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The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care Vol. 48, No. 1
Copyright © 2000 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.

Impact of Burn Injury on Hepatic TGF-b1 Expression and

Plasma TGF-b1 Levels
Tetsuro Nishimura, MD, Teruhiro Nishiura, MD, Suzan deSerres, BA, Takao Nakagawa, MD, David A. Brenner, MD, and
Anthony A. Meyer, MD, PhD

Background: The liver plays a critical regulatory role in the TGF-b1 m-RNA was extracted from liver and measured by
acute inflammatory response to injury, although the mecha- reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Histology of
nisms of this regulation are not well understood. transforming liver apoptosis was examined after fixation and staining with
growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) is induced after burn injury and TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method.
may contribute to an inhibitory or fatal effect on hepatocytes. Results: The plasma concentration of TGF-b1 in burn group
We investigated the association over time between plasma con- L was significantly increased at 4 hours after burn when com-
centration of TGF-b1, expression of TGF-b1 m-RNA in liver pared with sham and M burn groups. This rise in plasma
tissue, and histologic analysis of liver apoptosis after burn in- TGF-b1 was preceded by an increase in hepatic TGF-b1 m-RNA
jury. expression at 30 minutes, 1, 2, and 4 hours after burn in the L
Methods: Male BALB/c mice were anesthetized and random- group. Histologic analysis found greater hepatocyte death in the
ized to receive 0% (sham), moderate (approximately 25%) (M), L group than in the M group at 8 hours after burn.
or large (approximately 50%) (L) body surface area full-thick- Conclusion: The levels of induced TGF-b1 and TGF-b1
ness contact burn, followed by resuscitation and analgesia. An- m-RNA after L burn injury are higher and peak earlier than
imals were killed over a time course from 15 minutes to 24 hours after M burn injury. Elevated TGF-b1 may be associated with
after burn injury, and liver tissue and peripheral blood were cell death in hepatocytes. The TGF-b1 rise may be associated
collected. Plasma levels of TGF-b1 (nanograms per milliliter) with hepatocyte injury and systemic response to massive burn.
were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

ransforming growth factor b (TGF-b) is a 25-kDa plasma TGF-b1 increases after trauma11 and TGF-b1 mRNA
polypeptide found in normal and transformed tissues.1 is increased after partial hepatectomy.12 But the effect on
TGF-b can now be considered the prototype of a mul- TGF-b1 by burn injury has not been well investigated.
tifunctional cytokine, especially after the discovery that it We hypothesized that burn injury would be followed by an
could act both as an inhibitor and stimulator of cell replica- increase in plasma TGF-b1 concentration and an increase in
tion. In addition to restricting cell proliferation and differen- hepatocyte TGF-b1 mRNA expression and that this increase
tiation, TGF-b can also affect the synthesis of many of the in TGF-b1 would be followed by an increase in hepatocyte
components of extracellular matrix. Therefore, TGF-b has a apoptosis. We tested our hypothesis by examining changes in
critical role in tissue repair.2 TGF-b has at least five different levels of TGF-b1 plasma concentration, hepatocyte mRNA
isoforms, three of which have been identified in mammals, expression, and hepatocyte apoptosis over time after burn
i.e., TGF-b1, b2, and b3. injury.
Recently TGF-b1 has been shown to inhibit hepatocyte
DNA synthesis in vitro. Furthermore, after partial hepatec- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tomy, TGF-b1 inhibits in vivo hepatocyte DNA synthesis.3,4 Animal Protocols
It has also been shown that TGF-b1 is involved in the initi- Twenty- to 22-g, 6- to 8-week-old, inbred adult male BALB/c
ation of hepatocyte apoptosis, both in vitro and in vivo. mice (Harlan Sprague-Dawley, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind) were
Results from Ponchel et al. suggest that TGF-b1 is a signal used as subjects in all experiments. Animals were provided
factor of apoptosis in the liver.5 Apoptosis is suggested to be food and water ad libitum throughout the experiment. All
involved in the control of cell number, for example, during protocols were approved by the Committee on Animal Re-
embryonic development, and during involution of liver search, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
hyperplasia.6 –10 It has been reported that the concentration of followed National Institute of Health (NIH) guidelines.

