I Robot Wordlist

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

I, Robot
Isaac Asimov
Word Chapter/ Phonetic Spelling Part Of Med Definition Sample Sentence Translation Exercises
Page Speech Star
absorb 3/25 /əbˈzɔːb/ verb to take in heat, light Plants absorb moisture 1–10) Choose the correct
or liquid from the soil. word and fill the gaps in the
advanced 3/24 /ədˈvɑːnst/ adjective 1 based on the most Advanced technology sentences below.
recent methods or allows us to communicate
ideas more quickly than ever absorb / advanced / affected /
before. air lock / asteroid / astronaut /
attacking / banged / banned /
affected 5/46 /əˈfektɪd/ verb 3 to change or Stress at work has
to affect influence something affected her badly. biochemistry
something or often in a negative
someone way 1) How have the recent
changes at work ______ you?
Air lock 3/32 /ˈeə ˌlɒk/ noun a small room with An airlock allows
2) She fell on the ice and
[count] controlled air astronauts to leave or enter
pressure that you a spacecraft safely. ______ her head on the
use to move pavement.
between two places 3) Three ______ travelled to
with different air the moon in a rocket.
pressure 4) It can be hard to tell the
difference between an
asteroid 3/32 /ˈæstəˌrɔɪd/ noun a mass of rock that Asteroids made of rock or
______ and a planet.
[count] moves around in metallic substances orbit
space the Sun. 5) The leaves of green plants
______ energy from the sun
astronaut A Note /ˈæstrəˌnɔːt/ noun 1 someone who What was the name of the
to produce food.
About [count] travels in space first astronaut to walk on
These the moon?
p5 6) He is a well-known
scientist with a degree in
attacking 6/69 /əˈtækɪŋ/ verb 3 to use violence Suddenly, the crowd
______ .
to attack against a person or started attacking the

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

someone or place police. 7) The gang threw stones at

something the man before ______ him.
banged 2/11 /bæŋd/ verb to move with a lot of She dropped the saucepan 8) Before opening the door,
to bang force, making a loud and it banged on the floor. the air pressure in the ______
noise must be equal to the pressure
in the outside environment.
banned 2/20 /bænd/ verb 1 to say officially that The government banned
to ban something is illegal smoking in public places. 9) He got into a fight at the
something or not allowed stadium and was ______
from attending further
biochemistry A Note /ˌbaɪəʊˈkemɪstri/ noun the study of She’s studying for a degree
About the [uncount] chemical processes in biochemistry.
Author in living things 10) Aircraft pilots are now
p4 able to communicate with
each other, using ______
communication systems.
blast 4/38 /blɑːst/ verb to damage or A bomb blasted the 11–20) Choose the correct
destroy something building, causing word and fill the gaps in the
using a bomb or gun widespread destruction. sentences below.
calculation 5/50 /ˌkælkjʊˈleɪʃn/ noun 2 numbers or symbols You can work out the total
[count] that you write when by doing a quick blast / calculation / cargo ship
you are calculating calculation. / the case of / cave-in /
something complex / conflicts / cubicle /
data / demonstrate
cargo ship 6/58 /ˈkɑːgəʊ ˌʃɪp/ noun a very large boat Cargo ships carry goods
[count] that is used for from one port to another.
carrying goods long 1) The cabin crew will ______
distances to passengers what to do in
an emergency.
the case of 1/11 /ðə ˈkeɪs əv/ 3 a situation that The police never solved
2) Do a ______ to find the
involves a particular the case of the missing
person or thing painting. cost of the shopping bill,
3) Goods were packed into
cave-in 4/38 /ˈkeɪvˌɪn/ noun if a roof or a wall The walls of the mine
boxes and loaded on a
[count] falls down or inward, collapsed, causing a cave-
it is a cave-in in. ______ .
4) Recent research ______
complex 5/46 /ˈkɒmpleks/ adjective 2 containing many She’s a very complex
with the findings of previous
details or small parts character and not easy to
and therefore understand. experiments.
difficult to 5) She’s trying on some new
understand or deal clothes in the ______ .

