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Madinah Arabic Book 1

Additional Material to Help Your Understanding of The Arabic Language

Course Tutor: Bint Muhammad (Student of the Arabic Language)
Du’a for learning the Qur’an

When attempting to learn anything relating to the Qur’an we will start with the beginning
of a verse from the Qur’an where Allah promises us He has made the Qur’an easy for

َ‫سرَنا ٱلَقُرَءانَ لَلذكَر‬

َّ ‫وَلقدَ ی‬
Sahih International:
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance (54:17)

‫َّربَزدَنَي علَما‬
Sahih International:
My Lord, increase me in knowledge. (20:114)
The Alphabet

 How many letters do we have in the English alphabet?

 Do you remember what consonants and vowels are?
 How many vowels do we have in English?

 Likewise, in Arabic we call alphabet, َ‫وفَالهجاء‬

ُ ‫( ُح ُر‬Huroof ul Hijaa’)
 In Arabic all the letters are consonants. So how do letters make sound

 By adding vowel signs called: ‫( حركات‬Plural: Harakaat)

َ‫( حركة‬Singular: Harakah)
The Arabic Alphabet - ‫وفَالهجاء‬
ُ ‫ُح ُر‬

‫خ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬

Khaa Ḥaa Jeem Thaa Taa Baa Alif
But what kh ḥ j th t b
about ‫ء‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ش‬ ‫س‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫د‬
Hamzah? Ṣaad Sheen Seen Zaa Raa Dhaal Daal
ṣ sh s z r dh d
‫ق‬ ‫ف‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ض‬
Qaaf Faa Ghayn ‘Ayn Ẓaa Ṭaa Ḍaad
q f gh ‘ ẓ ṭ ḍ
‫ي‬ ‫و‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬
Yaa Waw Haa Noon Meem Laam Kaaf
y w h n m l k
The Hamzah - ‫ء‬

 Hamzah is a weak letter. Very ill. So sometimes it needs a chair.

 Some times it can use the following letters as chairs.

َ‫( أ‬alif) ‫اقرََأ‬

‫( ؤ‬waw) َ‫َُمؤَمن‬
‫( ئ‬yaa without dots) ُ‫عائَش َة‬

 Sometimes ‫( ء‬hamzah) feels healthy and can appear by itself

 e.g. َ‫( أَسمَاء‬asmaaun) names.

Hamzah appearing by Hamzah using Alif as a chair
This is Alif without any vowel
Short Vowel Signs - ‫حركات‬

َُُ َُ َُ
‫ض َّمة‬ ‫فتحة‬ ‫كسرة‬
Dammah Fathah Kasrah
‘u’ ‘a’ ‘i’

 Can you think of any words with these signs?

َ‫ُكَت ُب‬ َ‫قلَم‬ َ‫كَتاب‬

kutubun qalamun kitaabun
books a pen a book
Double Vowel Signs – ‫( تنوین‬Tanween)

َُ َُ َُ
َ‫ض َّمتَان‬ َ‫فتحتَان‬ َ‫كسرتَان‬
Dammataani Fathataani Kasrataani
‘un’ ‘an’ ‘in’

 Can you think of any words with these signs?

َ‫ُكَت ُب‬ ‫قلَمَا‬ َ‫كَتاب‬

kutubun qalaman kitaabin
books a pen a book
Other Signs

َُ َُ
‫س ُكون‬
ُ ‫ش َّدَة‬
Sukuun Shaddah
no extra sound doubles the letter

 Can you think of any words with these signs?

َ‫بَیَت‬ ‫س ََّك َر‬

َُ َ‫ ر‬+ َ‫ ك‬+ َ‫ ك‬+ ‫س‬
baytun Sukkarun Sukkarun
a house Sugar Sugar
Letters of Elongation – ‫وفَالمد‬
ُ ‫ُح ُر‬

‫ُُو‬ ‫ُا‬ ‫ُي‬

‫ض َّمة‬ ‫فتحة‬ ‫كسرة‬
Waw after
Alif after Fathah Yaa after Kasrah
‘aa’ ‘ii’

 Can you think of any words with these signs?

َ‫بَُیُوت‬ َ‫كتَاب‬ َ‫سرَیر‬

buyuutun kitaabun sariirun
houses a book a bed
Words - ‫( كلمات‬kalimaat)

 Letters are called ‫( ُح ُروف‬Plural: huroof)

‫( حرف‬Singular: harf)

‫ُح ُروف‬ + ‫حركات‬ ‫كلمة‬

Letters Vowel signs A Word
Parts of Speech in Arabic

 All َ‫ كلمات‬words in the Arabic Language can be put into 3 categories.

َ‫اسم‬ َ‫فعل‬ َ‫حرف‬

Is-mun Fi’-lun Har-fun
Noun Verbs Particle/Letter
Parts of Speech

 In English we have 8 parts of speech, so where do they fit in?

َ‫اسم‬ َ‫فعل‬ َ‫حرف‬

Is-mun Fi’-lun Har-fun
Noun Verbs Particle/Letter

Adjectives Verbs
What is an َ‫?اسم‬

Noun Pronoun Adjectives Adverbs Interjections

Words that
Things, Words that Words that Words that
don’t need
people, replace describe describe more words to
places nouns nouns verbs make sense

Pen, Adam, Tall, Short, Slowly,

He, she, you, Hello! Hi!
Teacher, Big, Small, Quickly,
they, I, we Cheers!
London Heavy, Light Heavily
Composite Words

 What looks like one word in Arabic, can sometimes be more than one
word. For example:

2 Arabic
Words ٌ‫ِكتَاٌبُ ُهم‬ = ٌ‫ُهم‬ + ٌ‫ِكتَاب‬
Their Book = Their + Book

English Word
Pronoun Noun

Arabic Word
ٌ‫ض ِمير‬ ٌ‫اِسم‬
How do I know if a word is an َ‫?اسم‬

If the word ends with If the word begins with Remember

َ ُُ
ُ َ
‫ال‬ TAYP!
َ‫كتابَ قَلم‬ ‫اب‬
َُ َ‫القل ُمَاَلكت‬ -Yaa
Almost Tape
If the word has a ‘yaa’
If the word has a
before it
preposition before it
َ‫ یاَ ُموسى‬or ‫َٰی ُموسَى‬
َُ ‫َٰی َٰه َُر‬
َُ ‫ یاَهَا ُر‬or ‫ون‬
‫ون‬ َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
‫سورةَُالفاتَح َةُ ‪Analysis of Suratul Faatihah -‬‬

‫َالرحیمَ )‪(1‬‬
‫َالرحمن َّ‬‫بسمَهللا َّ‬
‫الحمدَُلِلَربَالعالمینَ )‪(2‬‬
‫َالرحیمَ )‪(3‬‬
‫الرحمن َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫مالكَیومَالدینَ )‪(4‬‬
‫إیَّاكَنعبُدَُوإیَّاكَنستع َُ‬
‫ین )‪(5‬‬
‫اهدناَالصراطَال ُمستقیمَ )‪(6‬‬
‫ضوبَعلیهمَوَلَال َّ‬ ‫صراطَالَّذینَأنعمتَعلیهمَغیرَالَمغ ُ‬
‫‪Task: Identify the number of words in each verse and identify‬‬
‫حرفَ ‪ and‬فعلَ ‪,‬اسمَ ‪which of them are‬‬
‫سورةَُالفاتَح َةُ ‪Analysis of Suratul Faatihah -‬‬

‫‪Key:‬‬ ‫َالرحیمَ )‪(1‬‬

‫َالرحمن َّ‬ ‫بَسمَهللا َّ‬
‫َحرفٌ فِعلٌ اِسمٌ‬ ‫الحمدَُلِلَربَالعالمینَ )‪(2‬‬
‫َالرحیمَ )‪(3‬‬
‫الرحمن َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫مالكَیومَالدینَ )‪(4‬‬
‫ین )‪(5‬‬‫إیَّاكَ نعبُ َُد وَإیَّاكَ نستع َُ‬
‫اهدَناَالصراطَال ُمستقیمَ )‪(6‬‬
‫ضوبَعلیَهمَوَلَال َّ‬
‫ضالینَ)‪(7‬‬ ‫صراطَالَّذینَأنعمتَعلیَهمَغیرَالمَغ ُ‬
What is a َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫?حر‬

 In English we call them prepositions. These are some of the most commonly
used prepositions in Arabic:

ُ ‫حر‬ َ‫من‬ َ‫ب‬ ‫في‬
min bi fii
From In/With/By In
My Best Friend

َ‫ل‬ َ‫إل َٰى‬ ‫ع َٰلی‬ َ‫عن‬

li i-laa ‘a-laa ‘an
For/Be to To On About

Lives In Australasia
Examples of َ‫ اسم‬afterَ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫?حر‬

 These are some examples of the most commonly used prepositions in


ُ ‫حر‬ َ‫منَ خوَف‬ َ‫بَسم‬ َ‫في الَعُقَد‬
min khau-fin bis-mi Fi l-’u-qa-di
From fear In the name In the knots
(106:4) - 3226 (1:1) (113:4) - 1701

َ‫لَقومَه‬ َ‫ى ربَك‬

ََٰ ‫إل‬ َ‫ع َٰلی َٰذلَك‬ ‫عنَ َٰهذا‬
li qaw-mi-hi i-laa rab-bi-ka ‘alaa dhaalika ‘an haa-dhaa
For his people To Your Lord On that About this
(2:54) (96:8) - 742 (100:7) - 1445 (7:172) - 465
‫سورةَُالفیل ‪Analysis of Suratul Feel -‬‬