Submitted for publication May 21, 1999. Experimental Design

Accepted for publication September 9, 1999. BALB/c mice were randomized to three groups. The first
From the Departments of Surgery and Jaycee Burn Center, University of group contained sham mice. Sham animals (S) received treat-
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Poster presentation at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Associ- ment identical to all other animals but did not receive the
ation for the Surgery of Trauma, September 24 –27, 1998, Baltimore, Mary- actual burn. The second group (M) contained animals that
land. received a moderate, approximately 25% total body surface
Address for reprints: Anthony A. Meyer, MD, PhD, Department of
Surgery, University of North Carolina, 163 Burnett-Womack Clinical Sci- area burn to the dorsum and bilateral flanks. The third group
ences Building, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7210. (L) contained animals that received a large, approximately

The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care January 2000

50% total body surface area burn to the dorsum and bilateral final volume of 25 mL and 1 mL was removed for PCR. Glyc-
flanks. The size of the area injured was confirmed by remov- eraldehyde-3-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA levels as an
ing the entire skin from animals after injury and measuring internal standard were determined by using GAPDH specific
burn area. primers (59-CATCTCTGCCCCCT CTGCTGA-39 (sense)
and 59-GGATGACCTTGCCCACAGCCT-39 (antisense);17
Burn Injury TGF-b1 mRNA was assessed by using TGF-b1 specific primers
Burn injury was created as previously described.13 Briefly, (59-CGGGGCGACCTGGGCA CCATCCATGAC-39 (sense)
animals were anesthetized with inhalation of methoxyflurane and 59-CTGCTCCACCTTGGGCTTGCGACCCAC-39 (anti-
vapor (Pitman-Moore, Washington Crossing, NJ), and their sense); (STRATAGENE, La Jolla, Calif). With the PCR master
back and flank hair was clipped. A full-thickness contact burn reagent mixture (Boehringer Mannheim), reaction was carried
(moderate or large) was produced by applying a copper rod, out under the following thermocycling parameters: 94°C, 4
heated in boiling water, to the animal’s dorsum/flank for 10 minutes denaturation; 50°C, 45 seconds annealing; 72°C, 1
seconds. Four applications of a 65 g rod (1.9 cm in diameter) minute extension for 37 cycles for TGF-b mRNA. The last cycle
were used to produce the M burn, whereas four applications extension was for 7 minutes (GeneAmp PCR System 9600,
of a 134 g rod (2.5 cm in diameter) produced the L burn. Perkin Elmer). PCR products were electrophoresed on 2% aga-
Previous biopsy of the wound and deeper muscular tissue rose gel in Tris/acetic acid/ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
demonstrated full-thickness cutaneous burn but with visible buffer for 3 hours at 60V, stained with ethidium bromide, and
unburned muscle beneath the skin. photographed. Intensities of PCR product bands were quantified
Mice were resuscitated with intraperitoneal (i.p.) lactated by using NIH image software from the digital scanned gel
Ringer’s solution (0.1 mL/g body weight) and were given image.
subcutaneous buprenorphine (2 mg/kg body weight) for pain
control immediately after injury and as needed after burn. Morphologic Evaluation of Apoptosis
Animals were returned to individual cages and allowed to A portion of liver tissue from each animal was fixed over-
feed ad libitum. Sham controls, defined as 0% total body night with neutral buffered 10% formaldehyde solution.
surface area burn, underwent all of the above interventions, Specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 mm,
except for the actual burn injury. and attached to microscope slides. After washing and perme-
Animals were killed and terminal samples of liver tissue abilization, specimens were processed by using the TdT-
and peripheral blood were collected over a time course with mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) procedure with
intervals at 0 (sham), 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, fluorescein-12-dUTP for 1 hour at 37°C according to the
and 24 hours after burn. Four mice were killed from each protocol provided with the Apoptosis Detection System Flu-
group at each time point. Total mRNA was extracted from orescein (Promega, Madison, Wis). Slides were washed and
whole liver tissue for assay. Levels of TGF-b1 mRNA were counterstained with 1 mg/mL propidium iodide for 15 min-
measured by reverse transcription coupled polymerase chain utes. Slides were mounted and photographed with BHT Sys-
reaction (RT-PCR) technique. Plasma levels of TGF-b1 were tem microscope (OLYMPUS, Tokyo, Japan). Micrographs
measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. were recorded at 1323 magnification by using fluorescein
isothiocyanate and Texas red dual-band filter set.
Assessment for Plasma TGF-b
Immediately after collection by heart puncture, blood was trans- Statistical Analysis
ferred to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid–coated tubes. Plasma The difference between samples was compared by analysis of
was separated by centrifugation at 4°C for 15 minutes at 3000 g. variance. p values of less than 0.05 were assigned statistical
Plasma was stored at 270°C. The concentration of plasma significance. The graphic depiction of data in the figures
TGF-b1 was measured by using an enzyme-linked immunosor- facilitates the depiction of group differences. Error bars
bent assay (TGF-b1 KIT, GENZYME, Cambridge, Mass). shown in these figures represent standard error of the mean
Among the isoforms, TGF-b1 has been conventionally mea- (SEM).
sured to reflect plasma TGF-b concentration.14,15
RNA Isolation and RT-PCR Time Course of TGF-b Concentration in Plasma
Total RNA from liver was isolated by ultracentrifugation TGF-b1 was detectable in the plasma of both burn injured and
through a CsCl cushion as previously described by Chomczyn- control mice. As shown in Figure 1, at 4 hours after L burn
ski and Sacchi16 and was quantified by measurement of ultra- injury, circulating TGF-b1 levels were significantly elevated
violet absorption at 260 nm. RNA was diluted with diethyl compared with control ( p , 0.05). TGF-b1 levels returned to
pyrocarbonate (Sigma, St Louis, Mo) –treated water containing control values by 8 hours after burn injury. There was no
RNase inhibitor (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, Ind). One significant difference between control and M burn values
microgram of total RNA was primed with oligo-d(T)16 (Perkin ( p , 0.05).
Elmer, Norwalk, Conn) and reverse transcribed into first strand
cDNA (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, Md) by using Moloney mu- Expression of TGF-b in the Liver
rine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (Gibco BRL). Upon To investigate the mRNA expression of TGF-b1, we isolated
completion of synthesis, each cDNA reaction was diluted to RNA from whole liver at different intervals after burn injury

