The Correct Answer Is: Yes

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Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.

Therapist Career Specialization

The correct answer is: Yes
Enable each individual to understand how others have meet and solved the same problem s that
confronts him.
The correct answer is: Groups and Organizations Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Groups approach should motives, purposes, and points of view that are the same as or similar to those of individual
The correct answer is: Groups and Organizations Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Professional school counselors have a baccalaureate degree only to meet the state certification standards.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Multiple Choices
Who defines counseling as the assistance which comes to a child through face to face contact, with a professionally
trained person in a psychological relationship using either talk or counseling as a relationship in which one of the parties
has the intent of promoting the growth, development, maturity and improved functioning of the other.
The correct answer is: Rogers
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
In general, the counseling have played a key role in the creation of opinionated persons and an
opinionated society on almost all issues of public interest.
The correct answer is 'False'.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Applied social science is the application of social science theories, concepts, methods and findings to
problems identified in the wider society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Counseling is a branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for
The correct answer is 'False'.
Multiple Choices
It is considered as the heart of the guidance program.
The correct answer is: Counseling
Multiple Choices
It is what you called the science of society.
The correct answer is: Sociology
Professional school counselors serve a vital role in maximizing student achievement.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Discuss problems in the community and to develop positive outcome.
The correct answer is: Communities Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
One session to an individual in a formal in a counseling office.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Assistance is given to the individual.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
One session to an individual in a [formally] in a counseling office.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Social sciences are more specific and focused on distinct facet of a social phenomenon while applied social science
attempts to focus on a distinct issue but use insights arising from various social science disciplines.
The correct answer is 'True'.
According to Wikipedia social science is the study of non-living things including matter and energy.
The correct answer is 'False'.
School counseling program does not promotes and enhances student achievement.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Medicine Psychology
The correct answer is: Disagree
The difference between social science and applied social science is in terms of product and output based form the
scientific ideas and application of science.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
In general, the counseling have played a key role in the creation of opinionated persons and an opinionated society on
almost all issues of public interest.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Series of counseling activities converting a period of months or years, depending upon a cachcase.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Therapist Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
To inspire successful endeavor toward the attainment or realization of objectives
The correct answer is: Goals of Counseling
According to Roman D. Leano, in order to be effective in its undertakings the following should be carried
out or functions of the counselor, which of this should be avoided.
The correct answer is: Provide conflict leadership in developing a healthy psychological environment for
his clients
The interaction is relatively prolonged since alteration of behavior takes time. In contrast to a brief
conversation with friend in which distortions or unconscious desires are usually maintained and usually
only temporary relief is gained, counseling has its goal, the change of behavior.
The correct answer is: Scope of Counseling
School counselors does not provide a relationship between counselor and counselees the most prominent
quality of which that is mutual trust to others.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Illegal Drugs Career Specialization
The correct answer is: No
Assistance is given to the individual.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Professional school counselors does not implement a comprehensive school counseling program.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Enable each individual to understand how others have meet and solved the same problem s that confronts him.
The correct answer is: Groups and Organizations Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Multiple Choices
This is the definition of counseling given by Clarence Dunsmoor.
The correct answer is: counseling as an interview or conference between a pupil and a member of the school staff with
whom he has a guidance relationship, for the purpose of considering some of his problems and a desirable course of
Multiple Choices
It is what you called the science of society.
The correct answer is: Sociology
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Applied social science is the application of social science theories, concepts, methods and findings to problems identified
in the wider society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
The discipline of counseling is a relationship characterized by the application of one or more psychological theories and
recognized set of communication skills appropriate to the clients.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Your answer is incorrect.
Assistance is [given] to the individual.
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Vegetable Garden Career Specialization
The correct answer is: No
Professional school counselors support a safe learning environment and work to safeguard the human
rights of all members of the school community.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Drug and Addiction Psychology
The correct answer is: Disagree
According to Meriam Webster, the definition of social science deals with the institutions and functions of
human society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Clinical Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Assistance is given to the individual.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
The professional school counselor is a certified/licensed educator trained in school counseling with unique
qualifications and skills.
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is the science of helping people to learn how to solve their own problems.
The correct answer is: Counseling
It is one of the areas of counseling that to give the student information on matters important to his
adjustment and growth.
The correct answer is: Core Values of Counseling
Multiple Choices
According to Cormier and Cormier (1985), the most effective helper is one who has successfully integrated the personal
and scientific parts of himself - in other words, a person who has achieved a balance of interpersonal and technical
competence. The following are the competence of counselor, which is not belong to the group.
The correct answer is: Supervision of Instruction
It is a branch of science that deals with interpersonal relationship of the individual in the society.
The correct answer is: Counseling
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Therapist Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
Social science is all about the relationship of individuals in the modern society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Organize in the community the counseling process and procedures as to the needs of various types of
clientele and audiences.
The correct answer is: Communities Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and
Multiple Choices
Which of the following is not goals of counseling?
The correct answer is: The potential of every human being to change and to continue learning throughout their lifespan, in
formal and informal settings, and especially in the environment of counseling and psychological services.
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
The discipline of counseling is a relationship characterized by the application of one or more psychological
theories and recognized set of communication skills appropriate to the clients.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Social science also concerns on economics and politics in the society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Multiple Choices
Which of the following NOT falls under social science?
The correct answer is: Gymnastics
Counseling involves two people in interaction, a generic term for the exchange of meanings between people.
The correct answer is: Scope of Counseling
Professional school counselors serve a vital role in maximizing student achievement.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Groups approach should motives, purposes, and points of view that are the same as or similar to those of individual
The correct answer is: Groups and Organizations Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele
and Audiences
Counseling is basically a learning function, subject in large measure to the same laws of learning which are applicable in
the classroom.
The correct answer is: Principles of Counseling

