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The documentary will concern the lives of working students and the commuter students at UNO.

Many students find it hard to balance between traveling to school daily and going to work. The

traveler students group comprises students staying at their parents' houses, students working part-

time and staying in off-campus apartments, people working as full-time employees, and parents

staying at home with their children. Normally, these students have to ride bikes, walk, travel via

public transport, or drive themselves to school to be in class. Rarely do these students have

additional time to spend outside school. Some take night buses while others travel on day

commuting, which is normally tiring for normal people.

Most of these students come from poor backgrounds, and they cannot afford to stay in

school full-time. They have bills to settle, others pay for their school fees, while others, as

parents, have to take care of their children's expenses. It is not easy for these students do not find

it easy to travel for an hour daily to see a tutor who rolls out with other students for the whole

day. Commuter students do not enjoy schooling privileges enjoyed by full-time students. They

do not have time to date in school, no time to attend school events or to exhaust their learning

materials. Social occasions, course get-togethers, and the haunting space before seminars and

tutors are all chances to meet and interact with new students, which these commuter students do

not enjoy.

I am planning to include Sylvia Norman in the interview. Sylvia is a senior student at

UNO who travels daily from Covington in Louisiana. She majors in Physics and Chemistry and

has an additional double minor in Psychology and Creative writing. She is a half-time employed

student living with her ill mother at Covington. Sylvia drives herself for about an hour daily to

the university to attend her classes. She is a great fit for the interview since she is well

experienced in balancing studies, work, and taking care of her ailing mother. She is in a perfect

position to narrate how her employment, house chores, and daily traveling impact her class

performance and school life in general.

The other candidate for the interview will be Onesmus Carlos, who is a junior student at

UNO. Onesmus is studying Computer Science. He is currently living in Mid-City, and he has to

travel for almost 30 minutes to class. Onesmus is living with his old parents, and as the firstborn

of the family, he has to take care of his young siblings. Besides that, Onesmus is employed by a

small company where he works three days a week. I will ask him to narrate to what extend he

can be committed to school life while taking care of his family and his job. He is a perfect

interviewee because he will give us a basis for comparison with the energy of Miss. Sylvia.

Although the upsurge in the number of commuting students, UNO, and other colleges

have not yet adopted a mechanism to address the matter, the residential students are mostly

favored by the college interventions and programs, which often tend to leave out commuter

students by assuming that they will have equal impacts on learning for all the students. There has

always been a common practice by most colleges to ignore the special needs of the non-

residential students, and this theme will serve a great deal in bringing the matter to the light of

the student body.

It is important to study and discuss the lives of students who commute to school daily

since there is a great debate about the amount of work these learners have to encounter. Various

people have held discussions on the number of takeaway assignments given to learners without

overworking them. I wish to use this study to establish whether commuting students can balance

school life with all the things they encounter daily in their lives. UNO has a great count of

commuter learners, so this theme is precisely significant to the student body of UNO.

The theme is important for comparing the advantages and disadvantages of life inside and

outside the campus. It is also equally important in determining the pros and cons of working

while studying. The theme will be easy to understand for several learners, and a great number

will find it easy to understand the interviewees. The interviewee students are diverse enough,

particularly with the amount of work they have to undertake. Sylvia takes eighteen hours, and

Onesmus takes twenty-two. It is significant to find out the distress each student goes through,

alongside the suffering of straining to get to class in time. I trust this theme is substantial, and it

will gather profits. The documentary is relevant to all tertiary-level learners, and it can eventually

yield a successful piece of work. The documentary will intensely look at the stress aspects of

maintaining a balance between schoolwork, social life, and employment.

The main target audience for this documentary is the whole of the education system both

in UNO and across all the other colleges globally. The specific audience will be the university

professors, lecturers, college leaders, the student body, and national education leaders. The

documentary idents to educate the whole school fraternity about the problems which commuter

learners go through. The reason to target student(s) bodies, professors, lecturers, and education

leaders is that they are well aware of the existence of commuter students, and they witness their

struggles daily. Additionally, these groups are capable of addressing the matter and changing the

lives of commuter learners.

