Review of Related Literature

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Review of Related Literature

The Philippines has plenty of various food styles to sell. Eating is one of the most
common Filipino hobbies. That is why there are people selling various kinds of food on
every street. And because of that it is not surprising that the food industry is one of the
Philippines’ most successful enterprises. Most of the Chinese Filipinos in the Chinese
food and service restaurants have companies. And because of that, in our country,
Asian cuisine is a very common dish. Since it is nutritious, it is also a guilt-free form of
dessert. And it can be enhanced further by the use of new techniques and creativity in
this food. And we will put another filling in it to have the improving taste; a fleshy
nutritious vegetable food that is called squash. We must not only make this food a
simple dessert in this report, but also have a new taste of a good Filipino delicacy.
(, 2019)

In the Philippines, butsi (Castilian: buchi) is called jian dui. The incorporation of
Chinese cuisine (in particular Cantonese and Fujan) into local dishes has made buchi
very popular due to hundreds of years of Chinese settlement in the Philippines. It has
already been considered, to some degree, an emblem of the Chinese Filipino culinary
culture, often related to auspiciousness. As it is well-known among ethnic Chinese and
other Filipinos alike, the delicacy has been introduced to the menu by local restaurants
that are often not even Chinese and fast-food chains such as Chowking. Non-Chinese
and indigenous ingredients were also used for varieties such as ube-flavored butsi, in
addition to the regular lotus and red bean paste. (Amisola, et. al. 2016)

But our buchi is different from the original buchi. We made our filling into
chocolate. Chocolate is now called as a “superfood” by many doctors and dieticians,
thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and promote better cardiovascular health.
There’s even evidence that antioxidants in cacao beans which are ground up and
combined with milk and sugar to make chocolate that can inhibit the growth of cancer
cells. (A.Tommerdahl, 2013)
Chocolate is prepared from the fruit of the Theobroma cacao, a tropical tree whose
name means "food of the gods" in Greek, according to "Chocolate: Food of the Gods,"
an online exhibit by the Cornell University Library. Theobroma cacao trees are native to
the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America. The trees are widely distributed
from southeastern Mexico to the Amazon River. They thrive in hot, humid areas within
about 20 degrees of the equator, according to Cornell. As the popularity of chocolate
spread, growers established plantations in other regions, such as West Africa and
South and Southeast Asia. Today, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Indonesia and Brazil
account for 79 percent of the world's cacao production.
Cacao trees bear fruit that are about the same size and shape of a papaya, according
to Patric Chocolate. These bumpy, lumpy berries, or pods, are full of up to 50 sour
seeds, or beans, covered in white pulp.( J.Szalay, 2018)

The cacao plant was primarily brought to the Philippines in the 1700s when a Spanish
galleon from Mexico transported pure Criollo, considered to be one of the best kinds of
cacao, from Mesoamerica to the Pacific. Although cacao trees were originally grown in
Mexico and Central America, the Philippines became an ideal cultivation grounds for
cacao because of its geography as a tropical rainforest located 10-15 degrees from the
Earth's Equator, with the cacao belt located within 20 degrees of the Equator. Today,
cacao trees are cultivated throughout equatorial region including the Caribbean, Africa,
Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands of Samoa and New Guinea. (Wikipedia, 2020)

The study showed that heart disease did not evolve in participants who
consumed dark chocolate bars every day (Jones, 2009). You’re not alone if you have
ever felt energized or happy after treating yourself to some R&R (Reeses and Rolos). In
5 out of 8 studies, chocolate was found to have a positive impact on humor. Research
now indicates that polyphenols are responsible for many of the sweet health benefits of
chocolate, a wide class of compounds that includes flavonoids. Subjects who are given
high-polyphenol chocolate have fewer signs of depression and anxiety than control
subjects who eat chocolate without polyphenols, and feel calmer and contented.
(A.Tommerdahl, 2013)

Bucho Haws focuses on manufacturing and selling buchi choco. Individuals from
the city of San Pedro in Laguna, of both sexes and ages 10-59, are the target
demographic for the proposed product. Choco Buchi is a nutritious and cheap snack
made out of glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, chocolate, and sesame seeds. Our choco
buchi is a small bite-size buchi compared to the traditional buchi and other rice cakes
commonly known in the Philippines, which offers a new variant with a unique and
exciting chocolate filling taste. The product is produced on the basis of the production
process of the regular buchi that is found on the market with some modifications. The
step-by-step process includes the preparation of raw materials and equipment, melting
the chocolate, mixing the chocolate, kneading the dough mixture, molding the dough,
filling the dough and rolling the sesame seeds, organizing and inspecting the tray,
cleaning and preparing the shop. (Cuevas & Diaz, 2014)

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