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Archie Lock

Time Food Amount

11:30am Everything bagel and bacon 1 serving

3pm Chips 1 bag

5pm Roast beef sandwich 1 serving

9pm Large Chicken Caesar Salad 1 serving

9:30pm Strawberry ice cream 1 small tub

Time Activity Amount

7:50pm Jog down to field 5 minutes

8pm High intensity interval training  20 minutes

8:30pm Walk back to campus dorm  10 minutes

MET value x 3.5 x weight in kg / 200 = calories burned per minute

Using the MET formula, I calculated that from my first activity of the day I burned 31

calories, then during the higher intensity activity, I burned 305 calories, and then the final

activity of the day I burned 46 calories, bringing my total from just these activities to 382

calories burned. As accurately as I could, I then tried to work out how many calories I was

intaking during this day. The first food I ate that day I considered to be around 450 calories,

the everything bagel with butter came to around 300 calories whilst the bacon came to around

40 calories per slice. I then had a bag of doritos chips which according to the packet is 150

calories. The roast beef sandwich I had I considered to come out to around 600 calories, as it

was packed with cheese, pepperoni and vegetables as well as sauce. The chicken caesar salad

came to around 600 calories, and the ice cream after that came to around 120 calories. In

total, my calorie intake for the day was just under 2000 calories, totalling roughly 1920

Since I didn’t burn many calories on this particular day, I did not require much energy

throughout the day, which I believe is why my calorie intake for the day is much lower than

usual. Once I start practicing again properly, and training for longer periods of time, I will

require more energy and naturally eat more. According to ‘’, someone my

age, height and weight should be aiming to eat around 3000 calories a day just to maintain

weight, preferably, I would like to gain weight, which illustrates that I need to eat more. I

would also put my surprise results down to the fact that the day I recorded my food intake, I

woke up rather late and did not have much of an appetite, as well as not really doing any

physical activity until later on in the day. I believe if I re-recorded my food intake on a day

where I am up earlier for class or for a team lifting session, and had practice in the evening

too, my results would be completely different and my calorie intake would be much higher.

Since I would like to preferably gain weight, I believe the food group I need to eat more of is

fats. Since I am physically active, I believe I could eat more fats to gain weight but still be

able to stay in shape and burn enough calories off. I think the most important thing my diet is

lacking is protein, protein is known to be important whilst wanting to gain weight. I enjoy

eating fish and other meats but the cafeteria does not always offer the best options, which is

why choosing to eat fatty foods could also help me gain weight whilst also staying physically

active. I also think I could include slightly more fruit in my diet. I enjoy eating salads and I

have lots of vegetables in my sandwiches but I think having fruit to snack on can never be a

bad thing and once again, I need to be able to find the right fruits I like in the cafeteria to suit

my needs.

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