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Red Group

Round 1- Group Work

1. What is the quotient of 320 ÷ 8?

2. What is the quotient of 2,588 ÷ 12?

3. The 5th grade teachers bought 3,200 pencils. They

gave each of the 40 students the same number of
pencils. How many pencils did each group get?
Round 2- Miss Whitmore
1. There are 16 empty buckets. A strawberry farmer wants
to share 300 strawberries amongst the buckets. How
many strawberries will fit into each bucket?

2. What is the quotient of 7,771 ÷ 21?

3. What is the quotient of 208 ÷ 13?

Round 3- Independent
1. What is the quotient of 2,500 ÷ 50?

2. Miss Whitmore has 660 chairs to set up for the school

play. She wants 30 equal rows of chairs. How many
chairs will be in each row?

3. What is the quotient of 1,782 ÷ 11?

Bonus Questions
1. What is the quotient of 2,784 ÷ 12?

2. A farm purchased 2,400 apple trees. If 80 trees can be planted

on each acre of land, how many acres will be needed to plant all
the trees?

3. Find the quotient of 264 ÷ 22.

4. Ivan uses 30 craft sticks to make each toy cabin. He has a box of
342 craft sticks. How many toy cabins can Ivan make? How
many sticks will be left?

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