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Remediation Company

Business Plan
Nicole Bendixen, Baylee Kurtz, David Druze, Sam Frensely, and Nicole Rynkiewicz
Created on March 31, 2021
Executive Summary

This company aims to offer their services in order to clean up environmental contaminants via

physical and chemical remediation. Company headquarters will be based in Galloway, New

Jersey. In this proposal we will go in depth about what remediation services we offer, where we

will be remediating, for what kinds of contaminants and soils and who our clients will be.

Table of Contents

Background 4
Overview and objectives 6
Physical and Chemical Remediation Technologies 7
Client Base and Contracts 11
Projected Staffing and Income 13
Conclusion 18


Remediation allows sites that are contaminated and pose risk to our health and the

environment to be cleaned up in order to be reused or repurposed. The importance of

remediation was made known to the world after two contaminated sites hit the news and gave

rise to CERCLA. CERCLA, which stands for Comprehensive Environmental Response,

compensation and liability act, is a federal cleanup program for contaminated sites. It was

enacted in 1980 because of the two major contaminated sites, one of which being Love Canal in

NY, that devastated and impacted the welfare of many people's lives. As the name suggests this

law is used for emergency clean up, analysis of the sites and to hold those responsible for the

contaminants liable. To be held liable means that the contaminators are responsible for the clean

up or the compensation required for the clean up. CERCLA is also known by the term Superfund

due to the budget allowed for the clean-up of hazardous sites when no party is found responsible.

Through this law the EPA is able to enforce laws regarding contaminants. As the human

population increases so does the chance of a contaminated site and the increased demand for

remediation. Due to New Jersey's dense population, reducing exposure to contaminated sites is

not an easy feat. Through the start of our remediation company we can reduce the exposure to

contaminants and clean up sites to increase the number of usable property.

One of the most important things to understand is the region in which a remediation

company is based, specifically the characteristics of the region's climate and ecosystem. With a

company planned to be based primarily in Southern New Jersey, and a focus on remediating soils

and groundwater, we will be remediating in soils that are primarily mapped as entisols, ultisols,

and histosols. Pictured below is a map containing what soil orders are most prominent in New

Jersey. Southern New Jersey contains the Pine Barrens which is a unique ecosystem containing

acidic and sandy soils. Since it has unique characteristics our preferred remediation methods will

vary as it should from state to state. In New Jersey our soils primarily consist of well drained

sandy soils with an average pH of 4.0. New Jersey has a temperate climate with four seasons and

has an average of 42-46 inches of rainfall a year. These characteristics are essential to understand

as they are important variables to how effective a remediation will be. If we were to add a

chemical solvent that is not reactive at a low pH it would be a waste of resources and we would

need to update our remediation plan and try again. However with this initial information we can

avoid such setbacks. On each remediation job the company will follow a step by step process so

we can guarantee a successful clean up. This process will include doing appropriate background

information on the site, undergoing phase one and phase two assessments as needed, proper

communication between the client and within our company, cross checking and doing multiple

tests to be sure we are correctly identifying a contaminant and plan to remediate it in an

appropriate manner, and lastly carry out an organized clean up process of a site.

Overview and Objectives

This company provides methods of remediation to clean up contaminated sites. The

methods we use will include physical and chemical remediation. For physical remediation we

will use soil excavation, soil washing, soil flushing, soil vapor extraction, and physical capping.

For chemical remediation we will use pump and treat, permeable reactive barriers, chemical

oxidation, and chemical capping. Through the contracts available to use we will be able to gain

all the resources needed in order to properly carry out the remediation methods. These contracts

will be based in New Jersey where most of our remediation projects will take place. Through our

understanding of New Jersey's climate and soils we will be able to make the most applicable

decision on what remediation method to use on the different sites and pollutant characteristics we

will encounter throughout the company’s career.

Physical and Chemical Remediation Technologies

Physical Remediation

Physical remediation is a method of cleaning up contaminated sites, including soils and

surface and groundwater, without the use of chemicals. Physical remediation methods include

soil excavation, soil washing, soil flushing, soil vapor extraction, and physical capping.

