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An Overview of the company:

Once upon a time, in 1892 to be precise, a biscuit company was started in a nondescript house in Calcutta (now Kolkata)
with an initial investment of Rs. 295. The company we all know as Britannia today.

The beginnings might have been humble-the dreams were anything but by 1910, with the advent of electricity, Britannia
mechanised its operations, and in 1921, it became the first company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas ovens.
Britannia's business was flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was acquiring a reputation for quality and value. As a
result, during the tragic World War II, the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by contracting it to supply large
quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed forces.

As time moved on, the biscuit market continued to grow… and Britannia grew along with it. In 1975, the Britannia Biscuit
Company took over the distribution of biscuits from Parry's who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India. In the
subsequent public issue of 1978, Indian shareholding crossed 60%, firmly establishing the Indianness of the firm. The
following year, Britannia Biscuit Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited (BIL). Four years later in 1983, it
crossed the Rs. 100 crores revenue mark.

On the operations front, the company was making equally dynamic strides. In 1992, it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In
1997, the company unveiled its new corporate identity - "Eat Healthy, Think Better" - and made its first foray into the
dairy products market. In 1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion further fortified the affinity consumers
had with 'Brand Britannia'.

Britannia strode into the 21st Century as one of India's biggest brands and the pre-eminent food brand of the country. It was
equally recognised for its innovative approach to products and marketing: the Lagaan Match was voted India's most
successful promotional activity of the year 2001 while the delicious Britannia 50-50 Maska-Chaska became India's most
successful product launch. In 2002, Britannia's New Business Division formed a joint venture with Fonterra, the world's
second largest Dairy Company, and Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. was born. In recognition of its vision and
accelerating graph, Forbes Global rated Britannia 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World', and The
Economic Times pegged Britannia India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand.

The company's offerings are spread across the spectrum with products ranging from the healthy and economical Tiger
biscuits to the more lifestyle-oriented Milkman Cheese. Having succeeded in garnering the trust of almost one-third of
India's one billion population and a strong management means Britannia will continue to dream big on its path of innovation
and quality.

An overview of the Product:

Britannia Good Day was launched in 1986 in two delectable avatars - GOOD DAY CASHEW and BUTTER. Over the
years, new variants were introduced - Good Day Pista Badam in 1989, Good Day Chocochips in 2000 and Good Day
Choconut in 2004.

This rich biscuit enjoys a fan following of consumers across all ages, loyal to the brand promise of a great taste evident
from the visibly abundant ingredients. Good Day is amongst the fastest growing brands in Britannia's portfolio and is today
the market leader with almost 2/3 share of the market

Marketing involves finding out what your customers want and then meeting their requirements. To satisfy its customers, a
business must create a successful mix of:

• the right product or service (PRODUCT)

• sold in the right place (PLACE)

• at the right price (PRICE)

• using the most effective forms of promotion. (PROMOTION)

This is referred to as the 4Ps of marketing

Product Range
Good Day Jumbo is 'extra big' with 'extra goodness' oozing out of it. Good Day Jumbo allows you to relish the magic of 4
dry fruits in a single cookie. Its unique and exclusive shape makes it easy for you to share and spread ‘Good Cheer”
amongst your loved ones.

Good Day Cashew, Badam and Pista : Its ingredients contain Wheat flour, Butter, Sugar, Milk and Milk Products, Salts,
Permitted Flavour, colour etc. So, it is a high calorie biscuit and most suitable for little naughty one ie the child in the house.
Addition of nutrients like badam, pista, butter, and cashew makes it really enriched and filled with richness.

Choco Chop and Choco Nut:They targeted towards children at large, people who are young at heart and health sensitive
people. It is also relevant for consumers with sugar related ailments. Thus are marketed as a premium segment biscuit

Product Personality:

Nature of product:
Britannia Good Day is an augmented product. Augmented products are those products which have additional attributes in
the product to differentiate it from the competitor’s products. They try to add more attributes to improve the product and
exceed the normal expectations of buyers i.e to delight them. Britannia Good Day enjoys a fan following of consumers
across all ages who are loyal to the brand and the biscuits promise of a great taste evident from the visibly abundant
ingredients like butter,cashew, pista badam, chocolate chips, nuts and dry fruits. With richness as one of the functional facet
of Good Day this product can be classified as a premium segment biscuit.
Product Classification:
1. On Basis of Durability:

Nondurable: Biscuits are tangible in nature. They are consumed over a short period of time. Good Day
biscuits are consumed at a fast rate and hence they are purchased frequently by consumers.