Who's definition of counseling states that "open-ended, face to face problem solving situation within which a student, with
professional assistance, can focus and begin to solve a problem or problems"
The correct answer is: Glanz
Discuss problems common to the group and organizations and to develop awareness that problems are also shared by
The correct answer is: Groups and Organizations Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele
and Audiences
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Clinical Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Farming Career Specialization
The correct answer is: No
Series of counseling activities converting a period of months or years, depending upon a cachcase.
The correct answer is: Individual Characteristics and Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Therapist Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
Social science also concerns on economics and politics in the society.
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is what you called the science of society.
The correct answer is: Sociology
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and DISAGREE if it belongs
to the areas of specialization.
Organizational Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
Social sciences are described as generations of behavior about social world to cause understanding.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Multiple Choices
Which of the following is the not the career opportunities for the counselors?
The correct answer is: Technician career specialization
The example of applied social science is engineering and architecture.
The correct answer is 'False'.
True or False
Directions: Choose True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.
In general, the counseling have played a key role in the creation of opinionated persons and an
opinionated society on almost all issues of public interest.
The correct answer is 'False'.

It is a branch of science that deals with interpersonal relationship of the individual in the society.
The correct answer is: Counseling
Social science tackles only on the behavior of animals in the society not included the human behavior.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Child welfare administration
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers primary goal is to help people in need and
to address social problems?
The correct answer is: Service
The correct answer is: Individual who has to be assisted
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers behave in a trustworthy manner?
The correct answer is: Integrity
It is considered as a very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving from
social work professional practice.
The correct answer is: Competence
Socially included by way of insuring that one receive
The correct answer is: Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
This clientele focus on transformation to cause environmental change so as to make it possible for
individuals and groups.
The correct answer is: Community as client of social work
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is a not competency of social work?
The correct answer is: Health
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Work as social planning and practitioners
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
True or False
The context of social work is a place that requires professionals to direct their service on the needs and
empowerment of people.
The correct answer is 'False'.
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships?
The correct answer is: Importance of Relationship
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Work in clinics and community treatment
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
Multiple Choice
It is a profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of
people to enhance well being.
The correct answer is: Social Work
This is a clientele of social work that happen on one, two, three or four levels.
The correct answer is: Individual as Client of Social Work
One of the examples of this clientele of social work is gay men and lesbians.
The correct answer is: Group as client of social
True or False
Social workers aim to protect vulnerable people from honesty and integrity.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Multiple Choice
It is what you called social workers work closely with other professionals.
The correct answer is: Inter-professional working
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers challenge social injustice?
The correct answer is: Social Justice
Having personal problems like loss of job
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work


The correct answer is: Individual who has to be assisted

All people with various social concerns in terms of being marginalized
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
The correct answer is: Individual who has to be assisted
Social workers should demonstrate ethical awareness.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Having personal problems like loss of job
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Social workers should carry out their duties professionally and ethically.
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work

The correct answer is 'True'.

