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© 2020 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2020 June;56(3):265-71
Online version at http://www.minervamedica.it DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.20.06070-0


Task-based mirror therapy enhances the upper limb motor

function in subacute stroke patients: a randomized control trial
Hamza Y. MADHOUN, Botao TAN *, Yali FENG, Yi ZHOU, Cuijuan ZHOU, Lehua YU

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China
*Corresponding author: Botao Tan, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing,
400010, China. E-mail: 303518@cqmu.edu.cn

BACKGROUND: The improvement of the upper limb disability, which is mainly caused by stroke, is still one of the rehabilitation treatment
challenges. However, the effectiveness of task-based mirror therapy (TBMT) on subacute stroke with moderate and severe upper limb impair-
ment has not been deeply explored.
AIM: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of TBMT, in comparison to occupational therapy, in moderate and severe upper
limb impairment by analyzing the motor function and activities of daily living in subacute stroke patients.
DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial.
SETTING: Rehabilitative inpatient unit.
POPULATION: Thirty patients with moderate and severe-subacute stroke recruited from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
University have been randomly divided into two groups; the task-based mirror therapy group (N.=15) and the control group (N.=15).
METHODS: The first group received TBMT while the control group only underwent only occupational therapy without a mirror utilization. Tak-
ing into consideration that both groups received conventional therapy. The intervention time was equal for both groups consisting of 25 minutes
per day for 25 days. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Brunnstrom Assessment (BRS), Modified Barthel Index (MBI), and Modified Ashworth
Scale (MAS) were used to assess the outcomes for this study.
RESULTS: After 25 sessions of treatment, the patients in both groups have shown-improvement in the activates of daily living, motor recovery,
and motor function. No significant differences between the two groups were observed on BRS and MBI. However, interestingly, the results of the
TBMT group were significantly better than the control group in FMA (P<0.05) and certain aspects of MAS (elbow flexion, wrist flexion, wrist
extension, and fingers extension with P<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the combination of conventional rehabilitation treatment and TBMT is an effective way to improve the
functional recovery in the upper limb stroke patients.
CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: TBMT is a therapeutic technique that can be used in subacute stroke patients with moderate and
severe upper limb impairment.
(Cite this article as: Madhoun HY, Tan B, Feng Y, Zhou Y, Zhou C, Yu L. Task-based mirror therapy enhances the upper limb motor function in sub-
acute stroke patients: a randomized control trial. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2020;56:265-71. DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.20.06070-0)
Key words: Upper extremity; Stroke; Motor skills disorders; Rehabilitation.

D espite the significant progress in the rehabilitation

therapy in recent years, the effective treatment of up-
per limb impairment in stroke patients is still challenging.1
improve the activities of daily living in stroke patients.4 For
instance, mirror therapy (MT), which was introduced by
Ramachandran and Rogers Ramachandran in 1996, was
Previous studies showed that around 85% of stroke patients initially used to treat the amputees suffering phantom limb
have a hemiparesis in the upper and/or lower limb. Between pain.5 Since then, it has been used either solely6 or coupled
55% to 75% of the stroke survivors suffer from limited up- with other therapies such as electrical stimulation.7 MT
per limb functionality. This limitation can lead to muscle is considered as an inexpensive and convenient approach
weakness, limited joint motion, spasticity, sensory loss, and compared to other treatments.8 MT requires to put the mir-
reduction in the activity of daily living.2, 3 Several rehabili- ror between the two limbs. The unaffected limb is posi-
tation treatments exist to help restore motor functions and tioned in front of the mirror while the affected one is hidden

