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JUnit 4

The ultimate unit test framework

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

JUnit 4

• Introduction
• Test Cases and Test Suites
• Parameterized Tests
• Running JUnit Tests

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

JUnit 4

Introduction to JUnit

• If we had to test our code by hand, it would be

practically impossible to handle Test Driven

• JUnit is the most popular automated testing framework.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Introduction to JUnit

• A simple yet powerful open-source framework to write

Java automated tests.

• It is an instance of the xUnit architecture.

• Licensed by IBM's Common Public License Version 0.5
• Hosted by Sourceforge
• Current version 4.4

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Introduction to JUnit

• JUnit consists of the following components:

• Runners - Run the tests.

• Fixtures - Initialize common objects.

• Assertions - Test expected results.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Introduction to JUnit

• When we use JUnit we write:

• Tests = Methods.
• Test Case = Class with several tests.
• Test Suite = An aggregation of several test cases

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Installing JUnit

• Download
• Unzip it.
• Add the junit.jar to you classpath.
• And.. Voila... you are good to go.

Usually this is not necessary as most modern IDEs

come with built-in JUnit support.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

• Introduction
• Test Cases and Test Suites
• Parameterized Tests
• Running JUnit Tests

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

JUnit 4


• A simple void method checking a piece of code.

• Tests are marked with the @Test annotation.

public void testAdd() throws Exception {
double first = 5;
double second = 5;
Calculator calc = new Calculator();
Assert.assertEquals(first + second, calc.add(first, second));

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JUnit 4


• Test methods optionally are declared as throwing


• In case an Exception is thrown by the test, the test is

marked as “failed”.

• Throwing an Exception is optional and is not the

common way to fail a test. Usually, what fails a test is a
failed assertion.

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JUnit 4


• In case throwing an Exception is the expected behavior,

we can mark the to expect a specific type of Exception.

• This test will fail in case it doesn’t throw


public void testLoginException() throws LoginException {

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


• The class org.junit.Assert is a collection of static assert


• These methods help us check the output of the checked

code against the expected value.

• In case the asserted condition is false, the test fails,

and the supplied message is logged.

Assert.assertEquals(message, expected, returnValue);

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JUnit 4

• There is a wide variety of assertions:

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JUnit 4

• Another way to fail the test is by calling the method

public void testSomething() throws Exception {
switch(i) {
case a:
... break;
case b:
... break;

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JUnit 4

• It is also possible to add a timeout to the test.
• In case the test hasn’t finished befoer timeout, it will
• Set the timeout attribute of the @Test annotation to
the allowed time in milliseconds.

public void testSomething() throws Exception {

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Test Cases

• A Test Case is a simple class which includes one or

more test methods:

public class ExampleTestCase {

public void testAdd() throws Exception {...}

public void testSubstruct() throws Exception {...}

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Test Cases
• Sometimes, tests share resources.
Will the following example work?

public class ExampleTestCase {

private ShoppingCart cart;
public void testAddToCart() throws Exception {
public void testCheckout() throws Exception {

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Test Cases
• Even though ShoppingCart is a shared resource, we
wouldn’t want both tests to use the same cart.

• This will create coupling between the tests.

• To decouple the tests and avoid code duplication, we
use Fixtures.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

• Fixtures are simple methods annotated with @Before
and @After.

• Using fixtures allows us to initialize objects before each

test and clean up after each test.

public class ExampleTestCase {

private ShoppingCart cart;
public void init() {cart = new ShoppingCart();}
public void destroy() {cart.rollback();}
public void testAddToCart() throws Exception {...}
public void testCheckout() throws Exception {...}

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart()

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JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart() destroy() - @After

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart() destroy() - @After

init() - @Before

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart() destroy() - @After

init() - @Before testCheckout()

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart() destroy() - @After

init() - @Before testCheckout() destroy() - @After

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


init() - @Before testAddToCart() destroy() - @After

init() - @Before testCheckout() destroy() - @After

This way, we avoid coupling and code duplication.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Shared Fixtures
• Shared Fixtures run once for all the Test Case, thus
allowing us to really share the object between tests.