‫َالرحمن َّ‬
‫بسمَهللا َّ‬
‫ألمَترَكیفَفعلَربُّكَبأصحابَالَفیلَ )‪(1‬‬
‫ألمَیجعلَكید ُهمَفيَتضلیلَ )‪(2‬‬
‫وأرسلَعلیهمَطیراَأبابیلَ )‪(3‬‬
‫ترمیهمَبحجارةَمنَسجیلَ )‪(4‬‬
‫فجعل ُهمَكعصفَ َّمأ ُكولَ )‪(5‬‬
‫‪Task: Identify the number of words in each verse and identify‬‬
‫حرفَ ‪ and‬فعلَ ‪,‬اسمَ ‪which of them are‬‬
‫سورةَُالفیل ‪Analysis of Suratul Feel -‬‬

‫بَسمَهللاَال َّرحمنَال َّرح َ‬

‫ألمَ ترَكیفَ فعلَرَبُّكَ بَأصحَابَ الَفیلَ )‪(1‬‬
‫ألمَ یجعلَ كیدَ ُهمَ في تضلیلَ )‪(2‬‬
‫وَأرسلَ علیَهمَ طیراَأبابیلَ )‪(3‬‬
‫ترمیهم بَحجارةَ منَسجیلَ )‪(4‬‬
‫فَجعلَ ُهمَ كَعصفَ َّمأ ُكولَ )‪(5‬‬
Demonstrative Pronouns - َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارة‬

 When we use the words ‘this’ or ‘that’ in English, generally we point at

something right?
 In English, we call these demonstrative pronouns.

 In Arabic, we call them َ‫( اِس ٌُم اْلشارة‬Is-mul I-shaa-ra-ti) Noun of signal

Far َٰ
َ‫ذلك‬ ‫َٰهذا‬ Near
َ‫للبَعَید‬ dhaa-li-ka haa-dhaa َ‫للقرَیب‬
that this
Simple Arabic Sentence Using ‫َٰهذا‬

َ‫ه َٰـذَا بیت‬

a house this

This is a house

‘Is’ is a copula verb in the English Language. These do not

exist in the Arabic Language, however depending on the
structure of the words, we understand ‘is’ is there.
Simple Arabic Sentence Using َ‫َٰذلك‬

َ ‫ذلَكَ ب‬
a door that

That is a door

‘Is’ is a copula verb in the English Language. These do not

exist in the Arabic Language, however depending on the
structure of the words, we understand ‘is’ is there.
Simple Word by Word Analysis

َ‫باب‬ َٰ
َ‫ذلك‬ ‫َو‬ َ‫بیت‬ ‫ه َٰـذا‬
a door that and a house this

Demonstrative Demonstrative
Noun Conjunction Noun
Pronoun Pronoun

َ‫اسم‬ َ‫اسم‬ َ‫حرف‬ َ‫اسم‬ َ‫اسم‬

َ ‫اِس ٌُم‬ َ‫ف عطَف‬
ٌُ ‫َحر‬ َ‫اِس ٌُم اْلَشارة‬
َ‫للبعید‬ َ‫للقریب‬
Grammatical Analysis of a Simple
Arabic Sentence
This is called a nominal
َ‫خبَر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ sentence. In Arabic we call it:

ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمَیَّ َة‬

the subject
is the first
َ‫ه َٰـذَا بیت‬ al-jum-la-tul is-mii-yah

ٌ‫ اِسم‬of the
A nominal sentence, must have
َ‫اسم‬ َ‫اسَم‬ two things:

This is a house
َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدَأ‬
In the English translation, ‘is’ is Kha-bar Mub-ta-daa’
usually placed just before the Predicate Subject
Nouns/Particles used for Interrogation
ُ‫اْلستفهامیَّ َة‬

The answer to a َ‫فٌاْلستَفهام‬

ُ ‫َحر‬ َ‫اٌِس ٌُم اْلستَفهام‬ The answer to an
ُ ‫َحر‬ har-ful is-tif-haami
is-mul is-tif-haami َ‫ ٌاِس ٌُم اْلسَتفهام‬will
letter/particle of
will require a noun of questioning
questioning require an ٌ‫اٌِسم‬
ٌ ‫َحر‬
e.g. ‫ماٌ َٰهذا؟‬ َ
e.g. ‫ٌأ َه َٰـذَا بیتَ؟‬ َ‫أ‬ َ‫من‬ ‫ما‬
َ‫ ه َٰـذا بیت‬،‫نَعَم‬ a man maa ٌ‫ه َٰـذا بَيت‬
Yes/No Answer Who? What?

َ‫ف الجواب‬
ٌُ ‫َحر‬ َ‫َل‬ َ‫نعم‬
har-ful ja-waa-bi
laa na-’am
letter/particle of
no yes
Nouns/Particles used for Questioning
ُ‫اْلستفهامیَّ َة‬
ٌ‫ف‬ُ ‫َحر‬
َ‫اَس َما ٌُء اْلستفهام‬

َ‫أ‬ ‫ما‬ َ‫من‬ َ‫كیف‬ َ‫أین‬

a maa man kaifa aina
Yes/No Answer What? Who? How? Where?

َ‫هل‬ ‫ماذا‬ ‫لماذا‬ َ‫كم‬ َ‫ي‬

ُّ َ‫أ‬
hal maadhaa limaadhaa kam ayyu
Yes/No Answer What? Why? How many? Which?
Properties of ٌ‫ اِسم‬- Definiteness
Root letters:
َ‫ عَرَف‬He Knew ٌ‫اِسٌم‬
begins with
the ‘n’
sound and َ‫مَعرفَة‬
َ‫ ال‬Ma’rifatun َُُُ َ‫َنكرة‬
َ‫ اسم‬that are A Definite
particular house
َ‫َنكرة‬ house
End with an
‘n’ sound.
ُ َ‫الَبی‬
َ‫ت‬ – ‫التَّنوَین‬ َ‫بیَت‬
al-bay-tu bay-tun
the house + َ‫ال‬ a house

‫ ال‬and ‫ التَّنوین‬cannot coexist as one is used

to make the َ‫ اسم‬definite and the other is
used to make it indefinite.
The Separating Hamzah - َ‫همزةَُٱلقطع‬

 It is called “the separating Hamzah” because it does not allow the joining
of the sound from the previous letter to the next letter, so it separates the
sound by having it’s own sound.
 This type of ‫( همزة‬hamzah) is always pronounced.
It is usually denoted by ُ ‫أَ أَ إَ َأ‬
Q: Qat’i

and it is the
S: Separating
Hamzah! ََّ ‫قُلَ ُهو‬
َ‫َّللاُ أَحد‬
In both cases, there is an ‫ا‬
with a ‫ ء‬to indicate this is َ‫ّللاُ أَكبَ ُر‬
َ‫ همزةَُٱلقطع‬which is This Alif is making a sound, therefore
always pronounced. it is actually a Hamzah too, and we
pronounced it.
The Joining Hamzah - َ‫همزةَُٱلوصل‬
 The َ‫( همزةَُٱلوصل‬hamzatul wasli) can written as ‫( ٱ‬not always)
 It is only pronounced when it is at the start of a sentence e.g.

َ‫( ٱلَقل ُم‬al-qalamu) the pen

 If it is preceded by another word or letter, it is not pronounced rather
the letter before joins directly to the letter after the َ‫همزةَُالوصل‬

‫( وَٱلَقل َُم‬wa l-qalamu not wa al-qalamu) and the pen

 Sometimes in the Qur’an َ‫ همزةَُالوصل‬will be omitted completely
from the word e.g.

َ‫ بَسم‬rather than writing َ‫( بَٱسم‬bismi) In the name

َ ُ‫ت مرَف‬
‫وع‬ َُ َ‫البی‬
Properties of Ism - َ‫اسم‬ ُ ‫إ َّنَالَبیَتَ من‬
َ‫كلمَة‬ َ‫في البَیَتَ مج ُرور‬
ٌ‫َحرف‬ ٌ‫فِعل‬ ٌ‫اِسم‬
Particle/ Verbs Noun
D: Definite
I: I’raab Letter
N: Number Properties of َ‫اسم‬
G: Gender

Definiteness I’raab Number Gender

‫الَ معرف َة‬ َ ُ‫ُ مرف‬
‫وع‬ َُ َُ ‫ ُمفرد‬1 ‫♂ ُمذ َّكر‬
َ‫َُُُ نكرة‬ َ‫صوب‬ ُ ‫َُ َُ من‬ ‫ ُمثنَّى‬2 ‫♀ ُمؤنَّث‬
َ‫َُ َُ مج ُرور‬ ‫ جمع‬3+
Characteristics of Simple Nominal
Sentences - ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمیَّ َة‬
َ‫خبَر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدَأ‬
Khabar Mubtadaa’
Predicate Subject

will always be َ‫القَل ُمَ جدید‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
َ‫مرفُوع‬ Nominative Nominative
if it is one word. َ‫اسم‬ َ‫اسَم‬ Case Case

The pen is new َ‫نكرة‬ َ‫معرفَة‬

Nakirah Ma’rifah
Generally simple sentences in English
Indefinite Definite
also start with ‘the’ therefore the
subject we use must also be definite.
Mostly – Not Always
Characteristics of Simple Nominal
Sentences - ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمیَّ َة‬
َ‫خبَر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدَأ‬
Khabar Mubtadaa’
‫ه َٰـذا‬ Predicate Subject

