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The Functions of Communication

Communicating with other individuals is an integral part of the lives of the individuals.
Throughout one’s lives, communication is regarded as the fundamental aspect that facilities
implementation of various tasks and activities, achievement of personal and professional goals
and enrichment of the overall quality of lives of the individuals. Communication has important
functions to play. The main objective of this research paper is to understand the functions of
communication. The primary function of communication is to share ideas, viewpoints,
perspectives and exchange information with others. Apart from this function, there are other
functions as well. When the individuals, belonging to various age groups, occupations,
categories and backgrounds are communicating with each other in an effectual manner, they
generate the feelings of pleasure and contentment. In order to put into operation all the
functions of communication in an efficacious manner, the individuals need to make sure, they
are well-aware in terms of methods and approaches, which are needed to make these functions
meaningful and advantageous. Therefore, it is of utmost significance to conduct research in
terms of these methods and approaches on a continuous basis. The main areas that have been
taken into account in this research paper include, meaning and significance of functions of
communication, functions of communication and measures to improve functions of
Keywords: Communication, Effectiveness, Functions, Improvements, Knowledge,
Measures, Understanding
To communicate means to share. The primary function of communication is to exchange
ideas and perspectives with each other. It is a mechanism for transferring meaningful
information to others. When the communication processes take place in an effective manner,
the individuals are not only able to acquire knowledge and understanding in a well-organized
manner, but they are also able to create amiable terms and relationships with others. On the
other hand, when the communication processes are not put into operation in an effective
manner, then it may lead to occurrence of conflicting situations. Research studies have
indicated that human beings spend nearly 70 percent of their waking hours in communicating.
The various tasks and activities of communicating are, writing, reading, speaking and listening.
Therefore, when they are communicating through the use of any of these activities, they need to
ensure that it proves to be useful to them (What is Communication, and Functions, 2018).
Communication would take place in a perfect manner, when the thought or an idea was
transmitted, so the receiver perceived exactly the same mental picture as the sender (What is
Communication, and Functions, 2018). In other words, the senders are usually well-aware in
terms of the information that they are imparting to the receivers. Whereas, it is vital for the
receivers as well to possess complete knowledge as the senders. When the senders are able to
generate adequate information among the receivers, then the communication processes are
stated to be implemented in a perfect manner. In order to promote communication in a perfect
manner, the senders are the ones, who need to take initiative and put into operation various
methods and approaches. Another important area, in terms of which both the senders and
receivers need to be aware of are the functions of communication. When research is conducted
in terms of functions of communication, they are able to identify that apart from exchanging of
ideas and perspectives, there are other functions of communication as well. Functions of
communication are important concepts, which are vital to understand in order to carry out
communication in an effectual manner.
When the individuals are pursuing educational programs in communication, they are
able to generate information in terms of functions of communication. It is comprehensively
understood that communication is sharing of ideas and viewpoints. But apart from sharing of
ideas and viewpoints, there are number of other functions as well. The instructors make
provision of adequate knowledge to the individuals in terms of functions of communication.
Research has indicated that in some cases, the individuals do not communicate with each other
in an appropriate manner and depict the feelings of anger, frustration and stress. In some
cases, the individuals are overwhelmed by the feelings of antagonism and hatred against
others. In cases, when the individuals possess these feelings, the communication processes
cannot take place in an effective manner. Hence, when one is conducting research or
generating information in terms of functions of communication, they ensure, they possess
positive viewpoints and not any kinds of negative feelings against anybody. Furthermore, one
needs to put into operation, conflict resolution methods in a peaceful manner to alleviate
conflicts and disagreements. Therefore, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to possess
knowledge in terms of functions of communication.