Soil Excavation

Soil excavation is the process of physically removing contaminated soil and either

treating the soil on or off site. It is known to be the easiest remediation technology for almost any

site, most commonly used on sites where pollutants are shallow and in a contained area.

Although excavation is the “easiest”, it involves bringing heavy equipment to the site, digging up

the contaminated area, and transporting them to another area where it can be properly disposed

of. Because this process entails moving pollutants from one site to another, it is important that all

disposal sites are well maintained and contained.

Soil Washing

Soil washing method is an ex-situ remediation method used to remove pollutants that are

binded to soil particles. These contaminants bind to clay/silt particles which then can bind to

coarser grained particles such as sand/gravel.Washing with water/additives allows the coarse

grained particles to separate from the contaminated fine grained soils. Pretreatment processes of

the soil are applied, including the removal of large objects which are usually not contaminated

following the separation of coarse and fine grained materials. If contaminants have bind to the

coarse grained soils then further action including acid/base treatment to increase solubility of the

contaminants or specific solvents to dissolve the contaminants from the particles. Fine grained

treatment is necessary because contaminants are mostly found in these particles and chemicals

are used to scrub the soils and are mixed with the solutions and then settled to remove the

pollutants. The wash water used in this process must be treated because they will be

contaminated, in order to reuse the wash water available to continue soil washing

processes.Residual material is output during the washing process but depends on the grain size of

the original material where some contaminated fine grain soils and sludges may be disposed at

landfills or if still above regulations, will need to be further treated before disposal.

Soil Flushing

Soil flushing is the process where water with additives (surfactants or solvents) are

applied to soil, in order to dissolve the contaminants in the solution. It can also be directly

applied to the groundwater which raises the capillary fringe above the surface of the water table

which is where a higher level of concentration of contaminants are found. The effectiveness of

this technique depends on the type of soil, moisture, size of contaminated area, geochemistry of

the groundwater, and the types of contaminants involved. This method is used to treat metals,

VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, fuels, and pesticides.Typically, soil flushing is followed by extraction and

off site treatment. This is often used in situations where PCBs are in a sandy soil, and a

surfactant and water solution is used to flush the pollutant from the soil.

Soil Vapor Extraction

Soil vapor extraction is the process of pumping or extracting volatile and semivolatile

organic compounds from the vadose zone in soil. Once the pollutants are extracted from the

ground they are either treated or destroyed, where extraction wells are drilled into the surface of

the earth but do not penetrate into the water table. In order to make the process more efficient, a

blower is attached to a well so that air can be injected into the soil, while another well is

vacuuming out the pollutants. Soil vapor extraction is often used in areas where dry cleaners

previously operated because they are known to pollute the soils with PCE and TCE. Although

these chemicals are harmful, they are VOCs so they can be readily vacuumed from the soil. If the

pollutants continue to make it into the groundwater, another method of extraction is required in

order for proper remediation.

Physical Capping

Physical Capping entails putting a barrier between the contaminate and the outside world,

ensuring that the contaminant can no longer spread or cause harm to the environment above

it.This barrier is often made out of clay, soil or gravel and is meant to be able to withstand any

possible erosion that may occur. Typically, this type of physical remediation process is used in

larger sites that occupy a stable environment otherwise. Once the soil is capped, these sites are

often used for landfills or bodies of water, where a drainage well must be installed, as well, in

order to then drain the contaminant to take to a facility to be properly treated.

Chemical Remediation

While there are many effective ways to physically remove or contain contaminants at a

site. It is important to also consider when chemical remedial techniques should be used.

Chemical remediation technology involves changing the chemical structure of the pollutant,

resulting in an efficient and effective clean up of the contaminated area. After the clean-up

process is complete, the site is restored to as close to its originals state as possible. There are

many remediation techniques that can be used but determining the right technology for the job

largely depends on the site and contaminant characteristics including groundwater flow rates and

the water quality characteristics. After determining the site and contaminant characteristics, a

specific “recipe” will be created to treat the area.

