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CAE Project Report

Team Number -12

Keshab sharma – 18754025
Khalid Ibne Alam – 18762248
Junji kong - 19972884

A CAE Project Report submitted for partial fulfilment for 301000 CAE of the degree
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)

Eileen an
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
Western Sydney University
June 2020
Table Of Contents
Table of figures .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. introduction for suspension system ........................................................................................ 5
3. aim/objectives ............................................................................................................................. 6
4. members roles and their team activities .............................................................................. 6
4. methodology and phases ............................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Gant Chart ................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. design of suspension system ...................................................................................................... 8
6. cad modeling ...................................................................................................................................... 10
7. FE MODELING IN ANSYS ............................................................................................................. 15
static stress analysis for the system ........................................................................................... 17
Constraints in Simulation .............................................................................................................................. 17
meshing of the model ............................................................................................................................ 21
simulation results to show static stress study ....................................................................... 23
adding bearing connection in design model ............................................................................. 25
free model analysis ................................................................................................................................ 28
prestressed model analysis ............................................................................................................... 30
eigenvalue buckling ............................................................................................................................... 31
topology optimization ............................................................................................................................ 32
optimization using different size of mesh .................................................................................. 35
overall conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
References ......................................................................................................................................................... 46

Fig 1 Vehicle Suspension ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 3 Exploded Assembly .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 4 Isometric.................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig7 Model in Ansys ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Fig 9 Ansys Modules ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Fig 10 Boundry Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 17
Fig 11 Supports ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Fig 12 Load ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Fig13 Load Direction ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Fig 14 Load Location ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Fig 15 Meshing .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Fig 16 Mesh Size ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Fig 17 Connections ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Fig 18 Deformation ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Fig 19 Strain ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Fig 20 Stress ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Fig 22 ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Fig 23 Strain ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Fig 27 .................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 28 .................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 30 ................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Fig 31 ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Fig 32 Eigenvalue Buckling .............................................................................................................................. 32
Fig 33 Topology Optimization .......................................................................................................................... 33
Fig 34 .................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 35 .................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fig 36 ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Fig 37 ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Fig 38 ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Fig 39 ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Fig40 .................................................................................................................................................................. 37

In this report, we are doing to study the suspension system of an EF Hyundai sonata from the Z building at
Western Sydney University. The aim of this research is analyze the stress of the this system using FEA
techniques.[1] before we start the work we need to do some literature review to help us understand how
suspensions work. After the literature review, we use Solid works to build a model for our design which is in
mind the real-world design. When we finish the modelling and use statics analyses to find the maximum load
the suspension can take. And design safety as well. Then apply the boundary conditions for the simulation.
Then we fix two ends. And the load applied on the Brake Drum. From research a normal car has 2100kg and
60% of weight act on the front wheels due to the engine is set at the front.[2] We use Ansys 19 to simulate
modal study for the suspension and the static. The aim is to find the best frequency of the system. The
suspension is fixed at 2 order to avoid the failure so we need to calculate the safety factors before
setting the test.There are lots of studies in Ansys to study the behaviors of the suspension system.
Figure 1 Vehicle Suspension


The importance of suspension system need not be repeated. The riding comfort of a car is largely determined
by shock absorption. If there is no good suspension system, the car will be very unstable when it encounters the
bumpy road surface, and it will jump and lose its grip, thus causing the driver to lose control of the car and
cause an accident. The car suspension consists of shock absorbers, springs as well as tires and chain links
connecting to the wheels. The design of the front and rear suspensions are also different, and the front tires have
a steering system. Wishbones and springs are the main components of shock absorbers.
All suspension systems require the use of springs. There are many types of springs, the main role is to absorb
shock and shock. We have torsion bar suspension, coil spring as well as leaf springs. These are the most basic
springs. There are more advanced hydro pneumatic suspensions.
There are the factors that affects the efficiency as well as durability of this system which include the spring
constant of the used spring and components in suspension systems.
The spring coefficient of spring and the material of the suspension system will affect the performance of the
suspension system and the durability of the suspension. The rigidity of the suspension is also a very important
factor when we design the suspension. Here, we are known about the two kinds of suspension systems, one is
a semi-active suspension system and the other is an active suspension system. If there is an electronic
controller in the suspension system, it is called a semi-active suspension. In the active suspension system, we
can fully see the condition of the vehicle. An excellent suspension should provide a more stable grip and a
more comfortable riding experience. To the main body of the vehicle in suspension systems the wishbones are
connected, and provided springs to the damping which is linked to the wheel through the brake drum.


2-3 students form a group to model the suspension system of the car. And study the performance of the
given vehicle on the road when the suspension system is loaded. This design project mainly uses the finite
element method together with finite element analysis on Computer aided engineering (CAE) to simulate and
predict the durability and performance of the vehicle suspension system. Through simulation and force
analysis to find a method to optimize the suspension system.