Vol. 56 - No. 3 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 265

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behind. In such setup, the patient will observe the reflection Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (N.=59)
of the unaffected limb on the mirror with the sensation that
the affected limb is actually moving.9 Excluded (N.=24)
However, the exact mechanism of MT is still not fully - Not meeting inclusion criteria
clear.10 The basic concept of MT depends on visual illu- - Declined to participate (N.=4)
sion by using visual feedback from the reflection of the un-
affected part in mirror.11 Besides, MT could stimulate the Randomized (N.=35)
primary motor, sensorimotor, and premotor cortex and/or
mirror neurons, which is known to enhance motor recov-
ery of the upper limb in stroke patients.3, 10, 11 It was shown Allocation
in a precedent study, using functional MRI analysis, that Allocated to Task-Based Mirror Allocated to Control group
Therapy (N.=18) (N.=17)
the activation of human mirror neurons with functional - Received allocated intervention - Received allocated intervention
movement is higher than normal movement.12 Recent pa- (N.=18) (N.=17)
- Did not received allocated - Did not received allocated
pers have discussed the role of MT in improving motor intervention (N.=0) intervention (N.=0)
function in chronic cases when the impairment is mild,
moderate, or severe.8, 13, 14 As well as, MT was reported to Follow-up
improve unilateral neglect,15 motor recovery, and regain Lost to follow-up (N.=0) Lost to follow-up (N.=0)
- Discontinued intervention (N.=3) - Discontinued intervention (N.=2)
the activates of daily living of subacute stroke patients.2, 16
On the other hand, some studies have shown limited motor
improvement when applying MT in acute stage.17, 18
Analyzed (N.=15) Analyzed (N.=15)
To the best of our knowledge, only one study described - Excluded from analysis (N.=0) - Excluded from analysis (N.=0)
the effects of MT-in subacute stroke patients with severe Figure 1.—Flow diagram for the study.
upper limb function impairments, which showed a limited
motor improvement.19 Hence, this present study aims to
investigate the effectiveness of task-based mirror therapy
(TBMT) on subacute stroke patients with moderate and ment at Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
severe upper limb impairment by analyzing the upper limb University. The criteria to select the participating patients
motor function improvement and activities of daily living. were 1) diagnosed with the first stroke at the age between
We hypothesized that TBMT would improve motor recov- 20 and 85; 2) had a stroke in less than 6 month; 3) had a
ery, the activities of daily life, and upper limb function Brunnstrom stage20 for upper limb functional from 1 to 3;
compared to occupational therapy. We also hypothesized 4) showed a good cognitive condition (with score 24 points
that TBMT could reduce spasticity. or more of Montreal Cognitive Assessment);21 and 5) had
a poor and limited upper limb function (the score for Fugl-
Meyer Assessment (FMA) for upper limb below 47).22 Pa-
Materials and methods tients with any of the following criteria were excluded 1)
Study design visual problem; 2) aphasia; 3) unilateral neglect; 4) mus-
culoskeletal disease; and 5) participating in another study.
The work was conducted as a single-blinded randomized After the initial screening, 39 stroke patients with hemi-
controlled trial. A total of 30 participants were randomly paresis were eligible to be part of this study. However, 4 of
separated into the TBMT group (N.=15) and the control them chose not to participate. Furthermore, 3 patients were
group (N.=15) using random generator software. All sub- discharged from TBMT while another 2 were transferred
jects received 25 treatment sessions, 7 days per week. Each to the intensive care unit from the control group. Eventu-
patient was assessed twice, once prior to the intervention ally, the final number of participants was 30 (Figure 1).
and once after it.
Ethical consideration
Participants and setting
This study received approval from the Ethics Committee
Stroke patients who were participating in this work suffered of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
from upper limb hemiparesis. They were hospitalized at University, and all the patients were given written in-
the Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy Depart- formed consent form prior to the treatment.

266 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine June 2020

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Sample size calculation The TBMT group underwent 25 minutes of functional