َ‫ه َٰـذَا بیت‬

is a fixed or
stubborn word
which does not َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
show if it is Marfuu’ Marfuu’
َ‫مرفُوع‬. َ‫اسم‬ َ‫اس ُمَاْلَشارة‬

This is a house َ‫نكرة‬ َ‫معرفَة‬

Nakirah Ma’rifah
All demonstrative pronouns are definite, this
Indefinite Definite
is because when you point at something,
you are referring to it specifically.
Mostly – Not Always
Characteristics of Simple Nominal
Sentences - ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمیَّ َة‬
َ‫خبَر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدَأ‬
Khabar Mubtadaa’

Predicate Subject

ُ ‫ذلَكَ مك‬
is a fixed or
stubborn word
which does not َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
show if it is Marfuu’ Marfuu’
َ‫مرفُوع‬. َ‫اس ُمَاْلَشارة‬
Nominative Nominative
َ‫اسم‬ Case Case

That is broken َ‫نكرة‬ َ‫معرفَة‬

Nakirah Ma’rifah
All demonstrative pronouns are definite, this
Indefinite Definite
is because when you point at something,
you are referring to it specifically.
Mostly – Not Always
Characteristics of Simple Nominal
Sentences - ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمیَّ َة‬
َ‫خبَر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدَأ‬
‫ضمائر‬ Khabar
are also fixed
or stubborn
words which
does not show
if they are
َ‫ُهوَ طالب‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
Nominative Nominative
َ‫مرفُوع‬. َ‫اسم‬ َ‫ضمَیر‬ Case Case

He is a student َ‫نكرة‬ َ‫معرفَة‬

Nakirah Ma’rifah
All personal pronouns are also definite.
Indefinite Definite
This is because you will always use
them to refer to a specific noun.
Mostly – Not Always
Rules pertaining to prepositions - َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
So a preposition is
always followed by
َ‫اسمَمج َُرور‬ َ‫اسم‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
a noun, that will Genitive Noun Noun Preposition
change to genitive
case. A compound
containing a َ‫اسَم‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬ َ‫اسَم‬
preposition and
genitive noun is
َ‫جارَوَمج َُرور‬ َ‫في البیَت‬ ُ َ‫الَبی‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬

َ‫جارَوَمج ُرور‬
Analysis of sentences containing
prepositions - َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
When the
predicate is more
than one word,
َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬
The student IS in the house
we call it a
َُ ‫شبهَُال‬
“phrase” or
َ‫في البیَت‬ َ‫ب‬
ُ ‫ال‬
َ َّ
‫لط‬ ‫ا‬
“something like a
َ‫فَجَرَ اسمَمجَ ُرور‬
ُ ‫حر‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬

َ‫جارَوَمج ُرور‬
Properties of َ‫ – اسم‬Gender ‫جنس‬

 Words that end in ‫( ة‬Taa Marbuta) are generally feminine with the
exception of names for men. E.g. the name ‫( طلحة‬Talhah)

 A word that is not ending in ‫ ة‬can be feminine if the meaning is feminine.

E.g. ‫بنت‬
 Feminine names cannot carry tanween or kasrah.

َ‫آمنة‬ َ‫آمنة‬ ُ‫آمن َة‬ َ‫َُمحَ ََّمد‬ ‫َُمحَ ََّمدا‬ َ‫َُمحَ ََّمد‬

ُ ‫صوبَ مج ُرورَ مرفُوعَ من‬

َ‫صوبَ مج ُرور‬ ُ ‫مرفُوعَ من‬
The Pronouns – ‫ضمائ َُر‬
َّ ‫ال‬

 Pronouns are words that replace a noun (i.e. he, she, they)
 In English, we have 3 types of pronouns, 3rd Person – When the person we’re
referring to is not present – or indirectly referring to them.

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
َ‫ُهم‬ ‫ُهما‬ َ‫َُهو‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
They (3+) He (2) He (1) Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
َ‫ُه َّن‬ ‫ُهما‬ َ‫هي‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
They (3+) She (2) She (1) Feminine

 Note: The dual form for both male and female is the same. Also the male plural form can be
used for a group of more than 3 male and female mixed.
The Pronouns – ‫ضمائ َُر‬
َّ ‫ال‬

 Pronouns are words that replace a noun (i.e. you)

 In English, we have 3 types of pronouns, 2nd Person – When we are directly
addressing someone.

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
‫أنت َُم‬ ‫أنتُما‬ َ‫أنت‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 2nd Person
You all (3+) You both (2) You (1) Masculine ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
َ‫أنت ُ َّن‬ ‫أنتُما‬ َ‫أنت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
You all (3+) You both(2) You (1) Feminine

 Note: The dual form for both male and female is the same. Also the male plural form can be
used for a group of more than 3 male and female mixed.
The Pronouns – ‫ضمائ َُر‬
َّ ‫ال‬

 Pronouns are words that replace a noun (i.e. I, We)

 In English, we have 3 types of pronouns, 1st Person – When the speaker is
referring to himself/herself.

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬

َ‫نح ُن‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 1st Person

We(2+) I (1) Masculine ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
َ‫نح ُن‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
We (2+) I (1) Feminine

 Note: First person pronoun are genderless and therefore remain the same for both male and
female. Also dual form does not exist for the
The Pronouns – ‫ضمائ َُر‬
َّ ‫ال‬

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬

Pronouns َ‫ُهم‬ ‫ُهما‬ َ‫َُهو‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person

that end
They (3+) He (2) He (1) Masculine ‫اَلغَائِب‬
َ‫ُه َّن‬ ‫ُهما‬ َ‫هي‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
َ‫َّن‬ They (3+) She (2) She (1) Feminine
Signify ‫نساء‬
(women) ‫أنت َُم‬ ‫أنتُما‬ َ‫أنت‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
You all (3+) You both (2) You (1) Masculine 2nd Person
َ‫أنت ُ َّن‬ ‫أنتُما‬ َ‫أنت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all (3+) You both(2) You (1) Feminine

َ‫نح ُن‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

We(2+) I (1) Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
َ‫ق ُرب‬ َ‫لعب‬ َ‫سمع‬
Verbs – َ‫فعل‬ he approached he played he heard

Past tense
verbs have
fathah on Command Present Past
the first and
last letter,
Form tense Tense
only the
vowel sign
َ‫رجع‬ َ‫جلس‬ َ‫ذهب‬ َ‫خرج‬
he returned he sat he went he left

In Arabic, the verb and doer of the verb cannot be

separated. If an action is carried out, naturally there will be a
doer (subject: َ‫ )فاعل‬of that verb (َ‫)فعل‬.
Past tense verbs – ‫فعل ماضي‬

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
‫خر ُجوا‬ ‫خرجا‬ َ‫خرج‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
They left(3+) He left(2) He left(1) Masculine ‫اَلغَائِب‬
َ‫خرجَن‬ ‫خرجتا‬ َ‫خرجت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
They left(3+) She left(2) She left (1) Feminine

‫أنَت َُم‬
‫تَا‬ ‫خرجَت َُم‬ ‫خرجَتُما‬ َ‫خرجَت‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
You all left(3+) You both left(2) You left (1) Masculine 2nd Person
‫نا‬ َ‫خرجَت ُ َّن‬ ‫خرجَتُما‬ َ‫خرجَت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all left(3+) You both left(2) You left(1) Feminine

‫خرجَنا‬ َُ‫خرجَت‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

We left(2+) I left(1) Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Past tense verbs – ‫فعل ماضي‬

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
‫ذهبُوا‬ ‫ذهبا‬ َ‫ذهب‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
They went(3+) He went (2) He went (1) Masculine ‫اَلغَائِب‬
َ‫ذهبن‬ ‫ذهبتا‬ َ‫ذهبت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
They went(3+) She went (2) She went (1) Feminine

‫أنَت َُم‬
‫تَا‬ ‫ذهبت َُم‬ ‫ذهبتُما‬ َ‫ذهبت‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
You all went(3+) You both went(2) You went (1) Masculine 2nd Person

‫نا‬ََّ‫أنَت ُم‬
َ‫ت‬ َ‫ذهبت ُ َّن‬ ‫ذهبتُما‬ َ‫ذهبت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all went(3+) You both went(2) You went(1) Feminine

‫ذهبنا‬ َُ‫ذهبت‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

We went(2+) I went(1) Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Past tense verbs – ‫فعل ماضي‬

Plural Dual Singular Gender

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
‫فعلُوا‬ َ‫فعل‬ َ‫فعل‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
They did(3+) He did (2) He did (1) Masculine ‫اَلغَائِب‬
َ‫فعلن‬ ‫فعلتا‬ َ‫فعلت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
They did(3+) She did (2) She did (1) Feminine

‫أنَت َُم‬
‫ت‬ ‫فعلت َُم‬ ‫فعلتُما‬ َ‫فعلت‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
You all did(3+) You both did(2) You did (1) Masculine 2nd Person

‫نا‬ََّ‫أنَت ُم‬
‫َت‬ َ‫فعلت ُ َّن‬ ‫فعلتُما‬ َ‫فعلت‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all did(3+) You both did(2) You did(1) Feminine

‫فعلنا‬ َُ‫فعلت‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

We did(2+) I did(1) Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Grammatical Analysis of a Verbal
Any sentence that begins with
We will not call this َ
‫خبر‬ ‫ل‬
َ ‫اع‬
َ ‫ف‬ a verb is called a verbal
is hidden sentence. In Arabic we call it:

ُ‫ال ُجملةَُالفعَلیَّ َة‬

If the subject
is hidden,
we call it
َ‫ى ال ُمدیر‬
ََٰ ‫ذهبَ إل‬ al-jum-la-tul fi’-lii-yah

ٌ‫ُمستَتٌِر‬ A verbal sentence, must have

َ‫جارَوَمجَ ُرور‬ َ‫فعَل‬ two things:

He went to the principle

َ‫فاعل‬ َ‫فعل‬
Faa-’i-lun Fi’-lun
We only use the terms َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬and َ‫ خبر‬in a Subject Verb
nominal sentence not verbal sentences.
Grammatical Analysis of a Verbal
Any sentence that begins with
َ‫مرفُوع‬ a verb is called a verbal
sentence. In Arabic we call it:

ُ‫ال ُجملةَُالفعَلیَّ َة‬

If the subject
is hidden,
we call it
ُ ‫خرجَ ال ُمد‬ al-jumlatul fi’liyyah

ٌ‫ُمستَتٌِر‬ A verbal sentence, must have

َ‫فاعل‬ َ‫فعَل‬ two things:

The principle left.