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

with 6) They used explosives to

conflicts 1/9 /kənˈflɪkts/ verb 2 if different Your statement conflicts ______ a hole in the wall.
to conflict with statements or with that of the other 7) The walls of the tunnel
something suggestions conflict, witnesses. collapsed, creating a ______.
they cannot all be 8) Did you hear about ______
right or they cannot the runaway train!?
all happen 9) Enter the ______ into the
top three rows of the table.
cubicle 6/62 /ˈkjuːbɪkl/ noun a small enclosed A small shower cubicle
[count] area in a room stood in one corner of the 10) ______ mathematical
bathroom. formulas are used to calculate
the likely results.
data 3/31 /ˈdeɪtə/ noun 3 information that is Computers can sort and
[uncount] used for making arrange data at very high
calculations or speeds.
demonstrate 1/9 /ˈdemənˌstreɪt/ verb 2 to show someone Let me demonstrate how
how to do something the machine works.
or how something
detect 6/66 /dɪˈtekt/ verb to notice or prove The device detects even 21–30) Choose the correct
that something is the smallest changes in word and fill the gaps in the
present by using temperature. sentences below.
scientific methods
development 1/9 /dɪˈveləpmənt/ noun 3 the process of Manufacturers are working detect / development /
[uncount] creating a new on the development of divorced / dominated / dots /
product or method electric cars. efficiently / elected /
emergency / energy / exist
divorced A Note /dɪˈvɔːst/ verb to take legal action We divorced after only a
to divorce About the to end your marriage year of marriage.
Author to someone 1) Do you believe that ghosts
p4 really ______?
2) A team of IT specialists are
dominated 6/60 /ˈdɒmɪˌneɪtəd/ verb 2 to control someone She was dominated by her
working on the ______ of new
to dominate or something by father all her life.
someone or having more power software.
something or influence 3) The machine can ______
changes in a person’s heart
dot 3/22 /dɒt/ noun something that looks The dot on the horizon
rate and pulse.
[count] very small because turned out to be a small
it is far away sailing boat. 4) The group ______ a new

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

efficiently 3/25 /ɪˈfɪʃəntli/ adverb 2 working well and We’re pleased with our new leader yesterday.
producing good washing machine – it works 5) In case of an ______ pull
results by using the very efficiently. the safety cord.
available resources 6) Seen from a distance, the
in an effective way people on top of the hill
elected 7/71 /ɪˈlektɪd/ verb to choose someone She was elected President appeared no more than tiny
to elect 2 to represent you by in 2008. ______ .
someone voting for them 7) They married in 2007 and
______ two years later.
emergency 4/39 /ɪˈmɜːʤənsi/ noun 2 an unexpected Phone me immediately if
[count] situation in which there’s an emergency, 8) We need to develop
immediate action is cleaner forms of ______ for
necessary, often future generations.
because there is 9) Their boss congratulated
danger them for having worked so
______ .
energy A Note /ˈenəʤi/ noun 3 electricity and other The wind can be used to
10) She was shy and
About [uncount] forms of power used produce energy.
These for making things nervous, and her husband
Stories work ______ her completely.
exist A Note /ɪgˈzɪst/ verb 3 to be present in a Only small numbers of
About particular place, time tigers still exist in the
These or situation world.
expedition 2/14 /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ noun a long trip to a They’re going on an 31–40) Choose the correct
[count] dangerous or distant expedition to the North word and fill the gaps in the
place Pole. sentences below.
experimental 3/21 /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl/ adjective using new ideas or Scientists are using expedition / experimental /
methods that you experimental methods to experts / explored / fell into
have not tried before develop a new type of the same trap / fix / gained /
plastic. genius / get lost / get rid of
expert 5/45 /ˈekspɜːt/ noun 2 someone who has a A computer expert helped
[count] particular skill or us solve the problem. 1) Shut up and ______ !
who knows a lot 2) ______ are advising us on
about a particular how to proceed with the
subject project.

