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TANCET Previous Papers

MBA - 2009

several multinational business concerns

MBA 2009 - EXAMINATION PAPER have established manufacturing plants in
various parts of the country.
PART-I The Government of Bhutan has always
Directions: favoured foreign investment. Leaders of
This section comprises of two passages. all political parties have been virtually
After each passage questions consisting of unanimous in their belief that foreign
items relating to the preceding passage are investment would contribute to speed
given. Evaluate each item separately in country‘s economic development. Of
terms of the respective passage and choose special interest to the government were
your answer as per the following those industries that exported a significant
guidelines: share of their total output. Since Bhutan
(1) If the item is a MAJOR OBJECTIVE has a relatively small population, there is a
in making the decision; that yis, the limit to the amount of goods that could be
outcome or result sought by the decision produced for the local market. Also, the
maker. government did not want to encourage
(2) If the item is a MAJOR FACTOR in foreign investors to compete with local
arriving at the decision, that is industry, even though never industries
consideration, explicitly mentioned in the might alleviate the already high
passage that is basic in determining the unemployment rate.
decision. A final reason for encouraging export-
(3) If the item is a MINOR FACTOR in intensive industries was to earn badly
making the decision; a less important needed foreign exchange. Bhutan had a
element bearing on or affecting a Major chronic deficit in its balance of trade; that
Factor, rather than a Major Objective is, its imports were regularly greater than
directly. its exports. This meant that it had to use
(4) If the item is a MAJOR scarce foreign exchange to pay for the
ASSUMPTION made deliberately; that is growing deficit. Therefore, Bhutan
a supposition or projection made by the welcomed potential investors that would
decision maker before considering the promise to expert a significant share of
factors and alternatives. their total output. So, when the executives
(5) If the item is an UNIMPORTANT of Ashoka Enterprises proposed to
ISSUE in getting to the point; that is a establish a shoe manufacturing plant which
factor that is insignificant or not would be export-intensive it received
immediately relevant to the situation. ready approval from the government.
PASSAGE I The Government support for the
enterprises was given not only because of
The success of the Ashoka Enterprises in
the promise to export, but also because of
Bhutan was recently the subject of a
the high unemployment rate in the country.
government inquiry. It is a developing
However, approval was given despite the
country about the size of Delhi with a
fact that there was at the time surplus shoe
population of ten million people. It has a
production, most factories having large
small but growing industrial base, and
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

excess capacities and underworked labour the company must first submit its request
forces. It was known that the Ashoka to a joint union-management grievance
Enterprises had promised the government, committee which was authorized under the
among other things, to employ hundred current labour agreement to deal with such
workers, to reduce the price of shoes by disputes. Management acquiesced to the
some 30 percent, and to export more than union demand. After several days of
half to output. bargaining, an agreement was worked out
In return for these promises, the whereby the company would be allowed to
Enterprises received the following terminate post part-time workers,
concessions from the government. amounting to only one percent of the total
(a) Land was given to the company on a work force. Although the agreement
lease basis for a period of 99 years, rent- brought about a temporary solution to the
free. current problem, labour-management
(b) A government-owned contracting firm relations continued to be strained, as
built the factory at low subsidized prices. management was convinced that more
(c) The company received loans at very workers were redundant than the union
Low interest rates for an extended period cared to admit.
of time. These loan: could be renewed at After another six months, it became
company‘s request at lower than the apparent that what management had
prevailing market interest rate. termed ―a temporary slack in demand‖ was
Production commenced one year after the in reality a failure of the company to sell
first equipment arrived at the new plant. It the quantity of shoes that has been forecast
look another half year to properly train the before production began. Actual sales
new work force to operate the never reached the target quantity, and as a
sophisticated equipment which was result, the company lost rupees one million
introduced. After the ―running in‖ period, in each of its first two years of operation.
production continued smoothly for about a The American representatives on the board
year until a labour dispute occurred. It of directors -who constituted a majority -
appeared that management wanted to voted to discontinue the company‘s
dismiss about 10 percent of the work force operation in Bhutan. Shortly after the vote,
owing to what a company spokesman bankruptcy hearing began.
called ―a temporary slack in demand‖ for As the company was located in an
their products. The labour union underdeveloped area of the country, the
representing the company‘s work force government was worried about the
refused to accept any reduction in the work political ramifications if production
force and threatened a strike if services of ceased. The company employed 500
the workers were terminated. After some workers, and quite a few shopkeepers were
discussion, union representatives agreed dependent upon their patronage. When
that the company might be justified in government representatives asked the
laying off some workers, but nowhere near company‘s management what could be
the 10 percent figure that management done to keep the company operating, they
desired. At any rate, the union claimed that received the following reply. Management
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

was willing to continue production if the 5. Continued operation of Ashoka

government granted the company an Enterprises.
additional five-million rupees loan on 6. Training of workers at no expense to
favourable terms. If the government could Ashoka Enterprises.
not grant such a loan, then another 7. Strained worker-management relations at
alternative was to purchase the company at Ashoka Enterprises.
a reasonable price. 8. Availability of government funds needed
The government was in a dilemma. On the to support the company
one hand, it was concerned about the 9. Prevention of layoffs of workers at the
political consequences if the company company
should continue the bankruptcy 10. Political consequence of the company‘s
proceedings. On the other hand, if it bankruptcy.
granted the loan, it might be setting a PASSAGE II
precedent for any other company that was
in financial difficulties. Moreover, there The Climax Corporation manufactured a
was a certain risk involved in lending the line of major electrical appliances
money to a company in bad shape. The distributed through sixty wholesalers,
government appointed a special committee many of which were company-owned.
to investigate the financial condition of the Retailers carried competitive lines, but
company and decide the issue. wholesalers did not; portable appliances
One month later, the committee submitted moved to market through nonexclusive
its report. The major finding was that the distributors.
company had not kept any of its original The company was dependent on
promises to the government. For one thing, wholesalers to provide service either
prices of the shoes were not lower than directly or through supervision of retailers
those of any its competitors. As for service departments. When the warranty
exports, not only had the company failed was involved, the manufacturer supplied
to reach its promised goal of 50 percent, the parts and the wholesaler the labour.
but as of the bankruptcy hearings, its Retailers who performed the service
exports for a five-year period only function were given a larger discount than
amounted to 5 percent of total output. In those who returned the goods to the
the light of these developments, the wholesaler to fulfill the guarantee.
government felt that it had to make a quick In 1998, home office officials began
decision in such a way as to avoid questioning the adequacy of the service
criticism from the opposition. thus rendered either under the terms of the
Questions: warranty or independently. Typical
1. Ability of Ashoka Enterprises to survive if retailers carried several brands and, in
the five-million-dollar loan was granted. general, did not have competent service
2. High unemployment in Bhutan. personnel. The result was that the blame
3. Dependence of shopkeepers on the for the defect was passed back to the
existence of Ashoka Enterprises. manufacturer. This, said the sales
4. Status of Bhutan as a developing country. manager, was a major consideration.

