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eVision Module Registration (eMR)

Instructions for Students for Spring Term 2011

Please find below instructions regarding Module Registration for the Spring Term 2011.

Where permitted to do so by their academic department, students will be able to make

amendments to their module choices and/or module assessment methods via the eVision module
registration system during weeks 1 to 3 of the Spring Term.

Please note that if you do not need or want to make any changes to the selections you made in the
Autumn Term, you do not have to do anything else now.

Please read these instructions carefully before using the eVision online module
registration form.

Spring Term Module registration will be open as follows (subject to the

permission of your academic department):

10th – 28th January 2011

Please ensure that you have completed and submitted as final your module selections and
module assessment method registrations by the deadline of 28th January 2011.

(N.B. Students in the Faculty of Science will, where permitted by their departments, be able to de-
register ONLY from modules by later dates that will be notified in the Spring Term).

For queries regarding using the use and operation of the online module registration form, please
use the module registration website support information (FAQs etc) or, if this does not answer your
question, the email address Please note that academic-related
questions (e.g. about module content or what modules or assessment methods you are allowed to
choose) should be addressed to your academic department – staff attending to correspondence to are unable to answer queries of this nature.


These instructions are intended to guide you through the process of amending your module and
assessment method choices and you should consult them before doing so. They can be accessed
from the eVision module registration screen via the Module Registration Support Page link.

Step One | Logging in using my.warwick

Go the the University homepage: and log into your „my.warwick‟ page
in the normal way. (From the University homepage click „my.warwick‟ on the right hand side):

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In the next screen, click the “My Student Records” page link on the left-hand side and then “My
data” and then “Module Registration”. This will take you to the Module Registration Introduction
page illustrated below:

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In the box at the bottom of the screen, click “Select and/or Amend Your Modules” and/or “View
and/or Amend Your Assessment Methods”, as appropriate, for the changes you wish to make.

“Select and/or Amend Your Modules” takes you to the screen below:

(if you wish to amend module assessment methods only (i.e. not the module selections
themselves, please refer to Appendix 2 below (pp. 17 ff.))

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This screen displays your module registrations as they currently stand. To make a change(s), click
“Undo Selections” to access the next screen below:

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In the above screen click “Select” for the module list from which you wish to amend your previous
choice(s). This will take you to the screen below:

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Tick or untick the the “Select” boxes on the left-hand side to choose or remove modules (just as in
the initial Autumn Term process).

N.B. if the module list you are choosing from is of a general nature and does not specify modules
individually (for example, “Any third-year Mathematics module”) you will be taken to screens
allowing you to search for a module, as in the Autumn Term – see the instructions set out in
Appendix 1 below.

When you have made your amendments, click “Submit Selections”.

(N.B. “Cancel Selection” should only be used if you wish to cancel all your module selections from
the module list you are working on and wish to begin them again).

Note on CATS (credit) points

Please ensure that you select the correct total of module CATS points. Normally your total CATS
points for a year of an undergraduate Honours degree should not be lower than 120 CATS (it may
be lower for students on Pass degrees, who should check with their department) and Science
students should generally not ultimately exceed 150 - 180 CATS per year of study (as directed by
your particular department) . For taught postgraduates, normally the minimum CATS totals
should be 180 CATS (for a full-time Master‟s degree) or 120 CATS (for a full-time Postgraduate
Diploma); departments may also have prohibitions or restrictions on exceeding these totals.

When you have completed your selections, “Submit Selections” will take you to the screen below:

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If you wish to save your amended choices as provisional and come back to them later, click the
“Submit Later” button. If you have finalised your selections, click the “Submit Your Final Selections”

The screen following “Submit Your Final Selections” will then present your final module registration
as below:

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The “Module Registration Status” box at the top of the screen will confirm your module selections
have been entered and will alert you that (if you have selected any new modules or wish to amend
the assessment method(s) of an existing module choice(s)), you now need to select module
assessment methods, using the “Module Registration” link on the left-hand side of the screen and
then the “View and/or Amend your Assessment Methods” in the next screen (which is illustrated on
page 3 above).

The procedure for selecting assessment methods is then the same as in the Autumn Term and is

As in the Autumn Term, “View/Add Comments” allows you to access any comments left for you by
those staff in your academic department responsible for approving your module and assessment
method choices, or to leave any comments of your own for those staff.

