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Macro Perspective of Tourism and


Mr. Rudy B. Necor Jr., MBA

History and Nature of Tourism
• Acquire understanding about tourism
• Take a look at how tourism and hospitality started
• Learn how tourism contributes to the economy
• Learn the various elements of tourism
• Learn the different types of tourism
Tourism industry
• Tourism is a complex industry that
involves a board range of businesses,
organizations and government

• Tourism is a dynamic and competitive

industry that requires the ability to
adapt constantly to customers’
changing needs and desires, as the
customer’s satisfaction, safety and
enjoyment are particularly the focus
of tourism businesses.
History of Tourism
• The earliest form of leisure
tourism can be traced as far back
as the Babylonian and Egyptian
empires. A museum of historic
antiquities was open to in the
sixth century B.C. in Babylon,
while the Egyptian helps many
religious festival attracting not
only religious festivals attracting
not only devout, but many who
came to see the famous building
and works of art in the cities.
• From around the same date, Greek tourist travelled to visit the
site of the healing god.
• Various academic disciplines have repeatedly sought to re-
evaluate the significance of tourism. Globalized tourism’s
socio-economic place within the framework of the leisure and
holidaying opportunities on offer today has attracted popular
Tourism as a globalized system.
• Tourism is often seen as a global phenomenon with an almost
incomprehensible massive structure. Its importance is evident
from the fact that its influence thoroughly penetrates society,
politics, culture and above all the economy.
The History of Philippine Tourism
• Tourism in the Philippines traces its origins during the ancient
times when the first set of people choose to migrate through
land bridges, followed by the oldest sets of migration from
Malayan archipelago in the south and Taiwan in the north.
• The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in
the world. It has a rich history combining Asia, European, and
American influence.
• In 1898, the Philippines became the first and only colony of
the united states.
• The tourism industry first truly flourished during the late 19th to early 20th
century due to the influx of immigrates from Europe and the United
States. It was listed as one of the best country to visit in Asia from Hong
Kong and Japan, earning the nickname “Pearl of the Orient Sea”.
• Filipinos are a freedom-loving people, having waged two peaceful,
bloodless revolutions against what were perceived as corrupt regimes.
• Filipinos are a fun-loving people. Through out the island, there are fiestas
celebrated every day and foreign guest are always welcome to their
• It is noteworthy to note that based on the chosen criteria, there can be
many types of tourism.
Distinction and differences between the
following types
• Recreational, realized in the suitable natural environment with
the aim of relaxation, reproduction and improvement of one’s
physical and psychic condition.
• Cultural-sightseeing, focused on acquiring oneself with the
history, culture, traditions and habits of one’s own nations.
• Social, when relatives gather together, new friendships and
acquaintances are formed between people with same interest in
social life.
• Therapeutic, including not only prevention, rehabilitation,
convalesce and treatment of the effects of illness and other
medical facilities.
• Sports-related, which involves not only sports activities,
including so-called hunting tourism, but also spectatorship at
sports events.
• Exploration of nature (flora and fauna) by way of visiting
conservation areas, a specific type is ecotourism, leading to
such behavior in the natural environment that endangers it as
little as possible.
• Adventurous (adrenaline sports), connected with danger,
testing physical and psychic abilities of the participants.
• Professional, including entrepreneurial, business trip,
participation in conferences (conference tourism)
• Political tourism, including rallies and meeting of political
• Shopping tourism, i.e, travelling somewhere to buy
• Specific tourism, such as tourism for the wheel-chair bound.
According to the way of arrangement, we differentiate
between organized tourism, provided by specialized subjects,
and individual, where customers arrange everything by
According to place
1. Domestic tourism
2. International tourism
According to the length of stay
3. Short term (usually up to 3 days)
4. Long-term (usually more than 3 days)
According to the number of participants
1. Individual (individuals, family)
2. Group (groups, tour)
3. Mass (mass events such as pilgrimages, sports events)
According to the of transportation
4. Road
5. Railways
6. Air
7. Water
8. Others (hiking, cyclotourism, water tourism)
According to the way of payment
9. Commercial
10. bound
Principal Term in defining Travel and Tourism
• Visitors – describe all the traveler who fall within agreed
definition of tourism.
• Tourist – describe visitor who stay overnight at the destination.
• Same-day visitors – describe visitors who arrive and depart on
the same day.
Four different perspectives of tourism
• The tourist
The tourist seeks various psychic and physical experiences
and satisfaction.
• The business providing tourist goods and services
Businesspeople see tourism as an opportunity to make profit
by suppling goods and services that the tourist market demand.
• The government of the host community or area
Politicians view tourism as a wealth factor in the economy of
their jurisdictions.
• The host community
local people usually see tourism as a cultural and
employment factor.
Tourism Chain
• The travel agent
