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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
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Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Living in the IT ERA
Activity #7
Answer the following:
1. Define photography in your own words. (5 points)

Photography is the art of capturing beauty and emotion, may it be

good or bad, in your very own perspective and letting the world enjoy or feel it. It’s
like a painting, the image is first created in the mind of an artist, then it is placed
on canvas, enabling anyone who witnessed the masterpiece enjoys it the way the
artist imagined on their own perspectives. This, to me, is very fascinating as the
emotion from seeing a photograph may alter from person to person. Photography
enables you to internalize an underlying story through your eyes.

2. What are the three basic types of Photography? (5 points)

The three basic types of photography are landscape photography,

portrait photography and documentary photography. Landscape photography
shows the spaces that the world can offer, sometimes vast and unending, but other
times microscopic. Landscape photographs usually capture the presence of nature
but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes. Following
this is portrait photography or portraiture which aims to capture the personality of
a person or group of people by using effective lighting, backdrops and poses.
Frequently, portraits are commissioned for special occasions such as weddings,
school events or commercial purposes. And lastly, the documentary photograph
which usually refers to a popular form of photography used to chronicle events or
environments both significant and relevant to history and historical events as well
as everyday life.

3. Explain the photographic triangle. (5 points)

In photography, the photographic triangle explains the relationship

between shutter speed, ISO and aperture. They work together to produce a photo
that is properly exposed. If one variable changes, at least one of the other must
also change to maintain correct exposure. Whether with film or digital photography,
all three elements must be in balance and are functioning in harmony in order to
obtain a perfectly exposed photo.
4. Explain the difference between Underexposure and Overexposure. (5 points)

A properly exposed photograph is one that is neither too light nor too
dark. A good photo exposure will include highlights and shadows and a varying
degree of constant in between regardless is the photo is in color or black and white.
To simply distinguish underexposure from overexposure, underexposure is when
a photo is dark that details will be lost in the shadows and darkest areas of the
image while overexposure is when the photo is to light to the point that its details
will be covered by the highlights and the brightest parts of the image.

5. Take a picture of any style of photography you want to explain the meaning of
that picture. (20 points)

The current state of earth has become extremely challenging to the

healthy and continual existence of this earth and life, as we know it is due to the
air pollution, toxic environment, global warming, water pollution, deforestation and
a host of other environmental problems. We are exploiting our so-called Mother
Earth for many years by using its resources vulgarly and without giving back
anything for its further growth. Over the last 50 years, nature’s capacity to support
us has plummeted. Air and water quality are reducing, soils are depleting, crops
are short of pollinators and coasts are less protected from storms. If we lose large
portions of the natural world, human quality of life will be severely reduced and the
lives of future generations will be threatened unless efficient actions are taken.
Human inferences has brought nature close to destruction. Now we all must come
together to prevent pollution and further destruction and save the environment and
to save our own race, the mankind.

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