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Civility is associated with the conduct that involves responsibility, mutual respect and patience in the

human environment. However, very frequently people in their work places focus on their activities and
forget about the professional etiquette and civility. This problem is particularly common in the
companies involved with services. According to a survey of KRC Research, about 65% of American
citizens consider incivility a major issue. Many employees leave their jobs due to improper conduct in
their work places. For these reasons it is very important to invest in professional training of personnel
and develop civility traits necessary for business etiquette (Stanyon, n.d.).

It is not necessary to look for special cases and dates to tell a colleague or a subordinate how you
appreciate them and value their contribution to the business development. The words of civility are
important to be told as often as it is possible. As a matter of fact, constant pleasant surprises and words
telling people around how you appreciate them will help make them feel always demanded and
necessary. Indeed, a warm and pleasant feeling may be noticed inside after one has called a sick
colleague and inquired him/her about health. The matter is that even small courtesies can improve a
person’s mood. Civility is “infectious”. If you smile to a colleague going along the corridor to a casual
meeting, you, by all means, will see a reciprocal smile. Showing goodwill in relation to other people, you
create a positive microclimate round yourself.

Having got job, people should understand that they will spend in the workplace not less than five days a
week of seven. Therefore, it is very important to develop a positive atmosphere there since labor
productivity depends much on it. Staying in one room with other people will demand tolerance and
tactfulness in relation to tendencies and features of the staff. In relation to this, it is important to
remember that each person is individual, and it is necessary to be respectful to everyone.

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