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

Others believed that reduction of service company now paid its dealers for making
costs would follow from centralizing the repairs under the warranty.
entire operation in the hands of a relatively About this time the sales manager read
few factory service branches or in about a consumer survey that found that
carefully trained service personnel the average owner gave little thought to
employed by a relatively few widely service availability when buying an
distributed wholesalers. Costs would be appliance, except perhaps in the case of
thus reduced, and at the same time, the TV sets. But, when trouble arose the
quality of service rendered would be owner expected the maker to ―stand
enhanced, it was claimed. behind his product‖ and not fall back on
The product service manager argued that any excuse as to costs or time involved,
more money should be spent on training limitations which are found in the normal
retail sales service personnel. Retailers like warranty.
to render service, he claimed, since it helps Climax‘s operations manager was given
to bring traffic into their stores and thus is the responsibility to set up a task force
profitable. A third possibility explored was which would study each of the alternatives
the promotion of good service by concerns discussed during the conference. The
who service but do not sell appliances. alternatives were to be examined with
During the conference, the rise of the regard to customer service and cost. The
discount house was discussed. It was task force was asked to make its
thought to be a phenomenon partly based recommendations directly to the service
on the realization that good independent manager.
service can be secured in most markets and Two of the alternative methods for
for most appliances. There may be an increasing service were almost
exception in the case of TV sets, it was immediately discarded as impractical. It
admitted, since it is common to find great was found that retail sales personnel would
resentment as to quality of service and not have adequate time to devote to
delay in meeting calls. servicing appliances. Investing capital in
The subsequent discussion raised concerns which service but do not sell
questions as to the validity of the policy of appliances might increase the level of
requiring the retailer to give free service service, but Climax would have little if
time under the terms of the guarantee. any control over their operation. These
Often owners expected to receive this concerns were independently owned and
service free, even though they had brought had no more allegiance to Climax than
the appliance elsewhere. Some company they did to any number of manufacturers
officials believed that the company should whose appliances they serviced. Some
pay dealers for their time costs when they concerns were highly reliable, but others
enabled the company to make good on its had a record of spotty service. Weighed
guarantee. One executive pointed out, against other available alternatives, these
during a heated discussion on this point, options had few benefits to Climax.
that at least one major automobile It was the conclusion of the operations
group that a choice had to be made among
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

three options : (1) factory service branches personnel, it would not have to invest in
(2) wholesaler service departments and (3) service locations nor inventory parts.
a combination of both factory and Initial investment and operating costs
wholesaler service. would not limit the number of service
The factory service alternative had a centers as it would to the case of factory
number of advantages to Climax. Because service. Many of the wholesalers would be
Climax would provide the service at its eager to offer the service as an added
own locations with company personnel, it customer benefit. Climax‘s investment
could closely supervise the quality of the would be even smaller if service facilities
work done. Factory supervision of service were maintained by independent, non-
was more difficult whenever the work was factory-owned wholesalers.
done by independent dealers. Moreover, A final alternative was a combination of
under the factory system, Climax could both factory service centers and
ensure hat service personnel undergo the wholesaler-operated service departments.
most rigorous initial and refresher training Under this option, wholesalers would be
programs. Another advantage of encouraged to offer service whenever
centralized factory service locations. possible, while Climax would maintain
Finally, under this system, Climax would centralized service centers in areas where
determine the price of service, thereby wholesaler service was inadequate or
ensuring that consumers would not be spotty.
overcharged. Questions:
The major disadvantage of centralized 11. Training of retail service personnel.
factory service was that Climax would 12. The rise of the discount house.
have to invest in service .oca-ions, provide 13. Lack of competent service personnel at
parts inventories, and train personnel. most typical retailers.
Because of the size of this investment, few 14. Technical level of service demanded by
locations could be established. consumers.
Compared to factory service, wholesaler- 15. Centralization of the service operation.
operated locations would be more difficult 16. Increasing the level of service.
to supervise. As a result, the level of 17. Consumer belief that manufacturers are
service was bound to vary from location to responsible for product defects.
location. Even though the consumer 18. Investment required in service centers
survey indicated that service was not an under each plan.
important consideration in the pre- 19. Consumer pre-purchase decisions.
purchase decision as to whether to buy an 20. Increase in store traffic due to service
appliance, poor service experienced by a calls.
customer might lower the chance that a PART III
Climax appliance would be bought again. Directions:
Wholesaler service would require less Each passage in this section is followed by
investment for Climax.. Although Climax questions based on its contents. Read the
would have to take some of he passages carefully and then answer the
responsibility for training wholesaler questions given below them by choosing
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