The particular contaminants at a site need to be removed because they are causing

potential health risks to humans and the environment. Most chemical remedial technologies

utilize oxidation and reduction reactions to help remove and neutralize soil and groundwater

contamination. These types of reactions produce irreversible changes in the pollutants form,

effectively reducing the risk of exposure and possible harm when dealing with waste products

from the contaminated site. In the following paragraphs, multiple chemical remediation

technologies will be discussed.

Pump and Treat

The “pump and treat” as its name implies, is a method involving the pumping

contaminated groundwater to the surface through multiple extractions wells. Because the

contaminants are being removed and treated, this method is referred to as an ex-situ treatment.

After pumping the contaminated water to the surface, the polluted water is passed through one or

multiple wastewater treatment plants. After cleaning, the water samples are tested to determine

the contaminant(s) have been removed or reduced to a safe level determined by the

Environmental Protection Agency. Once the samples are confirmed to be safe, the waste water is

either reinjected into the ground or discharged to local surface water. If being discharged,

additional permits may be required. Some other characteristics include, groundwater pH, total

dissolved solids, conductivity, suspended solids, temperature, dissolved oxygen and the water's


The pump and treat method has two main goals. One is to contain the contamination

plume to prevent it from spreading offsite. This is done by establishing a minimum extraction

rate that allows the plume to remain the same size, preventing further contamination of drinking

water and the environment in the surrounding areas. The second goal is restoration, which

involves removing the contaminants and cleaning the waste water to an acceptable level. A

minimum pumping rate that exceeds the containment rate is established to remove pollution from

the groundwater. This rate also allows for fresh water to enter the area and aid in flushing the

area of its remaining contaminants. Pump and treat is particularly effective when groundwater

contaminants include heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury), industrial solvents such as cleaners,

degreasers, and or paint strippers that contain Perchloroethylene (PCE), and petrochemicals such

as gasoline and oil (BTEX, methanol, and propylene).

Chemical Oxidation

Chemical oxidation is an effective remedial technology that involves a redox reaction to

reduce the oxidation state of the contaminant, thus reducing its toxicity. Oxidation is done in-situ

and is executed by injecting the oxidizing agent (Hydrogen peroxide, Fenton’s reagent,

permanganate, and ozone) into the saturated zone. Once the agent is introduced, it comes into

contact with and neutralizes the contaminant plume. Because of the nature of this remedial

method, other technologies are commonly used in combination to increase the efficiency of the

oxidation or to capture byproducts of the reaction that may cause additional contamination


Oxidation is typically done on a smaller scale and largely relies on precise knowledge of

the underlying hydrogeologic conditions. As the oxidate is pumped into the saturated zone, the

hydrogeologic conditions will heavily influence the length of contact time, and the extent of

contact with the contaminants. These conditions will help determine the quality and type of

oxidation agent that will be used at the site. Below is a table that describes the types of oxidants

that can be used and the pollutants they are able to remediate.

Table 1. Common Oxidants

Note: This table includes a list of common oxidants used for chemical oxidation reactions and

the chemicals they can effectively remediate. This table was pulled from the ENVL 4446 course

website (chemical oxidation page).

Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs)

Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are another option when it comes to remediation of

contaminated groundwater. These barriers are installed down gradient from the contamination

plume of interest. As the groundwater flows, it passes through the barrier resulting in treated

water emerging on the other side. These barriers can be installed as a permanent or can be semi

permanent structure. Typically, a cross section trench is dug ahead of the contaminated plume,

the barrier is then installed in the trench, then backfilled with the native material. There are two

types of barriers that can be installed which are discussed below

For continuous use, permanent barriers can be installed which allows for the injection

and removal of reactive agents from the barriers through various wells. This allows them to work

over long periods of time and treat a variety of chemical contaminants including heavy metals,

petroleum hydrocarbons and industrial chlorinated solvents. Zero valent iron (ZVI) has been

proven to be an effective remediating medium to treat contaminated groundwater from activities

associated with acid mine drainage (CLU-IN, 2020).