Meaning and Significance of Functions of Communication

The functions of communication have meaning and significance. In order to acquire an
understanding of meaning and significance of functions of communication, there are various
objectives, which need to be understood. These have been stated as follows:
Informing – Informing messages to others is regarded as the principle function of
communication. It is done verbally or non-verbally. Verbal messages can be oral or written.
Whereas, non-verbal messages are conveyed through the use of body language, gestures,
postures and so forth (The Business Communication, 2020). When the individuals are informing
others, they may do so in a rapid manner or leisurely. Informing can be done by superiors to the
subordinates or vice-versa. When the messages are negative, then they may not be informed
rapidly, whereas, positive and pleasant messages are informed in a rapid manner. Therefore, it
is an important objective, which imparts information in terms of meaning and significance of
functions of communication.
Persuading – Persuading is referred to making someone do or believe something, by
giving them a valid and genuine reason to do it. Persuading can be encouraged through
effective communication (Persuade, 2020). It is implemented among individuals within homes,
educational institutions and employment settings. In this case, the superiors persuade their
subordinates to carry out their job duties in an effective manner, so they are able to achieve the
desired goals and objectives. The subordinates also persuade the superiors to accept their
ideas and perspectives. Particularly, when the individuals have worked diligently and
conscientiously, they desire that their instructors and supervisors accept their ideas and
viewpoints. This objective is put into operation in most cases. Therefore, it can be stated,
persuading is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning and
significance of functions of communication.
Integrating – It is comprehensively understood that individuals cannot work in seclusion.
In order to carry out one’s job duties in a well-organized manner and achieve the desired goals
and objectives, the individuals need to work in integration with each other. When they work in
integration, they are able to benefit in number of ways. These include, obtaining help and
assistance from others in providing solutions to their problems, exchanging ideas and
perspectives, creating amiable terms and relationships with others and forming a sociable
working environment. This needs to be taken into account by the individuals, throughout their
job duties. Therefore, it can be stated, integrating is an important objective, which conveys
information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.
Creating Relationships – Relationships are not only created among the individuals within the
households, but individuals are also required to form terms and relationships with each other in
educational institutions and employment settings. From the stage of early childhood, individuals
are provided information in terms of significance of creating relationships. Creating relationships
are regarded as the key that would facilitate in the achievement of desired goals and objectives.
Effective communication is regarded as the foundation for the creation of relationships. When
the individuals will communicate with each other in respectful and polite manner, they will be
able to render a significant contribution in creating relationships. Therefore, it can be stated,
creating relationships is an important objective, which conveys information in terms of meaning
and significance of functions of communication.