َ‫فاعل‬ َ‫فعل‬
Faa-’i-lun Fi’-lun
Notice whenَ‫ فاعل‬is specified in the
Subject Verb
sentence, it will always be َ‫مرفُوع‬.
Introduction to the Possessive Case
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
 If we want to say “the book of Muhammad” how will we construct it?

The possessor
َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ َ‫ابَ ُمح ََّمد‬
ُ ‫الَكَت‬ The possession or
َ ‫ُمض‬
must always be
cannot have ‫ال‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ Muhammad the book or tanween.

َُ or َُ َُُُ
َ‫ابَ ُمح َّمد‬
ُ َ‫كت‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬
Introduction to the Possessive Case
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
 If we want to say “the pen of the student” how will we construct it?

The possessor
َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬
َّ َ‫الَقَل ُم‬
َُ َ‫الطال‬
‫ب‬ The possession or

must always be
َ ‫ُمض‬
cannot have ‫ال‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ the student the pen or tanween.

َُ or َُ َُُُ
َّ َ‫قلَ ُم‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬
Introduction to the Possessive Case
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
 If we want to say “a pen of a student” how will we construct it?

The possessor
َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ َ‫قلمَطالَب‬ The possession or
َ ‫ُمض‬
must always be
cannot have ‫ال‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ a student a pen or tanween.

َُ or َُ َُُُ
َ‫قلَ ُمَ طالب‬
َ‫ُمضافَ ُمضافَ إَلیه‬
Rules pertaining to َ‫ ُمضاف‬and َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬

َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬

mudaafun Ilayhi mudaaf
possessor possession

It must be cannot have ‫ال‬

َ ‫مج ُر‬
‫ور‬ cannot have
َُ or َُ َُُُ
Note: If the َ‫ ُمضافَ إَلیه‬is َ‫ معرفة‬the َ‫ ُمضاف‬will also be َ‫ معرفة‬and if
the َ‫ ُمضافَ إَلیه‬is َ‫ نكرة‬the َ‫ ُمضاف‬will also be َ‫نكرة‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Possessive Case - ‫اف‬
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
may appear in
َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
sentences as َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ is always
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبر‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
will never be
َ‫سور‬ َّ
َُ ‫قل ُمَ الطالَبَ مك‬ َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬
is always
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبر‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلَیه‬ ‫اف‬
َ ‫ُمض‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ ُ‫مرف‬
‫وع‬ if it is one word
it will also be
The pen OF the student IS broken َ‫مرفُوع‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Possessive Case - ‫اف‬
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
may appear in َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
sentences as is always
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبر‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
will never be
‫ب‬ َّ
َ َ‫قل ُمَ الطال‬ ‫هذا‬ َ‫خبر‬
if it is one word
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبر‬ it will also be
َ‫ُمضافَإَلَیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ is always

This IS the pen OF the student َ‫مج ُرور‬

Properties of َ‫ اسم‬- Definiteness

َ‫مَعرفَة‬ َ‫َنكرة‬
َ‫ال‬ َُُُ Na-ki-ra-tun
Definite Indefinite

ُ ‫افَ اْلس ُمَالَمو‬

‫صول‬ ُ ‫ضمائ ُرَ ال ُمض‬
ََّ ‫ال‬ َ‫َاْلشارَةَ العلَ ُم‬
َ ‫اْلس ُم‬
Relative Possessive Personal Proper Demonstrative
Pronouns Case Pronouns Nouns Pronouns

َ‫الَجامعة‬ Possession

ُ ‫ُمد‬ َ‫ُهو‬ َ‫ُمح َّمد‬ ‫ه َٰـذا‬
(of) the university the Principal He (is) Muhammad This (is)
Definite Nouns - ُ‫اْلس ُمَالمعرف َة‬

َ‫فَباْللف‬ ُ ‫ ال ُمع َّر‬Words beginning with ‫ ال‬are definite.

َ‫ العل ُم‬Proper nouns – names of people or places are also definite e.g.
Muhammad, Fatimah, Qura’ish, Egypt etc
 ‫ضمائ َُر‬
َّ ‫ اَل‬Personal pronouns – words that replace proper nouns e.g.
he, she, they, we etc
َ‫ اْلس ُمَاْلشارة‬Demonstrative pronouns – words point to specific
things e.g. this, that, these, those.
َ‫صو ُل‬
ُ ‫ اْلس ُمَالمو‬Relative Pronouns – we’ll cover this later
 ‫اف‬
َُ ‫ اَل ُمض‬Possessive Case when something that belongs to someone
or something, often comes before the word ‘of’ e.g. The prophet of
Allah, The teacher of the school, The book of Muhammad, The pen
of the student etc
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Possessive Case - ‫اف‬
َُ ‫اَل ُمض‬
Here َ‫ بیت‬is

َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬

is always
for ‫اب‬
َُ ‫ ب‬as َ‫مرفُوع‬
well as being
َّ َ‫ابَ بیت‬
َ‫الطالَبَ مفَت ُوح‬ ُ ‫ب‬ َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬
َ‫الطالب‬ is always

َ‫اف ُمضافَ إَلیهَ ُمضافَإَلَیه‬

َ ‫ُمض‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مرفُوعَ مج ُرور‬ if it is one word
it will also be
The door OF the house OF the student IS open َ‫مرفُوع‬
Adverbs - َ‫ظرف‬

 In Arabic there are two types of adverbs:

ُ ‫ظر‬ َ‫فَمكَان‬
ُ ‫ظر‬
Zar-fu Za-maa-nin Zar-fu Ma-kaa-nin
Adverb of Time Adverb of Place

 Some َ‫ ظرف‬act like َ‫مضاف‬

ُ and therefore have a َ‫إَلیه‬ َ‫ ُمضاف‬but not all.
 Despite being َ‫اسم‬, َ‫ ظرف‬can never be َ‫مبتدأ‬
ُ even if it is at the start of a

 When َ‫ ظرف‬come as َ‫ خبر‬they are also called َ‫شبهَُال ُجملة‬.

Adverb of Place - َ‫فَمكان‬
ُ ‫ظر‬

 These are some of the most commonly used adverbs of place in


usually end
َ‫عند‬ َ‫خلف‬ ‫ُهنا‬ َ‫فوق‬ َ‫أمام‬
in َ
ٌَ , making inda khalfa huna fawqa amaama
them Have/With Behind Here Over In front of
ُ ‫من‬ Incredible Khalifa Haroon Flew Across

َ‫قُرب‬ َ‫تحت‬ َ‫مع‬ َ‫بین‬ َ‫ُهناك‬

qurba tahta ma’a bayna hunaaka
Near Under With Between There
Qatar To Meet Bibi Halimah
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing Adverbs - َ‫ظرف‬
َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ is always

When the َ‫خَبر‬

َ ُ ‫مرف‬
isَ‫ظرف‬ , we
also call it a
َ‫تحتَ المكتب‬ ‫القلَ َُم‬ َ‫ظرف‬
are usually
َ‫شبهَُالَ ُجملة‬
َ‫فَمكَانَ ُمضافَ إَلیه‬
ُ ‫ظر‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫صوب‬
ُ ‫من‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫صوب‬
ُ ‫من‬ is always

The pen IS under the desk َ‫مج ُرور‬

How can an َ‫ اسم‬become َ‫?مج ُرور‬

 An ism will only be َ‫ مج ُرور‬if it has one of the following before it:

َ ‫ظَر‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
Zar-fun Mu-daa-fun Har-fu Jar-rin
Adverb Possessed Noun Preposition

َ‫القل ُمَتحَتَالَمكَتَب‬ َّ ‫هذا قل ُمَال‬

َ‫طالَب‬ َ‫ب فَي الفصَل‬ َّ ‫ا‬
َُ ‫لطال‬
The pen is under the This is the pen of the The student is in the
desk. student. class.
When would ‫ الَت َّنوین‬be removed from an َ‫?اسم‬

َّ ‫الممنُوعَُمنَ ال‬
al-mam-nu-’u mi-nas-sar-fi
َُ ‫حَر‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬ َ‫ال‬
Presence of ‘Al’ at
Forbidden from change har-fu ni-daa’ mu-daa-fun
the beginning of
(Diptotes) Vocative Particle Possessed Noun