the best answer to each question. Answer economic problems of atmospheric purity.
the questions on the basis of what is stated Some countries have already collected
or implied in the passages. positive experience with the reconstruction
PASSAGE I of whole urban sectors on the basis of new
It is indisputable that in order to fulfill its heating appliances based on the
many functions, water should be clean and combustion of solid fossil fuels; estimates
biologically valuable. The costs connected of the economic consequences of such
with the provision of biologically valuable measures have also been put forward.
water for food production with the In contrast to water, where the
maintenance of sufficiently clean water, maintenance of purity would seem
therefore, are primarily production costs. primarily to be related to the costs of
Purely ―environmental‖ costs seem to be production and transport, a far higher
in this respect only costs connected with proportion of the costs of maintaining the
the safeguarding of cultural, recreational purity of the atmosphere derives from
and sports -functions which the water environmental considerations. Industrial
courses and reservoirs fulfill both in nature sources of gaseous and dust emissions are
and in human settlements. well known and classified; their location
The pollution problems of the atmosphere can be accurately identified, which makes
resemble those of (he water only partly. So them controllable. With the exception,
far, the supply of air has not been deficient perhaps, the elimination of sulphur
as was the case with water, and the dioxide, technical means and technological
dimensions of the air-shed are so vast that processes exist which can be used for the
a number of people still hold the opinion elimination of all excessive impurities of
that air need not be economized. However, the air from various emissions.
scientific forecasts have shown that the Atmospheric pollution caused by the
time may be already approaching when private property of individuals (their
clear and biologically valuable air will dwellings, automobiles, etc.) is difficult to
become problem No. 1- control. Some sources such as motor
Air being ubiquitous, people are vehicles are very mobile, and they are thus
particularly sensitive about any reduction capable of polluting vast territories, in this
in the quality of the atmosphere, the particular case, the cost of anti-Pollution
increased contents of dust and gaseous measures will have to be borne, to a
exhalations, and particularly about the considerable extent, by individuals,
presence of odors. The demand for purity whether in the form of direct costs or
of atmosphere, therefore, emanates much indirectly in the form of taxes, dues,
more from the population itself than from surcharges, etc.
the | specific sectors of the national
economy affected by a polluted or even The problem of noise is a typical example
biologically aggressive atmosphere. of an environmental problem which cannot
The households‘ share in atmospheric be solved passively, i.e., merely by
pollution is far bigger than that of industry protective measures, but will require the
which, in turn, further complicates the adoption of active measures, i.e., direct
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

interventions at the source. The costs of a 24. The costs involved in the maintenance of
complete protection against noise are so pure water are determined primarily by
prohibitive as to make it unthinkable even I. production costs
in the economically most developed II. transport costs
countries. At the same time it would not III. research costs
seem feasible, either economically or 1) I only 2) III only
politically, to force the population to carry 3) I and II only 4) II and III only
the costs of individual protection against 5) I, II, and III
noise, for example, by reinforcing the 25. According to the passage, atmospheric
sound insulation of their homes. A solution pollution caused by private property is
of this problem probably cannot, be found 1) easy to control
in the near future. 2) impossible to control
Questions: 3) difficult to control
21. According to the passage, the population at 4) decreasing
large 5) negligible
1) is unconcerned about air pollution 26. According to the passage, the problem of
controls noise can be solved through
2) is especially aware of problems I. Active measures
concerning air quality and purity II. Passive measures
3) regards water pollution as more serious III. Tax levies
than air pollution 1)1 only 2) III only
4) has failed to recognize the economic 3) I and II only 4) II and III only
consequences of pollution 5) I, II, and III
5) is unwilling to make the sacrifices 27. According to the passage, the costs of
needed to ensure clean air. some anti-pollution measures will have to
22. Scientific forecasts have shown that clear be borne by individuals because
and biologically valuable air 1) individuals contribute to the creation of
1) is likely to remain abundant for some pollution
time 2) governments do not have adequate
2) creates fewer economic difficulties than resources
does water pollution 3) industry is not willing to bear its share
3) may soon be dangerously lacking 4) individuals are more easily taxed than
4) may be beyond the capacity of our producers
technology to protect 5) individuals demand production, which
5) has already become difficult to obtain causes pollution
23. According to the passage, which of the 28. Complete protection against noise
following contributes most to atmospheric 1) may be forthcoming in the near future
pollution? 2) is impossible to achieve
1) industry 2) production 3) may have prohibitive costs
3) households 4) mining 4) is possible only in developed countries
5) waste disposal 5) has been achieved in some countries .

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

29. In the near future the most vital problem our fate, natural forces -or forces so strong
would be and overwhelming as to be like natural
1) water pollution forces-that send cities through organic or
2) environmental costs biological phases of birth, growth, and
3) availability of clean air decay We avoid the knowledge that cities
4) noise problem are at best works c art, and at worst
5) vehicular problem ungainly artifacts - but never flowers or
30. According to the passage, the sector that even weeds - and that we, not some
contributes more towards air pollution is mysterious force or cosmic biological
1) agriculture system, control the creation and life of a
2) power city.
3) commercial establishment We control the creation and life of a city
4) household by the choices and agreements we make -
5) industry the basic choice being, for instance, not to
PASSAGE II live alone, the basic agreement being to
When musing on cities over time and in live together. When people choose to
our time, from the first (whenever it was) settle, like the stars, not wander like the
to today, we must always remember that moon, they create cities as sites and
cities are artifacts. Forests, jungles, symbols of their choice to stop and' their
deserts, plains, oceans - the organic agreement not to separate. Now stasis and
environment is born and dies and is reborn proximity, not movement and distance,
endlessly, beautifully, and completely define human relationships.
without moral constraint or ethical control. Mutual defense, control of a river or
But cities - despite the metaphors that we harbour, shelter from natural forces - all
apply to them from biology or nature these and other reasons may lead people to
(―The city dies when industry flees‖; ―The aggregate, but once congregated, they then
neighbourhoods are the vital cells of the live differently and become different.
urban organism‖), despite the sentimental A city is not an extended family. That is a
or anthropomorphic devices we use to tribe or clan. A city is a collection of
describe cities -are artificial. Nature has disparate families who agree to a fiction:
never made a city, and what Nature makes They agree to live as if they were as close
that may seem like a city - an anthi'1, for in blood or ties of kinship as in fact they
instance - only seems like one. It is not a are in physical proximity. Choosing life in
city. an artifact, people agree to live in a state of
Human beings made and make cities, and similitude. A city is a place where ties of
only human beings kill cities, or let them proximity, activity, and self-interest
die. And human beings do both - make assume the role of family ties. It is a
cities and unmake them — by the sam considerable pact, a city. If a family is an
means: by acts of choice. We enjoy expression of continuity through biology, a
deluding ourselves in this as in other city is an expression of continuity through
things. We enjoy believing that there are will and imagination - through mental
forces out there completely determining
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