Help in Making Selections between Alternatives – In some cases, the individuals have more
than one alternative available and they need to make selection of one. When the alternatives
are selected, it needs to be ensured that they prove to be beneficial to the individuals. When the
individuals need help in making selections between alternatives, they usually are required to
obtain help from others. Obtaining help from others require the implementation of
communication processes in an effective manner. Therefore, it can be stated, obtaining help in
making selections between alternatives is an important objective, which conveys information in
terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.
Improving Connections – Through communication, the individuals contribute in improving
connections with others. Improving connections is vital not only with family members, but also
with other individuals, within educational institutions, employment settings and community. From
the stage of early childhood, the individuals realize that outside their home also there is a world,
with which they need to communicate. One of the important benefits of improving connections
is, it leads to improvement in one’s overall lives. Hence, throughout their lives, the individuals
need to pay attention towards improving connections with others. Therefore, it can be stated,
improving connections is an important objective, through which information is imparted in terms
of meaning and significance of functions of communication.
Reducing Misunderstandings – In some cases, misunderstandings takes place among
individuals and they are required to solve them. These are regarded as major impediments
within the course of formation of sociable relationships. Effective communication is regarded as
one of the indispensable aspects that is used to cause a reduction in misunderstandings. When
one feels that he or she is being misunderstood by others, they provide them explanations and
eliminate misunderstandings. Furthermore, it is vital for the individuals to establish positive
thinking and generate adequate awareness. Therefore, causing a reduction in
misunderstandings is also regarded as one of the important objectives, through which
information is conveyed in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.
Solving Problems – Problems are regarded as an integral part of the lives of the individuals,
irrespective of their occupations, status, categories and backgrounds. In some cases, they are
minor, which one is able to solve on their own. Whereas, in other cases, they are major, which
require the individuals to obtain help and assistance from others. When the problems are major
and require the individuals to obtain help and assistance from others, they need to ensure, they
implement the communication processes in a well-organized manner. When the individuals are
providing assistance, it is vital to put into practice the suggestions in a sufficient manner. Hence,
communicating in order to provide solutions to problems is regarded as one of the indispensable
objectives, which imparts information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of
Evaluating – Evaluating is referred to implementation of measures and strategies, which are
necessary to assess the performance of the individuals. In educational institutions as well as
within employment settings, the teachers, instructors and supervisors put into operation the
methods to evaluate the performance of the students and employees. When evaluation
methods are put into operation, the individuals need to communicate with each other. It has the
main objective of identifying the flaws and inconsistencies and bring about improvements. In
educational institutions, the main evaluating methods are, class assignments, homework
assignments, tests, competitions, quizzes and so forth. Whereas, in organizations, these are,
job duties, presentations, projects, reports and so forth. Therefore, evaluating is regarded as
one of the important objectives, which conveys information in terms of meaning and significance
of functions of communication.
Making Decisions – The individuals, who are in leadership positions are vested with the
authority to make decisions. When they need to make decisions, which prove to be meaningful
and advantageous to organizations on the whole, they need to seek ideas and suggestions from
others as well. In such cases, there are organization of discussion meetings, which enable the
individuals to obtain ideas and suggestions from others. Therefore, in order to make worthwhile
and meaningful decisions, the individuals communicate with each other in order to obtain ideas
and suggestions. As effective communication will facilitate in the making of wise and productive
decisions, which would be worthwhile and useful to the individuals and organizations as a
whole. Therefore, it can be stated, making decisions is an important objective, which conveys
information in terms of meaning and significance of functions of communication.
Functions of Communication
There have been attempts made to systematise the functions of communication,
beginning with Harold Lasswell. He summarized them as, surveillance, correlation and
transmission of cultural heritage. The functionalist perspective distinguishes between those
consequences that are useful to the maintenance and well-being of the system and the factors
that impose detrimental effects. The positive consequences are known as functions, whereas,
the factors that are unfavourable are termed as dysfunctions. When the communication is put
into operation, the individuals aim to make it meaningful. Furthermore, they make an attempt to
cause a reduction in all the factors, which would lead to dysfunctions (Unit 1 Meaning, Concept
and Functions of Communication, n.d.). The functions of communication have been stated as
Surveillance – The function of surveillance obliges the media to alert the society to any
factors, which would impose detrimental effects upon the health and well-being of the
individuals (Unit 1 Meaning, Concept and Functions of Communication, n.d.). The individuals
are warned to make use of resources in an appropriate manner to avert the crisis situation. In
this case, the communication takes place through warning individuals. When there are certain
risks and perils, the individuals are communicated in terms of preventive measures and
approaches, which are needed to curb the risks and the unfavourable effects that are
associated. When the individuals are communicated in terms of detrimental factors, then they
would devise various methods and approaches, which would enable them to carry out their
tasks and activities. For instance, warning in terms of strike of buses would enable them to plan
their transportation through other ways. Therefore, the surveillance function of communication
contributes in warning individuals and enabling them to devise other useful measures.
Correlation – The function of correlation includes the selection, evaluation and
interpretation of events. It imposes order on the overpowering course of information by
packaging them in units. Media has established events in the historical framework, source the
information, so the reader can make complete sense of the information provided. This function
takes the form of a comment and interpretation to make sense of the fragments of information
and also the formation of consensus. The role of media is regarded as indispensable in
imparting information to the individuals in terms of number of areas. The function of correlation
is carried out in a well-organized manner through the media. When the individuals receive the
information, it is vital for them to make use of it in an appropriate manner for the well-being of
themselves as well as the communities. Therefore, the correlation function of communication
contributes in generating information among the individuals in terms of various aspects (Unit 1
Meaning, Concept and Functions of Communication, n.d.).
Transmission of Culture – It is comprehensively understood that when individuals are
communicating with each other, particularly, belonging to different cultures, categories and
backgrounds, they generate awareness in terms of each other’s cultures. In particularly,
