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How are you going to use or implement the 14 principles of management in terms of a student leader
and a future entrepreneur/ CEO during this Covid – 19 pandemic.

14 PRINCIPLES As a student leader As an entrepreneur

DIVISION of As a student, I would use this method As an entrepreneur, I would divide the whole
LABOR for group activities that require organization's work among employees and create
collaboration to complete tasks. divisions in order to increase the organization's
efficiency and profitability.

AUTHORITY and As the student leader, I have the If one of my business's goods or one of its
RESPONSIBILITY authority to issue instructions and transactions fails, as an entrepreneur, I will
directives, but such authority comes delegate power and instructions to my workers,
with a great deal of responsibility. It is which will be viewed in the context of my
like having our science project responsibilities.
experiment, but when our project fails, I
will take the responsibility as the
student leader.
UNITY of As I am the student Leader, I will apply I'll put this idea into practice by choosing a single
COMMAND this as I will appoint someone in our supervisor who will be responsible for all of the
student officers who will give me subordinate's actions. This is because having a
updates about our school advocacy t so group of supervisors overseeing a single team in
that I will know what are the things are the firm may frequently lead to decision conflicts,
needed to be done. as well as a waste of skill and effort. As a result,
just one individual should be held accountable for
the conduct of the person working underneath
them. As a result, my company's department
manager will deliver the answers to me, who is in
charge of the operation as the CEO
UNITY of I will apply this, as the student office’s This is something I'm going to use in my firm. For
DIRECTION activities must all be linked to the same all marketing efforts, I will utilize only one plan.
objectives. This ensures everyone is The goal of one head and one strategy for a set of
going in the same directions and same activities will be the same.

STABILITY OF As a leader, I will give my group mates I will apply this to my company as I will give my
TENURE enough time to do their part for our employees fair enough time to settle into their
project. For the reason that I jobs. An employee needs time to learn his job and
understand their part as also a student to become efficient.
that we all have other responsibilities
and not all are the same
CENTRALIZATION As a student leader, I will put this idea I will apply this as I will appoint my company
into practice. I'll be the one to decide managers make all operational decisions, sending
whether or not to appoint someone to information to individual sellers . Even self-
their assigned work, when they'll employed owner-operators to determine where
submit it to me for editing, and what to how to sell more goods each day.
our project's final decision will be.
REMUNERATION I will apply this as a group leader to I'll remunerate my employees well enough that
treat my group mates some meriyenda they'll be less inclined to look for work elsewhere
so that they can have their energy and and more likely to focus on the tasks at hand.
to be eager to finish their tasks for our
school project.
EQUITY I will implement this as my student As the owner of a company, I will treat all my
officers are treated fairly. That everyone employee fairly. That even though I am in a high
has the time to prepare for their own position I will still treat them with respect.
tasks that I gave them

ORDER As the student leader in order to to get As the Head of my Company in order that my
the job done for our project. This is employees work in an orderly manner. To
applied as we need Order deals with guarantee that order is maintained at all times, I
having the resources.Such us the should supply them with the appropriate tools
materials we’ll be needing. and procedures.
DISCIPLINE I will put in place mechanisms to As the head of my company I am not the only the
ensure that my group members follow who have important responsibilities, but also I
directions. will give my employee their own Important
responsibility and that is discipline and respect.

INITIATIVE As the student leader I will give my I'll use this in my business by allowing my staff to
Student officers their Chances if they offer fresh ideas and tasks. This empowers
have their own Opinions and plans so employees and increases the value of our firm.
that we can settle it right. This is due to the fact that an initiative offers
happiness to employees while also bringing
success to the company.
SCALAR CHAIN As the student leader, I will be the one This will be implemented. You should know who
who is incharge when their is a to contact in the event of an emergency or
problem. This is applied when one of calamity. For example, an executive should report
my Student officers has reported a to a team manager, who should report to the
problem to me. regional manager, who will report to the national
manager, and so on.
Sub-ordination of I'll put my team's needs ahead of This is something I'm going to use in my firm.
Individual personal goals. As I will be in charge of That every employee  or every
Interest my group mates, I must first learn about departments interests should not take
to common goal their interests. And in the end, I must precedence over the greater good. Individual
guarantee that the interests of our goal interests should be given less importance, while
take precedence over the interests of the common interest should be given the most
individuals. importance. 
ESPRIT DE CORPS I will apply this as I will pick a place I will Implement this as I will create unity, co-
where me and my group mates will operation, and team-spirit among the employees.
work comfortably for our project

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