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Mechatronic Engineering

Subject: English IX

Group 101ME1M
Student: Enrollment
Juan Carlos Martell Tello 1804090220

Tips to hook the audience
 Persuade by correctly choosing the words that we are going to use in order to get the
public to agree with our words. A single word can be the difference between someone
accepting or denying your message. This encompasses the way in which the message is to
be transmitted, so we must adapt our type of presentation and the language directed to
the audience present.
 Start the presentation with a support that helps to capture people's attention since the
time you have to do it is too short, do something interesting
 Have an adequate rhythm of speech and control of the stage
 Interact with the public from the beginning to be heard and to be captivated. You can
resort to smoke through peculiar phrases or jokes and curiosity with interesting facts.
 Do not go directly to what is going to be counted, do not use statistical data or anything
that may distract the attention and focus of the
 Tell personal anecdotes. The objective is for the public to leave with a change that makes
them behave differently, so personal anecdotes are an excellent way to make the public
reflect. Embody characters at this point
 Move your body, make use of non-verbal, body communication
 After captivating the public, it is advisable to give a final piece of advice or knowledge
 Do not start with technical things, or mention your nerves,
 Always have visible hands, straight shoulders, and a smile that expresses happiness

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