task with the mirror every day in addition to conventional
The sample size was determined by using G power v. therapy if needed, such as manual therapy and acupunc-
3.1. A minimal sample size of 30 patients (15 per group) ture. The sessions were done under the supervision of the
was required for this trial to detect effect size d=0.95 for occupational therapist in the occupational therapy room
change in the FMA score 9 Point.22 The parameters used in in Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy Depart-
this calculation were: alpha=0.05 and power =0.8. ment.
Control group
A total of 30 patients were randomized to the TBMT group
(N.=15) or control group (N.=15). The control group received occupational therapy without a
mirror for 25 minutes in addition to conventional therapy
TBMT group if the patients required. Similarly, the sessions were done
under the supervision of the occupational therapist in the
The size of the mirror box was 35x40x20 cm, which al-
occupational therapy room in Rehabilitation Medicine and
lowed a good vision for the patients. The patients were
Physical Therapy Department (Figure 2B).
seated near the mirror, which is diagonally located along
the body level between the two limbs. The unaffected limb Outcome measurement
is positioned at the anterior side of the mirror while the
affected limb was hidden all the time (Figure 2A). As a re- Prior to the treatment session, all patients were assessed
sult, the patients can observe the healthy limb reflection on with the following measures: FMA (upper limb) and
the mirror, creating a perception that the affected limb is Brunnstrom Assessment (BRS), to evaluate the motor
moving. The activities performed by the patients included: recovery and motor function. A Modified Barthel Index
elbow flexion, extension, ulnar and radial deviation, flex- (MBI) to assess the activities of daily living. Modified
ion and extension of the wrist, flexion and extension for the Ashworth Scale (MAS) was used to evaluate the spasticity
fingers, abduction, and adduction for all the fingers. These after stroke. Finally, once the 25 sessions were completed,
activities were conducted using various objects such as a the same measurements were done again to evaluate the
spongy ball, a bottle of water, a duster, chopstick, a cup, improvement.
cubes, wooden blocks, and so forth (Figure 2A).
Prior to TBMT treatment, the patients were asked to FMA
remove any accessories around the unaffected limb like FMA is a crucial measurement to assess the motor func-
a watch or a ring to facilitate the illusion. The sessions tion in the shoulder, wrist, forearm, hand, and fingers after
focused on the unaffected upper limb, elbow, wrist, and stroke. In this work, upper limb items were only consid-
fingers, meanwhile no voluntary movements were allowed ered. The maximum index for upper limb is 66 split into 36
using the affected limb. for upper arm and 30 for hand and wrist. Each component
can attain a score of 0 to 2 such that 0, 1, 2 correspond
to no perform, partial perform, and complete perform, re-
BRS categorizes the motor recovery performance of the
upper limb, consisting of the arm and hand, into differ-
ent 6 stages. These stages are: stage (1), flaccidity; stage
(2), a little or no active movement; stage (3), movements
through the synergy, no voluntary movement; stage (4),
some movements out of synergy; stage (5), complex
A B movement out of the synergy with voluntary move-
ments; stage (6), synergy disappears and near normal.
Figure 2.—TBMT and conventional occupation therapy. A) Patients are
performing Task-Based mirror therapy; B) patients performing conven- The better the motor recovery is, the higher is the stage
tional occupation therapy treatment. allocated.20