ُ‫فاطمَ َة‬ َ‫یاَ ُمح ََّم ُد‬ َ‫قلَ ُمَالَوَلَد‬ َ‫ب‬

ُ ‫الَكتا‬
Faatimah O Muhammad the pen of the boy the book

َُ‫خدیجَة‬ َ‫ج ُل‬

َُ ‫یاَر‬ َ‫بَالَبیَت‬
ُ ‫با‬ َ‫ب‬ َّ ‫ال‬
ُ َ‫طال‬
Khadiijah O Man the door of the the student

Note: ‫فَنداء‬
َُ ‫ حَر‬is a vocative particle used to call or address someone or some people.
The one(s) being called or addressed are referred to as the ‫منادى‬ُ (mu-naa-da)
Adverb of Time - َ‫فَزمان‬
ُ ‫ظر‬

 These are some of the most commonly used adverbs of time in


usually end
َ‫قبل‬ ‫صباحَا‬ ‫ظهرا‬ َ‫اْلن‬ َ‫أمس‬
in َ
ٌَ , making qabla sabaahan zahran alaana amsin
them Before Morning Afternoon Now Yesterday
ُ ‫ من‬.
َ‫بعد‬ َ‫لیل‬ َ‫مساء‬ َ‫الیوم‬ ‫غدا‬
ba’da laylan masaa’an alyawma ghadan
After night evening Today Tomorrow
Demonstrative Pronouns - َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارة‬

َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارةََللبَعید‬ َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارةََللقریب‬

is-mul i-shaa-ra-ti lil-ba-’ii-di is-mul i-shaa-ra-ti lil-qa-rii-bi
noun of signal for the far noun of signal for the near

َ‫تَلَك‬ َ‫َٰذلك‬ َ‫َٰهذَه‬ ‫َٰهذا‬

til-ka dhaa-li-ka haa-dhi-hi haa-dhaa
that that this this

‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ‫ُمذَكَّر‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ‫ُمذَكَّر‬

Muannath Mudhakkar Muannath Mudhakkar
Feminine Form Masculine Form Feminine Form Masculine Form
Properties of ٌ‫ – اِسم‬Gender ‫جنس‬

 Words that end in ‫( ة‬Taa Marbuta) are generally feminine with the
exception of names for men. E.g. the name ‫( طلحة‬Talhah)

 A word that is not ending in ‫ ة‬can be feminine if the meaning is feminine.

E.g. ‫بنت‬
 Generally adjectives, titles or professions in masculine form can be used to
derive feminine adjectives by adding a ‫ ة‬at the end. For example:

َ‫ُمسلَمَة‬ َ‫ُمسلَم‬
+ ‫َُة‬
Types of Feminine Words - ‫َُمؤَنَّث‬

 Feminine words are of two types:

َ‫ال ُمؤنَّثَالمجازي‬ ‫ال ُمؤنَّثَالحقیقي‬

al-mu-’an-nath ul-ma-jaa-zi al-mu-’an-nath ul-ha-qii-qi
Unreal Feminine Words Real Feminine Words

َ‫صحرَا ُء‬ َ‫عین‬ َ‫ساعة‬ َ‫بنت‬ ‫أ َُم‬ َ‫ناقة‬

sahraa’u ‘ay-nun saa’atun bintun ummun
a she-
a desert an eye a watch a girl a mother

No masculine counterparts
And the messenger of Allah [Salih] said
‫ول َد‬ َ‫أب‬ َ‫جَمَل‬
to them, "[Do not harm] the she-camel ‫سقَیاها‬ُ ‫َّللاَو‬ ََّ ‫سو ُل‬
َّ َ‫َّللا ناقة‬ ُ ‫فقالَل ُهمَر‬
of Allah or [prevent her from] her drink." Qur’an - 91:13
Signs of Feminine Words - ‫التأنیث‬

َ‫ة‬ ‫ى‬ َ‫اء‬

ُ‫التَّا ُءَالمربُوط َة‬ ُ ‫صورَة‬
ُ ‫فَالمَق‬
ُ ‫اْلل‬ ُ ‫فَالمَمدُودَة‬
ُ ‫اْلل‬
Taa Marbutah Alif Maqsurah Alif Mamdudah
the connected taa the abridged alif the elongated alif

َ‫سیَّارَة‬ ‫صغرَى‬
ُ َ‫صفرَا ُء‬
sayyaratun sughraa safraa’u
a car smaller yellow

َ‫ساعَة‬ ‫ُكبرَى‬ َ‫حمرَا ُء‬

saa’atun kubraa hamraa'u
a watch bigger red
Other Feminine Words - ‫ال ُمؤنَّثَالمجازي‬

 Body parts that come in pairs are also mostly feminine.

َ‫قدم‬ َ ُ‫أُذ‬
‫ن‬ َ‫عین‬ َ‫رجل‬ َ‫ید‬
♀ qadamun udhunun ay-nun rij-lun yad-un
a foot an ear an eye a leg a hand

َ‫لسان‬ َ‫فم‬ َ‫أنف‬ َ‫وجه‬ َ‫رأس‬

♂ lisaanun famun anfun wajhun ra’sun
a tongue a mouth a nose a face a head
Feminine Words – Exceptional Cases
found in the Qur’an

َ‫حرب‬ َ‫أرض‬ َ‫شمس‬

har-bun ar-dun sham-sun
a war an earth a sun

َ‫نفس‬ َ‫دار‬ َ‫عین‬

naf-sun daa-run ‘ay-nun
a soul a house a spring
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
If a definite
containing the Substitute - َ‫بدل‬
word comes
َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
after an
َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ is always
َ‫اس ُمَاْلَشارة‬
it is called َ‫مرفُوع‬
It does not
provide any
َ‫الَوَلَ َُد طَالب‬ ‫هذا‬ َ‫بدل‬
will copy the
new ‫ إعراب‬of the
information. word it is
َ‫بدل‬ ُ‫ُمبدَلََمنَ َه‬ substituting.

َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ ُ‫مرف‬
‫وع‬ if it is one word
it will also be
This boy IS a student َ‫مرفُوع‬
Introduction to the Adjectival Phrase
ُ ‫اَلصفةَُوالمو‬
َُ ‫ص‬
When a
description the illuminated city
matches the
word being
described in
all 4 aspects
of DING it is
َ‫المدینةَ ال َُمن َّورة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
called the
‫معرفَة‬ ‫مج ُرور‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمؤنَّث‬ ‫المدین َة‬
‫معرفَة‬ ‫مج ُرور‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمؤنَّث‬ َ‫ال ُمن ََّورة‬
The word that’s being described is referred to as the
ُ ‫ مو‬and the description is referred to as the َ‫صفة‬
Introduction to the Adjectival Phrase
ُ ‫اَلصفةَُوالمو‬
َُ ‫ص‬
When a
description the new pen
matches the
word being

َ‫الَقل َُم الجدی ُد‬

described in
all 4 aspects
َ‫صفة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
of DING it is
called the
‫معرفَة‬ ‫مرفُوع‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمذ َّكر‬ َ‫الَقلَ ُم‬
‫معرفَة‬ ‫مرفُوع‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمذ َّكر‬ ‫الجدی َُد‬
The word that’s being described is referred to as the
ُ ‫ مو‬and the description is referred to as the َ‫صفة‬
Introduction to the Adjectival Phrase
ُ ‫اَلصفةَُوالمو‬
َُ ‫ص‬
When a
description a new pen
matches the
word being

َ‫قلمَ جدَید‬
described in
all 4 aspects
َ‫صفة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
of DING it is
called the
‫نكرة‬ ‫مرفُوع‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمذ َّكر‬ ‫قل َم‬
‫نكرة‬ ‫مرفُوع‬ ‫ُمفرد‬ ‫ُمذ َّكر‬ َ‫جدید‬
The word that’s being described is referred to as the
ُ ‫ مو‬and the description is referred to as the َ‫صفة‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Adjective - َ‫صفة‬
َ‫صَفة‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
will copy the َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ is always
DING analysis
of the َ‫مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫مو‬
and it will
never be
َ‫ل تاجرَ كَبیر‬
َُ ‫لر ُج‬
ََّ ‫ا‬ َ‫خبر‬
if it is one word it
will also be
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبَر‬
َ‫صفة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مَو‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
will always copy
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ the ‫ إعراب‬of
The man IS a big merchant َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Adjective - َ‫صفة‬
َ‫صَفة‬ ‫أ‬
َ‫د‬ ‫ت‬‫ب‬‫م‬ُ
will copy the َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ is always
DING analysis
of the َ‫مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫مو‬
and it will
never be
َُ ‫القلَ ُمَ الجدَی َُد مك‬ َ‫صفة‬
will always copy
َ‫ ُمبتدأ‬or َ‫خبَر‬ the ‫ إعراب‬of
َ‫صفة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ if it is one word it
will also be
The new pen IS broken َ‫مرفُوع‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
َ‫صَفة‬ containing the Adjective - َ‫صفة‬
will copy the
DING analysis
of the
َ‫صفة‬ َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬ َ‫خبر‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
is always
ُ ‫مو‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
therefore the
adjective here
can only be
َّ ‫ت‬
َ‫الطالَبَ الجدَید‬ َُ ‫هذا بی‬ َ‫خبر‬
if it is one word
َ‫الطالب‬ it will also be
َ‫ُمضافَ ُمضافَ إَلَیه‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ is always