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

explored A Note /ɪkˈsplɔːd/ verb 2 to travel around an At the weekend, we 3) They ______ the coast of
to explore About area in order to explored the surrounding Ireland by car.
something These learn about it, or in area. 4) She’s an absolute ______!
Stories order to search for She got a place at university
p5 something valuable at the age of 14!
such as oil 5) How old were you when
fell into the 5/53 /ˌfel ɪntə ðə ˌseɪm to make a mistake She got married very young you ______ your first
same trap because someone and ended up divorcing. degree?
to fall into a ˈtræp/ has tricked you Her sister fell into the 6) We ______ as you and
trap same trap. forgot to ask the workmen the
price for the job before they
fix 3/27 /fɪks/ verb 2 to repair something The television’s not working
properly. Can you fix it? started the work.
7) Researchers often do
gained A Note /geɪnd/ to get or achieve He gained an award for
______ tests on animals
to gain About the 3 something, usually Best Writer.
verb when trying to find cures for
something Author as a result of a lot of
p4 effort
8) They’ve gone to the
genius 5/49 /ˈʤiːniəs/ noun someone who is Einstein was a scientific
Himalayas on a
[count] much more genius.
mountaineering ______ .
intelligent or skilful
9) Let’s ______ our old
than other people
computer and buy a new one.
get lost 6/61 /ˌget ˈlɒst/ used for telling I’m fed up of listening to 10) “There’s something wrong
someone rudely to you complaining. Get lost! with the washing machine.”
go away “I’ll see if I can ______ it for
get rid of 2/15 /ˌget ˈrɪd əv/ 2 to throw/give away Have you any old clothes you.”
or sell something you want to get rid of?
that you don’t want
gravity 6/62 /ˈgrævəti/ noun the force that makes The force of gravity is less 41–50) Choose the correct
[uncount] things fall to the strong in space than on word and fill the gaps in the
ground Earth. sentences below.
harm 1/9 /hɑːm/ verb to injure, damage or I hate people who harm
have a bad effect on animals. gravity / harm / humming /
someone or illogical / impatient / invented /
something launched / ledge /
man-made satellite /
humming 3/26 /ˈhʌmɪŋ/ verb to make a low We could hear the
to hum continuous sound refrigerator humming in marching
the kitchen.
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illogical 3/22 /ɪˈlɒʤɪkl/ adjective not sensible, or not Their argument seemed 1) Good teachers do not get
based on clear facts totally illogical to me. ______ when students are
or reasons slow to understand.
impatient 2/13 /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/ adjective 1 annoyed because Don’t be so impatient – 2) That’s a ridiculous thing to
something is not you’ll just have to wait! say. It’s totally ______ .
happening in the 3) The rocket will be ______
way that you want at 23.00 hours local time.
4) Alexander Graham Bell
invented A Note /ɪnˈventɪd/ verb 2 to design or create Who invented the first
to invent About something that did computer? was the man who ______ the
something These not exist before telephone.
Stories 5) A machine that is specially
p5 designed to travel in space in
order to find out information is
launched A Note /lɔːnʧt/ verb 2 to send a space A crowd of spectators
called a ______ .
to launch About vehicle, missile or watched as the rocket was
something These other object into launched. 6) The microphone was
Stories space or into the air switched on and was ______
p5 loudly.
7) He loves his children and
ledge 4/37 /leʤ/ noun a narrow surface Be careful! Don’t hit your
would never do anything to
[count] that sticks out from head on the ledge.
the side of a cliff or ______ them.
wall 8) A group of teachers came
______ down the corridor,
man-made A Note /ˌmænˈmeɪd ˈsætə noun an object that is sent What was the name of the
looking angry.
satellite About [count] into space to travel first man-made satellite
These ˌlaɪt/ around the Earth in that explored space? 9) Due to ______ objects
always fall towards the
Stories order to receive and ground.
p5 send information 10) She put her foot on a
rocky ______ in order to
marching 4/36 /ˈmɑːʧɪŋ/ verb to walk in a group, I could see a group of
climb higher.
to march with each person people marching up the
matching the speed hill.
and movements as
the others
mind-reading 4/44 /ˈmaɪndˌriːdɪŋ/ adjective a mind-reading robot Do you believe in the 51–60) Choose the correct
is able to know what possibility of mind-reading word and fill the gaps in the
someone is thinking computers? sentences below.
mine 3/32 /maɪn/ noun 1 a large hole or There is very little coal left

