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According to Owlcation, quantitative research plays an important role in our daily living

for the following reasons: 1.) t's a tool for building knowledge and facilitating learning. 2.) It's a

means to understand issues and increase public awareness. 3.) It helps us succeed in business. 4.)

It allows us to disprove lies and support truths. 5.) It is a means to find, gauge, and seize

opportunities. 6.) It promotes a love of and confidence in reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing

valuable information. 7.) It provides nourishment and exercise for the mind.

Upon reading one of my activities in Practical Research which is to interview a

professional, my cousin, Dainty Rose immediately crossed my mind. She is currently working at

Filipino Home Depot as an accountant which is in the business field. She said, “Quantitative

research helps professionals under the business field to analyze if their business will be

productive or not. Being one of them, I can also say that we can use quantitative research to have

a survey to gauge our customers' satisfaction over time and improve and grow the products or

services. It also enables businesses to be more personal, informed about their customers, and aid

in the synchronization of sales and marketing teams. In short, quantitative research helps us to

make a better decision to improve our business.”

To sum it up, without quantitative research, we don’t have enough knowledge in various

fields today just like in business. It helps us in our daily living especially to the professionals in

various fields (e.g. business, medicine, psychology, and education.) We can continue improving

different fields with the help of quantitative research.

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