choices making artifice, not through hatching deals, for starting parades. This is
physical reproduction. the stuff of the public life of the city -by
It is because of this centrality [of the city] no means wholly admirable, often
that the financial markets have stayed put. abrasive, noisy, contentious, without
It had been widely forecast that they would apparent purpose.
move out en masse, financial work being But this human congress is the genius of
among the most quantitative and the place, its reason for being, its great
computerized of functions. A lot of the marginal edge. This is the engine, the city's
back-office work has been relocated. The true export. Whatever makes this congress
main business, however, is not record easier, more spontaneous, more enjoyable
keeping and support service; it is people is not at all a frill. It is the heart of the
sizing up other people, and the centre is centre of the city.
the place for that. Questions:
The problems, of course, are immense. To 31. The author‘s purpose in passage is
be an optimist about the city, one must primarily to
believe that it will lurch from crisis to 1) identify the sources of popular
crisis but somehow survive. Utopia is discontent with cities
nowhere in sight and probably never will 2) define the city as growing out of a
be. The city is too mixed up for that. Its social contract
strengths and its ills are inextricably bound 3) illustrate the difference between cities
together. The same concentration that and villages
makes the centre efficient is the cause of 4) compare cities with blood families
its crowding and the destruction of its sun 5) persuade the reader to change his
and its light and its scale. Many of the behaviour
city‘s problems, furthermore, are external 32. The author cites the sentence ―The
in origin - for example, the cruel neighbourhoods are the vital cells of the
demographics of peripheral growth, which urban organism‖ as
are difficult enough to forecast, let alone 1) an instance of prevarication
do anything about. 2) a simple statement of scientific fact
What has been taking place is a brutal 3) a momentary digression from his central
simplification. The city has been losing thesis
those functions for which it is no longer 4) an example of one type of figurative
competitive. Manufacturing has moved language
toward the periphery; the back offices are 5) a paradox with Ironic implications
on the way. The computers are already 33. The author‘s attitude toward the statements
there. But as the city has been losing quoted "The city dies when industry flees";
functions it has been reasserting its most ―The neighbourhoods are the vital cells of
ancient one; a place where people come the urban organism‖ is
together, face-to-face. 1) respectful 2) ambivalent
More than ever, the centre is the place for 3) pragmatic 4) skeptical
news and gossip, for the creation of ideas, 5) approving
for marketing them and swiping them, for
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

34. According to the author of the passage, 5) an inevitable fate

why is an anthill by definition unlike a 39. Underlying the forecast mentioned in the
city? passage is the assumption that
1) It can be casually destroyed by human 1) the financial markets are similar to the
beings city in their need for quantitative data
2) Its inhabitants outnumber the 2) computerized tasks such as record
inhabitants of even the largest city keeping can easily be performed at remote
3) It is the figurative equivalent of a sites
municipality 3) computerized functions are not the main
4) It is a work of instinct rather than of activity of these firms
imagination 4) the urban environment is inappropriate
5) It exists on a far smaller scale than any for the proper performance of financial
city does calculations
35. Mutual defense, control of waterways, and 5) either the markets would all move or
shelter from the forces of nature are none of them would relocate
presented primarily as examples of 40. The word ―scale" in the passage means
motives for people to 1) series of musical tones
1) move away from their enemies 2) measuring instrument
2) build up their supplies of armament 3) relative dimensions
3) gather together in settlements 4) thin outer layer
4) welcome help from their kinfolk 5) means of ascent
5) redefine their family relationships PART III
36. We can infer from the passage that roving 41. Given that x and y are real numbers, let
tribes differ from city dwellers in that S(x, y) =x2-y2. Then S(3, S(3, 4)) =
these nomads 1) -40 2) -7
1) have not chosen to settle in one spot 3) 40 4) 49
2) lack ties of activity and self-interest 5) 56
3) are willing to let the cities die 42. In the figure, BD is perpendicular to AC.
4) have no need for mutual defense BA and BC have length ‗a‘. What is the
5) define their relationships by proximity area of the triangle ABC?
37. By saying a city ―is a considerable pact‖
the author primarily stresses
1) its essential significance
2) its speculative nature
3) the inevitable agreement
4) the moral constraints
5) its surprising growth
38. To the author to live in a city is 1) 2x a2 − x 2 2) x a2 − x 2
1) an unexpected outcome 3) a a2 − x 2 4) 2a a2 − x 2
2) an opportunity for profit
5) x x 2 − a2
3) an act of volition
43. Given that a and b are real number, let
4) a pragmatic solution
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MBA - 2009

f(a, b) = ab and let g(a) = a2+2. Then f(3, 5) 101

g(3)]= 48. Water is poured Into an empty cylindrical
1) 3a2 + 2 2) 3a2 + 6 tank at a constant rate for 5 minutes. After
3) 27 4) 29 the water has been poured into the tank,
5) 33 the depth of the water is 7 feet. The radius
44. If x + y>5 and x-y>3, then which of the of the tank is 10 feet. Which of the
following gives all possible values of x following is the best approximation for the
and only possible values of x? rate at which the water was poured into the
1) x>3 2) x>4 tank?
3) x>5 4) x<5 1) 44 cubic feet/min
5) x<3 2) 140 cubic feet/min
45. 36 identical chairs must be arranged in 3) 440 cubic feet/min
rows with the same number of chairs in 4) 700 cubic feet/min
each row. Each row must contain at least 5) 2,200 cubic feet/min
three chairs and there must be at least three 49. The area of the shaded region shown in the
rows. A row is parallel to the front of the given figure is
room. How many different arrangements
are possible?
1) 2 2) 4
3) 5 4) 6
5) 10
46. The hexagon ABCDEF is regular. That
means all its sides are of the same length
and all its interior angles are of the same
1) 515 cm2 2) 535 cm2
size. Each side of the hexagon is 2 feet.
3) 505 cm2 4) 525 cm2
What is the area of the rectangle BCEF?
5) 545 cm2
50. Starting with a square S1, the squares Sn =
2, 3,... N are constructed by joining the
mid-points of the adjacent sides of Sn+1. If
the side of S1 is of length a‘, then the area
of SN (in square units), is
1) a2/2N+1 2) a2/N
3) a2/2N 4) a2/( 2)N
1) 4 square feet 2) 4 3 square feet 5) a2/N2
3) 8 square feet 51. A sphere of radius r is inscribed >n a cube.
4) 4+4 3 square feet The volume enclosed between the cube
5) 12 square feet am' the sphere is
4π 4π
47. Which one of the following integers has 1) 8 + r3 2) 8 − r3
3 3
the most divisors? 4π
3) − 8 r3 4) 24 − 4π r 3
1) 88 2) 91 3

