Assignment 2.1 - Married Individual Taxpayers

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A. Capital gain on sale of share of ABC CO.

40,000 Capital gain on sale of land in

citizen and resident basis of capital gain tax 15% Tax base for resident and citi
capital gain tax 6000 capital gain tax

capital gain tax on sale of share

capital gain tax on sale of land
Total capital gains tax

B. Divident income from domestic corp Pepito 5,000

Divident income from domestic corp Pepita 5,000
Divident income - from corp 10,000
citizen and resident divident tax basis 10%
tax on passive income from domestic corp 1000

Royalty income on both 1,000

citizen and resident - passive in 20%
tax on passive from royalty 200 tax on passive income from d
tax on passive income from i
tax on passive from royalty
Total final tax on passive inco

C. Gross income from practice of profession 400,000

divedend income from resident corp 3000
interest on note receivable 1000
miscelleneous income 15000
expenses from practice of profession -212,500
expenses from miscelleneous income -5000
Taxable income of Pepito 201,500

D. Gross compensation income 200,000

divedend income from resident corp 3000
interest on note receivable 1000
miscelleneous income 25000
expenses from miscelleneous income -5000
Taxable income of Pepita 224,000
Capital gain on sale of land in Q.C, FMV 6,000,000
Tax base for resident and citizen 6%
capital gain tax 360000


interest on bank deposit Pepito 2,000

interest on bank deposit Pepita 3,000
interest on bank deposit on both 3,000
total interest on bank 8000
citizen and resident - passive income 20%
tax on passive income from interest 1600

tax on passive income from domestic corp 1000

tax on passive income from interest 1600
tax on passive from royalty 200
Total final tax on passive income 2800

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