This IS the house OF the new student َ‫مج ُرور‬

Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
َ‫صَفة‬ containing the Adjective - َ‫صفة‬
will copy the
DING analysis
َ‫صفة‬ ُ ‫ مو‬+ َ‫خبر‬
َ‫صوف‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
of the is always
ُ ‫مو‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬
therefore the
adjective here
can only be
َّ ‫ت‬
َ‫الطالَبَ الجدَی ُد‬ َُ ‫هذا بی‬ َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬
is always
ُ ‫بی‬
َ‫ت‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬
َ‫ُمضافَ ُمضافَإَلَیه‬
will always copy
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫مرفُوع‬ the ‫ إعراب‬of
This IS the new house OF student َ‫صوف‬
ُ ‫مو‬
Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Relative Pronoun - ‫ل‬
َُ ‫صو‬
َُ ‫اْلس ُمَالمو‬
A relative
pronoun will
always be َ‫خبر‬ َ‫جارَومج َُرور‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬
followed by a
َ‫صول‬َُ ‫المو‬
a clause or
description to
َ‫القلَ ُمَ الَّذَيَ على المَكتبَ جدید‬
specify what
is being
spoken about ُ َ‫صل َةُ الَمو‬
َ‫صول‬ َ‫صو ُل‬
ُ ‫اْلس ُمَالَمو‬

new on the desk the one which the pen

The pen, the one which is on the desk, IS new

Grammatical Analysis of Sentences
containing the Relative Pronoun - ‫ل‬
َُ ‫صو‬
َُ ‫اْلس ُمَالمو‬

َ‫فَزمانَ خبر‬
ُ ‫ظر‬ َ‫فعلَوفاعَلَ ُمستَترَ جارَومج َُرور‬ َ‫ُمبَتدَأ‬

َ‫الولَ َُد الَّذَيَخرجَمنَالمسَجدَاْلنَ طالب‬

ُ َ‫صل َةُ الَمو‬
َ‫صول‬ َ‫صو ُل‬
ُ ‫اْلس ُمَالَمو‬

a student left now from the mosque the one who the boy

The boy, the one who left now from the mosque, IS a student.
‫ضمائ َُر – ‪The Pronouns‬‬
‫ال َّ‬
‫ضمائ َُر الَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬
‫اَل َّ‬ ‫‪Plural‬‬ ‫‪Dual‬‬ ‫‪Singular‬‬ ‫‪Type‬‬
‫‪are pronouns‬‬ ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫أَن َواعٌُال َّ‬
‫ض ٌَما ِئ ٌَر‬
‫‪which are‬‬
‫‪detached from‬‬ ‫ُه َم‬ ‫ُهما‬ ‫َُهوَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬
‫‪3rd Person‬‬
‫‪other words,‬‬ ‫ُهمَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمتَّصَ ُلَ‬
‫ُهما‬ ‫َهُ‬ ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُلَ‬
‫اَل َّ‬ ‫ُه ََّ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ُهما‬ ‫هيَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬
‫‪are attached‬‬ ‫ُه ََّ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ُهما‬ ‫ها‬ ‫اَلَ ُمتَّصَ َُ‬
‫‪pronouns that‬‬
‫‪are always‬‬ ‫أنَتُمَ‬ ‫أنَتُما‬ ‫أنَتَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬
‫‪attached to‬‬
‫‪other words‬‬ ‫ُكمَ‬ ‫ُكما‬ ‫كَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمتَّصَ ُلَ‬ ‫‪2nd Person‬‬
‫‪when used.‬‬ ‫أنَت ُ َّنَ‬ ‫أنَتُما‬ ‫أنَتَ‬ ‫اَلَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬ ‫اَل ُم َخا ٌَ‬
‫ُك ََّ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ُكما‬ ‫َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫اَلَ ُمتَّصَ َُ‬
‫نح ُنَ‬ ‫أنا‬ ‫اَلَ ُمنَفصَل َةُ‬ ‫‪1st Person‬‬

‫نا‬ ‫ُي‬ ‫اَلَ ُمتَّصَ ُلَ‬ ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬

Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬

َ‫بَ ُمح ََّمد‬

ُ ‫كتا‬
Pronouns are
fixed or stubborn
words therefore
The possession or
their ‫ إعراب‬is not
visible, however Muhammad’s book ‫اف‬
َ ‫ُمض‬
the possessor
cannot have ‫ال‬
َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ His book or tanween
will always be
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َُُُ
ُ‫كتَاَبُ َه‬ ُ‫َه‬ َ‫اب‬
ُ َ‫كت‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬
Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬

َ‫بَ آمََنة‬
ُ ‫كتا‬
Pronouns are
fixed or stubborn
words therefore
The possession or
their ‫ إعراب‬is not
visible, however Aaminah’s book ‫اف‬
َ ‫ُمض‬
the possessor
cannot have ‫ال‬
َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ Her book or tanween
will always be
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َُُُ
‫ها كتَاَبُها‬ َ‫اب‬
ُ َ‫كت‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ َ‫ُمضاف‬
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬ ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
are attached to
nouns, they are َ‫كتاَبُ ُهم‬ ‫كتاَبُ ُهما‬ ُ‫كتاَبُ َه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
referred to as
the possessor
Their book His book (2) His book Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ َ‫كتاَبُ ُه َّن‬ ‫كتاَبُ ُهما‬ ‫كتاَبُها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
of the noun, and Their book Her book )2( Her book Feminine
the noun is
referred to as ‫كتاَبُ ُك َم‬ ‫كتاَبُ ُكمَا‬ َ‫كتاَبُك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
the possessed
noun You all’s book You both’s book Your book Masculine 2nd Person

َ‫ُمضاف‬ َ‫كتاَبُ ُك َّن‬ ‫كتاَبُ ُكمَا‬ َ‫كتاَبُك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all’s book You both’s book Your book Feminine

‫كتاَبُنا‬ ‫كتابَي‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

Our book My book Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬
Pronouns are
fixed or stubborn
َ‫عندَ ال ُمدَیر‬
words therefore
their ‫ إعراب‬is not The principal with
visible, however usually end

َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ Him with in َ

ٌَ , making
will always be them

َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫صوب‬

ُ ‫من‬

ُ‫َهُ عنَدََه‬ َ‫عنَد‬

َ‫فَمكانَ ُمضافَإَلیه‬
َُ َ‫ظر‬
Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬
Pronouns are
fixed or stubborn
َ‫عندَ ال ُمدَیرة‬
words therefore
their ‫ إعراب‬is not The principal with
visible, however usually end

َ‫ُمضافَ إَلیه‬ Her with in َ

ٌَ , making
will always be them

َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫صوب‬

ُ ‫من‬
‫ها عندَها‬ َ‫عنَد‬
َ‫فَمكانَ ُمضافَإَلیه‬
َُ َ‫ظر‬
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
When Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬
are attached to َ‫عندَ ُهم‬ ‫عندَ ُهما‬ ُ‫عندََه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
adverbs, they
are referred to
With them With him (2) With him Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
as َ‫عندَ ُه َّن‬ ‫عندَ ُهما‬ ‫عندَها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
َ‫ُمضافَإَلیه‬ With them With her )2( With her Feminine
of the adverb,
and the adverb ‫عندَ ُك َم‬ ‫عندَ ُكما‬ َ‫عندَك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
is referred to as With you all With you both With you Masculine 2nd Person
َ‫ظرَف‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
َ‫عندَ ُك َّن‬ ‫عندَ ُكما‬ َ‫عندَك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
With you all With you both With you Feminine

‫عندَنا‬ ‫عندَي‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

With us With me Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
Pronouns are َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬

َ‫منَ البَیت‬
fixed or stubborn
words therefore
their ‫ إعراب‬is not
After every
visible, however
after we know the house From َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
that the ‫ إعراب‬of the word that
follows will
َ‫اسمَمج ُرور‬ it From
always be an
will always be
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫اسمَمجَ ُرور‬

ُ‫هَُ منَ َه‬ َ‫من‬

َ‫اسمَمج ُرور‬ َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
Introduction to the Attached Pronouns
Pronouns are َُ ‫ضمائ ُرَال ُمتَّص‬
‫ل‬ َّ ‫ال‬

َ‫عنَ مریَم‬
fixed or stubborn
words therefore
their ‫ إعراب‬is not
After every
visible, however
after we know Maryam About َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
that the ‫ إعراب‬of the word that
follows will
َ‫اسمَمج ُرور‬ her About
always be an
will always be
َ‫مج ُرور‬ َ‫اسمَمجَ ُرور‬

‫ها عنَها‬ َ‫عن‬

َ‫اسمَمج ُرور‬ َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
Analysis of sentences containing
prepositions - َ‫فَجر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
Whenever a When the
ُ ‫حر‬
َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ predicate
or adverb comes before
َ‫في البیَتَ حدیقَة‬
the subject
are at the start َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
of the it is referred to
sentence, they as
will never be
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَرَ اسمَمجَ ُرور‬ َ‫خبرَ ُمقَ َّدم‬
the subject. ُ ‫حر‬

َ‫ شبَهَُال ُجملَة‬+ َ‫جارَوَمج ُرور‬

In the house, (there) IS a garden
Characteristics of sentences with subjects
that come after the predicate - َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬

َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ The sentence

will always
is always begin with

َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
َ‫في البیَتَ حدیقَة‬ or

is usually which will be
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَرَ اسمَمجَ ُرور‬
ُ ‫حر‬ referred to as
(not always) َ‫خبرَ ُمقَ َّدم‬
َ‫ شبَهَُال ُجملَة‬+ َ‫جارَوَمج ُرور‬
In the house, (there) IS a garden
Characteristics of sentences with subjects
that come after the predicate - َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬

َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ The sentence

will always
is always begin with

‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
َ‫في الَغُرفَةَ مكتب‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬

is usually which will be
َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَرَ اسمَمجَ ُرور‬
ُ ‫حر‬ referred to as
(not always) َ‫خبرَ ُمقَ َّدم‬
َ‫ شبَهَُال ُجملَة‬+ َ‫جارَوَمج ُرور‬
In the room, (there) IS a desk
Characteristics of sentences with subjects
that come after the predicate - َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬

َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ The sentence
will always
is always begin with

َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
َ‫قلم‬ ُ‫عنَدََه‬ or

is usually which will be
َ‫فَمَكانَ ُمضافَإَلیهَ مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫ظر‬ referred to as
(not always) َ‫خبرَ ُمقَ َّدم‬
Literal translation: With him, a pen
He has a pen َ‫شبهَُال ُجملَة‬
Characteristics of sentences with subjects
that come after the predicate - َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬

َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ The sentence

will always
is always begin with

َ‫مرفُوع‬ َ‫فَجَر‬
ُ ‫حر‬
‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
َ‫كتاب‬ ‫عندَها‬ or

is usually which will be
َ‫فَمَكانَ ُمضافَإَلیهَ مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫ظر‬ referred to as
(not always) َ‫خبرَ ُمقَ َّدم‬
Literal translation: With her, a book
She has a book َ‫شبهَُال ُجملَة‬
Sentences that have the nominal
sentence as the predicate
ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمَیَّ َة‬ َ‫خبر‬
َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
is always

‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
َ‫قلم‬ ُ‫ُمح ََّم َد عندََه‬
is usually
َ‫فَمَكانَ ُمضافَإَلیهَ مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫مرفُوعَ ظر‬
(not always) Literal translation:
Muhammad, with him, a pen
Muhammad, (he) has a pen َ‫شبهَُال ُجملَة‬
Sentences that have the nominal
sentence as the predicate
ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمَیَّ َة‬ َ‫خبر‬
َ‫ُمبتدأ‬ َ‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخر‬ َ‫خبرَ َُمق ََّدم‬ َ‫ُمبتدأ‬
is always

َ‫كتاب‬ ‫عندَها‬ ُ‫آمن َة‬
‫ُمبتدأَ ُمؤ َّخ َر‬
is usually
َ‫فَمَكانَ ُمضافَإَلیهَ مرفُوع‬
ُ ‫مرفُوعَ ظر‬
(not always) Literal translation:
Aaminah, with her, a book
Aaminah, (she) has a book َ‫شبهَُال ُجملَة‬
Types of Predicates – َ‫أنواعَُالخبر‬
َ‫خبرَ ُمفَرد‬ ُ‫ال ُجمل َة‬ َ‫شبهَُال ُجملَة‬ َ‫ُمفرد‬
will always be al-jum-lah shib-hul-jum-lah muf-ra-dun
َ‫مرفُوع‬ Sentence Phrase One word

and will be
considered َ‫َعندهَُسَیَّارة‬،ُ‫حمزة‬ َ‫القل ُمَعلى المكتب‬ َ‫ه َٰـذاَبیت‬
as the khabar Hamzah, He has a car The pen IS on the desk This IS a house
even if there
َ‫القل ُمَتحَتَالمكتَب‬ َّ ‫ت‬
َ‫الطالب‬ َُ ‫ه َٰـذاَبی‬
is an adverb
or preposition َ‫َخرجَمنََالفصل‬،ُ‫حمزة‬ The pen IS under the This IS the house of
in the same Hamzah, He left from the class
desk the student
ُ‫ال ُجملةَُاْلسمَیَّ َة‬ َ‫لهَُأخَواحد‬ َ‫جارَومج َُرور‬
Nominal sentence He has one brother Prepositional Phrase

ُ‫ال ُجملةَُالفعلَیَّ َة‬ َ‫عندهَُسیَّارة‬ َ‫ظرف‬

Verbal sentence He has a car Adverbial Phrase
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
When َ‫فیهم‬ ‫فیهما‬ َ‫فیه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬
are attached to
In them In him (2) In him Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
prepositions that َ‫فیه َّن‬ ‫فیهما‬ ‫فی ها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
end with the ‫ي‬ In them In her )2( In her Feminine
shape, the third
person pronouns ‫فی ُك َم‬ ‫فی ُكما‬ َ‫فیك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
which begin with
In you all In you both In you Masculine 2nd Person
ُ‫ َه‬change to َ‫ه‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
َ‫فی ُك َّن‬ ‫فی ُكما‬ َ‫فیك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
In you all In you both In you Feminine

‫فینا‬ َ‫ي‬
َّ َ‫ف‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person
In us In me Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
When َ‫إلیَهم‬ ‫إلیَهما‬ َ‫إلیَه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬
are attached to
To them To him (2) To him Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
prepositions that َ‫إلیَه َّن‬ ‫إلیَهما‬ ‫إلیَها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
end with the ‫ي‬ To them To her )2( To her Feminine
shape, the third
person pronouns ‫إلیَ ُك َم‬ ‫إلیَ ُكما‬ َ‫إلیَك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
which begin with
To you all To you both To you Masculine 2nd Person
ُ‫ َه‬change to َ‫ه‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
َ‫إلیَ ُك َّن‬ ‫إلیَ ُكما‬ َ‫إلیَك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
To you all To you both To you Feminine

‫إلیَنا‬ َ‫ي‬
َّ َ‫إل‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person
To us To me Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
When َ‫علیَهم‬ ‫علیَهما‬ َ‫علیَه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ 3rd Person
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬
are attached to
On them On him (2) On him Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
prepositions that َ‫علیَه َّن‬ ‫علیَهما‬ ‫علیَها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
end with the ‫ي‬ On them On her )2( On her Feminine
shape, the third
person pronouns ‫علیَ ُك َم‬ ‫علیَ ُكما‬ َ‫علیَك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
which begin with
On you all On you both On you Masculine 2nd Person
ُ‫ َه‬change to َ‫ه‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
َ‫علیَ ُك َّن‬ ‫علیَ ُكما‬ َ‫علیَك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
On you all On you both On you Feminine

‫علیَنا‬ َ‫ي‬
َّ َ‫عل‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person
On us On me Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
The Pronouns –َ‫ضمائ ُرال ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
َ‫لَ ُهم‬ ‫لَ ُهما‬ ُ‫لَ َه‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
َ‫ضمَائ َُر الَ ُمتَّص ُل‬
َّ ‫اَل‬ 3rd Person
is attached to They have He has (2) He has Masculine ‫اَلغَا ِئب‬
the preposition,
َ‫لَ ُه َّن‬ ‫لَ ُهما‬ ‫لَها‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
َ‫ ل‬it changes to They have She has )2( She has Feminine
َ‫ ل‬and the
translation ‫لَ ُك َم‬ ‫لَ ُكما‬ َ‫لَك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬
generally You all have You both have You have Masculine 2nd Person
changes to
‘has’. َ‫لَ ُك َّن‬ ‫لَ ُكما‬ َ‫لَك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫اَل ُم َخا‬
You all have You both have You have Feminine

‫لَنا‬ ‫لَي‬ ‫ ُم َذكَّر‬/‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ 1st Person

We have We have Masculine/F ‫اَل ُمت َ ٌَك ِلم‬
Comparison between َ‫ ل‬and َ‫ عند‬when
they both mean ‘have’
َ‫ل‬ َ‫عند‬
 Grammatical analysis:  Grammatical analysis:
ُ ‫ حر‬followed by َ‫اسمَمج َُرور‬ َ‫فَمكان‬
ُ ‫ ظر‬followed by َ‫ُمضافَإلَیه‬
ُ ‫ َل ُمَال‬which conveys  It is used for separable things.
 It is called َ‫ملك‬
ownership.  It does not convey ownership, it can
be borrowed.
 It is used for:
 The possession has to be accessible,
 1. Body parts
you cannot say:
 2. Relationships
َ‫ عنديَقلم‬if your pen is not with you.
 3. Ownership
 It is conveys permanency.
 It has multiple meanings: 'Belongs
to', ‘for’, ‘have’, ‘own’.
Comparison between َ‫ مع‬and َ‫ عند‬when
they both mean ‘with’
َ‫مع‬ َ‫عند‬
 Grammatical analysis:  Grammatical analysis:
ُ ‫ ظر‬followed by َ‫ُمضافَإلَیه‬ َ‫فَمكان‬
ُ ‫ ظر‬followed by َ‫ُمضافَإلَیه‬
 It can be used in a physical sense:  It is only used in a physical sense:

‫ُمصاحبة‬ ‫ُمصاحبة‬
‫ معيَأخي‬My brother is with me َ‫ ُهوعندَال ُمدیر‬He is with the principle
 It can be used in a non-physical
 Support/Help/Agreement
 I am with you in your decision.
 Don’t worry, I am with you.
Properties of َ‫ – اسم‬Number/Quantity ‫عدد‬