3) 95 4) 99 5) 24 − r3

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

52. The value of sin 45° cos 30° + cos 45° sin 57. A train moving with a speed of 40 km per
30° is hour takes 2 hours 6 minutes more to cover
3+1 2 2 a certain distance than a train moving at 96
1) 2)
2 2 3+1
km per hour. What is the distance?
3−1 2 2
3) 4) 1) 144 2) 135
2 2 3−1
5) None of the above 3) 120 4) 154
53. A tent is formed in the shape of a prism of 5) 180
‗n‘ sides surmounted by a pyramid. If the 58. If p : q = r : s = t : u = 3/5, then mp + nr +
length of each side is ‗a‘, the height of the ot/mq + nst is equal to
prism is ‗h‘ and the height of the pyramid 1) 2 2) 1
is H, then the capacity of the tent will be 3) 1/2 4) 1½
na 2 π 5) 2½
1) (h + 3H) 12 cot n
na 2 π
2) (3h + H) 12 cot n
na 2 π
3) (3h + H) 24 cot n
na 2 π
4) (3h - H) 12 cot n
54. In a class test, the students were asked to
solve a quadratic equation. One of the
In the above figure the sides of AB and
students committed a mistake in copying
DC of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD are
the constant term of the equation and
produced to meet at P. The sides AD and
obtained the roots as 9 and 3. Another
BC are produced to meet at Q. If ∠ADC =
student wrote the coefficient of x wrongly
and obtained the roots as 7 and -4. The 85° and ∠BPC = 40° then ∠BAD is
correct values of the roots are 1) 55 2) 60
1) -9 and -3 2) -7 and 4 3) 70 4) 65
3) 14 and-2 4) -14 and 2 5) 40
5) -9 and-2 60.
55. Find the greatest number that will divide
19409 and 43037 leaving remainders 17
and 29 respectively.
1) 178 2) 192
3) 194 4) 176
5) 164
56. What must be the least number of soldiers In the above figure AD | | BC. The value of
in a regiment that will allow it to be drawn x is
up into hollow squares 10, 15 or 25 deep 1) x = 8, 9 2) x = 7, 8
and also to be formed into a solid square? 3) x = 8, 10 4) x = 7, 10
1) 3600 2) 3700 5) x = 7, 9
3) 3800 4) 4000 PART IV
5) 5000 Directions:

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

Each of the following problems has a 64. Is the area of the circle with center O
question and two statements which are larger than the area of the region outside
labeled (1) and (2) In which certain data the circle and inside the square ABCD?
are given. You have to decide whether the The straight line OEF is parallel to AB
data given in the statements are sufficient
for answering the question. Using the data
given in the problem plus your knowledge
of mathematics and every day facts,
(1) If you can get the answer from (1)
ALONE but not from (2) alone
(2) If you can get the answer from (2)
ALONE but not from (1) alone
(3) If you can get the answer from BOTH 1) OE<(1/4)AB 2) EF<(1/4)AB
(1) and (2) TOGETHER, but not from (1) 65. A worker is hired for 6 days. He is paid
alone or (2) alone Rs.2 more for each day of work than he
(4) If EITHER statement (1) ALONE or was paid for the preceeding day of work.
statement (2) ALONE suffices How much he paid for the first day of
(5) If you CANNOT get the answer from work?
statements 1) His total wages for 6 days were Rs. 150
(1) and (2) TOGETHER, but need even 2) He was paid 150% of his first day‘s pay
more data for the sixth day
Questions: 66. A piece of string 6 feet long is cut into
61. AC is a diameter of the circle. ACD three smaller pieces. How long is the
straight line. What is the value of x? longest of the three pieces?
1) Two pieces are the same length
2) One piece is 3 feet 2 inches long
67. If a group of 5 craftsmen take 3 hours to
finish a job, how long will it take a group
of 4 apprentices to do the same job?
1) An apprentice works at the rate of a
1) AB = BC craftsman
2) x = 2y 2) The 5 craftsmen and the 4 apprentices
62. Is x a positive? 22
working together will take 1 hours to
1) x2 + 3x-4 = 0 23

2) x > -2 finish the job

63. How much does John weigh? Tim weighs 68. AB intersects CD at point O. Is AB
100 kg. perpendicular to CD? AC=AD.
1) Tim‘s weight plus Moe‘s weight is
equal to John‘s weight
2) John‘s weight plus Moe's weight is
equal to twice Tim‘s weight
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

1) AB = 10 2) CE = DE
1) Angle CAD is bisected by AO 73. What is the value of x-y?
2) BC = AD 1) x = 5 2) x+2y = 2x+y
69. A car drives around a circular track once. 74. Is ABCD a square?
A second car drives from point A to point
B in a straight line. Which car travels
1) The car driving around the circular track
takes a longer time to complete its trip
than the car travelling in a straight line.
2) The straight line from A to B is 1½ 1) BC is perpendicular to AD
times as long as the diameter of the 2) BE = EC
circular track 75. Is the integer x divisible by 3?
70. Does a circle with diameter d have greater 1) The last digit in x is 3
area than a square of side s? 2) x+5 is divisible by 6
1) d<( 2) 76. Is x greater than y?
2) d<s 1) 3x = 2k 2) k = y2
71. Is ABCD a rectangle? 77. Plane X flies at r miles per hour from A to
B. Plane Y flies at S miles per hour from B
to A. Both planes take off at the same
time. Which plane flies at a faster rate? C
Is between A and B.
1) C is closer to A than it is to B
2) Plane X flies over C before plane Y
78. A sequence of numbers a1, a2, a3,.... is
1) AD and BC bisect each other at E given by the rule a2n =an+1 . Does 3 appear
In the sequence?
2) Angle ACD is 90° 1) a1 = 2 2) a3 = 16
72. ABCD is a square. What is the area of the 79. If a, b and c are digits, is a+b+c a multiple
triangle ABE? of 8? A digit is one of the integers 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
1) The three-digit number abc is a multiple
of 8.
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

