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Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2

L60-19038E (First attempt)

Task 1(P7)
Characteristics of the magnetic field
At the point when a current flows through a conductor an attractive field is delivered in the
region of the conductor.
The attractive field is undetectable yet its quality can be identified utilizing a compass needle
(which will deflect from its typical north –south position).
On the off chance that two current –conveying conductors are set in the region of each other, the
fields will collaborate and the conductors will encounter a power of fascination or shock
(contingent on the general bearing of the two flows).
The common power which exists between two parallel current-conveying conductors will be
k I 1 I2 L
where I1 , I2 = the currents in the two conductors (A),
L = the parallel length of the conductors (m),
d = the distance separating the two conductors (m),
F = the force (N) and k =a constant depend on the medium
In vacuum , ‘ free space ’ ,
k = μ0/2 π
where μ0 = a constant ,
permeability of free space (4 π x 10-7 or 12.57x 10-7 H/m).

The field encompassing a straight current-conveying

conductor is appeared in Figure .

the heading of the field dictated by the course

of current fl ow) is given by the right-hand rule

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Magnetic strength
The quality of an attractive field is a proportion of the thickness of the flux at a specific point.
The field quality will be relative to the connected current and contrarily corresponding to the
opposite good ways from the conductor .In this manner,
where ,
B = the magnetic flux density (T),
I = the current (A),
d = the distance from the conductor (m)
k = a constant
Accepting that the medium is vacuum or free space the thickness of the attractive flux will be
given by;
μo I
2π d
The flux density is likewise equivalent to the all out flux separated by the zone of the field.
where ,
Φ =the flux ( Webers (Wb))
A = area of field (m2)

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

The outright penetrability (μ)of an attractive material is the result of the porousness of free space
( μ0 )and the overall penetrability of the attractive medium ( μr )

μ = μ 0 μr S=
μ0   μr A
the porousness of an attractive medium is a proportion of its capacity to help attractive
flux(permeability is the proportion of the capacity of a material to help the development of an
attractive field inside itself) and it is equivalent to the proportion of flux density (B) to charging
power(H), therefore,, μ=
B is the flux density (in T) and H is the magnetizing force (in A/m).
N is the number of turns, I is the current (in A) and L is the length of the magnetic path (in m)

Task 5(P11)
Using an oscilloscope and a multi-metre to measure and record the following the sinusoidal

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Task 2(P8)
The porousness of an attractive medium is a proportion of its capacity to help attractive
flux(permeability is the proportion of the capacity of a material to help the development of an
attractive field inside itself) and it is equivalent to the proportion of flux density (B) to charging
power(H), therefore, μ=

At the point when the magnetizing force is increased, flux density is increased
However , this bends demonstrate that they level off because of attractive immersion and that the
slop of the bend falls as the polarizing power increments
Since, it decide the acknowledge working reach for a specific attractive material when utilized in
an attractive circuit

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Relative permeability , µ=µ0 µr ,µ=
H × µ0

For cast iron,

B 0.32
µr 1= = =254.57
H × µ 0 1000 ×12.57 ×10−7

B 0.5
µr 2= = =¿ 198.89
H × µ 0 2000 ×12.57 ×10−7

B 0.63
µr 3= = =167.06
H × µ 0 3000 ×12.57 ×10−7

B 0.69
µr 4 = = =137.23
H × µ0 4000 ×12.57 ×10−7

B 0.75
µr 5= = =119.33
H × µ 0 5000 ×12.57 ×10−7

By the graph ,when the magnetizing force is increased, relative permeability is decreased.

Task 3(P9)
The principles of electromagnetic induction

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction is the procedure where an electromotive power

(emf) is prompted in a shut circuit because of changes in the attractive field around the circuit .
Lenz’s Law states that the bearing of the incited e.m.f furthermore ,henceforth the prompted
current in a shut circuit is in every case , for example, to contradict the change in attractive
transition creating it..

From above figure,

No 1: The north shaft of a magnet is moved towards the loop. By Lenz’s Law, the curl will
produce an e.m.f to such an extent that a north post is actuated on the correct side of the curl to
contradict the change .(why north shaft? To repulse away the approaching north post) from the
correct hand grasp rule, the present stream is as appeared in the chart.
No.2: The north shaft is moved away from the loop. By Lenz’s Law ,the loop will produce an
e.m.f to such an extent that a south post is instigated on the correct side of the curl to contradict
the change.
No.3:The south post is moved away from the curl.(Line of thinking like above. Drop a remark on
the off chance that you have issues.)
No.4: The south post is moved towards the curl.(Line of thinking like above .drop a remark on
the off chance that have issues.)

Fleming’s right hand rule:

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

By using Fleming’s right hand rule,

we can measure the direction of the induced current with the knowledge of magnetic field and
force’s direction.

AC generater

The turning of a coil in a magnetic field produces motional e.m.f.s in both sides of the coil which
add. Since the componect of the velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field changes
sinusoidally with the rotation , the generated voltage is sinusoidal or AC. This process can be
described in terms of Faraday’s law when you see that the rotation of the coil continually
changes the magnetic flux through the coil and therefore generates a voltage.


A transformer is an inactive electrical gadget that moves electrical vitality between at least two
circuits. A fluctuating current in one loop of the transformer delivers a shifting attractive
transition, which, thus, incites a differing electromotive power over a subsequent curl twisted
around a similar center. Transformers are utilized for expending or diminishing the exchanging
voltages in electric power applications, and for coupling the phases of sign preparing circuit.

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Task 4(P10)

V=78 sin (200𝝅t- 0.3)

V= V p=¿sin (2𝝅ft –𝞥)

(i)The amplitude,V p=¿78V

(ii) V p− p=2V p =2× 78=156 V

V p 78
(iii)V rms = = =55.2 V
√ 2 √2
(iv) 2𝝅ft=200 𝝅t

2𝝅f=200 𝝅

f =100Hz

1 1
(v)T= = =10 ms
f 100

(vi) phase angle,𝞥=?


Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

=0.3× =17.19°

Task6 (M3)

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

For V1+V2,Vm=12.55V

Phase difference=rad0.39=22.35°
V1+V2=Vm sin(wt±𝞥)
=12.55V sin(wt-22.35°)

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

For V1-V2,Vm=4.433V

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

Phase difference=1.97rad=112.87°
V1-V2=Vm sin(wt±𝞥)

(b)V1=5 sin wt)

V2=8 sin (wt- ¿=8 sin(wt -30°)

5 V1

30 30

8 a


By cosine rule,

Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

a 2=82 +52−2 × 8× 5× cos 150 °

(V 1+V 2)max =12.58V

By sine rule,
12.58 8
sin 150° sinΦ
8 sin 150°
V1+V2=V max sin ⁡(wt ± Φ)
V1+V2=12.58 sin ⁡(wt−18.52 °)
V1-V2= V1+(-V2)=?


a 8


Aung Kyaw Phyo Electrical and Electronic Principle Assigment-2
L60-19038E (First attempt)

By cosine rule,

a 2=82 +52−2 × 8× 5× cos 30 °

a =4.44
by sine rule,
8 4.44
sinΦ sin 30 °

8 ×sin 30 °
But 𝞥 is obtuse angle,𝞥=180°−64.18 °=115.7°
V1-V2=V max sin(wt± 𝞥)
V1-V2=4.44sin(wt± 115.7 ° )


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