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Name : Reski Adinda Irta Damayanthi

Nim : 06120190091

Class : B2

Subject : Research Methodology On Language



The introduction to a research paper is where you set up your topic and approach for the reader.
Irhas several key goals:
1. Present your Topix and get the reader interested
2. Provide background or summarize existing research, no more than 500 word
3. Position your own approach
4. Detail your specific research problem
5. Give an overview of the paper’s structure.


This part of the introduction differs depending on what approach your paper is taking.

Argumentative paper : background information, after you’ve caught your reader’s attention, specify a
bit more. Providing context and narrowing down your Topic

Empirical paper : Describing previous research, for a paper 8 original research, you’ll instead provide
an overview of the most relevant research that bad already been conducted.


The research question is the question you want to answer in an empirical research paper. Present
your research question clearly and directly, with a minimum of discusion at his point. The rest of
the paper will be taken up with discussing and investigatif this question.
A research question can be Framed either directly or indirectly
1. This study set out to answer the following question: what effects does daily use of Instagram
have on the prevalence of body image issues Aming adolescent girls?
2. We investigator the effect of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues Ong
adolescent girls.


In general, research objectives describe what we expect to achieve by a project.
Research objectives are usually expressed in lay terms and are directed as much to the client as
to the researcher. Research objectives may be linked with a hypothesis or used as a statement of
purpose in a study that does not have a hypothesis.Even if the nature of the research has not been
clear to the layperson from the hypotheses, s/he should be able to understand the research from
the objectives. Research is a careful and detailed study of a particular problem or concern, using
scientific methods. An in-depth analysis of information creates space for generating new
questions concepts and understandings. The main objective of research is to explore the unknown
and unlock new possibilities.


• From the literature review, in order to see how the purpose research would fill in the
gap in the area of research.
• How does the proposed research relate to the existing knowledge in the area
• Explicitly state the significance of your purpose or the rationale for your study. A
significant research is one that :
- Develops knowledge of an existing practise
- Develops thoery
- Expands the current knowledge or theory base
- Advances current research methodolgy
- Related to a current technological issue
- Exploratory research on an unexamined issue.


The scope of research contains a search for understanding the physical, and sometimes
psychological universe. This advances into applying scientific methods to refine the basic
understanding and evolving new techniques to apply the facts that have been revealed and to
create different techniques and materials. Some research is directed to creating new useful stuff,
and some is just to understand how things can be created or even deconstructed. Lot of research
is beneficial, and much is meaningless except for the sheer pleasure of understanding how things
work. Engineering is the application of science and much research is synonymous with

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