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Yellow Group

Round 1- Miss Whitmore

1. What is the quotient of 52 ÷ 2?

2. What is the quotient of 152 ÷ 2?

3. The teacher bought 2,280 pencils. She gave each of

her 20 students the same number of pencils. How many
pencils did each student get?
Round 2- Group Work
1. What is the quotient of 2,500 ÷ 50?

2. Miss Whitmore has 660 chairs to set up for the school

play. She wants 30 equal rows of chairs. How many
chairs will be in each row?

3. What is the quotient of 170 ÷ 11?

Round 3- Independent

1. What is the quotient of 84 ÷ 12?

2. A 5th grade student watches the same number of

TikTok videos each day for 10 days. At the end of the
10 days, they have watched 6,720 videos. How many
TikTok videos did the student watch each day?

3. What is the quotient of 240 ÷ 10?

Bonus Questions
1. What is the quotient of 120 ÷ 20?

2. There are 2,120 cars at the Plant City Car Show. If there are 10
equal rows of cars, how many cars will be in each row?

3. What is 8,082 ÷ 6?

4. There are 255 pieces of candy shared equally among 5 buckets.

How many pieces of candy are in each bucket?

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