Date Activity
Week4 Making group members
Week5 measuring the suspension system in the lab along
with all team members
Week5 Started research in presence of all members to be
known about this system.
Week6 Started working on cad regarding its model.
Week6 Engineering drawings were done.
Week7 Parts that were created by each member were
assembled together.
Week7 We imports parts and assembly to ANSYS
Week8 Done meshing to the supination system with the
help of ANSYS.
Week9 Stress Deformation, and stain were calculated as
soon as the weight of the car was applied
Week10 Analysis of model and topology study were done
Week11 Report writing started
Week13 Oral presentation fail.
Week14 submitted CAE report
TABLE 1Team activities and Member roles
When using SolidWorks to model the suspension system, the first thing is to understand how far the suspension
system works and to understand the parts of deformation and the areas where the maximum stress occurs when
stressed. Therefore, understanding the working principle helps to analyze the boundary conditions. All three of
us have a general understanding of the suspension system by reading past literature and watching videos on
YouTube. And decided their respective tasks.
The first step is to create the model for our current project which is suspension system in Solid works because
Solid works is easy to use and familiar to everyone. After completing the assembly, we imported the model into
Ansys for simulation. The force acting on the front wheels is about 2500N depending on the weight of the
vehicle and the number of passengers and cargo, after determining all the coefficients. We check the safety
factor and distribution of the stress in the system by completed modal analysis as well as using workbench.

Figure 2 Gantt chart

4.2. Methodology
Following are the method used in the project;
1. Analysis of system
2. CAD Modelling
3. FE Modelling and Analysis
4. Data collection and their interpretation


As each member of the project, completed a part of the parts and finally assembled together in solid works.
The following table shows the parts modeled by each member.

Body Junji Kong
Frame Junji Kong
Spring Junji Kong
Upper Wishbone Khalid Ibne Alam
Lower Wishbone Khalid Ibne Alam
Disk Drum Khalid Ibne Alam
Wheel Mount keshab 18754025
Pin Support  keshab 18754025
Pins  keshab 18754025

We completed the final assembly in the presence of all the three members in the group

Figure 2 exploded assembly view

Figure 3 Isometric view
Figure 5 Isometric Wireframe view

The left and right suspensions are the same, so we used symmetry in the design. So we only need to model the
right half of the suspension. Because there are two suspensions, the first half of the force will be evenly
distributed between the two suspensions. Before the simulation, every part has been adjusted. So all parts are
perfect match.

Figure 6 bill of materials.
Figure 4 Simplified Assembly with some components Compressed

We can exclude the recreation for Hub and Tapered pin as the majority of the power will follow up on the
wishbones and spring which are the significant parts in this reproduction study. In this way, we're running
reproduction on these parts as it were. To appraise the factor of wellbeing of individual part we can likewise
apply loads to that part remembering the working material science and stacking focuses.

Figure 5 design imported in Ansys from Solid works

The Solid works record was traded as STEP document in order to import in another software (ANSYS). We
have utilized Structural steel in the material and for the casing and treated steel for spring.

Figure 9 Ansys Materials

Figure 6 Ansys Modules
Static pressure study was utilized to check the worries in total. The static auxiliary modules give us the
disfigurement, anxiety when the body isn't moving.

In here static examination we have a major limitation or limit condition choices. Taking a glance at our design
model for honesty we must need fixed backings to mount the get together in space. The system is fully fixed
to the body of vehicle at 2 places, so we have utilized fixed help at two finishes as appeared in the pictures.

Figure 7 Boundary Conditions

Figure 8 Supports

Here, body or frame is fixed with the car (vehicle) and top (above) surface is also attached/connected to the car
Figure 9 Load

The power follows up on the system wheels are associated with the brake whereas brake is associated with the
strut and afterward eventually to the wishbones. To streamline the plan, we will apply power in the strut in
where the shape pin is associated. Then power will act typical to the essence of the strut. Accordingly we can
likewise utilize work in spring association in the anysys in the event that we need to take our planned spring.
That will assist us with bettering evaluation the spring steady and different properties of that spring. We have
attached the recreation toward the end. The strut is permitted to go ahead towards the power and on account of
this the lower part will presented in contact with that spring and pressure and strain of the framework can be
Figure 10 Load Direction

Here, 60% of the mass is the power that falls up on the front wheel and supposed if we assumed the mass is
2400kg then accordingly 1200kg will fall onto the front wheel that means both the wheels in the front will
bear equal mass of 600kg. Changing over this to drive brings about an estimation of practically 6000N. In this
way, the power that falls onto the strut will be equivalent to 6000N.
Figure 11 Load Location


Figure 12 Meshing

Here, now in ANSYS workbench we set a default mesh for the meshing of the assembly and then that default
mesh generated 33677 nodes and 15381 elements. This was the method applied to reduce the simulation
time but our all result depends on the quality of the meh that we generate.

Figure 13 Mesh Size

Nonetheless, though all the contact were made in workbench we have few alternatives just to present some
contact in gathering. We can include bearing as well as joints association in the gathering in where wishbones
are associated with the body. We have then added bearing association with the reliance of results. On the off
chance that we have development plausibility in the get together the burdens will decrease however the
distortion will be more higher. We can confirm these from the outcomes.

