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Migration Skills Assessment:

Step-by-Step Guide
Engineers Australia provides a quality
guarantee for their migration services.
They're backed by the Department of Home
Affairs, utilized by engineers worldwide, and
linked to prestigious international agreements
and organizations.
Engineers Australia provides engineers wishing
to move to Australia with accurate and fair skills
assessments through the Migration Skills
Assessment procedure.
They utilize their expertise as the appointed
evaluating authority for engineering jobs to give
fair and appropriate evaluations to each
The following is a quick and easy step-by-step
approach to getting started with your Migration
Skills Assessment:
1. Read the MSA Booklet (Migration Skills
2. Select your migration skills assessment
pathway and begin collecting your papers.
3. Read the Applicant User Guide thoroughly.
4. Register with Engineers Australia to create an
account. If you have an Engineers Australia
account already, go to step 5.
5. Log in to myPortal and find your way to
Migration Skills Assessment.
6. Begin submitting your application.
Ethical Standards
Engineers Australia may use the information
you provide to connect it with Australian
government departments.
Engineers Australia retains the right to check
your submitted work to match published
sources or other submitted applications using
software programs.
Misleading and misleading facts are considered
morally severe violations. Engineers Australia's
Code of Ethics, especially the display of
respectability, is referred to by us.
Deception of applications can result in a
warning from the Department of Home Affairs
and a three-year ban from applying for an EA
skills assessment.
Career Episodes should be based on work that
you have directly led and written entirely in
your own words.
Plagiarism is defined as presenting other
people's work as your own or potentially using
other people's language (formats, Career
Episodes, internet sources, and so on).
It has serious consequences, such as
application denial, a one-, two-, or three-year
boycott, and the disclosure of your personal
information to the Department of Home Affairs
for further investigation and action.
Additionally, it is a violation of Engineers
Australia's Code of Ethics.
Please Note: Simply describing work in which
you participated is insufficient.
Career Episodes must be written in the first
person singular, clearly demonstrating your
part in the work. Remember, it's about what I
did, not what we did or what "I was involved in,"
and how you went about it.
To prevent unnecessary waiting time and
expenses, be sure you're applying for the proper
assessment pathway and that the decision on
your application is ready.
If you are unsure about it, get in touch with EA.
You can also get in touch with us for help.
Engineers Australia do not accepts or processes
paper-based applications any longer.
Usually, the Migration Skills Assessment
procedure takes a lengthy time. Fast track
service is available if you need it right now.
CDRReportWriters to
get Step-by-Step
Guidence for Migration
Skills Assessment

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