Vol. 56 - No. 3 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 267

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Modified Barthel Index BRS

The Barthel Index is used to measure the activities of daily In the TBMT group, the mean score for the upper limb
living. The maximum score is 100 which consisting of 10 of BRS before treatment was 2.53±0.51 and after treat-
items associated with different activities including (1) per- ment 3.33±0.48 with P=0.001 but in the control group
sonal hygiene, (2) bathing self, (3) feeding, (4) toilet, (5) was 2.33±0.90 before the therapy and 3.00±0.75 after
stair climbing, (6) dressing, (7) bowel control, (8) bladder therapy with P=0.002. Furthermore, the hand score of
control, (9) ambulation, (10) transfers. Once again, a high- Brunnstrom stage in the TBMT group was 2.67±0.48
er score corresponds to better activates of daily living.23 before the therapy and 3.40±0.50 after 25 days with
P=0.001, but in another group, the mean score was
MAS 2.33±0.72 before and 2.93±1.03 after therapy with
P=0.003 (Table II). The Brunnstrom stage had no sig-
MAS was used to assess the spasticity, in which the score
nificant difference between both groups. The degree
is ranging from 0 to 4. In this scale, 4 represents the high-
of recovery was almost the same between the groups
est spasticity and muscle tone.24
0.80±0.56 TBMT and 0.66±0.48 CT with P=0.529 in the
Statistical analysis upper limb and 0.73±0.45 TBMT and 0.60±0.50 CT with
P=0.446 in the hand (Table III).
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ver. 23
for Macintosh. The results are shown as mean and standard The MBI
deviation (M±SD). All the data underwent a test of nor- MBI showed a significant increase in both group function.
mality of the distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Increase from 54.53±23.75 to 72.27±16.58 in the TBMT
Test. An independent sample t-test or Chi-squared test was
used to compare the general characteristics between both Table II.—The outcome measures results for pre and post-inter-
groups. An independent sample t-test or Mann-Whitney U vention within and between groups.
was used to compare the significant level between groups. Outcome measure TBMT CT P value
A paired sample t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test was Brunnstrom Upper limb Pre 2.53±0.51 2.33±0.90 0.762
used to determine the significant level of the differences Post 3.33±0.48 3.00±0.75 0.199
before and after treatment measurements of the individual P value 0.001 0.002
Brunnstrom Hand Pre 2.67±0.48 2.33±0.72 0.193
groups. For all values obtained 0.05 was set as threshold or Post 3.40±0.50 2.93±1.03 0.229
for statistical significance. P value 0.001 0.003
MBI Pre 54.53±23.75 57.40±20.10 0.724
Post 72.27±16.58 70.13±19.25 0.748
Results P value <0.000 <0.000
Fugl-Meyer Assessment Pre 19.33±7.62 20.60±12.07 0.901
There were no significant differences between the TBMT Post 31.40±8.19 27.07±12.49 0.271
and the control group for the general characteristics (Table I). P value <0.000 0.001
*Values presented as mean±standard deviation. Significance difference at P≤0.05
TBMT: Task-Based Mirror therapy; CT: control group; MBI: Modified Barthel
Table I.—The general characteristics of the subjects. Index; FMA: Fugl-Meyer Assessment.

Characteristic CT (N.=15) P value
Table III.—The elevation of motor function and activities of daily
Mean (age) 49.33±10.43 53.93±8.76 0.202 living.
Gender, N. (%) Male 11 (73.3%) 9 (60%) 0.439
Female 4 (26.7%) 6 (40%) Variable TBMT CT P value
Type of stroke, N. (%) Hemorrhage 10 (66.7%) 11 (73.3%) 0.690 BRS Upper limb (Δ) 0.80±0.56 0.66±0.48 0.529
Ischemia 5 (33.3%) 4 (26.7%) BRS Hand (Δ) 0.73±0.45 0.60±0.50 0.446
Side of paresis, N. (%) Right 6 (40%) 5 (33.3%) 0.705 MBI (Δ) 17.73±9.83 12.73±7.17 0.084
Left 9 (60%) 10 (66.7%) FMA (Δ) 12.06±5.84 6.46±3.92 0.005
Mean stroke duration (month) 4.13±1.84 3.60±1.76 0.425
*Values are presented as mean±standard deviation. Significance difference
*Values are presented as the number of patients (N) or mean±standard deviation. at P≤0.05. TBMT: Task-based mirror therapy group; CT: control group; BRS:
Significance difference at P≤0.05. Brunnstrom Assessment; MBI: Modified Barthel Index; FMA: Fugl-Meyer
TBMT: task-based mirror therapy; CT: control group. Assessment.