Figure 14 Connections


Figure 15 Deformation
From the above picture we can see most deformation on strut because the power is falling up on strut. It is
then permitted to go ahead towards we can see that when the power is applied then the spring
will sodden the vibrations and will show impact on different pieces of suspension framework.

Figure 16 Equivalent Strain

Here, we can see that strain points are located in different places across the whole assembly. And we can as
well see that the max. Strain act on the lowest wishbone. Due to the contact with the spring resulted to this
occurrence, however we can see the result that were unexpected.

Figure 17 Equivalent Stress

Figure 18 Normal Stress

Here the maximum stress we can see is on the wishbones and spring interface. This is because the spring as
it’s deformed and cannot displaces.


Figure 23 Deformation

Similarly, in the above shown results we can feel the slightly difference in the results if we compare to the
results that we received in previous test. The bearing supporting make easier for the wishbone to change.
Then the stress value will reduce and that reduce stress value demonstrate the part that are not responsible
for the change because the wishbone are free to rotate in x as well as y plane.
Figure 19

Figure 20 Strain analysis

Figure 26 Stress

From the above result the stress is 202.21 MPa in this simulation test.
Here, when no power is applied on it modular investigation shows the recurrence of spring. No zero
frequencies were shown to decide whether the modes are correct or not

Frequency gradually increases with all maximum values as shown in the figure below.

Figure 27 Modal Analysis

Figure 28 deformation

From the above figure maximum deformation is 27.39 for the given frequency 91.871 hz.
Figure 21The deformation is 25.507 for frequency 83.228 Hz.

Figure 22 the deformation is 26.503 for frequency 47.127Hz.

Now, if we look towards the priestesses, examination the modular modules were connected to effectively
set up the static basic and the modes were illuminated. There is slight changes in recurrence for the start of
the modes the after some abrupt increment the frequency doesn’t change that much towards the end.

Figure 31 Prestressed Modal Analysis

From above figure max.deformation is 26.632 for the frequency 37.814 Hz.

Figure 23
Figure 24

We can see the deformation accordingly with the frequencies.


furthermore, a similar procedure eigenvalue buckling was additionally connected to the static auxiliary
investigation, removals strains as well as stresses acquired for clasping examination don't relate to the sizes
discovered, it is just used to extricate the clasping burdens.
Figure 25 Eigenvalue Buckling
Here buckling load is 612.48.

Similarly we will explore the topology of the wishbones in the system. We use the high mass for the
wishbone to act as solid because we didn’t make it using metal sheet. To upgrade the structure, Topology
advancement assumes an indispensable job. The burdens are not a matter of worry on this part as should be
obvious in various recreations that the pressure esteem is little. Thus, the part itself perform high factor of
wellbeing because of its plan.

Here we can decrease the expenses of the material and as well as weight of the system with the help of
Lessing the weight on particular part while we performs the topology.
Figure 26 Topology Optimization

Result shows the wishbones mass = 1976.36 grams

Figure 27

Above result showing Wishbone Plates mass = 686.49 grams

Remembering the work of Ansys we have varies the structure and made empty wishbone, lessening the mass
and new mass shown is simply 686.49gm. This part is sufficiently able to withstand the worries in the system


For our design model we can apply various examination or work refinement method to approve the
discoveries in a reproduction study. In this we are changing cross section to fine and progress smoothing to
high. This will bring about nearly high number of hubs and components in the entire get together. The
recreation was performed for new work and the outcomes are demonstrated as follows.

Figure 28 Updated Fine Mesh

Figure 29
Figure 30 Total Deformation Plot

Figure 31 Elastic Strain Plot

Figure 32

Overall, we acquired roughly 0.68 percentage expansion in the estimations of available results seeing from
static basic recreation. On refined model we decreased the misshaping by an estimation of .02mm as well as
stresses are diminished by a worth 34.00MPa around. Presently the greatest twisting is appeared on the
knuckle interfacing the wishbone with the strut.

Our whole task was useful in utilizing the CAE devices for the check and finding of the outcomes. We're
ready to comprehend the working of the whole suspension system of the vehicle (car). Besides, Project was
finished learning the results of the product. One can foresee the life and working of the frameworks and
components utilizing Finite component strategies. Essentially, transient investigation can be utilized to foresee
the exhibition concerning the time.

Limited component reproduction requires much higher computational capacity to explain greater as well as
high complex frameworks. Furthermore, if the issues are mind boggling, it is simpler to separate it into littler
ones. Static pressure study can foresee the wellbeing element of the framework under specific burdens.
Through recreation strategies we can choose the material for the structure just as we can improve the
geometry of the parts remembering the expense of everything. Besides, modular and weariness investigation
can help in evaluating the life of segments. Factor of security ought to be higher than 1 so we can say that our
plan is appropriate for regular utilization.

Appendix 1: The Electronic Power Steering System Training Equipment

Appendix 2: The Electronic Power Steering System Training Equipment
Appendix 2: The Electronic Power Steering System Training Equipment
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