Typically a generalist “shop” or chain of retail outlets that offer a
broad range of domestic and international travel services to
• The outbound operator
Typically operators who specialize in a particular geographic
region such as Amazon or South America, or on specific activity such
as bird watching or mountain climbing
• The inbound operator
Located in the destination country, they provide complete
packages of the services from arrival in the country to departure.
• Local service provider
Outside the big cities, near natural attractions, these may be
local lodge and hotel owners, local transport provider,
community-based ecotourism enterprises and local owners.
Early (and later) Tourist Attractions
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
1. The Great Pyramids of Egypt including the Sphinx
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, sometimes including the Walls of
Babylon and the Palace, in what is now Iraq
3. The Tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus, in what is now Turkey
4. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia in Greece
5. The Colossus of Rhodes in the Harbor at Rhodes, as an island
belonging to Greece
6. The Great Lighthouse (Pharos) in Alexandria, Egypt
7. The Temple of Artemis (also called the Temple of Diana) at Ephesus,
at the time part of Greece, now in Turkey)
Historic Transportation
• Stagecoach Travel
Coaches were invented in Hungary in the fifteenth century
and provided regular service there on prescribe routes.
• Water Travel
Market boats picked up passengers as well as goods on ship
in England as early as 1770.
• Rail Travel
Railway were first built in England in 1825 and carried
passengers beginning in 1830.
• Automobile and Motorcoach Travel
Automobile entered the travel scene in the United States
when Henry Ford introduced his famous Model T in 1908.
• Air Travel
It began with the flight of the wright brothers on December
17, 1903.
• Tourism is a word that refers to the activities involving
travelers and temporary stay in any choice of selected
Types or Form of Tourism
• Adventure Tourism – is a
type of niche tourism
involving exploration or
travel to remote areas,
where the traveler should
expect the unexpected.
• Archaeotourism or
Archeological Tourism – is an
alternative form of cultural
tourism, which aims to promote
passion for historical-
archeology and the
conservation of historical sites.
• Art Tourism – it is a type of
tourism focuses on having
exposure to the different
forms of art like painting,
sculpture and other form of
• Black Tourism or Grief
Tourism – involves
visiting sites associated
with suffering and death.
• Bookstore Tourism - is
the type of cultural
tourism that promotes
independent bookstores
as a group travel
• Culinary Tourism – refers to
travel of which the purpose
is to pursue unique and
memorable drinking and
dinning with the locals at
the chosen destination.
• Cultural Tourism or Heritage
Tourism – involves immersion
in a society’s lifestyle, its
people’s history, its art and
architecture, its religion, and
any other elements that
shaped it and its people.
• Disaster Tourism – which
involves visiting areas that
have affected by floods,
hurricanes, volcanoes and
more and inclusive tourism,
which is tourism accessible to
the disabled.
• Domestic Tourism – this
refers to travel within
national boundary or own
• Educational Tourism – is
the kind of tourism of
which the purpose is
learning and enriching
• Events Tourism – this types
of tourism allows the
traveler to travel to
destination to attend and
have actual participation in
an event like fair,
celebration, festivals,
rituals, ceremonies,
birthdays, etc.
• Extreme Tourism –
includes tourism of native
societies, ghettos, jungles
and urban areas.
• Ethnic Tourism or Ethno
Tourism – where travelers
observe a country native
people without intent of
scientific gain.
• Dental Tourism - is a subset
of the sector known as
medical tourism. It involves
individual seeking dental care
outside of their local
healthcare system.
• Drug Tourism – is the travel
for the purpose of obtaining
or using drugs for personal
use that are unavailable or
illegal in one’s home
• Female Sex Tourism – is a
travel by woman, partially
of fully for the purpose of
having sex.
• Garden Tourism – is a
type of niche tourism
involving visit or travel to
botanical gardens and
places which are
significant in the history
of garden.
• Gay Tourism or LGBT Tourism
– is a form of niche tourism
marketed to gay people who
are often about their sexual
orientation and who wish to
travel to gay travel
destinations in order to
participate to some extent in
the gay life of the destination
• Geotourism – which focuses
not just on sustainability but
also on enhancing the areas
character, through not
related as much to the
• Health Tourism – also
known as medical tourism,
this form of tourism
describes the practice of
leaving the country to get
healthcare, or of providers,
travelling to deliver
• International Tourism –
refers to traveling across
national boundary or
Types of Tourism
• Coastal Tourism – refers to land-based tourism activities
including swimming, surfing, sunbathing and other coastal
recreation activities taking place on the coast for which the
proximity to the sea is a condition including also their
perspective service.
• Urban Tourism – The World Tourism Organization (UNTWO)
has been addressing Urban Tourism as a type of tourism
activity which takes place in an urban space with its inherent
attributes characterized by non-agricultural based economy
such as administration, manufacturing, trade and services and
by being nodal points of transport.
• Rural Tourism – focuses on actively participating in a rural
lifestyle. It can be a variant of ecotourism.

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