Guia Ingles

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WHAT DID SHE SAY? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

COURIOUS FACTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14



ABOUT …? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
DO YOU AGREE? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
SPEECH ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
GENERAL REVIEW ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
VERBS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42
BIBLIOGRAFÍA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45

A) Look at the pictures and match them with the news.

1 2

3 4

Gemma Chan has given her backing to a campaign

raising money for the East and South East Asian
The bodies of at least 40 people have washed up (ESEA) community amid and increase in anti-Asian
on the banks of the Ganges river in northern India, hate crime.
officials say. The actress said “Like many others, I worry for
The discovery, near the border between the states family members every time they leave the house
of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, was confirmed to the or use public transport,”.
BBC on Monday. Actor Henry Golding has also pledged support for
It is not clear how the bodies came to be there, the GoFundMe initiative.
but local media reports suggest they may be Covid- “Asian hate has been seeping into all parts of the
19 victims. “There is a possibility that these world, not just in America” Chan’s Crazy Rich
bodies have come out of Uttar Pradesh” a local Asians co-star wrote on Instagram.
official, Ashok Kumar, told the BBC In her own Instagram post, Chan said the
“disturbing” rise in hate crimes against people of
ESEA appearance in the UK showed the issue was a
global one.

Mary-Kate Smith was out kayaking off the coast of A documentary about a 10-year-old boy’s
Connecticut last August when she overturned. experience in school, In my Blood It Runs, has
“I was very scared, didn’t know what to do, or reignited a debate about Australia’s failure to give
indigenous children a good education and a fair
to go,” she says.
Only four months earlier another kayaker had start in life.
drowned in the same area. That incident had “Listen carefully” the teacher tells the class.
alarmed the mayor of coastal city Stamford, who “This one isn’t a story; this is information or non-
asked the local emergency services to look at new fiction – it’s a fact.” She’s holding up the
safety technologies. Carbyne, a cloud- Australian Book, a picture book from 1952, and
based emergency communication platform, was reads: “In Botany Bay, Cook landed for the first
installed in August. It enables a 911 dispatcher to time in a new country. Then he sailed up the
send a text massage to the caller. This includes coast, mapping as he went… On an island in Cape
a link, which once opened starts a video chat. York he raised the English flag. And he claimed for
Just a few hours after it went live Ms Smith had her the English country the whole of this new land.”
accident in Long Island Sound, and the system was Dujuan Hoosan’s hand shoots up, but he does
put to the test for the first time. not have the chance to speak.
“There weren’t any boats going by [but] I was able Afterwards, the children have to find a list of
to show with my phone where I was,” she says. words in the text and mark them with a
highlighter. Dujuan a 10-year.old aboriginal boy,
B) Read the articles again and struggles a bit with the vocabulary, but he finds it
even harder to recognise the story, because the
answer the following questions. history he has been taught by his elders is very
1. What information is in blue? different.
“That [lesson] was for white people, not
2. What information is in bold? for aboriginals,” he reflects, “this man came
on the ship and he was the first white man on
3. What punctuation marks do you use Australia. The Aboriginal people told them to go
in the blue sentences? and find another land, because this was their
land, but people didn’t listen.”
4. What verbs are in bold?

We use this kind of structure when we want to repeat  You imagine what it feels like to be essentially
the spoken phrase or word exactly as it was said. erased from history,” she told me.
When you want to write this kind of information it
is very important to use quotations “” at the TELL OR SAY
beginning and at the end of the piece of speech. We We use SAY when we are saying the things generally,
also need to use verbs such as: to say, to tell. we don’t say them to a specific person, e.g.:
 She said, “I didn’t like the movie.”
 She says, “You imagine what it feels like to
be essentially erased from history.” We use TELL when we mention the person who is
receiving the information, e.g.:
 “You imagine what it feels like to be
essentially erased from history.” she says  She told ME, “I didn’t like the movie.
 She told me, “You imagine what it feels like
to be essentially erased from history.”

C) Using the information from the GRAMMAR TIP, answer the exercise by circling the
correct option.
0. My mother always says / tells: “Clean your room before going out.”
1. The professor said / told us: “The deadline for the project is tomorrow night.”
2. He said / told me: “If you continue like that, we’ll have to break our relationship.”
3. I used to say / tell: “When I got older, I’d have a lot of money.”
4. Monica says / tells: “We have to hurry or we’re going to be late.”
5. The police officer said / told: “The mugger was running when I caught him.”

D) Work in trios and ask each other the following questions.

1. What’s your name?
2. What do you think about COVID-19?
3. How racism works?
4. Do native people have the same rights in education in your country?
5. Why?
E) Now say to the group the answers your classmates gave for two of the items above.

