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‘CII Tick the Correct Alternatives Fea, ‘1, Who is father of statistics 7 (A) G. Achenwall (B) D. Moivere 2. Statistics has its origin of which Greek Letter 7 (A) Statis (B) Statista 3. Statistes in plural form is ........7 (A) Aggregative Statistical Information (C) Statistical Formulae 4. In singular form, Statistics is (A) Statistical Methods {C) Statistical Formulae 5. In Practical won, statistics is taken as ... (A) Aggregative Statistical Information {B) Statistical Methods (C) Laplace (D) Gags, (C) Statistik (D) None Ot hes, (B) Statistical Methods (D) All of these. (8) Aggregative Statistical infor, (D) None of these. 22 Mation (C) Aggregative Statistical Informations and Methods (D) None of these. Whom of following gave an accurate de (A) Bowley (C) Croxton and Cowden 4A) Yule and Kendell _ {C) Horace sacrist 4A) Individual facts st of Statistics, we mean .. ons of Statistics lity of Statistics Statistics were known to be .. of Kings and Cratts ‘Whom of following gave an accurate definiti ‘Statistics is not related to which of followin: finition of statistics in singular form 2 (8) Horace Sacrist (D) Yule and Kendell, ion of statistics in plural form 2 (8) Bowley (D) None. 9? (8) Qualitative Data (0) All of these. (B) All the times (D) Never true. (B) Lack of trust on Statistical Statement (D) All of these, (8) Science of State's Art (0) Arithmetic of Human Welfare. (C) 1120 inting and averages’ ? (8) Yule and Kendell (0) Karl Pearson, (D) None of thes® ee PSRRTES PHOT BEST OR ROI ea RE 44. Which of the following statement is true ? (A) All statistical information are numerical data (8) All numerical data are statistical information {C) Both of these (D) None of these. : BLES sen « = Nees ars Anant (C) Science and Art —_(D) Social Science. 16. Interpretation of statistics means (A) Analysis of statistics (C) Arrangement of statistics 17. Statistics is usetul for . (A) Businessmen (B) Presentation of statistics (0) Obtaining conclusions from statistics. (B) Scientists (C) Economists (D) All. 18. Statistics is related to which type of data ? (A) Qualitative (8) Quantitative (C) Descriptive (D) All of these. 19. Which of following is included in the subject matter of statistics ? (A) Collection of Statistics (8) Organisation and Presentation of Statistics (C) Analysis and interpretation (0) All of these. 20. Statistics is a study of Averages. Who said it ? (A) Horace Sacrist (B) Bowley (C) Seligman (D) None of these. 21. What is main feature of statistics in plural form 2 (A) Aggregative facts (B) Numerically Expressed (C) Systematically Arranged (0) All of these. 22. Definition of Statistics given by Horace Sacrist belong to which of following type ? (A) Singular (8) Plural (C) Any of these (D) None of these. 23. What is included in a best definition of statistics ? (A) Numerical information (B) Statistical Methods (C) (A) and (B) (D) None of these. 24, Which of following is not a limitation of statistics 2 (A) Related to Aggregate of facts (B) Misuse of Statistics {C) Explanation of full history (D) None of these, eh 25, Which of following statement is wrong _ (A) Statistics can prove anything (B) Statistics are liar of first order. _(C) An ounce of truth can prove tons of Truth. 9 straws out of which | like other economists have to make bricks’. Who said it 2 ace Sacrist (B) Seligman (D) None of these. PY Very Short Answer T Answer ea 14, . Name five statisticians who helped in Y Qube w yen OTUCeeLUCUuss ch of the following in one sentence. (1 mary, Define Statistics in plural form. Briefly explain the meaning of sti Distinguish between statistics in sit How would you define Horace Sacrist’s det atistics in singular sense. ingular and plural sense. inition of statistics ? . What is meant by applied statistics 2 . Name diff ferent stages of statistical investigation. “Statistics is a science.” Comment. the development of statistics. What is meant by statistical tools ? What are statistics called in ancient times ? . What is meant by distrust of statistics ? Who is known as Father of statistics ? Name different forms of applied statistics, Mention the name of various statistical methods. Name five economic problems that can be solved by using st Mention two limitations of statistics. tistics. , “I statistics an aggregate of facts 7” Comment. What are statistics called In modern age ? ao

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