Your department will check you registrations and if it agrees them it will approve (confirm)
them. When this occurs, your module registration status will change to APPROVED

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If your department finds some problem with the registrations you have made and cannot approve
them as they stand, it will reject your registrations and your status will change to REJECTED. It will
also normally leave a message for you to access via the module registration screen to indicate
what action you need to take. To make the necessary corrections, use “Select and/or Amend your
Modules”/”View and/or Amend your Assessment Methods” again as appropriate:

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When making amendments in response to a request from your department, the module selection
screen will present the “Undo Last Change” button; on clicking this you will be able to clear and
reselect any of the choices you previously made using the “Clear” and “Select” buttons. N.B.
“Clear” will remove all the choices you made from the module list in question, while using “Select”
will take you to the module selection screen and allow you to amend one or more of the choices
you previously made.

Remember you will have to repeat the assessment method selection process for any
new module you select.

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If you wish to amend your module registrations after you have submitted them but before your
department has confirmed or rejected them, you should use the “Reject Your Module Selection”
option on the Module Registration Introduction screen (illustrated below). Please note: after
submitting your module choices the “Reject Your Module Selection” link may only appear once you
have closed your browser window and gone back in via my.warwick.

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This option will set your status to REJECTED and will then allow you to use the “Select and/or
Amend Your Modules” link to change your selection – click on the “Undo Selections” button and
select your modules/assessment methods again as above.


If you have any comments or queries about using the eVision module registration screens, you
may email the following address:

Please remember that academic-related questions (e.g. about module content or what
modules or assessment methods you may choose) should be addressed to your academic
department rather than to

If you would like a larger print version of these instructions please email
stating the address to which you wish them to be sent.

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If the module list you are choosing from is of a general nature and does not specify modules
individually (e.g. “Any third-year Mathematics module”, that is, an “unlisted” option), you will be
taken to the screen illustrated below when you click “Select”. This screen is also used to select
“unusual options”, that is, modules not normally available to students on your course, but which
the Head of your department (or his/her nominated deputy) has approved in your case. If you wish
to register for an unusual option you will need to complete the existing process of gaining
agreement from both your own department and that which teaches the module (if different). To do
this you should usually complete an „Unusual Option Registration form‟ (available from your
department) and then ensure that both/all departments concerned complete it. The form should
then be handed in by you to your home department. IMPORTANT: failure to follow this
procedure may result in you not being permitted to take the module. You should be aware
that until you have gained the agreement of both departments, your registration for an
unusual option module is provisional only.

Any PART-TIME students should also use the screen below to select all their modules,
since they commonly may take modules (including core modules) in variable years of study
(and it is not possible, therefore, to define specific module lists for any particular year of
part-time study).

Click on one of the “Search” buttons and you will be taken to the next screen:

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If you know the module code you want (e.g. EN101-30) you can enter it in the Module Code box
and click “Search”. Please note the alphabetic characters in module codes need to be entered
in capitals, and you must use the full code, i.e. including the CATS weight stem (-30 in the
above example). The module will then appear in the Modules section of the screen and can be
selected by clicking the appropriate button, followed by clicking Submit to record your choice:

(N.B. Go Back will take you back to the Module Search screen, while Unselect will take you back to
the Select stage)

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If you don‟t know the exact module code, in the Search screen you can enter the * wildcard under
Module Code (e.g. EN* will retrieve all modules from the Department of English).

When you have selected your module(s), click “Submit” in the Modules section. Your module
choice will appear as in the screen below; to record your choice(s) click “Submit Selections”:

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You should then continue with and conclude the registration process as set out on pages 7 ff.

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Click on the “Module Registration” link on the left-hand side of your Module Selections page
(above) and then on “Select or Amend your Assessment Methods”, which will take you to a screen
allowing selection of an assessment method for each of your modules:

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If you click on “Select Assessment Method” for a module, the available assessment method(s) for
the module (which are symbolized by a code such as A, B, D, etc) will be displayed; for example:

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When you are certain of the correct assessment method for you to select for the module, click
“Select” for the assessment method you want. Your selection will be confirmed as below; use
“Return to List of Selected Modules” to complete assessment method selection for the rest of your
modules, as necessary:

When you have completed all your selections this will be confirmed onscreen:

and on the Module Registration page your status will be recorded as ENTERED (and awaiting
approval by your academic department):

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