F) Read the article Racism in Mexico (click on the title), then write your opinion about the
topic and include 3 pieces of speech from the article. Remember to use quotations to
include that information. (180-200)

There is another way to mention (report) what other people say. Read the following examples.
1. My mum told me “Clean your room.” 1. My mother told me to clean my room.
2. Sofia said: “He’s my best friend” 2. Sofia said that he was her best friend.
3. Naomi told me: “Can you help me? 3. Naomi asked me if I could help her.
4. I told her: “I’m doing my homework!” 4. I told her I was doing my homework.
5. He told me: “Do you want to go 5. He asked me if I wanted to go with him.
with me?”
G) Analyse the sentences and answer the following questions.
1. What differences can you find in the sentences?
2. Is the structure of the sentences the same?
3. What changes can you see in the structure?
4. What verbs introduce the phrases people say?

H) Scan the following code and watch the video. Then draw a comparative chart on your
notebook about DIRECT and INDIRECT SPEECH.

I) Scan the code and watch the video. Then choose 5 of the most important sentences
according to you from the speech and report them. Write your sentences in your
J) Read the article and then complete it with the following words or sentences.
1. had been 6. was joking
2. knew 7. couldn’t understand
3. would advertise 8. was so happy
4. they’d bought 9. she had been
5. would 10. she hadn’t bought

Look, Mum! I've bought a

car on eBay for £9,000
By a Daily Telegraph Correspondent

• A He often used the computer, and she

three-year-old boy used his mother's computer to buy was pretty sure that he (8)
a £9,000 car on the Internet auction site eBay. Jack her password.
Neal's parents only discovered their son's successful Her husband, John 37, phoned the seller
bid when they received a message from the website. of the car, and explain that there (9)
The message said that (1) a Pink a mistake.
Nissan Figaro.
“Fortunately, he saw the funny side” and
• Mrs. Neal, said he (10)
36, said that they (2) it. the car again.
She explained that (3) on the Net
the day before, but (4) anything. Mr. Neal has told Jack to be more
careful, and he has asked his wife to
“Jack kept telling us that he (5) change her password.
, and that we
(6) soon get a big
surprise”. Mrs. Neal from Sleaford,
Lincolnshire, thought Jack (7) .

K) Scan the code then listen and check your answers.

L) Match the direct speech sentences from the reported ones from the article.
eBay web site “You have bought a Pink Nissan
“We can’t understand it”
“I was on the Net yesterday”
Mrs. Neal: “I didn’t buy anything”
“Jack knows my password”
“Jack is joking”
“I’m so happy”
“You will soon get a big surprise”
Mr. Neal “There was a mistake”
Seller “I will advertise the car again”
M) Compare the direct speech and reported speech sentences from exercise L and answer:
1. What changes are made when report other person’s words?

In the transformation from direct speech to reported (indirect) speech, the following things change:
I he/she my his/her now then
you I, we your my, your today that day
we they our their tonight that night / that evening
me him / her mine his / hers yesterday the day before, the previous day
you me, us yours mine, ours tomorrow the following / next day, the day after
us them ours theirs last Sunday the previous Sunday
next week the following day

DEMONSTRATIVES this that this those


We can also use different kind of verbs depending on the situation and the things you want to
N) Look at the verbs from the box and match them with the direct speech. Follow the
example. You can repeat some of the verbs.
a. invite b. persuade c. explain d. promise
e. ask f. remind g. offer h. encourage
0 _e _ “Can you help me?” she said to me.
1 “Don’t forget to post the letter,” he said to her.
2 “I really will work hard for my exams,” she said.
3 “Come to my party,” he said to me.
4 “You really most go travelling. You’d love it,” she said to me.
5 “I’ll give you a lift to the airport,” he said to me.
6 “I’m not sure about this job.” “Go on! Apply for it!” he said.
7 “OK, I will,” I replied
8 “I’ve been very busy,” she said.
O) Now, report the sentences using the appropriate reporting verbs.
0 She asked me if I could help her.
P) Report the teacher’s commands and sentences to the students.

“Bring your material.”

“I can explain again.”
“Tony, the sentence is incorrect.”
“Don’t shout, please.”
“The homework will be checked next class.”
“Sue, you didn’t hand in your work on time”
“Jake, don’t bother Mary”
“I wrote the homework on the board.”
“The exam will be in two weeks”

0. The teacher asked the students to bring their material.


Q) Read the bubble speech and write them in the part of the article they belong to.

Are (you
Has there been a road accident? ) going to arrest me? ( ) Why are you giving away all your money
Do you know the man? ( )
Why did you do it? ( ) What’s happening? (1 )

Where does the money come from? ( )


Daily Mail Reporter
A mystery man started a riot in a busy town Flower seller Cadwyn Thomas saw the
man, who was wearing a red Welsh rugby
centre yesterday by hurling $20,000
shirt, “I asked him (4)
in banknotes into the air.
Traffic was stopped at 11:00 am in Alexandra , but he didn’t answer. He just laughed.”
Road, Aberstwyth, mid-Wales, as money rained Police asked Cadwyn if she (5)
from sky. “I told them I’d never
Local shopkeeper Anthony Jones, 55 said: seen him before. He certainly wasn’t
“I couldn’t understand it, so I asked my neighbor from around here.”
(1) ” They saw people
on their hands and knees g r a bb i n g money. • Dyfed-Powys police later confirmed
“No one knew (2) ” that a forty-year-old man from Aberystwyth
He said “They were just stuffing it in their had been questioned. “He refused to tell
pockets. us (6)
Passer-by Eleanor Morris said: “I wondered (3) _” a spokesman said, “so, it’s
, because the a complete mystery. He wanted to know if we (7)
traffic was at a complete standstill.” , but giving away money isn’t
against the law.”
R) Listen to the audio and check your answers, then listen again and write the questions
in reported speech.