Funnel wall barriers are another option for a possible PRB installation. These barriers

contain low permeability walls installed beneath the soil surface that direct or “funnel” the

contaminated plume to the reactive medium that draws out the contaminants. These systems

utilize in-situ chemical treatments that are readily accessible so reactive media can be easily

removed and replaced so continuous remediation can take place. This system is largely driven by

gravity and hydraulic forces that push the water through the gate. Because of this, these barriers

are installed down gradient from the contamination plume, similar to other remedial methods.

Since this system relies on groundwater hydrology and gravity, it is an ideal system for areas

where groundwater flow is fast and the contaminants are dissolved in the groundwater(US EPA,

2020). This allows for remediation to take place quickly, due to the fast moving groundwater that

is carrying the dissolved contaminants through the barrier. Because it is driven by these forces,

maintenance costs after installation are typically inexpensive due to lack of equipment needed to

move water and contaminants.

Client Base and Contracts

Industries and Client Types:

Our primary client base will be property owners and developers. Other client bases

(whom which we can refer to other companies) include:

● Municipalities & Government

● Financial Institutions

● Business & Industry

● Non-Profits

Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs)

Most remediation sites require an LSRP to oversee or review the remediation. When

hiring an LSRP, it is important to agree on a written contract describing the scope of work and

specifying all costs. The contract with the LSRP should include the following:

● Clear remediation objectives

● A provision to address an audit by the department that determines the Remedial Action

Outcome (RAO) is not protective

● Specific actions that will be taken to investigate & remediate the contamination

● Proposed schedule for completing work

● A budget, specifying:

○ Fixed costs (either as a lump sum or as unit prices for each item)

○ Items to be charged (e.g. laboratory work, equipment & materials, labor hours)

● How changes in the project will be handled

● Specific dates or periodic schedule for when the LSRP will provide a status update

● Specific deliverables and the dates they are due, including the final deliverable or


● All applicable remediation timeframes and how you will be informed of your progress

toward them, if those time frames are unlikely to be met, and the consequence of missing


● Identification of the working documents and/or final reports to be provided by the LSRP

should they, or you, decide to terminate the contract prior to the issuance of an RAO

Information retrieved from:

Other Major types of Contracts:

● Emergency Response Technical Assistance Team (TAT)

○ Provides rapid-response technical assistance on CERCLA removal actions

● Emergency Response Cleanup (ERCS)

○ Provides cleanup personnel & equipment to contain, recover, or dispose of

hazardous substances, to analyze samples, or to restore area

● Hazardous Site Field Investigation Team (FIT)

○ Provides professionals from many disciplines who do most site assessments and

inspections of waste sites, helping to determine whether sites should go on NPL

● Hazardous Site Remedial Engineering Management (REM)

○ Performs remedial investigations and feasibility studies to determine type &

extent of site contamination, to design remedial actions, & to support enforcement


● Alternative Remedial Contract Strategy (ARCS)

○ Provides program management & technical services to support remedial response

activities (will replace REM contracts)

● Responsive Engineering and Analysis (REAC)

○ Supports EPA’s Emergency Response Team by providing technologies for

remediating hazardous waste sites & spills

● Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)

○ Analyzes environmental samples for chemical content, under program of strict

quality controls

● Environmental Service Assistance Team (ESAT)

○ Expands EPA’s existing capabilities for analyzing hazardous waste samples

○ Supports non-Superfund analytical programs

● Aerial Survey and Mapping Support

○ Uses aerial photography techniques to characterize contaminated sites &

determine the need for cleanup

● Hazardous Materials Incident Response Training

○ Provides training in emergency response & safety to 5,000 Federal, State, & local

government employees per year

● Technical Enforcement Support (TES)

○ Supports Superfund enforcement efforts by providing expert witnesses, searching

for responsible parties, evaluating monitoring data, & other activities

Other contracting activities include:

● Site-specific removal contracts issued to companies that have particularly relevant

qualifications or technologies

● Planning & cleanup services purchased by states with Federal funds provided under

cooperative agreements with EPA

● U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contracts awarded to private firms to design & construct

large remedial responses

Information retrieved from:

Projected Staffing and Income

The cost of environmental remediation can vary greatly depending on the type of

contaminant, extent, and method of remediation used. Establishing accurate comparisons of

remediation costs is nearly impossible because the cost reported at one site under a specific set of

conditions does not accurately reflect other sites. The cost of remediation is heavily dependent

on site-specific geological and contaminant conditions. The difficulty that is involved in

estimating the cost of remediation technologies could make estimating income, profits, and

establishing a long term business plan challenging. However, there are some guidelines that can

be used to estimate the cost of a remediation project. The table below is a guide developed by the

Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable to document the individual cost elements of a

project in detail. We plan to use this guide as a template for compiling estimates of the cost of

potential remediation projects.

Using the cost categories outlined, we are going to use a site that has already been remediated by

the EPA as an example of how we would estimate the cost of a project. We will be using the

Mannheim Avenue Dump NPL Site also located in Galloway Township, NJ. We believe

Mannheim Avenue Dump is a good example of a site we may be tasked with remediating in New


Site Background

The Mannheim Avenue Dump was a sand and gravel pit until 1964. It then was used to dispose

of industrial waste from manufacturing and by Galloway Township to dispose of municipal

wastes. The aquifer underneath the site has a shallow and deep zone, both comprised of sand and

gravel and separated by an approximately 3 to 5 foot thick layer of semipermeable clay. Shallow

groundwater is located approximately 35 feet below ground surface. The groundwater flows in a

northwesterly direction in the shallow zone and in a northeasterly direction in the deeper zone.


TCE in groundwater and TCE and lead in soil. TCE was detected in both the shallow and deep

aquifer zones. A TCE plume in excess of 1 ppb in the shallow aquifer zone was estimated to be

100 ft. long, 400 ft. wide, and 15 ft. deep. The plume in the deep aquifer zone was estimated to

be 1,000 feet long, 1,000 feet wide and 55 ft. deep.

Technologies Used

● Drum, sludge, and soil removal

● Groundwater pump-and-treat with air stripping treatment

● Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)

Cleanup Approach

Initial cleanup of the site involved removing degreasing sludge and excavating lead

contaminated soil, removing it from the site, and incinerating it off-site. Groundwater

remediation was performed with a pump-and-treat system consisting of three extraction wells,

one screened in the shallow aquifer and two screened in the deep aquifer. Contaminated

groundwater was pumped into the treatment system at the rate of 40 gallons per minute. VOCs

were then removed using air stripping and the treated groundwater was re-injected into the

aquifer. The treatment system operated for 18 months. Once TCE concentrations fell below the 1

ppb cleanup goal the pump and treat system was stopped and MNA began. 30 million gallons of

contaminated groundwater were treated by the pump-and-treat system.

Cost Estimate

We are going to be estimating the cost of performing the remediation project as if we were hired

to do it. We will be using data from the EPA’s Remediation Technology Cost Compendium –

Year 2000 to arrive at capital and operating costs for using pump-and-treat technology with air

stripping. The Remediation Technology Cost Compendium does not include information about

contaminant removal and off-site incineration so the purpose of this proposal we will only be

focusing on the cost of remediating Mannheim Avenue Dump after the contaminants were


Capital Costs

● Table 6-2 in the Remediation Technology Cost Compendium lists the average Unit

Capital Cost for pump and treat (Capital Cost Per 1,000 Gallons of Groundwater Treated

per Year) as $280.

● After adjusting that number to account for inflation, the Unit Capital Cost is $436.28.

● If 30 million gallons of water was treated over a period of 18 month, it can be estimated

that 20 million gallons were treated over the course of 12 months. That makes 20,000 the

average number of gallons treated per year (per 1,000 gallons).

● Multiplying 20,000 by the Unit Capital Cost (20,000 * $436.28) equals $8, 725,600 in

estimated capital costs.

