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WHO AM I? SERIES (Who am I in Jesus? Who did God make me to be?)

After knowing WHO GOD IS and WHO JESUS SAID HE IS, let us now learn WHO HE SAID I AM according to the Bible!
In every lesson/story, children must be able to answer the following questions:
 Who does Jesus/God say I AM?
 How does God look at me?
 Who did God create me to be in relation to this story?
 How can I be who God has really made me to be?
Who does Jesus/God BIBLE POINT STORY
say I am? TELLER
July 4 “I am God’s  “Creation of  Genesis 1:26-31,  God created me in His very own image and breathed life in me. Rio Psalm 139:14 – I will praise thee;
Masterpiece” Mankind” Genesis 2:7, 20-25,  I am the most special creation of GOD (“it was very good”). for I am fearfully and wonderfully
(I am special to God) Ephesians 2:10,  We ought to praise Him for we are wonderfully made. made: marvellous are thy works;
Psalm 139:14  We are created for God’s pleasure (to please, honor, and glorify GOD). and that my soul knoweth right
 We are created to do good works and please Him with our life. (Eph. well.
 In every little thing that we do every day, let’s do our best to please and
honor our CREATOR!
July 11 “I am a Sinner, but I am  “Jesus Invites  Mark 2:14-17, Luke I am born a sinner (inherited Adam’s sinful nature) Deb Luke 5:32
Loved” Matthew to Be 5:27-32 Romans 5:19 – For as by one man's disobedience many were made “I came not to call the righteous,
His Disciple” sinners. And Romans 5:12 – As by one man sin entered into the world. but sinners to repentance.”
• We sin against God every day, but God still loves us.
Even when others look at Matthew as a great sinner, God looks at Him
with love and still chose Him to be one of His closest friends/disciple.
Let’s love others like Jesus does.

July 18 “I am Forgiven”  “Jesus and the  John 8:1-11  I am sinful, but I am already forgiven. Millean John 3:18 – “He that believeth on
Adulterous  All the pharisees and the people condemned the woman for her sin and him is not condemned: but he
Woman” wanted her to be punished according to the law, but Jesus did not that believeth not is condemned
condemn her and chose to forgive. already, because he hath not
 Jesus does not condemn me. (we’re not condemned when we have believed in the name of the only
believed on Jesus as Savior) begotten Son of God.”
John 3:18 – “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that
believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in
the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
 Since I am already forgiven, I should go and try my best to sin no more!
 Since we are forgiven, we should also forgive others.
July 25 “I am nothing without  “Samson’s  Judges 13:1-5,  Begin with emphasizing the extraordinary strength of Samson Joanna John 15:6
God” Strength is from  Judges 14:5-6  Explain that Samson’s strength comes from the Lord I am the vine, ye are the
God”  Judges 15:4-5 - He was chosen by God to deliver Israel from the hand of their branches: He that abideth in
 Judges 15:14-15 enemies, the Philistines. That is why God gave him strength. me, and I in him, the same
 Judges 16:3-31 - He becomes strong NOT by himself alone but only when the “SPIRIT
bringeth forth much fruit: for
without me ye can do nothing.
 When He chose to disobey the Lord by living in sin with a woman who
tempted him, the Lord departed from him.
 When the Lord departed from him, his strength departed, too, because
his strength came from the Lord.
 Like Samson, without God, we are NOTHING, too!
 We should always rely on God who strengthens us, and try our best to
please Him, because without Him we can do nothing!