Vol. 48, No. 1 Impact of Burn Injury on Hepatic TGF-b1

TGF-b1 mRNA expression in L burn mice increased at 30

minutes after burn and remained elevated through 4 hours.
There are significant differences between these values and
sham. At their peak level, the L burn group showed approx-
imately a threefold rise compared with the sham group. As
shown in Figure 5, expression in M burn mice tends to
increase gradually and peaked at 2 hour after burn, then
approached normal at 12 to 24 hours after burn. But there was
no significant difference against sham value.
FIG 1. Plasma concentration of TGF-b1 after burn injury. Asterisk, p less than 0.05
versus sham; dagger, p less than 0.05 versus M at same time after burn.
Analysis of TUNEL Staining of Liver Tissue
Figure 6 (A and B) shows the result of TUNEL staining of
and performed RT-PCR. For each time point, four liver spec- liver tissue harvested. Apoptotic cells have incorporated flu-
imens excised from four mice were used for RNA isolation. orescein-12-dUTP (yellow-green fluorescence), indicating
The photographs shown (Figs. 2 and 3) are representative of the presence of DNA fragments. Propidium iodide (red) was
four different experiments. TGF-b1 mRNA was slightly ex- used as a counterstain for all cells. The induction of apoptosis
pressed in sham liver. Upon injury, a strikingly increased by L burn mice was only exhibited at 8 hours after burn
expression of TGF-b1 was observed in L burn. Expression of injury. We could not detect any evidence of apoptosis in M
TGF-b1 mRNA in L burn mice increased within 1 hour after burn and control mice.
burn injury but decreased by 8 hours, as shown in Figure 2.
Expression of TGF-b1 mRNA in M burn mice increased DISCUSSION
within 2 hours and subsided by 12 hours, as shown in Figure
Our laboratory has been studying the effect of burn injury for
3. However, TGF-b1 mRNA level was low during the entire
several years. Previously, we identified the early expression
period compared with that of L burn mice. The levels were
of c-Jun and NFkB in the mouse liver after burn injury. The
essentially unchanged in control animals at various times
expression of c-Jun is required for liver development.19
points within 24 hours (data not shown).
NFkB is a ubiquitous transcription factor that is activated by
a variety of cytokines and mitogens.20 The effect of these
Quantitative Analysis of TGF-b Expression
factors are most often investigated in a damaged liver model,
We scanned the densities of both TGF-b1 mRNA as target
such as partial hepatectomy.21 The kinetics of the increase in
and GAPDH mRNA expression as an internal standard to
TGF-b1 mRNA in liver have been reported after partial
assess the ratio of RT-PCR product for TGF-b to that for
hepatectomy.22 Furthermore, after traumatic injury, the in-
GAPDH, as previously described.18 The TGF-b1/GAPDH
crease of plasma TGF-b1 concentration has been reported.11
ratios were normalized by comparing with the value obtained
In the present study, we compared the plasma concentrations
from sham mice. As shown in Figure 4, the intensity of
of TGF-b1 over the 24-hour time frame after burn injury.
TGF-b1 was detectable in all groups. By 4 hours after burn
injury, plasma TGF-b1 concentration was significantly ele-
vated in massively burned animals, compared with control

FIG 2. TGF-b1 mRNA expression in L burn mouse liver. Data shown are repre-
sentative of four different experiments.

FIG 4. L burn TGF-b1/GAPDH activity. Asterisk, p less than 0.05 versus sham;
dagger, p less than 0.05 versus M at same time after burn.

FIG 3. TGF-b1 mRNA expression in M burn mouse liver. Data shown are repre- FIG 5. M burn TGF-b1/GAPDH activity. Dagger, p less than 0.05 versus L at same
sentative of four different experiments. time after burn.