S) Compare the questions in the bubbles and your answers in the article, then answer the
following questions.
1. What changes are made when you report “WH” questions?

2. What changes are made when you report “yes/no” questions?

T) Report his questions.

What did the policeman ask you yesterday?
The policeman asked me where I had been the
1. 7.
night before/the previous night.

2. 8.

3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.

U) Record a video. Read the following information and in teams of four play the role.
 You are a host on a famous News TV show, and you are showing the news about a
 Another person of the team is the reporter who is showing the evidence of the news.
 The third member of the team is the robber who is going to be interviewed.
 The fourth member is the police officer who is also going to be interviewed and he’s going
to give more details.
 The host and the reporter have to report some of the information the robber and the
police officer said about the robbery.
A) Here you will find two awesome anecdotes of a famous surrealist painter. Read them, then
match the phrases on the right and put them in the correct space. At the end, you will
discover who he is.

D o you happen to know curious stories

of famous people, such as painters or

1. He was fascinated by masters of paintings such

as Velazquez, Vermeer or Rafael. He ( )
A) was always interested in knowing
everything about them.
2. One day, when an examination took place in Fine
Arts Academy in San Fernando, the genius
( ) about the topic: Rafael, a renacentist B) refused to answer
3. However, he was ( ) in that situation due to
his shyness and he affirmed that he knew much
C) had to talk
more than all of them knew together.
4. For that reason he ( ) that question.
Consequently, the tribunal expressed that he
D) dared to ask me
couldn’t come back the following year since he was
failed and moreover, he got expelled.

5. He used to tell this story by saying. “How they

E) nervous for being
( ) about Rafael!

B) Look at the picture on the article. Who do you think they are talking about?

C) Read the article and put the phrases on the correct blank.

W ithout a shadow of a doubt, Dali was as

eccentric as his paintings, now read a different anecdote
of the Spanish genius and complete the following story
with these phrases.

Dali the best expressions of love was interested in talking

by his muse and wife, Gala.
When he met her, he was in love at first sight. In remembered having
the following meetings he the best
impression on her. ashamed for being
However, he didn’t always take the best decision. In a
summer afternoon when Dali invited some friends to his expected to make
house in Cadaqués, he saw Gala passing by his window.
Suddenly, he to her, but he was
a bad aspect, as consequence he
smudged on his body a weird mixture of fish, excrement of couldn’t avoid laughing
goat and jelly as well as a geranium on his ear.
Therefore he ran to Gala’s encounter and he was worried about having
to her.
Nevertheless, Dali stopped to talk
so unable to say even a word that he
, unexpectedly. Gala just kissed his
forehead and said: “We will never be apart mon petit”.

D) Now check the phrases in red and answer the questions.

 What differences or similarities do you see?

 What kind of structures are used?

 What verbs are followed by -ING?

 What verbs are followed by TO+ INFINITIVE?

E) Watch the following video and fill in the chart.

Verb+ ing Verb + to+ infinitive


You have to learn which verbs go with which pattern. Some of the verbs followed by INFINITIVE are:
The verbs followed by -ING include: hope, offer, fail, agree, forget, manage, learn, afford,
enjoy, mind, stop, recommend, finish, imagine, arrange, ask, expect, would like, decide, plan, promise,
suggest, avoid, miss, risk, looking forward to, e.g.: want, and invite, e.g.:
 I told him you really enjoy cooking.  She decided to go with Elliot instead.
 Would you mind helping me?  I wanted to visit Rome.
 It didn't stop raining all day yesterday.  She promised to take me there.
 Daisy recommends trying Alfie’s  I planned to go to some real Italian
tiramisu. The negative is: verb + not + -ing., e.g.: restaurants. The negative is: verb + not + infinitive, e.g.:
 Imagine not having pizza! I eat it all the time.  She didn’t forget to phone.
 They decided not to make pizza.
F) Complete the sentences with -ing or to + infinitive., example:
0 Raul wants to eat Italian food. eat
1 I'm really looking forward to _you at the weekend. see
2 I promise not anyone. tell
3 I must remember Dan on his birthday. call
4 The thing I most enjoy at the weekend is sleeping. do
5 Do you remember here when you were a child? come
6 You can't pretend eighteen – you only look twelve! be
7 What do you want Mum for her birthday? give
I need to stop __ my homework late at night – I keep making terrible
8 mistakes! do

G) Scan the code and watch: "Will Smith shares his secrets of success” video, then decide
if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. Greatness is illusive and it’s something god like. TRUE FALSE

