Assignment Charles Pangue 11 Kalumbahin

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Name: Charles D.

Pangue Grade and Section: 11 Kalumbahin


1. What are the Erikson’s eight stages of Personality Development?


Erik Erikson’s eight stages of personality development define each stage of

human development with a crisis or a conflict. Each crisis or conflict either gets resolved
or may be left unresolved, resulting in favourable or unfavourable outcomes.

Here are the Erikson’s eight stages of Personality Development:

o Trust vs. Mistrust

- This is the first stage of Erikson’s eight stage of personality development. This
stage begins at birth and continues to approximately 18 months of age. During
this stage the infant is uncertain about the world in which they live, and looks
toward its primary caregiver for stability and consistency of care.
o Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
- This is the second stage of Erikson’s eight stage of personality development.
This stage occurs during the early childhood between 18 months to 3 years of
age. Children during this stage develop a strong sense of personal control over
physical skills and a sense of independence.
o Initiative vs. Guilt
- This the third stage of Erikson’s eight stage of personality development. This
stage usually occurs during late childhood between the ages 3-5 years. During
this stage, children assert themselves more frequently through directing play
and social interaction. This is also the stage where children develop a sense of
purpose and starts to evaluate one’s behaviour.
o Industry vs. Inferiority
- This is the fourth stage of Erikson’s eight stage of personality development.
This stage occurs between the ages 6-12 years. Children during this stage start
to learn how to cope with the school environment and its demands.
o Identity vs. Role Confusion
- This is the fifth stage of Erikson’s eight stage of personality development. This
usually occurs during the adolescent years between the ages 12-20 years. This
is the stage where adolescents search for a sense of self and personal identity,
through an intense exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals.
o Intimacy vs. Isolation
- Intimacy versus isolation is the sixth stage of Erik Erikson's theory of
personality development. This stage takes place during young adulthood
between the ages of approximately 18 to 40 yrs. During this stage, the major
conflict centres on forming intimate, loving relationships with other people.
o Generativity vs. Stagnation
- This is the seventh stage of Erikson’s eight stages of personality development.
This occurs during the adulthood stage between the ages 25-65 years. This is
the stage where adults develop a sense of creativity, productivity, feeling of
usefulness and accomplishment, and concern for others.
o Integrity vs. Despair
- Integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson’s stage
theory of personality development. This stage begins at approximately age 65
and ends at death. It is during this time that we contemplate our
accomplishments and can develop integrity if we see ourselves as leading a
successful life.

2. What changes do I experience during the stage of my development?


As we reached the adolescents stage we start to experience different changes in

our body both the physiological and cognitive aspects. I myself have experienced those
changes. The most noticeable change that I experienced is the change on my physical
characteristics. During the stage of my development certain physical changes starts
happening to my body such as the increase in height, growth of facial and pubic hair,
broadening of the muscles and body and deepening of the voice. Aside from the physical
characteristic I also experience a change on my cognitive abilities such as on the way I
think, reason, feel and express myself. I notice that as I approach adolescents, I started to
become self-aware and self-conscious on everything that I do. I notice that I have started
to become critical on the way I think and now capable of reasoning about abstract
concepts and problems. I also developed a sense of idealism and became more inquisitive
or curious on things that are happening in life and society.

3. What is the social behaviour that we need to know as an adolescent?


The social behaviours that we need to know as an adolescent are:

o Being influenced by the trends that are present in the current era.
o Pushing boundaries and challenging rules such as the “hippie movement” and the
“teenage rebellion” which was popularized during the 1950’s and 1960’s to
1970’s respectively.
o Socializing with people who we think is a good influence.
o Being involved in the social and political issues.
4. What are the skills and tasks appropriate for me as an adolescent?


Here are the skills and tasks that are appropriate for me as an adolescent:

o Developing Occupational Skills

- This skill is very appropriate for me especially that I am currently in the stage
of adolescents. This skill will help me to develop responsibility as a
preparation for gainful employment ahead.
o Self-Reliance
- As an adolescent the ability to become independent and not rely too much on
others is very important. This skill helps me to become independent and
develop the ability to identify my skills, knowledge, capabilities and resources
in my own without the help of others.
o Ability to Manage Finances
- Learning to manage finances as early as an adolescent is very important for it
helps us to develop a sense of financial literacy to be able to discern between
wants and need. This skill is very important for me to acquire because this
helps me develop self-control when handling money and finances.
o Social Responsibility
- This skill will help me to be able to see beyond myself and take into
consideration the greater community around me. This will also help me to see
my role in the society in improving and developing the community that I am
currently in.
o Mature Work Orientation
- This skill will help me as an adolescent to develop pride in what I do and raise
standards of excellence in the quality of work that I make.
o Personal Responsibility
- This skill will help me to become responsible to my own decisions and actions.
This will teach me to be aware of the consequences and repercussions of my
actions and be mature enough to own the mistakes that I make.
o Positive Attitude Toward Work
- Developing a positive attitude towards work will help me as an adolescent to
develop a healthy and positive outlook towards the work that I do.
o Develop Self-Esteem
- This skill will help me to become confident on myself and appreciate myself as
a unique person. This will help me to avoid comparing myself to other people
and find a healthy way to develop my own self-esteem.
o Developing Spirituality
- This will help me to become closer to god who is my creator and my saviour.

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