• Shared Fixtures are simple methods annotated with

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass.

If you need a Shared Fixture to test your code, this is

usually a sign of an unwanted dependency in your
code. We will discuss this in detail in the next chapters.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Protected Methods
• Testing public methods is simple, but how can we test
protected methods?

• Easy... just put the test code in the same package (not
necessarily in the same source folder).

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Private Methods
• OK... but what about private methods.
• Well, if you need to unit test a private method, it is
usually a sign the method should be promoted to
another class for reuse.

• In case you insist, you can use PrivilegedAccessor (an

open-source project).

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Test Suites
• Test Suites are a bundle of Test Cases wrapped

• A Test Suite implements the composite pattern in order

to enable one Suite to contain another.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Test Suites

@SuiteClasses(value={FirstTest.class, SecondItemTest.class})
public class AllTests {}

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

• Introduction
• Test Cases and Test Suites
• Parameterized Tests
• Running JUnit Tests

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

JUnit 4

Parameterized Tests
• Sometimes, we want to run the same test code with
different parameters, several times.

• For example, we want to test the add() method with

different arguments sets.

• One way of doing it would be to duplicate the code in

the same test method.

• Another way would be to duplicate the whole test

• The problem is... We do not appreciate code

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Parameterized Tests

• An elegant way to avoid this code duplication is

Parameterized Tests.

• Parameterized Test is a simple test method that is

executed several times with different values assigned
to class members.

• To write it use the @RunWith and @Parameters


copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Parameterized Tests

public class ParameterizedExample {
double first, second; Calculator calc;

public ParameterizedExample(double first, double second) {

this.first = first; this.second = second;
public static Collection parameterValues() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{{5d,5d}, {5d,10d}});
public void init() {calc = new Calculator();}

public void testAdd() {

Assert.assertEquals(first + second, calc.add(first, second));

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Parameterized Tests

• The testAdd() method is executed twice.

• Once whith first=5d and second=5d.
• And next with first=5d and second=10d.
• In the result report, two distinct tests will be shown.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

• Introduction
• Test Cases and Test Suites
• Parameterized Tests
• Running JUnit Tests

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

JUnit 4

Running Tests

• To run a test we have to use one of the runners.

• The runners are java classes that run tests.
• There are three common ways to use runners:
• Command-Line.
• Through IDE Support.
• Using Apache Ant.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


• Use Java to execute org.junit.runner.JUnitCore and

pass it the test class name as an argument.

java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <test class name>

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Using IDE

• A more convenient and popular way is to use the built-

in JUnit support of our IDE.

• We have chosen Eclipse for the purpose of this course,

but all popular Java IDEs has JUnit support.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Using IDE - Eclipse

• Eclipse supports JUnit in the Test development level

and in the executing and reporting levels.

• In the development level, Eclipse supplies wizards for

creating new TestCases and TestSuites.

• The more interesting part is the Eclupse’s support in

the execution level.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Using IDE - Eclipse

• Right-click any TestCase or TestSuit class, and select
run as->JUnit Test.

• Choosing this option immediately executes the selected

test and opens a report.

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Using IDE - Eclipse

• Using the Run Dialog, we can also make a run
configuration that will run all Tests in a specific project
or package.

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JUnit 4

Using Apache Ant

• Since version 1.7, Ant comes with <junit> task as a

part of its optional tasks.

• This task enables executing JUnit tests from Ant and

generate reports.

<test name="my.test.TestCase"/>

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4

Using Apache Ant

• Ant supports many sophisticated test execution modes.
• See <junit> task documentation for more details.
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<pathelement location="${build.tests}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>

<formatter type="plain"/>

<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.tests}">

<fileset dir="${src.tests}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/"/>

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD
JUnit 4


• JUnit is a simple yet powerful testing framework.

• It supports the notion of TestCases and TestSuits.
• Using JUnit makes it easy to write test methods that
run in an isolated environment.

• Using different runners we can constantly run our tests

and get immediate feedback about our code

copyright 2008 trainologic LTD

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