2. If you believe in something you have to commit doing it. TRUE FALSE
3. If you have talent, you will have success. TRUE FALSE
4. Your talent is going to be fail if you aren’t skilled TRUE FALSE
5. Dedicate yourself in being better every single day TRUE FALSE
6. Put a brick at a time instead of building the entire wall together TRUE FALSE
7. If you’re making someone else life better, you’re wasting your time TRUE FALSE
8. Believe that you can create whatever you want to create TRUE FALSE
9. Being unrealistic is the most common road to mediocrity TRUE FALSE
10. Decide what is going to be, who you’re going to be and how you’re going to do it. TRUE FALSE
11. Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something TRUE FALSE
H) Using Will’s ideas and your own, write a paragraph where you give advice to be successful
(180-200 words)


I) Do a research about the topic what is the secret to be successful in life, then using the
information you found, the one you wrote in the exercise above, and following as model
Will Smith video, record your own video and share it with your group. On your video
you must:
 Use verbs followed by -ING or by INFINITIVE.
 Report some information another person says.
 Support your opinion with examples.
 Include a cover at the beginning of the video and your conclusions at the end.
A) Look at the following conversations. Play the roles.

B) What is happening on them? Read the conversations again and explain: what are the
phrases in italics showing?

C) Scan the code and listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions.
1 How many people are talking?

2 What relation do they have?

3 Where are they?

4 What are they talking about?

5 Are all the opinions positive?

6 What phrases are they using to give their opinion?

D) Listen to the audio again and complete the chart below.

Arguments PROS New York Arguments CONS New York

Phrases for giving opinion.

E) TRACK 4 Scan the code and listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions below.
1 How many people are talking?
2 What are they talking about?
What phrases are they using to give their
4 All the opinions are positive?
What arguments are they giving about
What arguments are they giving about

When we give our opinion, we say what we think, feel  “I think…”
or believe about something or someone. We can have:  “I feel that…”
Strong opinion: Some people are very opinionated, which  “In my opinion…”
means they are certain about what they think and  “As far as I’m concerned…”
believe and express their ideas and opinions strongly  “In my view…”
and frequently. Here are some phrases you can use:  “I tend to think that…”
 “I’m absolutely convinced that…”  “I suppose that…”
 “I’m sure that…”  “It seems to me that…”
 “I strongly believe that…”  “I must admit that I’m not sure…”
 “I have no doubt that…” Subjective Opinion: We can express our opinion
 “There’s no doubt in my mind that…” based ONLY on our own personal experience using
Neutral opinion: Many people are more cautious and phrases such as:
careful when asked to give their opinions. Some  “In my experience…”
examples are:  “I don’t know about other people, but I can say…”
 “What I’ve found is…”
 “As I see it…”
Agreeing with an opinion: you can use the following Disagreeing with an opinion: you can use the
phrases: following phrases:
o Of course.  That’s different.
o You’re absolutely right.  I don’t agree with you.
o Yes, I agree.  However…
o I think so too.  That’s not entirely true.
o That’s a good point.  On the contrary…
o Exactly.  I’m sorry to disagree with you, but…
o I don’t think so either.  Yes, but don’t you think…
o So do I.  That’s not the same thing at all.
o I’d go along with that.  I’m afraid I have to disagree.
o That’s true.  I’m not so sure about that.
o Neither do I.  I must take issue with you on that.
o I agree with you entirely.  It’s unjustifiable to say that…
o That’s just what I was thinking.
o I couldn’t agree more.
F) Do you use any social networking sites such as Facebook? Write down on the chart three
things you like and three things you don’t like about them. Compare your ideas with the

Like ..√ Don’t like X

G) Read the notes below. How many of your ideas are there? What do you think are the most
important pros and cons?

Advantages of Facebook Disadvantages of Facebook

You can:
 flooded with requests from
 keep in touch with friends unknown or unwanted
 keep family up to date “friends”
 find old friends  friends and family find
 communicate with friends out too much about your
any time you want private life
 share photos  hearing about boring
 share favourite music and events in friends lives
videos  tagged in pictures that you
 join groups that interested don’t want others to see
you  wasting time on Facebook
 advertise yourself and your – can become addicted

H) Now read the text below. What’s the purpose for each paragraph?

I) Put the linking words on the right into the correct place on each line. Sometimes you have
to change punctuation. There’s an extra linking word you don’t need.
J) In teams of four, and using the information from the text, give your opinion about
social networking. Include other social networking sites to support your opinion.
Remember to use the phrases from the grammar tip.
K) Read the following article and follow the activities on the right.

1. Work in groups.
Group A: read about
Dinner in the Sky.
Group B: read about
Ithaa Undersea
Then answer the
 Where is the
 In what ways is it
 How expensive is
 Are there any
2.Find a partner from the
other group and compare
the restaurants.
3. What do you think?
 Which do you think
is the most unusual
 Which would you
like to visit? Why?
 Do you know any
restaurants? Tell
the class.
4.Give your opinion
about different
restaurants. Use phrases
from the Grammar Tip.
L) Scan the code and watch the video. Then record a video where you give a critic about your
favourite film. You have to include:

 Your opinion about the PLOT.