2) a×b×c is a multiple of 8 to discuss the company‘s business

80. Which one of the two figures, ABCD or strategy.
EFGH has the largest area? (4)
No error.
85. He had the privilege to be absent whenever
(1) (2) (3)
he had an attack of asthma. No error.
1) The perimeter of ABCD is longer than (4) (5)
the perimeter of EFGH 86. He was filled with anger against those
2) AC is longer than EG (1) (2)
PART V whom he believed had hurt or
Directions: (3) (4)
In each of the following sentences four humiliated him. No error.
words or phrases have been underlined. (5)
Only one underlined part in each sentence 87. The use of public roads is seriously
is not acceptable in standard English. Pick (1) (2)
up that part - (1) or (2) or (3) or (4). If threatened by the freedom given or taken
there is no mistake mark (5). (3)
81. The grant should go to the applicant by the owners and drivers of motor cars.
(1) (4)
who the board thinks the trustee intended No error.
(2) (3) (5)
88. He laid for half an hour in an unconscious
it for. No error. (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) state until a policeman picked him up.
82. Many a box of oranges and grapefruits (4)
(1) (2) No error.
have been sent by relatives visiting Florida (5)
(3) (4) 89. The young mountaineer knows that he had
No error. (1) (2) (3)
(5) ten hours of darkness before him. No error.
83. Without interference by man, nature has (4) (5)
(1) 90. He is one of the wisest and noblest king
its own wav of purifying water through (1) (2)
(2) that has ever lived. No error.
physical, chemical or by biology. No error (3) (4) (5)
(3) (4) (5) 91. He is trying his best to please his master
84. The Chairman, along with members of the (1) (2)
(1) whom he fears may be seriously offended
board, are meeting in a week-long session (3)
(2) (3) by what has happened. No error.
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

(4) (5) of the rich but also the necessaries of

92. In his earlier days he was a happy go (4)
(1) (2) the poor. No error.
lucky fellow but now he prefers working (5)
(3) 96. Kingsley is one of the sincere student in
hard to amuse himself. No error. (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) our college. No error.
93. The persecutors laid a heavy fine on an (4) (5)
(1) 97. When he awoke he asked where I am.
old man who being unable to pay the (1) (2) (3) (4)
(2) (3) No error.
soldiers were dragging him to the prison. (5)
(4) 98. The gentleman together with his wife and
No error. (1) (2) (3)
(5) daughter were drowned. No error.
94. The proverb means that when you can do (4) (5)
(1) (2) 99. The film has just been exhibited in the city
a thing today do not put it off till (1) (2)
tomorrow. and everyone wanted to see it. No error.
(3) (4) (3) (4) (5)
No error. 100. The girl said that she preferred the blue
(5) (1) (2) (3)
95. He wishes to tax not only, the luxuries gown then the pink one. No error.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 5 5. 1 6. 5 7. 7 8. 4 9. 1 10. 7
11. 3 12. 3 13. 2 14. 4 15. 1 16. 1 17. 7 18. 7 19. 5 20. 4
21. 3 22. 3 23. 3 24. 1 75. 3 26. 1 27. 1 28. 7 29. 3 30. 4
31. 7 32. 5 33. 3 34. 3 35. 5 36. 1 37. 1 38. 4 39. 7 40. 3
41. 1 42. 2 43. 5 44. 3 45. 3 46. 2 47. 1 48. 3 49. 4 50. 1
51. 7 52. 1 53. 2 54. 3 55. 2 56. 1 57. 1 58. * 59. 1 60. 1
61. 1 62. 3 63. 3 64. 1 65. 4 66. 2 67. 4 68. 3 69. 2 70. 7
71. 3 72. 1 73. 2 74. 5 75. 2 76. 5 77. 5 78. 4 79. 5 80. 5
81. 2 82. 2 83. 4 84. 7 85. 2 86. 3 87. 3 88. 1 89. 3 90. 7
91. 7 92. 4 93. 3 94. 7 95. 4 96. 3 97. 4 98. 4 99. 3 100. 4

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

= 32-(-7)2
= -40
a. (1)
42. (2)
The government assumed that the firm
would stay in business if loan is given.
b. (2)
High employment is a major factor as it
determines decision.
c. (3)
The government grants loan because it
fears that the bankruptcy of the firm will In D BDC, ∟BDC =90°
harm shopkeepers so it is a minor factor. ∴ BC2 = BD2+DC2
d. (5) ⇒ a2 = x2 + DC2
The fact that Ireland is a developing ⇒ DC2 = a2 - x2
country is not a consideration in the ∴ DC = a2 − x 2
selecting of an ordinary course of action. ∴ AC = 2×DC
e. (1) = 2 a2 − x 2
For political and economic reasons, Area of the triangle ABC
finding a way a keep it operating is major 1
= 2 × base × height
f. (5) = 2 ×AC×BD
The training of workers has no bearing on 1
= 2 × 2 a2 − x 2 × x
I government's decision.
g. (2) = x a2 − x 2
Poor worker - management relation is a 43. (5)
factor in determining loan decision.
h. (4) f(a, b) = ab
No facts are mentioned to indicate that g(a) = a2+ 2
sufficient government funds are actually ∴ g(3) = 32 + 2
available. = 9 + 2 = 11
i. (1) Now f(3, g(3)) = f(3, 11)
The government‘s objective is to prevent = 3×11 = 33
increased the employment. 45. (3)
j. (2) Number of No. of Chairs in
The political consequences is the major rows each row
factor in granting loan. 3 12
41. (1) 4 9
S (xy) = x2-y2 6 6
∴ s (3, 4) = 32-42 9 4
= 9-16 12 3
= -7
Now S (3, S(3, 4)) = S (3, -7)
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