The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care January 2000

FIG 6. (A) TUNEL stain for detection of apoptosis in liver after L burn (original magnification, 1323). Labeled apoptotic nuclei were observed in the liver tissue at 8 hours
after L burn injury. (B) TUNEL stain for detection of apoptosis in liver after M burn (original magnification, 1323) Labeled apoptotic nuclei were not observed in the
liver tissue even at 8 hours after M burn injury.

groups in our experimental model. The concentration of the peak expression in the M burn group. The impact of fluid
TGF-b1 at this point was approximately threefold above that resuscitation on the different size burns is another potential
of control groups. Recently, Frank et al. have shown elevated variable in these changes. In a preliminary experiment, we
expression of TGF-b1 in burn wounded skin within 13 days examined different levels of resuscitation in mice with M and
after burn injury.23 Although TGF-b1 must be an essential L burn. We found no significant differences in liver enzyme
and beneficial cytokine in burn wound healing, circulating concentration and TUNEL result in the different resuscitation
plasma TGF-b1 seems to be taken up by the liver in a groups. We also demonstrated that plasma TGF-b1 concen-
concentration-dependent manner.24 tration in the L burn group was increased, whereas in the M
In our study, we demonstrated the increase of expression of burn group it was not. After these results, it could be assumed
TGF-b1 mRNA in L burn mice and in M burn mice. The that the plasma elevation of TGF-b1 occurred after expres-
RT-PCR method was used in a quantitative manner to study sion of its mRNA in liver tissue after burn injury. Of course,
the expression of TGF-b1 mRNA relative to the expression of there is a possibility of TGF-b secretion by other cells in the
GAPDH gene product, which is widely used as an internal liver. Study of individual liver cell populations after partial
standard for gene expression studies.25 To control for errors hepatectomy reveals that endothelial and Kupffer cells ex-
that could arise because of differences in the quality of RNA press TGF-b1 at relatively high levels. Moreover, they pro-
samples or variations in the PCR reaction efficiency, we have duce an active form of the factor.12 This finding may account
used an endogenously expressed internal standard that is for the delay between the plasma and mRNA expression in
expressed equally in the tissues. our study.
It has been reported that TGF-b plays a part in distinct These findings seem to correlate with the hepatocyte apopto-
types of liver injury, partial hepatectomy, hepatic fibrosis, sis shown in the morphologic evaluation. Morphologically, pro-
and inflammation. After partial hepatectomy, loss of liver cell grammed cell death is characterized by apoptosis, including
mass occurs. To compensate for this loss, hepatocyte prolif- nuclear pyknosis and formation of membrane-bound apoptotic
eration is stimulated. To down-regulate this hepatocyte pro- bodies, chromatin margination, membrane blebbing, cell con-
liferation, TGF-b is increased.3,26,27 In the case of liver in- densation with preservation of organelles, and detachment from
flammation such as hepatitis, TGF-b stimulates production of adjacent cells.36,37 However, it is not easy to identify apoptotic
extracellular matrix.28 –31 TGF-b correlates closely with fi- cells in routinely stained tissue sections. In our study, we used
brogenesis in animal models and patients with cirrhosis.32–34 the TUNEL method for detecting the apoptotic cells. Apoptotic
When comparing burn injury with partial hepatectomy, we cells have incorporated fluorescein-12-dUTP (yellow-green), in-
may expect similar effects on the liver. In 70% partial hep- dicating the presence of DNA fragments. Propidium iodine (red)
atectomy, the mRNA of TGF-b1 is not changed during the was used as an intercalating DNA dye and counterstain for all
first 1 to 4 hours.12 Czaja et al. demonstrated that, after oral cells. Although some controversy still exists as to TUNEL
administration of hepatotoxic carbon tetrachloride, TGF-b1 method specificity of apoptotic cells, the many reports already
mRNA began to increase after 24 hours of one-time existing generally argue the validity of the method. The present
administration.35 In our study, TGF-b1 mRNA expression is study revealed the occurrence of apoptosis in liver tissue after
different. It occurs just after the burn injury. After a rapid burn injury. We demonstrated the occurrence of apoptosis at 8
increase in TGF-b1 mRNA, the expression level returned to hour after L burn injury, but we were unable to detect it under
normal range in both M and L groups. Consistent with the other conditions. The hepatocyte apoptosis may be partially
percentage of burn wound, the peak expression of TGF-b1 caused by TGF-b1. It has been reported that TGF-b is a potent
mRNA in L burn group was approximately 1.5 times that of inhibitor of hepatocyte proliferation.38 – 40 Furthermore, it has

Vol. 48, No. 1 Impact of Burn Injury on Hepatic TGF-b1

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