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

[count] tunnel in the ground in the mine. mind-reading / mine / model /

from which people modified / nervous / obey /
take coal, gold, etc. out-of-date / planet /
model 2/20 /ˈmɒdl/ noun 3 a particular type of Their latest model of car procedure / prophet
[count] vehicle or machine contains a sat-nav and TV
that a company screen. 1) Typewriters are ______
makes and have been replaced by
modified 6/58 /ˈmɒdɪˌfaɪd/ verb to change The engine has been
to modify something slightly in modified to make it more 2) We’ve ______ the design
something order to improve it or fuel-efficient. of our mobile phones to make
make it less extreme them slimmer and more
nervous 2/14 /ˈnɜːvəs/ adjective 2 feeling excited and I always feel nervous
3) I hate going to the dentist –
worried or slightly before exams.
afraid it makes me really ______ .
4) They were trapped in a
obey A Note /əˈbeɪ/ verb 1 to do what a person, For safety reasons, it’s
______ underground for
About law or rule says that important that you obey the
These you must do instructions. several weeks.
Stories 5) Moses was the name of a
p6 ______ in the Bible.
6) It can be hard to tell the
out-of-date A Note /ˌaʊtəvˈdeɪt/ old and no longer Floppy disks are now out-
difference between asteroids
About the adjective useful of-date.
Author and ______.
7) Come and look at the latest
planet 3/22 /ˈplænɪt/ noun 1 a large round object Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
______ in our showroom.
[count] that moves around are the names of planets.
the sun or around 8) Soldiers must ______ their
another star commanding officer at all
procedure 5/45 /prəˈsiːʤə/ noun 1 a way of doing All staff should be familiar
9) Lie-detectors are a type of
[count] something, with our safety
especially the procedures. ______ machine.
correct or usual way 10) Follow the correct ______
when installing software.
prophet 3/27 /ˈprɒfɪt/ noun someone who is A large crowd of people
[count] believed to have gathered round to listen to
been sent by God to the prophet.
lead people and
teach religious

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protect 1/9 /prəˈtekt/ verb 3 to keep someone or It’s normal for parents to 61–70) Choose the correct
something safe want to protect their word and fill the gaps in the
children. sentences below.
protested 2/20 /prəˈtestəd/ verb 1 to show publicly that Students protested about
to protest you oppose the increase in the cost of protect / protested / rabbit /
something their education. radiation / ran / react /
replacement / resigned /
rabbit 4/33 /ˈræbɪt/ noun a small animal with Have you ever had a pet
[count] long ears, soft fur rabbit? risking your existence / serve
and a short tail
1) He can be very
radiation 3/24 /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun a form of energy that Being exposed to too much
unpredictable – I’m never
[uncount] is produced during a radiation can cause
nuclear reaction, serious health problems. sure how he’s going to
used for making ______ .
electrical power 2) The battery’s dead. Have
you got a ______?
ran 3/24 /ræn/ verb 3 to control and She ran a successful
3) Conservationists are keen
to run organize a business, business for many years.
something organization or to ______ endangered
event species.
4) He ______ the
react 6/62 /riːˈækt/ verb 1 to behave in a Some people react very
organization before the
particular way badly to stress.
because of things current chairman took over.
that are happening
around you or things 5) Do you know the difference
that other people are between a hare and a
doing to you ______?
6) She was an excellent
replacement 3/30 /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ noun someone or Our teacher was ill so the
soldier who was always keen
[count] something that takes school had to find a
the place of another replacement. to ______ her country.
person or thing 7) Why are you ______ doing
such dangerous work?
resigned 5/50 /rɪˈzaɪnd/ verb 1 to state formally that He resigned from his job
8) She’s too old for the job –
to resign you are leaving your after an argument with his
job boss. it’s time she ______ .
9) Thousands of people
risking your 6/60 /ˌrɪskɪŋ jər ɪg to put yourself in a There’s no point risking
______ about the proposed
existence situation in which your existence
to risk your ˈzɪst(ə)ns/ you could be killed unnecessarily. public spending cuts.

