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In every lesson/story, children must be able to answer the following questions:
- What character trait do I see in Jesus in this story?
- How can I be like Jesus and follow His example in this story?
Feb. 21 “Jesus Heals  Proverbs 14:21  CARING FOR OTHERS Joanna YOUNGER: 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care
Blind  Proverbs 14:31  Jesus Cares! upon him; for he careth for you."
Bartimaeus”  Mark 10:46-52  Jesus cares even for those who are ignored and rejected by everyone else. OLDER: Proverbs 14:31 - He that oppresseth
 Matt. 20:29-34  Jesus cares of everyone and even gives more attention to the poor and the needy. the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that
 Luke 18:35-43  Just like Jesus, let us NOT just show care and concern to the nice and lovely people honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
but to everyone, especially to those unloveable and poor people.
 Just like Jesus, let’s give them love and attention.
Feb. 28 “The Parable of  Luke 15:11-32  GOD the FATHER’s GREAT LOVE for US, Saying SORRY, Obeying Parents, and Not Rio Jeremiah 31:3 - The LORD hath appeared of
the Lost Son” Prodigal means Wasting old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee
(Prodigal Son) “waster”  Even if we are great sinners and sometimes goes far from God, He still loves us and with an everlasting love: therefore with
forgives us! Let’s just ask His forgiveness. lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
 It is wrong to disobey and disrespect our parents just as what the prodigal son did.
 It is not good and wise to waste anything that we or our parents have. *THE Father’s love for us is everlasting.
 Just like the prodigal Son, let us apologize and go back to God whenever we sin
March 7 “The Temptation  Matthew 4:1-11  SAYING NO TO SIN Ken Psalm 119:11 "Thy word have I hid in mine
of Jesus”  Luke 4:1-14  (GOD’S WORD KEEPS US FROM SIN) – Studying the Bible or listening to Bible stories in heart, that I might not sin against thee."
order to fight sin
 God’s Word tells us and warns us of SINS and contains promises to those who resists
sin and the devil
 Satan’s goal is to make us sin against God. He’ll never stop tempting us, so don’t stop
saying NO to him, too.
 Just like Jesus, let’s resist Sin and the devil by staying close to GOD through His Word
and by praying (Jesus prayed and fasted before He was tempted by the devil).
March “Jesus Heals  John 11:1-44  FAITH Deb Older: Matthew 19:26 – But Jesus beheld
14 Lazarus”  Sometimes, God does NOT answer our prayers right away (just as Jesus did not go them, and said unto them, With men this is
and heal Lazarus right away) impossible; but with God all things are
 But we should continue to trust Him because He always answers in the best and most possible.
amazing way (even raising the dead) Younger: Matt. 19:26b “With men this is
 For with God nothing shall be impossible impossible; but with God all things are
March “The Parable of  Matthew 18:21-35  FORGIVENESS Millean Colossians 3:13 - Forbearing one another,
21 the Unforgiving  We all sinned against God but He has forgiven us with all our great sins. and forgiving one another, if any man
Servant”  Others’ sins against us are too small compared to our sins against GOD. have a quarrel against any: even as Christ
 Just as Jesus has forgiven us, we ought also to forgive others. forgave you, so also [do] ye.
YOUNGER: Colossians 3:13 - Forbearing
one another, and forgiving one another:
…. even as Christ forgave you, so also
[do] ye.

March “Jesus and  Luke 19  JESUS’ LOVE and FORGIVENESS and TRUE REPENTANCE Paul 1 John 1:9, KJV: "If we confess our sins,
28 Zacchaeus”  Jesus loves everybody, including the worst sinners that no man can love. he is faithful and just to forgive us our
 Just like Zacchaeus, let’s show Jesus and others that we are truly sorry by changing sins, and to cleanse us from all
our ways. Do not commit the same sin. unrighteousness."

*Be sorry for your sins and do not do it

April 4 “Jesus Washes  Matthew 26:17-30 and  FOCUS MORE on the HUMILITY AND SERVICE of JESUS to His disciples when He Joanna Matthew 20:28 - Even as the Son of man
the Disciples John 13:1-20 washed their feet. came not to be ministered unto, but to
Feet During the Touch a little on the Lord’s Supper (the prophesying of His betrayal) in minister, and to give his life a ransom for
Lord’s Supper” preparation for the next lessons. many.
Jesus HIMSELF, the SON OF GOD, has shown humility by serving His disciples
when He washed their feet. It was one of the dirtiest and lowliest and most *Jesus Himself served others, we should
humbling thing to do, but Jesus did not mind and did it anyway! also serve others….”
Jesus also commands us to “wash” one another’s feet” (SERVE and HELP one
Just like Jesus, let’s be humble enough to do the hard things in order to serve
April 11 “Jesus Prayed in  Matthew 26:36-56,  FOCUS MORE on JESUS as HE PRAYS. Rio Mark 14:38
the Garden” Mark 14:32-52,  Jesus Himself gave importance to praying to His Father, how much more should we. “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into
(Jesus prays in Luke 22:39-53, His prayer shows submission to the Lord’s will, not HIS. temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but
Gethsemane and John 18:1-10 Touch a little on the arrest of Jesus in preparation for the next lessons. the flesh is weak.”
is arrested.)
Jesus commands us to pray just like He
always does.. Prayer makes us strong to
resist temptation…..
April 18 “Jesus Was  Matthew 26:57-68  JESUS SUFFERED FOR YOU AND FOR ME. Ken Isaiah 53:5
Mocked”  Matthew 26:15-31 Jesus was meek before his mockers. But he was wounded for our
(the mockings Jesus didn’t have to die and could have fought back against His mockers and transgressions, he was bruised for our
Jesus faced the soldiers and escaped death, but He chose to suffer for you and for me. iniquities: the chastisement of our peace
before the Do NOT include the crucifixion yet, that is for next Sunday. was upon him; and with his stripes we
crucifixion) Include salvation are healed.
Younger kids:
Isaiah 53:5a
But he was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our

*Jesus suffered because of our own sins.

April 25 “Jesus Dies on  Matt. 27:32-51  Jesus went through all His sufferings up to His death for His great LOVE for you and Deb Face to face older kids:
the Cross For  Mark 15:21-41 for me. 1 Peter 2:24
Us”  Luke 23:26-49  JESUS the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, chose to be crucified for to “Who his own self bare our sins in his
 Jn. 19:17-30 save us from our sins and bring us to heaven. own body on the tree, that we, being
INCLUDE the 2 malefactors/criminals on the cross and how the one criminal dead to sins, should live unto
who believed got saved (luke 23) righteousness: by whose stripes ye were
EMPHASIZE SALVATION and the truth that no one else died for our sins, but healed.”
only JESUS.
Romans 5:8
8 But God commendeth his love toward
us, in that, while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us.
May 2 “Jesus Is Alive”  Matthew 28:1-10  Jesus, the Savior that we believe and serve, is true and alive. Millean Job19:25
 Mark 16:1-8 Jesus Himself has saved Himself from death, He can also save us from hell. 25 For I know [that] my redeemer liveth,
 Luke 24:1-12 EMPHASIZE SALVATION and the truth that Jesus is the only true living Savior. and [that] he shall stand at the latter
 John 20:1-18 [day] upon the earth:

*Jesus indeed is alive and one day we will

be able to see our LIVING SAVIOR.

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