The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
Having some problems especially becoming terminally ill
The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)
True or False
The goal and scope of social work is embrace a world view of human issues and solutions to problems.
The correct answer is: False

True or False
The context of social work is a place that requires professionals to direct their service on the needs and
empowerment of people.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Work in public housing projects
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
Social workers should comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of others.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Social workers should communicate with people who use their services, careers, and professionals.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Neglected children
The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Work in clinics and community treatment
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
Multiple Choice
It is considered as a very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving from social work
professional practice.
The correct answer is: Competence
Social workers should respect the rights and dignity of people.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Work as social planning and practitioners
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
Socially included by way of insuring that one receive
The correct answer is: Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Multiple Choice
The following are the principles relative to professional integrity. Which is not?
The correct answer is: Challenging unjust policies and practices
This is a clientele of social work that people existing with similar or common identity.
The correct answer is: Group as client of social
Which aspect of the social work that provides direction for professional activities and is best situated in the context of
client system?
The correct answer is: Roles of Social Work
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Corporate-based employee assistance
The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)
Multiple Choice
Which of the following principles relative to respect for human rights?
The correct answer is: Respecting the right to self-determination
Multiple Choice
The following are the principles relative to professional integrity. Which is not?
The correct answer is: Challenging unjust policies and practices
Socially included by way of insuring that one receive
The correct answer is: Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Multiple Choice
It is considered as an important value for all humankind but in social work, it occupies a special impetus to
the functioning of the profession.
The correct answer is: Compassion
In this aspect of the social work cover over all necessary and personally qualities needed by the
profession to perform their various roles and skills and one specific ability and skills is tink critically.
The correct answer is: Competencies of Social Work
Multiple Choice
It is considered as a very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving from
social work professional practice.
The correct answer is: Competence
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Find dwelling for families made homeless by urban cities
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
True or False
The choice of counselors in terms of areas of specialization can be determined after a needs assessment
is done.
The correct answer is 'True'.
One of the examples of this clientele of social work is gay men and lesbians.
The correct answer is: Group as client of social
Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.
Juvenile court services

The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)

People in conflict with the law
The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
Gay men and lesbians
The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
Multiple Choice
It is what you called both the planned and the unplanned occurrence in the process are documented.
The correct answer is: Monitoring
Some people need their rights respected
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Multiple Choice
It is the areas of specialization of social work where all program on all levels, from preschool through
college where included and give importance.
The correct answer is: School
Disabled man
The correct answer is: Individual who has to be assisted
Having some problems especially becoming terminally ill
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Unemployed people
The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
One of the examples of this clientele of social work is gay men and lesbians.
The correct answer is: Group as client of social
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is a not competency of social work?
The correct answer is: Health

Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.

Child welfare administration
The correct answer is: According to Hartman (2015)
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers behave in a trustworthy manner?
The correct answer is: Integrity
True or False
One of the principle relative to social justice is recognizing diversity.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Multiple Choice
Which of the following principles relative to respect for human rights?
The correct answer is: Respecting the right to self-determination
This is an example of the profession that has evolved over time but its enduring features as a helping profession.

Directions: Identify which career opportunity of social work is being identified.

Corporate-based employee assistance
The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is not function of social work?
The correct answer is: Do social planning
Multiple Choice
It is considered as a value for social workers, is a basis of their understanding of the need to ensure that everyone get
serviced and that everyone get a share of what the community possesses in material and non-material assets.
The correct answer is: Social justice
Social workers should act in the best interest of people who use their dignity.
The correct answer is 'True'.
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers challenge social injustice?
The correct answer is: Social Justice
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers primary goal is to help people in need and
to address social problems?
The correct answer is: Service
The choice of counselors in terms of areas of specialization can be determined after a needs assessment
is done.
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is considered as necessary in all human endeavors. In social work, nothing can be accomplished without this value.
The correct answer is: Integrity
Social workers operate within illegal frameworks for protecting and supporting vulnerable people.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Need social welfare help to put them on their feet
The correct answer is: Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Multiple Choice
It is what you called at the end of te period of implementation or at certain marked reasonable period,
assessments are needed to determine initial results.
The correct answer is: Evaluation
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To give the student information on matters important to his adjustments and growth.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Psychological Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To help the pupil work out a plan for solving his difficulties.
The correct answer is: True

Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Marine Psychology
The correct answer is: Disagree
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To discourage special talents and develop right attitudes.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To help students in acquiring illegal drugs.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To get information about the student which will be help to him in solving his problems.
The correct answer is: True
The difference between applied social science from social science is the degree of difficulty.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is
wrong. Corruption on public trust
The correct answer is: Disagree
Applied social science is the art of applying scientific and practical knowledge to solve problems.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between pupil and principal.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Counseling Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
A person who develop skills in applied social science can make an engineer someday.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
Political Science
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To make students not attain their goals and ambitions.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and DISAGREE if it belongs
to the areas of specialization.
School Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To help the pupil know himself better, his interest, abilities, aptitudes and available opportunities.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Engineering and industrial work are the example of applied social science.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Fish Dealer Career Specialization
The correct answer is: No

Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and DISAGREE if it belongs
to the areas of specialization.
School Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Janitorial Career Specialization
The correct answer is: No
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Social science studies the interpersonal relationships of individual as members of society.
The correct answer is: True
Social science can make people interact in the society where they live.
The correct answer is: True
The difference between applied social science from social science is the degree of difficulty.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To assist the pupil in planning for his educational and vocational choices.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is wrong.
Respect for cultures
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Psychological Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is wrong.
Respect for Intellectual capacities
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the career opportunities for counselor and NO if it is not.
Social Work Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To give the student information on matters important to his adjustments and growth
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To help the pupil know himself better, his interest, abilities, aptitudes and available opportunities.
The correct answer is: True
A person who develop skills in applied social science can make an engineer someday.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is
Training for new professionals
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To discourage special talents and develop right attitudes.
The correct answer is: False
Engineering and industrial work are the example of applied social science.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is
Respect for diversity
The correct answer is: Agree

The main social sciences includes physical and biological.

The correct answer is: False
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is
Dishonesty of human core values
The correct answer is: Disagree
The difference between applied social science from social science is the degree of difficulty.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is wrong.
Strong relationship
The correct answer is: Agree
Social science is branch of science that deals with people in the society.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is wrong.
Sending children in illegal drugs
The correct answer is: Disagree
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and DISAGREE if it belongs
to the areas of specialization.
Counseling Psychology
The correct answer is: Agree
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: No
Applied social science is the art of applying scientific and practical knowledge to solve problems.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To make students not attain their goals and ambitions.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
Human Geography
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
Political Science
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word YES if it belongs to the branches of social sciences and NO if it is not.
The correct answer is: Yes
Choose the word AGREE if the example falls under the areas of specialization of counselor and
DISAGREE if it belongs to the areas of specialization.
Political Psychology
The correct answer is: Disagree
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between pupil and principal.
The correct answer is: False
Choose the word TRUE if it is a goal of counseling and FALSE if it is not.
To help the pupil work out a plan for solving his difficulties.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the word AGREE if the example is fall under the core values of counseling and DISAGREE if it is
Broken family
The correct answer is: Disagree
Military Service Men and Women
The correct answer is: Groups existing with similar or common identity
Military Service Men and Women
Who define counseling as "an attempt to aid the individual assisting him to a reorganization of attitudes,
feelings, and emotions, such that he can make optional use of his abilities and physical endowments"
The correct answer is: Arthur Coombs
Counseling Career Specialization
The correct answer is: Yes
What do you call a person who gives counseling.
The correct answer is: Counselor
Professional school counselors uphold the ethical standards of profession.
The correct answer is: True

Professional school counselors uphold the ethical standards of profession 21312321

Social workers should carry out their duties professionally and ethically.
The correct answer is: True
Which aspect of the social work that provides direction for professional activities and is best situated in the
context of client system?
The correct answer is: Roles of Social Work
Social workers should comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of others.
The correct answer is: True
What specific code of ethics of social work that social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of
the person?The correct answer is: Dignity and Worth of the Person
In the Philippines, social work is a qualified, registered profession with a protected title.
The correct answer is: True
Wanting to be empowered
The correct answer is: Needs of Various Types of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work

Which aspect of the social work promotes social justice through development of social policy?
The correct answer is: Functions of Social Work

Social workers are not expected to uphold human rights in their practice.
The correct answer is: False

Multidisciplinary service centers

The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)
This is a clientele of social work that generally as the largest clientele and audiences of social work
The correct answer is: Community as client of social work
This is a clientele of social work because they form collectivities in terms of level of services they have to
The correct answer is: Group as client of social

International practice and political social work

The correct answer is: According to DuBois and Miley (2008)