Listen for the

phonetic sounds
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمث ٌَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬
‘uuna’ or ‘iina’ Plural Dual Singular
for the masculine
‘aatun’ or ‘aatin’
for the feminine
sound plurals.
ِ ٌ‫َجم ُعٌالتَّك‬
‫سير‬ ٌ‫َجم ُعٌال ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌ‫َجم ُعٌال ُمذَكَّر‬
Broken Plural ‫سا ِلم‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ‫سا ِلم‬
َّ ‫ال‬
Masculine Sound Plural Sound Plural
Feminine Feminine Masculine
Unpredictable َ ‫ُمسَل َم ُمسلَ َُم‬
َ‫ون ُمسلَمَینَ ُمسلَمَةَ ُمسلَمَاتَ ُمسلَمَات‬
‫سالم ‪Sound Plurals -‬‬
‫الجَم ُعَال َّ‬
‫ص ٌ‬
‫وب‬ ‫َمن ُ‬ ‫َجمعٌ‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ص ٌ‬
‫وب‬ ‫َمن ُ‬ ‫َجمعٌ‬ ‫ُمف َر ٌد‬
‫َمج ُرورٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمج ُرورٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬
‫جَم ُعَال ُمذ َّكرَ‬
‫ات ُمسلمَاتَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَ َ‬ ‫ُمسلمَةَ‬ ‫ون ُمسلمَینَ‬ ‫ُمسل َُم َ‬ ‫ُمسلمَ‬
‫سال َُم‬
‫ال َّ‬
‫‪the sign for‬‬ ‫حاتَ صالحَاتَ‬ ‫صال َ‬ ‫صالحَةَ‬ ‫حونَ صالحَینَ‬ ‫صال َُ‬ ‫صالحَ‬
‫و ‪ is‬مَرفُوع‬ ‫فاسقَاتَ فاسقَاتَ‬ ‫فاسقَةَ‬ ‫فاسَقُونَ فاسقَینَ‬ ‫فاسقَ‬
‫‪and the sign‬‬
‫صوب ‪for‬‬
‫‪ or‬من ُ‬ ‫عابدَاتَ عابدَاتَ‬ ‫عابدََة‬ ‫عاب َُدونَ عابدَینَ‬ ‫عابدَ‬
‫ي ‪ is‬مج ُرور‬ ‫صابرَاتَ صابرَاتَ‬ ‫صابرَةَ‬ ‫صاب َُرونَ صابرَینَ‬ ‫صابرَ‬
‫كاتبَاتَ‬ ‫كاتبَاتَ‬ ‫كاتبَةَ‬ ‫كاتبَینَ‬ ‫كاتَبُونَ‬ ‫كاتبَ‬
‫ُاتَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُاتَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُةَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُینَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ُونَ ‪+‬‬
‫‪+ aatin‬‬ ‫‪+ aatun‬‬ ‫‪+ atun‬‬ ‫‪+ iina‬‬ ‫‪+ uuna‬‬
‫جم ُعَالتَّكسیر ‪Broken Plurals -‬‬

‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمفٌ َرد‬ ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمفٌ َرد‬

‫َمعنَى‬ ‫َمعنَى‬
‫أَف ٌعَالٌ‬ ‫فَ ٌعَلٌ‬ ‫أَف ٌعَالٌ‬ ‫فَعٌلٌ‬
‫أقلَمَ‬ ‫قلَمَ‬ ‫‪Pen‬‬ ‫أنهَارَ‬ ‫نهرَ‬ ‫‪River‬‬

‫أوَلَدَ‬ ‫ولدَ‬ ‫‪Boy‬‬ ‫أوقَاتَ‬ ‫وقَتَ‬ ‫‪Time‬‬

‫‪The changes‬‬ ‫أمطَارَ‬ ‫مطرَ‬ ‫‪Rain‬‬ ‫ألوَانَ‬ ‫لونَ‬ ‫‪Colour‬‬
‫‪in broken‬‬
‫‪plurals are‬‬
‫‪unpredictable‬‬ ‫ُمفٌ َرد َجمع‬ ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمفٌ َرد‬
‫َمعنَى‬ ‫َمعنَى‬
‫فَ ٌعَلٌ ِفعَالٌ‬ ‫أَف ٌعُلٌ‬ ‫فَعٌلٌ‬
‫بلَدَ بلَدَ‬ ‫‪Country/Land‬‬ ‫أش َُهرَ‬ ‫شهَرَ‬ ‫‪Month‬‬

‫جبَلَ جبالَ‬ ‫‪Mountains‬‬ ‫أنَفُسَ‬ ‫نفَسَ‬ ‫‪Soul, Self‬‬

Properties of َ‫ – اسم‬Number/Quantity ‫عدد‬

Listen for the

phonetic sounds
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمث ٌَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬
‘aani’ or ‘aini’ Plural Dual Singular
for the masculine
‘ataani’ or ‘ataini’
for the feminine
dual forms.
‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬
‫ال ُم َؤنَّث‬ ‫ال ُمذَكَّر‬
Feminine Dual Masculine Dual
‫ُمسلَمَ َة‬ ‫ُمسَل َم‬
َ‫ُمسلَمَتَانَ ُمسلَمَتیَن‬ َ‫ُمسلَمَانَ ُمسلَمَین‬
‫ُمثَنَّى ‪The Dual Form -‬‬
‫ص ٌ‬
‫وب‬ ‫َمن ُ‬ ‫ُمث ٌَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ص ٌ‬
‫وب‬ ‫َمن ُ‬ ‫ُمث ٌَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َر ٌد‬
‫َمج ُرورٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمج ُرورٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬ ‫َمرفُوعٌ‬
‫ُمسلمَتَیَنَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَتَانَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَةَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَینَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَانَ‬ ‫ُمسلمَ‬
‫‪the sign for‬‬ ‫صالحَتَیَنَ‬ ‫صالحَتَانَ‬ ‫صالحَةَ‬ ‫ن صالحَینَ‬ ‫صالحَا َ‬ ‫صالحَ‬
‫ا ‪ is‬مَرفُوع‬ ‫فاسقَتَیَنَ‬ ‫فاسقَتَانَ‬ ‫فاسقَةَ‬ ‫فاسَقانَ فاسقَینَ‬ ‫فاسقَ‬
‫‪and the sign‬‬
‫صوب ‪for‬‬
‫‪ or‬من ُ‬ ‫عابدَتَیَنَ‬ ‫عابدَتَانَ‬ ‫عابدََة‬ ‫عابدَانَ عابدَیَنَ‬ ‫عابدَ‬
‫ي ‪ is‬مج ُرور‬ ‫صابرَتَیَنَ‬ ‫صابرَتَانَ‬ ‫صابرَةَ‬ ‫صابرَانَ صابرَینَ‬ ‫صابرَ‬
‫كاتبَتَیَنَ‬ ‫كاتبَتَانَ‬ ‫كاتبَةَ‬ ‫كاتبَینَ‬ ‫كاتبَانَ‬ ‫كاتبَ‬
‫َُتَیَنَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُتَانَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُةَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُیَنَ ‪+‬‬ ‫ُانَ ‪+‬‬
‫‪+ ataini‬‬ ‫‪+ ataani‬‬ ‫‪+ atun‬‬ ‫‪+ aini‬‬ ‫‪+ aani‬‬
The Demonstrative Pronouns For The
Near – َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارةَللقریب‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
Note: The dual
form for male َ‫ه َٰـ ُؤْلء‬ َ‫هَذان‬ ‫هَََٰـذا‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ For those
with intellect
will be used if These (3M+) These (2M) This (1M) Masculine
there is one ٌ‫ٌِلعَا ِق ِل‬
male and one َ‫ه َٰـ ُؤْلء‬ َ‫هَاتان‬ َ‫هَََٰـذه‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
female. The These (3F+) These (2M) This (1F) Feminine
plural form for
both genders Plural Dual Singular Gender
is the same. ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
For those
َ‫هَذه‬ َ‫هَذان‬ ‫هَذا‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ without
These (3M+) These (2M) This (1M) Masculine intellect

َ‫هَذه‬ َ‫هَاتان‬ َ‫هَذه‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫ٌِلغَي ِر‬

ٌ‫عا ِق ِل‬
These (3F+) These (2M) This (1F) Feminine
The Demonstrative Pronouns For The
Far – َ‫اس ُمَاْلشارةَللبَعید‬
Plural Dual Singular Gender
‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
Note: The dual
form for male َ‫أُول َٰـئك‬ َ‫ذانك‬ َ‫ذلك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ For those
with intellect
will be used if These (3M+) These (2M) This (1M) Masculine
there is one ٌ‫ٌِلعَا ِق ِل‬
male and one َ ‫أُول َٰـئ‬
‫ك‬ َ‫تانك‬ َ‫تلك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬
female. The These (3F+) These (2M) This (1F) Feminine
plural form for
both genders Plural Dual Singular Gender
is the same. ‫َجمع‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫ُمف َرد‬ ‫ِجنس‬
For those
َ‫تلك‬ َ‫ذانك‬ َ‫ذلك‬ ‫ُم َذكَّر‬ without
These (3M+) These (2M) This (1M) Masculine intellect

َ‫تلك‬ َ‫تانك‬ َ‫تلك‬ ‫ُم َؤنَّث‬ ٌَ ‫ٌِلغَي ِر‬

ٌ‫عا ِق ِل‬
These (3F+) These (2M) This (1F) Feminine

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