August “I am Chosen”  “God Chose and  1 Samuel chap.1  Even Samuel’s birth is a very special work of God. Ken Ephesians 1:4 - According as
1 (I Have a Purpose) Speaks to Young (birth of Samuel –  As a young boy, God already made Samuel for a great purpose. he hath chosen us in him
Samuel” very brief only, 3-4  As a young boy, God already chose Samuel as His servant in the temple. before the foundation of the
sentences).  God chose Samuel to play a very important role in God’s plans and world, that we should be holy
 1 Samuel chap.3 purposes. When he grew up, he served the Lord as His prophet and and without blame before him
God’s messenger to guide the nation of Israel.
in love:
(very brief explanation only of how God used Samuel later on)
(Long before we were born,
 You and I are chosen by God for a very special purpose, too.
 When we choose to listen to God and obey Him, God’s wonderful and God has already chosen us
special plan for us will be fulfilled. and already has a wonderful
plan and purpose for us!)
August “I am Called”  “God Calls Moses  Exodus 3-4  God saw the affliction and suffering of Israel, His people. Paul 2 Timothy 1:9
8 in the Burning  God also sees the need of all the people around us. Who hath saved us, and called
Bush”  God needs someone Who will obey Him and tell the people about Jesus. us with an holy calling, not
 God may call us to do different things for Him so others will know God according to our works, but
and the salvation He provides through Jesus Christ. according to his own purpose
 God called Moses even if Moses thought he was not capable to deliver
and grace, which was given us
the people of Israel from Egypt!
in Christ Jesus before the
 Moses felt afraid and very weak.
 But God proved to Him that WHOM GOD CALLS, HE ENABLES! world began.
 The weak and ineloquent Moses was greatly used by God because He
obeyed God’s call. God did not only save us, but
 He was able to deliver Israel out of Egypt and led them to the Promised we are privileged to also be
Land miraculously through the mighty hand of God upon him. called with a holy and special
(briefly cite different instances where God showed His power through calling to fulfill his purpose!
Moses (the 10 plagues, manna, water from the rock, crossing the red And that is all because of
sea, etc) – very very brief only (1 sentence per instance). Jesus Christ!
 God calls us to serve Him. If we obey His call, He will surely enable and
empower us, just like what He did through Moses!

August “I am Called”  “Boy Named  Matthew 19:16-26  The rich man said that he has followed all the law and the Joanna John 10:9 – I am the door: by
15 Samuel”  John 1:1-10 commandments (which is impossible). me if any man enter in, he
Ref:  But even then, Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through eye of a shall be saved, and shall go in
And again I say unto you, It is needle than for him to enter the kingdom of God. and out, and find pasture.
easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle, than for a  If so, then it is impossible to get saved and go to heaven!!!
rich man to enter into the (The disciples wondered who can go to heaven if it’s easier for a camel to enter *If we trust Jesus as the door
kingdom of God. the needle.)
or the means of going to
25When his disciples heard it,  By our own, it is really impossible to enter heaven!
they were exceedingly amazed, heaven, we can be saved and
saying, Who then can be saved?  But with Jesus, it is possible because He is the means by which we can
can live the life God intended
26But Jesus beheld them, and enter heaven since He is the door!
for us – abundant life (life full
said unto them, With men this is  There is no other door/means to heaven. Jesus is THE door. Through
impossible; but with God all
Him, we have access to the Ki of God’s blessings).
things are possible.

 JESUS made it possible

because He is the door.

June 20 “I am Protected”  “The Door and the  Matthew 19:16-26 1. The door of a house is very important. The door allows us Joanna John 10:9 – I am the door: by
Thief”  John 14:1-2 me if any man enter in, he
to go inside and be safe and warm.
“mansions in the shall be saved, and shall go in
-----Jesus is THE DOOR for us to enter heaven. There is no other door/means to
Father’s house” heaven. Through Jesus, THE Door, we have access to the Kingdom of God. and out, and find pasture.
 The Bible tells us that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in the
Father’s house (John 14:2). He says that there are many rooms to that *If we trust Jesus as the door
house and we’re all invited and He wants us to be with Him there! or the means of going to
 But to enter the Father’s house, we need to through a door! Jesus is the heaven, we can be saved and
only door!
can live the life God intended
 To go into the house we have to go through Jesus! As the door, through
for us – abundant life (life full
him we have eternal life and through him we are safe.
 Those who don’t have Jesus won’t be able to get into the Father’s
of God’s blessings).
house, heaven.
 God loves us and want the best for us and that is why he gave us his Son
Jesus, so that we can come into His house.

2. The door also keeps out things that are bad or unsafe.
-----Jesus is stronger than any thief or anything that can harm us, so we are
perfectly safe when we are in Jesus.
 We are like the sheep in the fold! The devil like the thief wants harm and destroy
us but Jesus protects us and gives us an abundant life (life full of God’s blessings).

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