268 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine June 2020

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group with P<0.001 and from 57.40±20.10 to 70.13±19.25 hancing the primary motor area and stimulating the mo-
in the control group P<0.001. Nonetheless, there was no tor function in the upper limb. Besides, MT may activate
significant difference observed when comparing both the right superior occipital gyrus and superior temporal
group (Table II). Similarly, both groups had nearly equal gyrus.11, 13 Previous work showed that the visual illusion
degrees of recovery 17.73 ±9.83 and 12.73 ±7.17 in TBMT through MT activates the mirror neurons that are found in
and CT, respectively with P=0.084 (Table III). the frontotemporal area, superior temporal gyrus,10 and
sensorimotor cortex.3
The FMA This study investigated whether TBMT combined with
The patients had a better FMA Score after treatment. This conventional rehabilitation therapy affects upper limb
observation was evident for both group (19.33±7.62 to motor function, motor recovery, activities of daily life,
and spasticity in subacute stroke patients with moderate
31.40±8.19 with P<0.001 in the TBMT group and from
and severe impairments in comparison to occupational
20.60±12.07 to 27.07±12.49 in the control group with
P=0.001) (Table II). Furthermore, the degree of recov-
Both groups, TBMT and control, had an upper limb im-
ery (more than 9 points) was greater in the TBMT group
provement in motor function and activities of daily life as
(12.06±5.84) than CT group (6.46±3.92) with P=0.005
per Brunnstrom Assessment, FMA, and MBI scales. Not-
(Table III).
ing that, out of these three assessments solely in FMA sta-
MAS tistically significant difference between both groups was
observed. The result for the TBMT group over the control
For the MAS, when comparing the results between pre- was better with P<0.05.
treatment and post-treatment, it was realized that only in This result agrees with the previous outcomes of
elbow flexion (P=0.016), wrist flexion (P=0.034), wrist ex- Mirela Cristina et al.16 study done on 33 subacute stroke
tension (P=0.002) and fingers extension group (P=0.034) a patients with mild to moderate upper limb impairment.
statistical significance existed in the TBMT. On the other In that work, the patients were divided into the experi-
hand, there was no statistical significance for the other ment group (TBMT) and control group and were sub-
movement and the control group (Table IV). jected to 8 weeks of treatment. As discussed, the ex-
periment group demonstrated better motor recovery and
Discussion function.
In another work by Park et al.,6 TBMT was reported
The MT technique gives the patients visual illusion as an effective treatment to enhance upper limb motor
through visual feedback that the affected limb is mov- function and self-care in comparison to sham therapy on
ing.25 This method activates the premotor area, which subacute stroke patients. Furthermore, various previous
has a role for enhancing motor recovery after stroke.10, 13 studies have reached the same conclusion on the positive
In addition, activating the premotor area can lead to en- impact of MT in treating stroke patients.2, 25, 26

Table IV.—The Ashworth scale results for pre and post-intervention within and between groups.
Variable TBMT CT P value TBMT CT P value
Elbow flexion Pre 1.80±1.52 0.80±0.94 0.073 Fingers Flexion Pre 0.73±1.03 0.33±0.48 0.098
Post 0.87±0.83 0.53±0.83 0.204 Post 0.40±0.63 0.26±0.45 0.900
P value 0.016 0.200 P value 0.096 0.467
Elbow extension Pre 1.93±1.03 1.00±1.13 0.026 Fingers extension Pre 1.60±1.18 0.87±0.91 0.072
Post 1.53±0.83 0.67±0.72 0.007 Post 1.20±1.01 0.73±0.79 0.173
P value 0.063 0.267 P value 0.034 0.533
Wrist flexion Pre 1.07±0.96 0.33±0.48 0.023 Thumb flexion Pre 0.60±0.91 0.33±0.48 0.541
Post 0.67±0.90 0.20±0.41 0.098 Post 0.47±0.64 0.20±0.41 0.213
P value 0.034 0.400 P value 0.414 0.400
Wrist extension Pre 2.13±1.21 0.67±0.48 <0.000 Thumb extension Pre 0.80±0.86 0.53±0.74 0.349
Post 1.07±1.03 0.53±0.51 0.159 Post 0.67±0.81 0.40±0.63 0.309
P value 0.002 0.400 P value 0.414 0.400
*Values are presented as mean±standard deviation. Significance difference at P≤0.05.
TBMT: Task-Based Mirror therapy; CT: control group.

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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
Funding.—The funds provided by Chongqing Municipal Health Committee Key Projects (NO.2016ZDXM009) and Chongqing Administration of Sport
Project 2018.
Authors’ contributions.—Hamza Yassin Madhoun designed, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript; Botao Tan designed
experiments, helped supervise the project and co-wrote the paper; Yali Feng performed the experiments and assessed the patients; Yi Zhou, Cuijuan Zhou
performed the experiments and assessed the patients; Lehua Yu conceived of the presented idea, supervised the research and findings of this work. All authors
discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.
History.—Article first published online: March 25, 2020. - Manuscript accepted: March 23, 2020. - Manuscript revised: February 7, 2020. - Manuscript
received: October 30, 2019.

Vol. 56 - No. 3 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 271

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