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In its most narrow usage fiction refers to novels, but it may also denote any "literary
narrative", including novels, novellas, and short stories.
More broadly, fiction has come to encompass imaginative storytelling in any format,
including writings, theatrical performances, comics, films, television programs, animations,
games (most notably, video games and role-playing games), and so on. A work of fiction implies
the inventive act of constructing an imaginary world, so its audience does not typically expect it
to be totally faithful to the real world in presenting only characters who are actual people or
descriptions that are factually true. Instead, the context of fiction, generally understood as not
adhering precisely to the real world, is more open to interpretation. Characters and events within
a fictional work may even be set in their own context entirely separate from the known universe:
an independent fictional universe. Fiction’s traditional opposite is non-fiction, a narrative work
whose creator assumes responsibility for presenting only the historical and factual truth. The
distinction between fiction and non-fiction however can be unclear in some recent artistic and
literary movements, such as postmodern literature.
Traditionally, fiction includes novels, short stories, fables, legends, myths, fairy tales,
epic and narrative poetry, plays (including operas, musicals, dramas, puppet plays, and various
kinds of theatrical dances). However, fiction may also encompass comic books, and many
animated cartoons, stop motions, anime, manga films, video games, radio programs, television
programs (comedies and dramas), etc. Types of literary fiction in prose include: short story,
novella, and novel.

THEME/LESSON: Fiction is just an imaginative or false stories.

ESSAY FORM: Exposition
 Topic: FICTION
 Theme: Fiction is just an imaginative or false stories.
 Thesis Statement: A work of fiction implies the inventive act of constructing an
imaginary world, so its audience does not typically expect it to be totally faithful to the
real world in presenting only characters who are actual people or descriptions that are
factually true.
 Authorial Voice: 3rd person Point of View (it)
What is poetry? Poetry is language rendered musically. Its long history is rooted in the
prehistoric oral tradition of the first humans, evolves past the advent of writing, and continues to
evolve into the present. It takes on many forms, from simple rhyming couplets to complex free
Poetry contains both literary and musical features. On the literary side, poetry can use any
combination of metaphor, simile, imagery, symbolism, allegory, even narrative or storyline.
Denotation (direct meaning) and connotation (indirect meaning) help to further sculpt the literary
meaning or sense of a poem. On the musical side, poetry uses rhyme, meter, assonance (similar
vowels) and alliteration (similar consonants) to strike an aural mood or tone. Poetry can be ironic
or humorous, attractive or ugly, mystical or mundane.
A much misunderstood art form, poetry nevertheless continues to inspire millions of
readers and listeners in every culture.

THEME/LESSON: Poetry continues to inspire millions of readers and listeners in every

ESSAY FORM: Exposition
 Topic: POETRY
 Theme: Poetry nevertheless continues to inspire millions of readers and listeners in every
 Thesis Statement: Its long history is rooted in the prehistoric oral tradition of the first
humans, evolves past the advent of writing, and continues to evolve into the present.
 Authorial Voice: 3rd person Point of View (it)


To make their plays dramatic, playwrights strive to progressively build the audience’s
feelings of tension and anticipation as the story develops.
Dramatic tension builds as the audience keeps wondering “What happens next?” and
anticipating the outcomes of those events. In a mystery, for example, dramatic tension builds
throughout the plot until an exciting or unanticipated climax is revealed. Dramas depend heavily
on spoken dialogue to keep the audience informed about the characters’ feelings, personalities,
motivations, and plans. Since the audience sees characters in a drama living out their experiences
without any explanatory comments from the author, playwrights often create dramatic tension by
having their characters deliver soliloquies and asides.
In literature, a drama is the portrayal of fictional or non-fictional events through the
performance of written dialog (either prose or poetry). It can be performed on stage, on film, or
the radio. Dramas are typically called plays, and their creators are known as “playwrights” or

ESSAY FORM: Exposition
 Topic: DRAMA
 Theme: Drama is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.
 Thesis Statement: People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other
people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives
more exciting.
 Authorial Voice: 3rd person Point of View (it)


An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument — but the
definition is vague, overlapping with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.
Traditionally, it has been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are
characterized by "serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, length," whereas the informal
essay is characterized by "the personal element (self-revelation, individual tastes and
experiences, confidential manner), humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality
or novelty of theme," etc. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have
become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats
to improve their writing skills; admission essays are often used by universities in selecting
applicants, and in the humanities and social sciences essays are often used as a way of assessing
the performance of students during final exams.
Generally, essay is very useful specially to those learners.

ESSAY FORM: Exposition
 Topic: ESSAY
 Theme: Essay is very useful specially to those learners.
 Thesis Statement: Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve
their writing skills; admission essays are often used by universities in selecting
applicants, and in the humanities and social sciences essays are often used as a way of
assessing the performance of students during final exams.
 Authorial Voice: 3rd person Point of View (it)


EDITED BY: Ms. Angelica Apple Antonio

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