 Your opinion about the characters.
 Your opinion about the sound.
 Your opinion about the visual effects.
 Your final opinion about the whole movie.
A) Look at the images and match them with the sentences.



O. I love chocolate. A
1. I am happy.
2. I have a dog.
3. Me too.
4. So am I.
5 So do I.
B) Look at the sentences again. Explain what is happening. What expressions are used?
C) Look at the following expressions, then level them positive or negative.
0. So do we. X
1. So am I.
2. Neither do I.
3. Me too
4. Me neither
5. So does she.
6. Neither is he.
7. So do I.
8. Neither does he.
D) Listen to the conversation and complete.

1. “I watched an interesting program”
2. “I am going to the movies this week”
3. “My dad has been so stressed at work”
4. “He wants to go to the beach”
5. “We’re staying at home, because mom has a lot of work”
6. “I think, it’s a very interesting museum”
7. “I didn’t have anything for breakfast”
E) Choose the most appropriate option for the following statements to make them true for you.
1. I'm exhausted
a) So do I b) So am I c) Neither am I
2. I was late
a) Neither was I b) So did I c) So was I
3. I haven’t finished it
a) Neither have I b) I did either c) So have I
4. I didn’t enjoy it
a) So have I b) Neither was I c) I didn’t either
5. I’d like a coffee, please
a) Neither would I b) So had I c) So would I.
6. I want one
a) I don’t either b) So do I c) Neither do I
7. I'm staying in tonight
a) So am I b) So do I c) I am not either
8. I was shocked
a) So have I b) Neither was I c) So was I
9. I found the exam very hard
a) So did I b) So was I c) So do I
10. I don't believe it
a) So did I b) I did either c) Neither do I
F) Follow the clues on the chart and order the sentences to make an opinion. Then write a
possible response. Look at the example.
0) I / season / the / best / think / I think summer is the best So do I, I love the warm weather
summer / is. season. and the raining.
1. Think / much / violence / I / is / TV /
too / there / on
2. I / the / world / in / sport /
the /
football / is / think / best
3. Cats / I / better / think / dogs / are /
4. I / that / much / time / the / people /
too / believe / on / Facebook /waste
5. Learn / is / easy / I / think / English /
6. best / think / ever / “End Game” / is /
I / the / movie
7. Than / time / is / money / she
important / thinks / more
8. Arrive / will / home / I / late
9. To / way / think / best / travel / I /
planes / are / the
10. Favorite / music / kind / my / of /
pop / is

G) Scan the code and listen to the audio, then answer the questions.
1 How many people are talking?
2 Where do you think they are?
What relationship do you think the
people have?
4 What are they talking about?
What phrases to agree or disagree
do they use?
There are some other ways to express agreement or disagreement with someone.
H) Complete the conversation using the words from the box.
convinced don't get me wrong got a point I disagree

not so sure what you mean right

Paul: So? Emir: OK, I see (5) , but

Emir: I'm not (1) by that without all the colour, it would look a bit
… empty.
idea. Paul: Why?
Paul: True. OK, how about taking that and that
Emir: Well, this design is just too simple. away? So, it still looks interesting, but
Paul: It's not simple, it's minimal. Plus, it's what less busy.
the client asked for. Emir: OK … maybe you've (6)
Emir: I'm(2) __. Look. Look at point there. Actually, that has given me an idea.
these designs here. I think this is the style that Emir: So, we remove the blue. I think that
the client wants. creates a nice balance.
Paul: Hmmm … I think(3) . They Paul: Yeah, yeah. I think you're (7)
said they wanted it clean and minimal. . Changing the circles helped
Emir: These designs are clean and too. Emir: I agree. So, we're happy with this
minimal. now?
Paul: Look, (4) , Emir. I Paul: Yes, definitely.
like them, but I don't think they fit the
brief. For example, here, there's just a bit too Emir: So, it looks like we can agree!
much going on. Paul: Occasionally.

I) Now, scan the code and listen to the conversation. Check your answers.
A) In pairs talk with your partner about your last vacations. Follow the questions to give
details about them. Then write a text where you describe your vacations.

Where did you go? When did you go?

How many days were you there? What did you do first?

What did you do after?

What was the last place you visited?

How many places did you visit?

What did you do after that?

B) Read the following letter and answer the questions.

March 6th 2017

Dear Peter
How are you? I hope you are fine. It has been a long time since I last saw you,
and that’s why I decided to send this letter to you, so I can tell you about one
of my trips to Europe.
I travelled during December last year. First, I went to Paris, and let me tell you
that I had lots of fun, since some of my friends travelled with me; I had never
been to Paris before. We stayed there for three weeks but given the fact that
we were too tired in the first day of our arrival, we just wanted to get some
The next day we decided to go up the Eiffel Tower. The experience of seeing
Paris from above was wonderful, so we decided to take a lot of pictures from
there. Later I had one of those t asty crepes you used to talk a lot about,
and finally we went back to the hotel we were staying at.
During the first week we visited The Louvre Museum and the Arc of Triumph,
then we took a boat tour to Sena Lake, we had a special dinner paired with a
glass of champagne, and lastly, we took a train to the south of France, which is
actually very close to Spain.
That week was horrible because I got ill, so I had to stay in bed for five days:
my friends had a great time in that place, though: they bought souvenirs and
went places, while I just watch the TV in the hotel’s room or read some of the
travel guides.
I was fully recovered after that week, and I proposed to go to Barcelona and
then to Madrid. Finally, my friends and I decided it was better to stay in
Barcelona since there were a lot of interesting places to visit. I promise to see
you in London on our next visit. Take care; I hope to hear from you soon.
John .