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

existence 10) Special clothing protects

serve 3/25 /sɜːv/ verb 3 to do a job or to In Roman times, the job of workers against the effects of
perform duties for a slaves was to serve their ______ .
person or masters.
shift 4/34 /ʃɪft/ noun a period of work Do you enjoy working night 71–80) Choose the correct
[count] time in a place shifts? word and fill the gaps in the
where some people sentences below.
work during the day
and some work at shift / shoot / sighed / the
night solar system / space /
shoot 4/41 /ʃuːt/ verb 3 to hit someone or ‘Stop! Don’t shoot!’ called spacesuit / stable / stars /
something with a the policeman. stratosphere / submarine
bullet from a gun
1) Astronauts are trained to
sighed 2/14 /saɪd/ verb to breathe out slowly He sighed with exhaustion
to sigh making a long soft and lay down to sleep. explore ______.
sound, especially 2) The top of a ______ was
because you are just visible above the surface
disappointed, tired, of the water.
annoyed or relaxed
3) He was looking through a
the Solar A Note /ðə ˈsəʊlə ˌsɪstəm/ noun the Sun and the Astronomy is the study of
telescope at the ______.
System About [sing] group of planets that the planets and the Solar
These move around it System. 4) She does ______ work at
Stories a local factory.
p5 5) Astronomers have made
important discoveries about
space A Note /speɪs/ noun 3 all of the universe Would you like to travel in
About [uncount] outside the Earth’s space?
These atmosphere 6) ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ he
Stories ______.
p5 7) She seems a lot happier
and more ______ since
spacesuit 3/32 /ˈspeɪsˌsuːt/ noun a set of clothes that Astronauts wear
getting married.
[count] allows people to spacesuits and helmets.
move and breathe in 8) The ______ is the second
space major layer of the Earth’s
stable 6/60 /ˈsteɪbl/ adjective 2 having a healthy Her teachers described her
9) Trained gunmen can
mental and as ‘a stable, happy child’.

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Pre-Intermediate Level Wordlist and Multiple-choice Exercises

emotional state ______ at targets from long

star 3/22 /stɑː/ noun 3 A large, hot ball of Stars shone brightly in the distances.
[count] gas that appears as night sky. 10) Wearing a ______ allows
a small bright light in you to move and breathe in
the sky at night space.
stratosphere 2/17 /ˈstrætəˌsfɪə/ noun the part of the People on Earth watched
[singular] Earth’s atmosphere as the rocket disappeared
that is 10km to 50km into the stratosphere.
above the surface
submarine 2/17 /ˈsʌbməriːn/ noun a ship that can travel There are several nuclear
[count] both on the surface submarines in the sea
of the water and round here.
under water
superior 3/25 /sʊˈpɪəriə/ adjective of high quality, or Some people think they are 81–91) Choose the correct
better or bigger than superior to others. word and fill the gaps in the
something else sentences below.

supervision 4/33 /ˌsuːpəˈvɪʒn/ noun the activity of Students are only allowed superior / supervision /
[uncount] checking that people to work in the laboratory suspend / suspicious /
are behaving or under the supervision of a taken apart / theories / tractor
working correctly teacher. / tunnel / weight / wheelchair /
suspend 5/51 /səˈspend/ verb 1 to order someone to The head teacher will
leave their job or suspend any students who
school for a short do not obey the rules. 1) The medication should only
period of time as a be taken under the ______ of
punishment a doctor.
2) Paramedics brought her
suspicious 6/66 /səˈspɪʃəs/ adjective feeling that you do Why are you so
into the hospital in a ______ .
not trust someone, suspicious all the time?
or thinking that 3) There are many possible
something bad may ______ that explain climate
have happened change.
4) Police became ______
taken apart 1/11 /ˌteɪkən əˈpɑːt/ phrasal to separate an The car engine had been
when they noticed the man
to take verb object into its pieces taken apart and lay in
something pieces on the ground. behaving strangely.
apart 5) Have you ever driven a

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theory 5/46 /ˈθɪəri/ noun 2 an idea that explains Scientists have suggested ______ ?
[count] how or why various theories to explain 6) I prefer this wine – I think
something happens why this happens. it’s ______ to the previous
tractor 2/19 /ˈtræktə/ noun a vehicle that is Farmers use tractors to bottle.
[count] used on farms and plough fields. 7) You need to be strong to
in factories for be able to lift such a ______ .
pulling machines 8) The train passed through a
long, dark ______ .
tunnel 4/36 /ˈtʌnl/ noun 1 a passage through a They crawled through the
[count] hill or under the tunnel on their hands and 9) We’ll let you know the
ground knees. results of your ______ as
soon as possible.
weight 6/62 /weɪt/ noun 3 a heavy object Heavy weights will injure
10) Bosses have threatened
[count] you if they fall on you.
to ______ workers who do
wheelchair 7/74 /ˈwiːlˌʧeə/ noun a chair with large Most public buildings
not arrive on time.
[count] wheels that nowadays have access for
11) The machine was ______
someone who wheelchairs.
in order to diagnose the
cannot walk uses to
move around
X-ray 7/75 /ˈeksˌreɪ/ noun a picture of the We’re going to take an X-
[count] inside of someone’s ray to see if you’ve broken
body that is taken any bones.
using a type of

Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003 www.macmillandictionaries.com

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