∴ Number of different arrangement = 5 BH BH

cos30° = AB = 2
46. (2) 3 BH
In a regular polygon with n sides interior ⇒ =
2 2
angle ⇒ BH = 2
= × 90 ⇒ FB = 2BH
For regular hexagon, n =6 =2 3
2×6−4 Now Area of the rectangle
Interior angle = × 90
= × 90 = 2×2 3
= 120° = 4 3square fee
47. (1)
Let N be a composite number and its
prime factors be a, b, c, d..... and p, q, r, s the incices (powers) of a, b, c, d, ....
respectively i.e., if N can be expressed as
N = apbqcrds......
Then the number of total divisors of N
= (p + 1)(q+1)(r+1)(s+1)....
88 = 23 × 11-1
Consider the triangle AFB
∴ Total divisiors = (3 + 1) (1 + 1) = 8
91 = 13'×7'
∴ Total divisors of 91 = (1 + 1) (1 + 1) = 4
95 = 19'× 5'
∴ Total divisors of 95 = (1 + 1) (1 + 1) = 4
99 = 32×11
Total divisors of 99 = (2 +1) (1 + 1) = 6
101 = 101'
Since BA = AF = 2 feet ∴ Total divisors of 101= (1 + 1) = 2
⇒∆ AFB is an isosceles triangle. ∴ 88 has maximum number of divisors.
∴ ∟B = ∟F 48. (3)
Now ∟B + ∟F = 180°-120° = 60° Volume of water poured in to the tank is 5
⇒ 2∟B = 60° minutes = π × 102×7
∟B = 30° = ×100×7
= 2200 cubic feet
Rate at which the water was poured into
the tank
Volume of water
= Time
Clearly FH = HB 5
= 440 cubic feet/min.
In ∆ ABH
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

49. (4) Now,

Side of S1 = a
∴ Area of S1 = a2
Area of S2 = 2
1 a2 a2
Area of S3 = 2 = 22
1 a2 a2
Area of S4 = 2 = 23
∴ Area of SN = 2N −1
51. (2)
JH = GI Side of the cube = 2r
Now JH + GI = 28-14 = 14 Volume of the cube = (2r)3 = 8r3
⇒ 2JH = 14 Volume of the sphere = 3 πr 3
JH = 7 cm Volume between the cube and the sphere
Radius of the semi-circle 4
= 8r2 - 3 πr 3
EKF = 7 cm

Radius of the outer semi circle = 8− r3
DLC = 14 cm 52. (1)
∴ Area of the shaded region 1
sin 45° =
= Area of the rectangle AJIB +Area of the 2
rectangle GFC1 +Area of the rectangle cos 45° = 2
JDEH +Area between two semicircles 1
sin 30° = 2
= (28×7) + (7×7) + (7×7) +
1 cos 30° =
π × 142 − π × 72 2
1 22 Now
= 196 + 49 + 49+ 2 × × (196-49)
7 sin45° cos 30° + cos 45° sin 30°
= 294 + × 147 1 3 1 3 1
7 = . + . .2
2 2 2 2 2
= 294+231 = 525 cm 3+1
50. (1) = 2 2
Result: 53. (2)
Area of a regular polygon
na 2 π
= × cot
4 n
where n = number of sides
a = length of each side
Volume of prism = base area × height
Volume of pyramid = × base area ×
If square EFGH is constructed by joining height
the midpoints of the adjacent sides of the Required volume (capacity)
square ABCD then, = Volume of prism + Volume of pyramid
1 na 2 π 1 na 2 π
Area of EFGH = 2 ×Area of ABCD = cot ×h+3 cot ×H
4 n 4 n

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

na 2 π
= (3h + H) cot
4 n
54. (3)
If α, β are roots of the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx+ c = 0 then
αβ = a
Let the correct quadriatic equation be
= x2 + Ax + B = 0 ... (1)
First student committed a mistake in
copying (1) in the constant term and the
obtained the roots as 9, 3. ∴ LCM of 19392, 43002 = 192.
Let the quadratic equation is 56. (1)
= x2 +Ax+ D = 0 ... (2) Let the distance be d km then
d d 126
(constant differs from (1)) − 96 =
40 60
Roots of (2) are 9, 3 12d−5d 126
∴ Sum of roots = 9 + 3 = -A ⇒ =
480 60
7d 126
A = -12 ... (3) ⇒ 480 = 60
According to second student (committed 126×480
mistake in the coefficient of x of (1)), Let 7×60

the quadratic equation be = 144 km

x2 + Ex+ B = 0 57. (*)
Given roots of (4) are 7 and -4. p : q = 3:5
∴ Product of roots = 7 × (-4) = B ⇒ p = 3x; q = 5x
∴ B = -28 r : s = 3:5
∴ (1) ⇒ ⇒ r = 3y; s = 5y
x2-12x-28 = 0 Also t: u = 3:5
x2-14x+2x-2 8 = 0 ⇒ t = 3z; v = 5z
mp + nr + ot m3x + n3y+03z
⇒ x(x-14)+2(x-14) = 0 Now =
mq + nst m5x + n5y.3z
⇒ (x+2) (x-14) = 0 3[mx + ny + oz ]
⇒ x - 2, 14 5[mx + 3nyz ]

∴ Correct volues of the roots are x = -2, 14 58. (1)

55. (2) In a cyclic quadrilateral sum of opposite
Required number = G.C.D. [(19409-17). angles = 180°
G.C.D. = [19392, 43008]
To find G.C.D. (19392, 43008)

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

∴∟ABC = 180°-85° = 95°
∟CBP = 180°-95° = 85°
In ∆ BCP
∟BCP = 180°-(85°+40°)
= 180°-125°
= 55° Since AC is a diameter, angle ABC is
∴ ∟DCB = 180°-55° = 125° inscribed in a semicircle and is therefore a
Now, right angle. Statement (1) - alone is
∟BAD = 180-∟DCB = 180-125 = 55° sufficient AB = BC
60. (1) ⇒ ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle
⇒ ∟ABC = ∟BCA
∟ABC + ∟BCA + 90° = 180°
⇒ x+x = 90°
⇒x = 45°
∴ (1) alone is sufficient.
Statement (2) alone is not sufficient. There
is no information about the angle ∟ADB .
If AB | | DC then So statement (2) cannot be used to find the
= OC = OD angles of triangle ABD.
62. (3)
From (1)
x2+3x-4 = 0
⇒ (x-1) (x+4) = 0
⇒x= 1, -4 x= 1 (or) -4
So (1) alone is not sufficient.
By above property Statement (2) alone is not sufficient since
3 x−5 there are positive numbers greater than -2
= 3x−19
x−3 and negative numbers greater than 2.
⇒ 9x-57 = x2-8x+15 Example 3 >-2
x2 -17x+72 = 0 -l>-2
⇒ x2 -17x+72 =0 From statement (1) and (2) x = 1
⇒x-9x-8x+72 =0 63. (3)
⇒x(x-9)-8(x-9) =0 Let the weight of John,
⇒(x-8) (x-9) = 0 Time and Moe be
⇒x = 8, 9 J, T and M respectively
61. (1) T = 100
By (1)
T+ M = J
100+M = J
J-M =100 ... (i)
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