1) What are the words in red? _
2) What’s their function? _
3) Which one connects similar ideas? _
4) Which one shows contrast? _
5) Which ones show a sequence? _
6) Which one shows reason? _
To organize better your speech, you can use different words that are called CONNECTORS or
LINKERS. Let’s look at them.


The main function of a connector in English grammar

is to join words or sentences of what you want to
The correct usage of connectors gives coherence
to what you write or express orally.
In addition to joining words, sentences or paragraphs,
the sequence connectors are very helpful to
organize your ideas when you want to tell
someone what happened at a particular time in a
logical sequence.

C) Now, let’s read the following chart in which you will find the correct use of connectors.
Connectors Function Example
Is used to add another idea or I ate a tasty a crepe and we went to the
concept. hotel.
Introduces one or more I watched TV or read some of travel
alternatives. guides.
Introduces an exception or a We stayed there for three
but contrast. weeks but we were too tired in the first
Demonstrates the reason for I had to stay in bed because I was sick.
Introduces the first of a First, I went to Paris.
Introduces the next action or Then we took a boat.
Introduces the next action or We took a train, later we went to Spain.
That also introduces another After that, I proposed to go to
action or concept. Barcelona.
Demonstrates a previous Before we leave Europe we visited
action or concept. Barcelona.
Demonstrates the last action or Finally, my friends and I decided to stay in
finally concept. Barcelona.

Adverbs and conjunctions are also connectors.

D) Look at the words on the chart. Then with the help of your professor, write the adverbs and
the conjunctions in the correct column according to their use.
Also Because of However Owing to
Although But In addition Since
And Consequently In order to So
As Despite In spite of So as (not) to
As a result Due to Moreover So that
As a result Even though Nevertheless Then
of As well as Finally Next Therefore
At first For this reason On the one hand/
Because Furthermore on the
other hand

E) Read the following sentences and circle the option that best complete them.
0. Alice wasn’t very clever. …, she used to pass all the subjects at high school.
Nevertheless/in addition
I knew she didn’t feel very well. …, I tried to The country is going through a very difficult
1. 8.
cheer her up. period … the economic crisis.
On the one hand/therefore Although/as a result of
I was absolutely exhausted … I had been
2. 9. This is a very useful tool, … quite cheap.
walking all day.
Since/so that So that/also
Our flight was delayed … the airlines He quite liked his job … having to work long
3. 10.
strike. hours.
In spite of/due to In spite of/as well as
I’m angry with you. You didn’t turn up to
We tiptoed into the house … wake up our
4. my birthday party …, you didn’t even 11.
Moreover/consequently Therefore/so as not to
I spent all Saturday night cooking … have She took up yoga a few months ago, … she
5. 12.
everything ready for Sunday dinner. always looks so relaxed.
Although/in order to So/finally
We couldn’t enjoy our holiday … the I had a very bad Math’s teacher at school. …,
6. 13.
torrential rain. I’ve never understood it.
Despite/because of As well as/as a result
We sell our products to European
countries … the USA.
As well as/on the other hand

F) Complete the following sentences with your own words. You can use your notebook to
complete this exercise.

Our hotel room didn’t have a view to the beach as they said in the brochure. Furthermore, there
were trees blocking the view to the pool .
1. First, I didn’t hear my alarm clock this morning, then
2. On the one hand he is a very successful businessman. On the other hand, _.
3. If you take part in the marathon, you’ll do a lot of exercise. In addition, _.
4. A lot of money was invested in the making of that film. However, _.
5. We heard it was his birthday. So _.
6. I had to accept to become the chairman since .
7. We have to use public transport and leave our cars parked owing to _.
G) Scan the codes and complete the extracts with the connectors you hear.
Every generation must find their north......................women
around the world demanded the right to vote, we took a
fundamental step towards equality. North.
……………… same sex marriage was passed in the US, we put an
end to a discriminatory law. North.
…………… men like the men in this room and around the word,
the ones we cannot see. The ones us in ways
cannot know …………………… we feel,...................they answered Emma
Watson’s call to be He for She, the world grew. North.
We must ask ourselves; how will we be more tomorrow than
we are today? The whole world grows when people like
you and me take a stand ………………………… we know that Anne Hathaway
beyond the idea of how women and men are different, there
is a deeper
truth that love is love, and parents are parents. Thank you.