educational institutions, employment settings, neighbourhood and public places, transmission of
culture takes place as the basis of communication. When the individuals, who are different from
each other in terms of factors, such as, caste, creed, race, ethnicity, religion, cultures and socio-
economic background are communicating with each other, they impart information in terms of
norms, values, cultures, principles and standards. The function of transmission of culture is
referred to as the socialization process. Socialization is regarded as an important function that
enables the individuals to create amiable terms with each other, form a social circle and enrich
ones quality of lives. Therefore, it can be stated, transmission of culture is regarded as one of
the indispensable functions of communication.
Entertainment – Entertainment is regarded as an important function of communication
and is desirable to a major extent. In one’s daily lives, the individuals are required to carry out
number of tasks and activities, within as well as outside the home. In addition, they are required
to experience number of problems and challenges as well. In order to relieve their mind-sets
and alleviate the psychological problems of stress, anxiety and pressure, they look for various
means to entertain themselves. One can put into practice various methods for entertainment.
These include, watching television, listening to radio, playing games, communicating with family
members and friends, going for outings and so forth. When the individuals are engaged in
various types of entertainment activities, they are communicating with others. Therefore, it can
be stated that the function of entertainment is regarded as vital in alleviating psychological
problems of stress, and anxiety and enabling the individuals to feel pleasurable and contented.
Mobilization – Mobilization is a comprehensive term, which is put into operation by the
individuals in all areas, these include, homes, educational institutions, employment settings,
community and public places. There are number of meanings of this term. These include,
organization, utilization, deployment, distribution and enlistment. When the individuals are
putting into operation this function, they need to communicate with others. In the implementation
of communication processes in an effective manner and carry out this function in a well-
organized manner, the individuals need to be aware in terms of how this function is to be
implemented. When the individuals are to carry out the activities of organization, utilization,
deployment, distribution and enlistment, it is apparent that they cannot work in seclusion and
need to establish effectual and useful communication terms with others, individuals, who are
family members and community members. Therefore, it can be stated that mobilization is a
crucial function of communication.
Devising Schedule – Within the working environment, the individuals, who are in
leadership positions need to communicate with other individuals to devise schedules. The
individuals, who are heads, directors and CEOs, have assistants and secretaries. These
individuals, usually are required to devise their daily schedules. In this case, normally the tasks
and activities are listed, such as, discussion meetings, lectures, presentations, field-visits and so
forth. The assistants or secretaries have the task of devising the schedule, in which they specify
all the activities, locations and timings. Schedules are made on daily or weekly basis. But in
most cases, they are made on daily basis. When the individuals are devising schedules, they
need to communicate them to their bosses. When they are communicated, feedback is given to
them. It can be positive or it may require any kinds of changes. Therefore, devising schedule is
regarded as an important function of communication.
Gate Keeping – The limit on the number of pages in the newspaper or the time
available on the television or radio demands that a large amount of information reaches the
media from various types of sources. The function of gate keeping enables the individuals to
take into account various factors. These include, what should be selected for publication and
what should be rejected, who performs the job duties, how the job duties are to be performed
and the reasons behind the implementation of various tasks and activities (Unit 1 Meaning,
Concept and Functions of Communication, n.d.). Gate keeping is regarded as one of the major
job duties of desk individuals. When the individuals are in office jobs in various kinds of
organizations, they need to pay attention towards the function of gate keeping. In the effective
implementation of this function, the individuals are required to communicate with each other. In
order to carry out their job duties in an efficacious manner, they need to work in collaboration
and integration with each other. Therefore, the function of gate keeping is regarded as an
important function of communication.
Counselling and Guidance – Counselling and guidance are regarded as important
factors that individuals need at some point in their lives. When the individuals are overwhelmed
by problems and need solutions, they need counselling and guidance from others. These
include, family members, supervisors, instructors, employers, or professional counsellors. In
one’s lives, there are number of areas, in terms of which individuals need counselling and
guidance. These include, careers, jobs, education, family relationships, home environment,
finances, and psychological problems. The individuals, who are counselling and guiding need to
ensure they impart adequate knowledge to others, so they are able to provide solutions to their
problems. It needs to be ensured that the communication processes take place in an effectual
and productive manner. The receivers need to implement the methods and strategies in a well-
organized manner. Therefore, it can be stated, counselling and guidance are regarded as vital
functions of communication.
Instructing – Instructing is referred to teaching, training, coaching and tutoring. Within
educational institutions and organizations, when the teachers, professors, supervisors, and
trainers are instructing the individuals, they need to implement effective communication
processes. The instructing can take place in an oral as well as in a written form. In some cases,
the instructors make use of technologies and other materials, such as, articles, reports,
documents and so forth, whereas, in other cases, they may not make use of technologies or
other materials. In order to make this function productive, it is necessary for the instructors to
possess satisfactory knowledge in terms of lesson plans and concepts that needs to be
imparted. Furthermore, they need to be well-aware in terms of instructional strategies. The
instructional strategies need to be put into practice on the basis of concepts and needs and
requirements of learners. Therefore, instructing is regarded as an indispensable function of
communication, which contributes effectively in enhancing the structure of the organizations as
well as the overall system of education.
Motivating – Within the organizations and educational institutions, when the employers,
supervisors, or instructors have an aim to accomplish a particular task with the assistance and
support of their employees and students, then they usually implement methods and
approaches, which would render a significant contribution in motivating the individuals.
Motivating is referred to stimulating the mind-sets of the individuals towards the achievement of
goals and objectives. It is referred to arousing interest and enthusiasm among individuals, so
they are able to carry out their job duties wholeheartedly. There are number of factors, which
are put into operation to motivate. These include giving of rewards, increase in pay, promotional
opportunities, participation in other tasks and activities and so forth. These factors are stated to
render a significant contribution in development of motivation among individuals. In order to
motivate, the communication processes need to be efficacious and meaningful. Therefore, it can
be stated, motivating is also referred to as an important function of communication.

