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Diajukan Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah

Dosen Pengampu : 1. Muhammad Ridha S. Damanik, S.P.i., M.Sc.

2. Muhammad Farouq Ghazali Matondang,S.Pd., M.Sc..

Nama : Selly Marcelina Manalu

Kelas : Geografi D 2021
Nim : 3213131043


Review Workshop BMKG 16 th Indonesia- US


The objectif of the next three days of this workshop is to share knowledge and
expertise into improve the understanding and capacity for all .this years workshop
focused to improving extreme climate detection,prediction and changing environment the
annual Indonesian-Noaa partnership workshop is the one longest running side technology
partnership between Indonesia and United state,we provide the basic science needed to
understanding the extension of climate change and physical science basis of climate
changethe global climate change has left threatening impact on our activities in our daily can be a long term objectif participate highly needed to support human resource
development to a coordinated priority driven and outcome based ,responsible for the
collection of weather,water,climate and space observations to support warnings and
forecast to protect life and property while enhancing the national economy


The Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)

wants to bring the institution he leads to become a world-class organization. This hope
was conveyed by Dwikorita during the "16th Annual Indonesia - US BMKG - National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Partnership Workshop.”One of our
priorities is to make BMKG a world-class organization," said Dwikorita. Through this
collaboration, Dwikorita wants BMKG to be in line with other global climate centers.
Dwikorita said this hope arises because Indonesia is in the "warm pool" of the Indian and
Western Pacific Oceans. With this position, Indonesia plays an important role in global
weather and climate monitoring."As an archipelagic country, the land-sea distribution
and complex topography make disaster prediction a challenge for Indonesia," he said.
Dwikorita said extreme weather predictions with diurnal cycles, synoptic weather
systems, Madden-Julian Oscillations (MJO), El Nino, and monsoons provide benefits for
Indonesia's socio-economic welfare.In addition to extreme weather, he continued,
Indonesia is also an earthquake-prone area.
Indonesia's position is on the border of the world's three main tectonic plates,
including India-Australia, Eurasia and the Pacific. "Therefore, our country is also very
vulnerable to tsunamis," he said.Dwikorita hopes that, as part of the global weather and
climate community, BMKG has a long history of contributing to coordinated programs
around the world. "Collaboration with NOAA is one way, we play this role," he
said.Dwikorita said that BMKG always tries to get involved in these projects as a
commitment to advance knowledge in tropical climates. Ina-Prima, one of the BMKG-
NOAA partnership agenda, is one of the ways BMKG shows its commitment to the
global weather and climate community"We really appreciate NOAA for its dedication in
this cooperation program," he said. In this year's workshop, the theme of Sub-seasonal to
Seasonal Forecast: Detecting Extreme Weather Events at Climate Scale became an
important highlight. This theme wants to emphasize thespirit of BMKG in serving the
country and supporting government programs for the welfare of the nationSub-seasonal
to seasonal timescale information is urgently needed in various sectors, especially
hydrometeorological disaster risk reduction related to extreme weather events,
agriculture, energy, food security, etc.

Weather forecast accuracy is very important to ensure that government policies

related to agriculture, energy, food security, and others can be designed properly."The
purpose of this workshop, among others, is to demonstrate the important role of Indian
Ocean Observations, such as Indonesia PRIMA, Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC)
and Indonesian Trough Flow (ITF) in an effort to fully understand the land-sea
atmosphere interactions on the Maritime Continent as well as developing human capacity
and practical knowledge as part of the development of the Weather Marine Information
and Climate Early Warning System," he said.NOAA is helping to deal with Covid-
19.Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar
Pandjaitan expressed his gratitude to NOAA for helping in handling the Covid-19 issue.
In addition to using data from Facebook, Google, and NASA, Luhut said he used NOAA
data to create a strategy for handling Covid-19 policies."For this opportunity, the
Indonesian government is grateful to NOAA, not only climate change, NOAA also helps
in handling Covid-19," said Luhut, as a keynote speaker

.Luhut said that at the celebration of National Maritime Day 23 September,

President Joko Widodo reminded to continue restoration and strengthening identity as a
maritime country. Not only jargon but also real work. He also mentioned that Jokowi
reminded about maritime connectivity and security to increase national
income."Empowerment of maritime power is the key to national growth," he said. Luhut
said that as a maritime country, Indonesia faces the challenges of climate change and
weather. In addition, Indonesia is also dealing with earthquakes and tsunamis.For this
reason, he said, a fundamental understanding of applied science and technology through
global cooperation is expected to be based on the complex characteristics of Indonesia. "I
fully support the collaboration between BMKG and NOAA in providing information on
tsunamis, weather and climate. Indonesia can become a laboratory for this problem," he
said.Luhut said the collaboration between BMKG and NOAA could produce several
results, for example research on climate change systems, air and sea conditions systems,
extreme weather, and water availability. "In general, the system can have an impact on
community agriculture, the fishing industry, and health," he said.He also emphasized
long-term cooperation in the form of human resource capabilities in research, as part of
the weather and climate community and contributing to global coordination


Started from 12 nov to 10 Des 2019 Sims to maintain RAMA Buoys, conduct
marine meteorological observation, oceangraphy, climatology, air quality and aerology
observation.By using research vessed BARUNA JAYA 1 from BPPT. Successfuly
carried out Buoys deployment and recovery aylt 4 point' in the Indian ocean. Hopefully
those datas on marine meteorology, oceangraphy and climatology Van be collected
properly, analyzer and utilized.

MJO on the Maritim Continend

Regional-Scale influence of Tropical waves on extreme rainfall in Indonesia.

- Convectively coupled equational waves contribut up to 16-20% total rainfall variance (

Lubis Jacobi, 2015).

- Frequencyband intensity of daily and diurnal extreme rainfall are influenced by

equatorial waves.

- Kelvin waves are Linked to extreme rainfall and flood event over Sumatra

- Extreme rainfall in southeast Asia's influenced by equatorial waves, but less

significance over the land regions of Java, due biases on satelite data (TRMM).

Objectives :

- Quantifyng regional scale influenced of tropical wave on extreme rainfall over Sumatra
and Java Island.
- Underlying dynamics the extreme rainfall

- Combined effects of different type of equational waves on rainfall extreme.

Result :

- Change in extreme probability

- Eastward modulation of extreme rainfall following Eastward propagation of Kelvin

waves-induceld kocak convevtive qetivity.

- Heatching indicates 95% significance level based on a distribution-independent boot

strap method on 1.000 subsampies


- There is a rebust regional-sciens influence of the equatorial waves on extreme rainfall

over Sumatra and Java during rainy scason.

- Kelvin wave gas a greater parentag modalutions over Java and Sumatra, compared to
other tropical waves.

- Positive (negative ) equatorial wave interference lead to an amplication (suppression) of

extreme rainfall over Java and Sumatra.

- Equatorial waves provide an important source of preductability for extreme rainfall

event over Java and Sumatra-Indonesia.

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