Having personal problems like getting sick

The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
This clientele exist as marginalized sector, in which case, the social work services may gear toward their
emancipation and empowerment.
The correct answer is: Community as client of social work

People need justice

The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Commonalities do exist.
The correct answer is: Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
This is a clientele of social work generally work on an individual who has to be assisted to fit in a larger
environment or someone who has been deprived space.
The correct answer is: Community as client of social work
This is designed to provide accurate and current information in order that the students may make an
intelligent choice of educational program.
The correct answer is: Information Services
Distributing resources
The correct answer is: Principles Relative to Social Justice
Making considered professional judgments
The correct answer is: Principles Relative to Professional Integrity

This is involves pupil assessment, information services, and counseling assistance appropriate to the
pupil's choices of school subjects.
The correct answer is: Placement Services

Maintaining professional boundaries

The correct answer is: Principles Relative to Professional Integrity

Development of a systematic plan for maintaining contact with former students

The correct answer is: Placement and Follow-up Services
Selecting and utilizing opportunities within the school
The correct answer is: Placement and Follow-up Services
This is the most successful when the counselee is relatively well not adjusted, the problem is in an
intellectual area
The correct answer is: Non-Directive Method

Upholding the values and reputation of the profession

The correct answer is: Principles Relative to Professional Integrity
Challenging discrimination
The correct answer is: Principles Relative to Social Justice
Counselors assist students in making appropriate choices of course
The correct answer is: Placement and Follow-up Services

This is the result of selecting concepts form bot directive and nondirective approaches.
The correct answer is: Non-Directive Method
This is designed that concerned with the development of a systematic plan for maintaining contact with
former students.
The correct answer is: Follow-up Services
Counselor interprets this information to pupils and parents
The correct answer is: Assessment Services
Counselor assists the student to understand and accept himself/herself
The correct answer is: Counseling Services
This is designed to facilitate self-understanding and development through dyadic or small-group
The correct answer is: Counseling Services
These are the processes used by the guidance counselor in a certain institutions.
The correct answer is: Counseling Processes
Respecting the right to self-determination
The correct answer is: Principles Related to Respect for Human Rights
This is the most successful when the counselee is relatively well adjusted, the problem is in an intellectual
The correct answer is: Counseling Methods
Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being
The correct answer is: Principles Related to Respect for Human Rights

These skills are the ones that influence a help to take action after the helping session or
Communication skills
This is under the process factor that involves providing a clear and deep analysis of what
the problem is, where it comes from, its triggers, and why it may have developed.

This is under the process factor that involves providing a clear and deep analysis of what
the problem is, where it comes from, its triggers, and why it may have developed.
Exploring problem Areas
This is a branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and
interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such
as intelligence, aptitude, interests, and personality tests.

This is a relationship characterized by the application of one or more psychological

theories and a recognized set of communication skills appropriate to a client's intimate
concerns, problems, or aspirations.
Discipline of Counseling
This is under the principle of relative to respect for human rights that social workers
should promote the full involvement and participation of people using their service in
ways that enable them to be empowered in all aspects of decisions and actions affecting
their lives.
Promoting the right to participation
This is the core values of social work is very important value for social work because it
separates social caregiving from social work professional practice.
Social Justice
This is involves a change in the client's emotional self through a change in basic goals
and aspirations.
This is under the principle of relative to professional integrity which is social workers
should establish appropriate boundaries in their relationships with their roles, clearly
explaining their roles, interventions, and decisions.
Maintaining professional boundaries
This is under the process factor that means providing support and other techniques to
enable the client to maintain changes.
Helping to maintain change
This counseling involves providing clients with reassurance, which is a way of giving
them courage to face a problem or confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of
This is under the context and the basic concepts of counseling that culture provided
meaning and coherence of life to any orderly life such as organization.
Culture as Context
This is under the principle of relative to social justice that social workers have a
responsibility to challenge discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as ability,
age, culture, gender or sex.
Challenging discrimination
This is under the context and the basic concepts of counseling that friend's attitudes,
norms, and behaviors have a strong influence on adolescents.
Peer as Context
This is under the counseling as context that the personality, skills, and personal qualities
of a counselor can significantly impact the outcomes of the counseling relationship.
Counselor Factors
This is under the principle of relative to professional integrity which is social workers
should make judgments based on balanced and considered reasoning, maintaining
awareness of the impact of their own values.
Making considered professional judgments

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