 Measures to Improve Functions of Communication

The individuals, belonging to various categories and backgrounds need to augment their
understanding in terms of measures, which are necessary to bring about improvements in the
functions of communication. There are four important measures, which lead to improvements in
the functions of communication. These are, control, information, emotional expression and
stimulus (Gupta, 2014). Control is referred to control of any types of negativities and
psychological problems. When the individuals are communicating with each other, in some
cases, they are overwhelmed by psychological problems of anger, frustration, depression and
anxiety. But they need to ensure that they do not assume a major form and measures need to
be formulated to curb them. Therefore, control is regarded as an important measure. The
individuals need to possess adequate information, when they are communicating with others.
Possession of sufficient information is regarded as indispensable in making the communication
processes effectual and worthwhile. Therefore, it is also regarded as an important measure to
improve functions of communication.
Emotional expression is referred to as the expressions of the individuals, which are
influenced by emotions. When the individuals communicate with each other, they have
expressions on their face, related to emotions. These are, happiness, surprise, worry, fear,
anxiety, pressure, depression, sadness, trauma, anger, and frustration. The way of
communication is influenced by these emotions to a major extent. It is recommended that when
individuals are communicating with others, they need to express positivity, but in some cases,
they express negativities as well. Therefore, emotional expression is regarded as an important
measure to bring about improvements in the functions of communication. Stimulus is referred to
incentive or motivation that needs to be developed in order to carry out ones job duties in a well-
organized manner and achieve personal and professional goals. When the individuals are
motivated towards their tasks and activities, they are able to bring about improvements in the
communication processes. Therefore, stimulus is regarded as an important measure to bring
about improvements in the functions of communication.

 Conclusion
-The functions of communication are important concepts, which are vital to understand in
order to carry out the processes of communication in an effectual manner. To acquire an
understanding of meaning and significance of functions of communication, there are various
objectives, which are, informing, persuading, integrating, creating relationships, help in making
selections between alternatives, improving connections, reducing misunderstandings, solving
problems, evaluating and making decisions. The functions of communication are, surveillance,
correlation, transmission of culture, entertainment, mobilization, devising schedule, gate
keeping, counselling and guidance, instructing and motivating. The four measures, which lead
to improvements in the functions of communication are, control, information, emotional
expression and stimulus. Finally, it can be stated, in order to implement the functions of
communication in an effective manner to generate the desired outcomes, the individuals need to
ensure they possess adequate knowledge in terms of various factors, inculcate the traits of
morality and ethics and form positive viewpoints in terms of other individuals as well as the
environmental conditions.

Gupta, A. (2014). Four Functions of Communication. Retrieved September 20, 2020 from
Persuade. (2020). Retrieved September 19, 2020 from
The Business Communication. (2020). Retrieved September 19, 2020 from
Unit 1 Meaning, Concept and Functions of Communication. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20,
2020 from
What is Communication, and Functions of Communication? (2018). Retrieved September 19,
2020 from

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