From (2) ⇒ 2x+20 = 3x

J+M = 2T ⇒ x = Rs. 20 (2) alone is sufficient.
= 200 ... (ii) 66. (2)
By (i) and (ii) Statement (1) alone is not sufficient
2J = 300 By statement (2)
∴ J = 150 One piece is 3 feet 2 inches long
∴ Both statements (1) and (2) together are This is greater than half of 6 feet (total
necessary. length of the string)
64. (1) So length of other two pieces are less than
Let AB = a 3.
The area of the circle plus the area of the ∴ Longest piece length = 3 feet 2 inches
region outside the circle ∴ (2) alone is sufficient
= (AB)2 = a2 67. (4)
Thus if you can determine whether one 1 Craftsman can finish the job in 5×3 = 15
a2 hrs.
area is larger (or) smaller than 2 , that is
By statement (1)
Work efficient of
From statement (1),
Craftsman: Apprentice
Area of the circle = π(OE)2 2
AB a = 1: 3
since OE< =
4 4
= 3: 2
a 2
Therefore π(OE) <π 2
∴ Time ratio of
πa 2 a2 π 1 Crafts man: Apprentice
= < ∵ <2
4 2 4 = 2: 3
∴ Area of the circle is smaller than the 3
∴ 1 apprentice can finish the work in ×
region outside the square. 2

(1) alone is sufficient 15

(2) alone is not sufficient = hrs.
65. (4) 45
∴ 4 apprentices can finish the job in hrs.
Let the salaries for 6 day be x, x+2, x+4,
∴ Statement (1) alone is sufficient.
x+6, x+8, x+10
From (2)
By statement (1) 1
Total wages for 6 days =150 5 Craftsmen‘s 1 hrs. work = 3
⇒x+(x+2) + (x+4) + (x+6) + (x+8) + Let 4 apprentices can finish the work in x
(x+10) = 150 days.
⇒ 6x +30 = 150 Then 4 apprentices 1 days work = x
⇒ 6x = 120 1 1 45
Then 3 + x = 23
∴ ⇒ x = Rs. 20
∴ Statement (1) alone is sufficient From this equation, we can derive the
By statement (2) value of x. So (2) alone is sufficient.
150 68. (3)
x+10 = 100 × x
From statements (1) and (2) ABCD is
⇒ x+10 = either square or rhombus.

TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

For square and rhombus diagonal intersect ABCD is a square

at right angle. For the ∆ ABE,
So both statements are necessary to get the base = AB = Side of the square
answer. height = EF = side of the square
69. (2) By statement (1)
First car will travel a distance equal to the AB = 10
circumference of the circle, which is n ∴ EF = 10
times the diameter. Since π is greater than 1
Area of the ∆ = × base× height
1 2
12, Statement (2) is alone is sufficient. 1
= 2 × 10 × 10
Statement (1) is not sufficient since one
= 50 sq. units
car might have travelled at a factor rate
So statement (1) alone is sufficient.
than the other.
Statement (2) alone is not sufficient.
70. (2)
73. (2)
Statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
Statement (1) alone is not sufficient By
By (2)
Statement (2)
x+2y = 2x+y
⇒2<𝑆 2x+y-x-2y = 0
d 2 x-y = 0
Area of the circle = 𝜋 2 ∴ Statement (2) alone is sufficient.
22 d2
= × 74. (5)
7 4
11 Statements (1) and (2) are not sufficient to
= 14 d2
get the answer.
By (2) d < S
Square and rectangle satisfy statements (1)
⇒ d2 < S3
and (2)
∴ 14 d2 = S2 75. (2)
Therefore the square has the greater area. Statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
71. (3) Example:
Statement (1) alone is not sufficient since 63 is divisible by 3
the diagonal of any parallelogram bisect 13 is not divisible by 3
each other. Statement (2) alone is sufficient
Statement (2) is not sufficient since the Example:
other angles of the figure do not have to be 31+5 is divisible by 6
right angles. ⇒ 31 is not divisible by 3
By (1) and (2) we can conclude that 76. (5)
ABCD is a rectangle. Since statement (1) describes only x and
72. (1) Statement (2) describes only y, both are
needed to get the answer.
From (1) and (2)
3x = 2k = 2y2
2y 2
⇒x= 3
But this is not sufficient
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

Because 81. (2)

if y = -1 then ―whom the board thinks‖
2(−1)2 2 82. (2)
x= =3
"and grape fruits has‖
83. (4)
Now if y = l then
―or biological‖
2(1)2 2
x= =3 84. (2)
⇒ y>x is meeting
∴ Statements (1) and (2) together are not 85. (2)
sufficient. ―of absenting‖
x3 x3 86. (3)
x3 y − = x3 × 1 −
y 1 ―who‖
= x3 − x = 0 3
87. (3)
So (2) alone is sufficient to derive the ―due to the / because of the freedom given
answer. 88. (1)
77. (5) ―He lay"
Since C is closer to A if plane X is flying 89. (3)
faster than plane Y it will certainly fly ―he has‖
over C before plane Y. However, if plane 90. (2)
X flies slower than plane Y, and C is very ―one of the wisest and noblest –kings‖
close to A plane X would stilly fly over C 91. (2)
before plane Y does. Thus statements (1) ―to please his master who‘
and (2) together are not sufficient. 92. (4)
78. (4) ―to working hard to amuse himself
From (1) 93. (3)
a1 = 2 ―who was unable to pay and
a2n = an+1 94. (2)
a1 = 2 ―if you‖
a2 = a21 = 4 95. (4)
a3 = a22 = 16 ―the necessities of the poor‖ '
So 3 does not appear in the sequence 96. (3)
∴(1) alone is sufficient. ―students in‘
From (2) 97. (4)
a3 = 16 ―he was‖
But a3 = a22 98. (4)
⇒ a2 = a3 = 4 and a1 = a2 = 2 ―was drowned‖
So 3 does not appear in the sequence. 99. (3)
(2) alone is sufficient. ―and everyone wants‖
79. (5) (1) and (2) are not sufficient to derive 100. (4)
the answer. ―to the pink one‖
80. (5)
Statements (1) and (2) are not sufficient.
TANCET Previous Papers
MBA - 2009

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