Another group of the audience will be the employers and the parents of commuter

learners. The parents and the employers are among the people who interact with the non-resident

students often. Therefore, their parents and employers greatly determine the quality of life they

live, the amount of work they undertake on a daily routine, and the amount of time they are left

with to carry out their studies. The theme's main purpose is to address anyone who is in the

capacity to discuss the matter and amend things in favor of these students. So, upon

demonstrating to parents the kind of stress commuter learners goes through, they can reduce their

burden on the students, making their lives a bit easier. Also, employers can create timetables and

schedules specifically made to ease the amount of commitment put on the part-time working


1. Explanation of the subject matter of the documentary in a serious, professional, precise

tone; at least 250 words (20 points) – less than 250 words: only 10 points
2. Who are the interview subjects specifically (at least two) you are planning on
interviewing? “Two students” is not enough. Identify them: Name, what is their
profession or relation to you, what type of students, what major, why are they the right
subjects, any other detail that would make sense, etc. These have to be real people,
since this is a documentary. (20 p)
3. You have to explain the worthiness of the subject. At least 250 words (20 points) - less
than 20 words: only 10 points
4. The target audience. Note: stating that your target audience is “everyone” equals not
answering the question and will get 0 points. Defining a target audience is very
important, since that is nothing else but identifying the market where your piece can be
sold. (20 points)
5. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Do not use casual language. Write serious,
professional, convincing paragraphs that would show the producer the depth of your
ideas. (20 points)/8

92- late 20 = 72

The Interviews

"For how long have you been at the UNO?"

Onesmus mentioned that he was currently in his second year, while Sylvia stated that she was


"What pushed you to become a non-residential student?"

"Kindly explain in detail any important past occurrences within your family, employment

life, and schooling life that have contributed to the type of college life you are currently


The two emphasized the need to settle bills as the core reason that pushed them to work

as they study and live off-campus.

"My parents are old, and as their oldest son, all their children, my siblings

[laughs], depend on me. I have to put food on the table for them, pay water bills,

electricity bills, cater for their school fees, as well as care for my old parents."

Sylvia mentioned that besides her ailing mother, she had a son to take care of, and she

considered all that equally important to her education. She adds that when her mother suffered

cancer when she was in high school, she knew that there was no way she would enjoy walking in

pajamas across the campus. She also added that staying off-campus made her feel more mature.

"Besides the challenges, staying off-campus and paying my bills makes me feel

more mature."

"Please explain in detail how you go about your day?"


The two interviewees had a common thing on how they spend their day. The first thing

they do after waking up is report to work. The next thing that rings in their mind is going to

school to attend their lessons. Onesmus works at a company close to the school, so he would

walk to school, unlike Sylvia, who has to drive for an hour before class. For Sylvia, her day has

different schedules of attending to her mother and her son.

"What is your experience as a commuter learner?"

"The life of a commuter is not easy. Sometimes you have a work schedule, and at

the same time, you have a class to attend," explained Sylvia. "Most of the time,

commuter students do not have time to take their meals. As for me, if I fail to

carry my lunch pack, then I will have to go the whole day without food."

Onesmus added by saying that the quality of a commuter student highly affects the amount of

workload they have to tackle. They both said that they do not enjoy school life like the rest of the


"A commuter student cannot just wake up and go to class on pajamas and go back

to the hostel to change," Onesmus added.

"What features of commuter schooling are the main challenges?"

They both mentioned that traveling daily to school was one of the worst experiences. They stated

that it is draining and consumes time that could be used in other important things.

"All this time we are traveling back and forth; other students are doing their best

to cover the course work. Others are meeting the lecturers to clarify the issues

they did not get in class".


Onesmus expressed this as he demonstrated the disadvantages of commuting.

"Is there anything you would like other students to know about the life of a commuter


The interviewees made it clear that working while studying and taking care of other

things as an adult required one to sacrifice a lot. Not enough sleep, no time to mingle with other

students, no time to attend campus events, and not enough time to do your private things. "It is

generally hard, and one must be very devoted to making it," says Onesmus.

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