116m . What is the thrust force on the rotor in kN ?

5. What is the main limitation of 1D momentum theory?

Rotational theory and velocity triangle at r = 40m

6. Which values of a and a ′ correspond to optimum operation at r = 40m? (choose the right option) Hint: Use the
equations 1) to 4) to calculate x and then a and a ′ . Keep in mind that the value of a should be within the interval
0 < a < 1.

a = 0.300;  a = 0.500 (1)

a = 0.3325;  a = 1.02e − 2 (2)

a = 0.3325;  a = 8.03e − 3 (3)­energy/supplement/m0eBj/introduction­to­quiz­aerodynamics 3/4
4/29/2016 Introduction to Quiz: Aerodynamics | Coursera

7. Compute the 벎㚐ow angle ϕ at r = 40m. State the result in degrees.

8. The angle of attack, α is 벎㚐ow angle, ϕ minus the blade twist angle, β. Compute α and use the lift curve in the
slides in the video ‘Flow and forces around a wind turbine’ (air foil data) to determine C L and next the lift value L
pr. unit length N/m. (choose the right option)

L = 2.0e3N /m (1)

L = 1.5e1N /m (2)

L = 1.6e2N /m (3)

9. Compute the drag in kN /m . What is the tangential force component P t pr. unit length in N /m ? Hint:
Remember to use the value of ϕ in radians.

10. What torque does it provide for a single blade pr. unit length? (choose the right option)

2.2e3N m/m (1)

1.02e5N m/m (2)

8.7e3N m/m (3)

Important: Note that the answers to question 8-10 in the quiz must be given pr. unit length, which means that the
result should be divided with the blade length in meters.


The main learning points of this exercise were:

1D momentum theory is simple but has limitations.

You can estimate the axial and rotational induction factors based on equations for the optimum C p .

Lift and drag forces can be calculated if you have lift and drag curves from airfoil data.

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