I am from Britain ……………… I think it is right ………………… I am paid

the same as my male c o un te r p a r ts. I think it is right ........I
should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it
is right................women be involved on my behalf in the policies
2. ……………… decisions that will affect my life. I think it is
…………… socially I am affo r ded the same respect as men. ………
sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world
where all women can expect to receive these rights. No
country in the world can yet say that they have achieved Emma Watson
genre equality.
……………, let’s take all one more step. We have learned to love
ourselves, …………… now I ur g e you to speak yourself. I’d like to
ask all of you, what is your name? what excites you
makes your heartbeat? Tell me your story. I wanna hear your
voice I wanna hear your conviction, no matter who you
are, where you are from, your skin color, your gender identity,
just speak yourself. Find your name …………… find your
voice by speaking yourself
Kim Nam Jun
H) Read the article about Five Steps for preparing a debate with a class (click on the
title), then as a class choose a topic that is important to you, for example:

 Social media
 Use of smart phones
 Youtube as a University

Then make your debate.

Remember to:

 Research.
 Structure your speech.
 Prepare your speech.
 Defend your opinion.
 Agree or disagree with others opinion.

o Record the DEBATE and upload it to classroom.

At the end of this quarter, you have to present an EXAMEN DE EGRESO, where you have to test
your knowledge in the English language. The following section is designed to test it.
Remember to read every instruction carefully. You can take notes on your notebook for the
listening section if necessary.

A) Look at the sentences below about doing course on the internet. Read the text to decide
if each sentence is correct or incorrect. Write C for correct or I for incorrect.
1. Most people do more than one course with Learn Now.
2. Learn Now is only for people who have done well at school.
3. With Learn Now, people study only the subjects they feel are necessary.
4. Testing is an important part of Learn Now.
5. Some companies use Learn Now for training their employees.
6. You must have some basic skills to be able to do a computing course.
7. Learn Now recommends all students learn at a centre.
8. You can begin learning as soon as you contact Learn Now.
9. Learning at a centre means attending regularly.
10. Everybody must go to a centre for training at least once.

Learning is for life

People who begin Learn Now soon find that learning is fun and that it doesn’t have to
earn Now

stop at school or at college. It’s something you can do all your life. Over half those
taking Learn Now courses come back and study again and again.
What is Learn Now?
Learn Now is perfect for anyone who hasn’t been successful with traditional ways of
learning and wants to try something different. The courses allow you to learn just what
you want to learn when you want to learn it. You don’t have to do a long course that
may include many things that you don’t actually need. And you don’t have to take any
Who is Learn Now for?
Everyone can benefit from Learn Now – from company employees who need to learn
new skills quickly, to people wanting to return to work. Many businesses use Learn
Now as part of their staff development. Others have found that an extra skill has
helped them to change their career paths while many people use Learn Now just for
their own interest.
What courses can I do?
There are over 400 courses to choose from, so there is something for everyone. The
most popular courses are in computing and you can do any of these at any stage.
Business courses are also very popular and there are some excellent “Skills for
life” courses that help you improve your math and communication skills.
Remember you don’t need experience or knowledge for any of our courses.
Where do you learn with Learn Now?
You can learn by distance learning at home or at work, or you can go to one of our
Learning Centres. However, if you are very new to the world of the internet
and computing, we do suggest you come to a centre where we can guide you along in
How do I get started?
Just call in or telephone one of our learning centres and we will get you started
without delay. If you want to learn at one of our centres, we will ask you to come in
for some training, and from then on you just book in whenever you want to. If you
want to work only at home, or at the office, we can organise everything by telephone
or e -mail. We’ll start you off with some basic training and then keep in contact with
you to make sure you are getting the best from Learn Now. Our skilled staff are
always available to help.
B) Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question,
mark the correct letter A,B,C or D.

Good walks
You’re rarely (0) …… from a good walk in Britain – (1) …… you live in the town or the country. From
mountains in the North to gentle hills in the South, you’re (2) …… to find some wide open spaces
you will like. People (3) …… live in the city can enjoy walks (4) …… canals and in the many beautiful
parks to be found.

Walking gives you the (5) …… of exercise and at the same time allows you to experience
wonderful scenery. You can also (6) …… about local wildlife. On foot, in the countryside, you see
much more than you’d (7) ……. see from a car or on a bike.

However, if you are out and about in the countryside make sure you follow the rules. You mustn’t
go (8) …… that’s private, you (9) ….… stay on public footpaths and (10) ….… animals in fields.
0. A. much B. further C. away D. far
1. A. whether B. while C. because D. although
2. A. confident B. sure C. definite D. clear
3. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
4. A. round B. through C. along D. between
5. A. help B. benefit C. assistance D. allowance
6. A. know B. find C. learn D. look
7. A. ever B. never C. yet D. always
8. A. any B. anywhere C. anyway D. anyhow
9. A. could B. ought C. would D. should
10. A. stay B. avoid C. keep D. let