2. Usage:

Consumer Products: Biscuits are used by consumer for personal, family or household use and is bought
with the intension of satisfying personal needs.

- It can be further classified as a convenience product as they are bought with a minimum thought
and effort.

Product Line


It is comes in the premium biscuits segment and is positioned as a health food. This brand is known for its richness and is
basically targeted at children and teenagers as a tasty health food that can be consumed as a snack and also at the breakfast
table .Hence it is promoted as a health food that it would give a person the energy to start his daily routine and so is aptly
named “Good Day”.

Britannia has used the multi branding technique in branding its biscuits as they use different brands under the same product
category to cater to different buying patterns of the consumers. So it has


under its umbrella of Good Day brand of biscuits.

Britannia’s company logo itself has red, white, and green for its logo which represents vitality, purity, freshness. These
attributes help in promoting Britannia’s products. Similarly, Good Day Biscuits are packed in coloured packaged which
have a color that shows the ingredient or the USP of the biscuit. For example Badam pista comes in brown and green which
signifies pista and badam, choco nut comes in violet and brown which signifies chocolate, cashew comes in brown
signifying roasted cashew, choco chips come in brown signifying dark chocolate, Jumbo being in pink signifying dry fruits
and tutti fruity. Thus it acts as a silent informer for the consumer and so attracts the attention of the consumer trickling
down to help in sales. This kind of packaging informs the consumer about the contents of the product and its features and
attributes. The packaging is also done in such a way that it is easier for wholesalers and retailers to handle the products.

Good Day biscuits also come in large packets of 200gm also which help in reducing the packaging cost for the company
and also put an impression on the consumers that they are getting more of the product at a reduced rate. Thus all these
factors help in easy sale ability and marketability of the product.

Labeling is the process of exhibiting important information on the product’s package. All the Good Day biscuit variants
have ingredients of the product, calories it provides, the address for sending feedback about the quality of biscuits,
complaints if any and also any further information about the biscuits on the package. The package also has an Eco mark on
each and every packet that is manufactured.

Pricing is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix, as it is the only mix, which generates a turnover for the
organisation. The remaining 3p’s are the variable cost for the organisation. It costs to produce and design a product; it
costs to distribute a product and costs to promote it. Price must support these elements of the mix. Pricing a product too
high or too low could mean a loss of sales for the organisation. Pricing should take into account the factors like fixed and
variable costs, competition, company objectives, proposed positioning strategies, target group and willingness to pay.

GOODDAY CHOCO CHIPS 72 x 75 Gm. (Rs15.)

GOODDAY CASHEW 80 x 75 gm. (Rs12.)

GOODDAY CASHEW FAMILY 48 x 250 Gm. (Rs20.)

GOOD DAY BUTTER 80 x 75 gm. (Rs10.)

GOODDAY BUTTER FAMILY 48 x 250 Gm. (Rs18.)

GOODDAY PISTA 80 x 75 gm. (Rs12)

GOODDAY PISTA FAMILY 48 x 250 Gm. (Rs 12)

The pricing strategies are based much on what objectives the company has set itself to achieve and Britannia has adopted a number of pricing strategies:

Competition pricing: They have set a price which is competitive when compared with competitors.
Product Line Pricing: Priced different products within the same product range at different price points. The better the feature and the benefit given the greater
the consumer will pay. This form of price discrimination assists the company in maximising turnover and profits.

Bundle Pricing: The organisation bundles a group of products at a reduced price when providing family packs.

Value Pricing: They have also used value based pricing.

