Unapproved Projects

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Ministry of Youth and Sports

Unapproved Projects in ADP: 2020-21

Implementing Agency: Department of Youth Development (Total projects: 11)
1. Establishment of Youth Training and Entertainment Center at Upazila level.
(July 2020 - June 2023)
2. Self-Employment and Poverty Reduction for youth in rural areas (July 2020 -
June 2025)
3. Strengthening Training Program at Upazila Level to Create Employment and
Self-Employment (Phase II) (July 2020 - June 2023)
4. Extensive technology based integrated resource management (Phase 3) aimed
at alleviating poverty. (July 2020 - June 2025)
5. Creation of Unemployment Free Village (July 2020 - December 2023)
6. Automobile Driving Training Project. (July 2020 - June 2023)
7. Creation of Youth Information Portal Project (July 2020 - June 2023)
8. Infrastructure Construction for Youth Training Center Project (4Centers) at
Jashore, Mymensingh, Bogura and Rangpur (July 2020 - June 2023)
9. Construction of Juba Bhaban Project (July 2020 - June 2025)
10. Central Human Resource Development Center Strengthening and
Modernization Project. (July 2021 - June 2023)
11. Transformation of youth into skilled human resource through technical
training (July 2020 - June 2023)

Implementing Agency: National Sports Council (Total Projects: 21)

12. Long-term training by selecting talented players from the grassroots level for 13
events (January 2020 - June 2022)
13. Construction of Mini Stadium (Sheikh Russel Mini Stadium) at Upazila level - Phase
II (July 2020 - June 2024)
14. Construction of Sheikh Kamal International Cricket and Football Stadium Complex
Project in Cox's Bazar District (January 2020 - June 2023)
15. Construction of International Stadium in Cumilla District (January 2020 - June 2023)
16. Further Development of Kushtia District Stadium (December 2019 - June 2022)
17. Further development of Shaheed Barkat Stadium in Gazipur district. (October 2019 -
June 2022)
18. Further development of Sheikh Kamal Cricket Stadium, Sheikh Moni Stadium,
Women's Sports Complex and Tungipara Upazila playground involving memories of
the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (December 2019 -
June 2022).
19. Construction of indoor stadium with further development of Chandpur district
stadium and swimming pool. (July 2020 - June 2023)
20. Construction of Gulshan Urban Sports Complex Project in Dhaka (July 2020 - June
21. Further development of Dinajpur District Stadium and construction of modern indoor
stadium (January 2020 - June 2022)
22. Further development of selected 10 district stadiums (July 2020 - June 2024)
23. Tennis Infrastructure Development in 25 Selected District Headquarters (December
2019 - June 2022)
24. Further development of Shaheed Bhulu Stadium in Noakhali District and Jashore
District Stadium and Construction of dormitory building and net practice shade at Bir
Muktijoddha Ashaduzzaman Outer Stadium in Magura District (January 2020 - June
25. Construction of Pavilion Building for Athletes with Disabilities and Development of
Playground Project (January 2020 - December 2021)
26. Further development of Ghaznabi Stadium in Bhola district, construction of indoor
stadium and swimming pool. (January 2020 - June 2022)
27. Mymensingh Divisional Stadium Construction Project (January 2020 - June 2023)
28. Construction of Sports Complex in Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur District (July 2020
- June 2023)
29. Construction of Rangpur Divisional Stadium Project (January 2020 - June 2023)
30. Construction of International standard cricket stadium in Sunamganj district (July
2020 - June 2023)
31. Construction of Indoor Stadium at District Level (Phase I) (January 2020 - June
32. Feasibility Study for Construction of Gulshan Urban Sports Complex in Dhaka
(January 2020 - June 2021)

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