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Blue Group

Round 1- Group Work

1. What is the quotient of 208 ➗ 11?

2. Knights Elementary raised a total of $1,876 for the

upcoming Thanksgiving party. The money will be
shared equally between 17 different classrooms.
What is the total amount of money each classroom
will receive?

3. What is the quotient of 2588 ➗ 12?

Round 2- Independent

1. What is the quotient of 42,000 ➗ 60?

2. What is the quotient of 2772 ➗ 12?

3. Johnny has $1,695 to spend on video games. If

Johnny is able to purchase 15 video games with his
money, how much does each video game cost?
Round 3- Miss Whitmore

1. Mrs. Lane makes 610 copies of homework from

Monday through Friday. If she makes the same number
of copies each day, how many copies does she make
each day?

2. A 5th grade student watches the same number of

TikTok videos each day for 12 days. At the end of the
12 days, they have watched 6,720 videos. How many
TikTok videos did the student watch each day?
Bonus Questions
1. 2,700 ÷ 30 =

2. Select all the expressions that are equal to 2,700 ÷ 30

a. 270 ÷ 3
b. 270 tens ÷ 30 tens
c. 2,700 ÷ 3 tens
d. 2,700 ÷ 3
e. 2,700 tens ÷ 30

3. The school busses coming to Knights Elementary need to transport

579 students. If each bus carries 48 students, what is the least
number of busses needed?

4. It will cost $7,740 for 18 students to go to New York City for spring
break. The cost for each student is the same. What is the cost for
each student?

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