Britannia has worked a lot on fixing the price of its biscuits. It has packaged its products in various sizes and at various prices. Its biscuits ranges from Rs 10
to Rs 20.
Cost Sheet Rs
Cost of Production 1.00
Company’s Profit 1.50
Packaging 0.50
Promotion 2.00
Transportation 1.00
Selling & Distribution 1.75
Cost to Distributor 7.75
Distributors profit 0.75
Cost to Wholesaler 8.50
Wholesaler Profit 0.50
Retailer Cost 9.00
Retailer Profit 1.00
MRP 10.00

Though figures vary widely from product to product, roughly a fifth of the production cost of an item goes on getting it to the customer. The term 'place' deals
with various methods of transporting and storing goods and then making them available to the customer.

Getting the right product to the right place at the right time involves the distribution system. Distribution is the process of moving goods and services to the
places where they are wanted.

Channel Levels: The channel of distribution used by Britannia is:

Intensive Distribution: As biscuits need to reach the consumer at their nearest locations this type of distribution channel is used. This type of distribution helps
when for products that are categorized by low involvement of the customer and where customer looks for location convenience.
Promotion includes all of the techniques that a company uses to communicate with other individuals and organisations. An important avenue for
communication is advertising. Advertising is referred to as 'above the line' promotion. Other types of promotion such as special offers and discounts are
referred to as being 'below the line'. Advertising communicates the desirability, emotional benefits and exclusive features of the product.

Britannia works in close partnership to promote its biscuits with retailers. Promotion costs are shared with retailers. The more retailers sell - the more
Britannia is able to help them.

Britannia launches products that offer the company good returns, supporting these through brand building and leveraging on its nationwide supply chain.
Brand building is an integral part of Britannia’s marketing philosophy with continued promotions for its various brands creating loyal customers in the

Good Day, "Richness is only one functional facet of Good Day. But there is also a large emotional facet — that of spreading happiness.This became the plank
on which Good Day began to be advertised. Also with traditional notions of health changing, rich foods are not necessarily looked at as being unhealthy.
"Good Day is full of nuts and is rich but it is also good for health. So, they created the Swasth kao, tan man jagao (Eat healthy, energise body and mind)

Sales promotion:
“Eat Britannia, Go for World Cup" was the theme adopted in 1999 .People bought the biscuit packs and searched for the lucky scratch for flying to England to
see world Cup Cricket match.The sales bounced 37% high on account of this strategy. The scheme came alive again during the world Cup Match in 2002-
2003 in South Africa.

" Lagaan - the super hit movie " brought fame to Britannia Biscuits also as 40000 buyers of Britannia Biscuit packs were invited to see and a small lucky
group to play the game with the movie Stars of Lagan. What a novel way to promote a product - a perception in correct proportion indeed !!

Now, recently promotional strategy are "Jodi Banao" Offer & winning ideas of the “ Monmatano Britannia pran bhorano sharodiya” contest like create a
special flower arrangement for dashmi. Get all the women in your street together and make a huge, elaborate face of durga with flowers.


Britannia brand is advertised through hoardings on cricket grounds, on highways, through image building exercises like donations etc.

Marketing environment:
1. Quality refers to features of a product that allow it to meet customers’ expectations. A product is often referred
to as a good quality if it is "fit for purpose".
2. To ensure good quality, Good Day requires:
3. Quality raw materials
4. Quality production process
5. Quality design

Total quality management

1. It is a method of establishing production faults through a philosophy of continuous improvements in every
process of planning, production and service.
2. In order for biscuits to achieve quality assurance, it must achieve:
3. T Product perfection, It does this by taking samples from various batches of biscuits and analyses them, to find
out if they meet quality standards. If they do not, the whole batch is brought back and not sold, it is further on
analysed, in order to find the fault.
4. T Process quality, it does these by regularly checking that all the production.

Through these stages BritanniaGood Day adds value.

• Britannia uses many processes to achieve quality. It uses quality assurance, control and total quality
management to make sure that its quality standards are met. All of these quality processes tie in together.
• Quality assurance places great emphasis upon the seller to deliver goods of appropriate quality, so that the
receiving organization is saved the time and trouble resulting from defects.
• Quality control is inspecting or testing the quality of the product at various points in the manufacture of a
product or delivery of service.

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