C) Read the sentences bellow. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. USE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Write only the missing
0. My parents asked me if I was eating well.
My parents said to me: “ ......well?” are you eating…
1. Fish is better for you than meat.
Meat isn’t ……… for you as fish.
2. Snacks can be bought in the café.
You ……… in the café
3. He can cook really well
He’s really ……… cooking
4. There are only a few good restaurants in this area.
There aren’t very ……… good restaurants in this area.
5. It is a good idea to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Everybody ……… plenty of fruit and vegetables
6. We left the cinema because the film was so boring.
It was ……… a boring film that we left the cinema
7. You should switch off the TV and do something more interesting.
If I were you ……… switch off the TV and do something more interesting
8. When I was a child, I loved watching cartoons.
I used ……… watching cartoons when I was a child.
9. I prefer watching films to watching documentaries.
I like watching films ……… watching documentaries.
10. That programme was made in America.
They ……… that programme in America.
D) Scan the code and listen to the conversation and choose the best option.
A. Rudi seemed tired.
B.Rudi seems tired.

A. Rudi’s friend Hans was staying with him last week.

B.Rudi’s friend Hans is staying with him now.

A. Rudi and Hans are not getting enough sleep these days.
B.Rudi and Hans did not get enough sleep last week.

A. Rudi and Hans last met six or seven years ago.

B.Hans is going to stay for six or seven years.

A. Hans stayed for one week.

B.Hans is staying with Rudi for one week.

A. Rudi is going to take Hans sightseeing.

B.Rudi took Hans sightseeing.

A. They are climbing to the top of Sugar Mountain.

B.They climbed to the top of Sugar Mountain.

A. They went to some bars.

B.They are going to go to some bars.

A. Rudi and Hans are childhood friends.

B.Rudi and Hans live on the same street.

A. Rudi and Hans and Tina went to a movie last night.

B.Rudi and Hans and Tina are going to a movie tonight.
E) Scan the code and listen to Sophia and Martinez talking about their health. Cross the
phrases you hear.

I’m not very good. I don’t feel well.

How do you mean? What do you mean?
I feel sick. I feel ill.
You should take it easy. You must take it easy.
I’m going to do that. I’ll do that.
awake awoke awoken get got gotten
be was, were been give gave given
beat beat beaten go went gone
become became become grow grew grown
Begin began begun hang hung hung
bend Bent bent have had had
bet Bet bet hear heard heard
bid bid bid hide -hid hidden
bite Bit bitten hit hit hit
blow blew blown hold held held
break broke broken hurt hurt hurt
bring brought brought keep kept kept
broadcast broadcast broadcast know knew known
build built built lay laid laid
Burn burnt burnt lead led led
buy bought bought learn learnt learnt
catch caught caught leave left left
choose chose chosen lend lent lent
come came come let let let
cost cost cost lie lay lain
cut cut cut lose lost lost
dig dug dug make made made
do did done mean meant meant
draw drew drawn meet met met
dream dreamt dreamt pay paid paid
drive drove driven put put put
drink drank drunk read read read
eat ate eaten ride rode ridden
fall fell fallen ring rang rung
feel felt felt rise rose risen
fight fought fought run ran run
find found Found say said said
fly flew flown see saw seen
forget forgot forgotten sell sold sold
forgive forgave forgiven send sent sent
freeze froze frozen show showed shown
Act Acted /Id/ Guess Guessed /t/
Add Added /Id/ Help Helped /t/
Arrest Arrested /Id Hope Hoped /t/
Approach Approached /t/ Happen Happened /d/
Ask Asked /t/ Hurry Hurried /d/
Agree Agreed /d/ Iron Ironed /d/
Annoy Annoyed /d/ Kiss Kissed /t/
Answer Answered /d/ Like Liked /t/
Appear Appeared /d/ Look Looked /t/
Arrange Arranged /d/ Miss Missed /t/
Arrive Arrived /d/ Move Moved /d/
Brush Brushed /t/ Observe Observed /d/
Behave Behaved /d/ Open Opened /d/
Belong Belonged /d/ Order Ordered /d/
Believe Believed /d/ Perform Performed /d/
Complete Completed /Id/ Phone Phoned /d/
Count Counted /Id/ Plan Planned /d/
Close Closed /t/ Pour Poured /d/
Cook Cooked /t/ Pray Prayed /d/
Crash Crashed /t/ Prepare Prepared /d/
Cross Crossed /t/ Pick Picked /t/
Call Called /d/ Please Pleased /t/
Change Changed /d/ Polish Polished /t/
Check Checked /t/ Practice Practiced /t/
Charge Charged /d/ Promise Promised /t/
Clean Cleaned /d/ Pronounce Pronounced /t/
Climb Climbed /d/ Repeat Repeated /Id/
Cry Cried /d/ Report Reported /Id/
Dance Danced /t/ Request Requested /Id/
Dress Dressed /t/ Rest Rested /Id/
Die Died /d/ Reach Reached /t/
Deliver Delivered /d/ Register Registered /d/
Dry Dried /d/ Remember Remembered /d/
Enjoy Enjoyed /d/ Repair Repaired /d/
Engage Engaged /d/ Reserve Reserved /d/
Express Expressed /t/ Row Rowed /d/
Explain Explained /d/ Search Searched /t/
Fill Filled /d/ Save Saved /d/


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