● If the median Unit Capital Cost is used instead of the average, estimated capital costs

equal $2,430,600

Operating Costs

● The Remediation Technology Cost Copendium lists the average Unit Average Annual

Operating Cost (Average Annual Operating Cost per 1,000 gallons of Groundwater

Treated per Year) as $32.

● After adjusting for inflation the Unit Average Annual Operating Cost is $49.86.

● Multiplying 20,000 (the number of 1,0000 gallons treated per year) by the Unit Average

Annual Operating Cost (20,000 * $49.86) returns an estimated annual operating cost of


● The estimated operating cost for 18 months of operation is $1,495,800.

Total Cost and Profit Margins

● After summing the estimated capital costs and operating costs the estimated total cost for

the Mannheim Avenue Dump project is $10,221,400.

● To make a profit of %10 the price paid by the client for completing this remediation

project would be $11,243,540.

● A profit of %10 percent gives our company $1,124,354 of income.

Estimating Yearly Income and Staff

● If our company completed three projects of Mannheim Avenue Dump’s size in a year that

would put our income at $ 2,248,708.

● The estimated annual operating cost for Mannheim Avenue Dump was $997,200. If 50%

of that is direct labor for operations that is $498,600 a year in labor costs. If we there are

1,920 operating hours in a year (40 hours a week, 160 hours a month) that is about $260

dollars spent on labor every hour. If we pay our employees 30 dollars an hour that’s about

8 employees working on Mannheim Avenue Dump pump and treat operations. This

estimate does not account for expenses such as vacation time, employee medical

insurance, etc. This also does not account for labor involved in capital such as design and

engineering, site preparation, and installation of the pump and treat system.

● If our company had three ongoing projects the size of Mannheim Avenue Dump in a year

we would need to have a staff of 24 employees.

National Research Council. 1997. Innovations in Ground Water and Soil Cleanup: From Concept to

Commercialization. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Remediation Technology Cost Compendium - Year 2000

Examples of Groundwater Remediation at NPL Sites - Appendix B, B-9


The above information from the proposal plan ensures the start of a successful

remediation company. With well trained and educated personnel we will be able to remediate

various contaminated sites with varying site and pollutant characteristics. With the money

provided, we will be able start this company by confirming the contracts and hiring within our

budget of projected staffing and income. With our contracts we can establish strong relationships

and trust that both parties will benefit from. These contracts with well known organizations like

Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs), will provide us with the resources we need to

carry out physical and chemical remediation methods. As seen above in projected staffing and

income, the cost of remediation is not cheap. It is also imperative to fully understand each

method and be able to make quick judgments and prepare for potential outcomes. However with

the balance of income and costs we can establish a capable team. This team will have extensive

knowledge on the physical and chemical remediation methods our company aims to utilize. For

physical remediation we will use soil excavation, soil washing, soil flushing, soil vapor

extraction, and physical capping. For chemical remediation we will use pump and treat,

permeable reactive barriers, chemical oxidation, and chemical capping. Our main goal is to

secure the safety of the public from harmful contaminants. We know we can make a difference

here in New Jersey by helping those impacted by harmful contaminants and guaranteeing safe

places for humans and the environment to thrive.


Chirenje, T. (n.d.). Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs). ENVL 4446.

CLU-IN | Technologies > Remediation > About Remediation Technologies > Permeable

Reactive Barriers, Permeable Treatment Zones, and Application of Zero-Valent Iron >

Overview. (2020, February 5). CLU-IN.




NJ DEP. (2017, October). In Situ Remediation: Design Considerations and Performance

Monitoring Technical Guidance Document (1.0).

US EPA. (2020). CLU-IN | Technologies Permeable Reactive Barriers. CLU-IN.



National Research Council. 1997. Innovations in Ground Water and Soil Cleanup: From Concept to

Commercialization. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Remediation Technology Cost Compendium - Year 2000

Examples of Groundwater Remediation at NPL Sites - Appendix B, B-9


New Jersey soil order map:


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