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Let’s Analyze:

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why are engineers considered as the most significant segment of society?
It can be argued that engineers are considered as the most significant
segment of society, progress-wise. It is known that the technological advancement
and progress of a society are on the engineers’ hands. These advancements
cause a cascade of progress in other segments of society. For example, chemical
engineers can design an enhanced dialysis equipment that will surely improve
kidney failure treatments.
2. What are the expected of engineers in general?
There are several expectations from the public that every engineer should
meet. One, every engineer should have enough engineering and technological
knowledge. Two, these engineers should be able to apply these knowledge to
solving real life problems e.g. design technology. Three, these engineers should
also know enough economics that will surely help their engineering and design
works. This is because every engineer should ensure the feasibility of their projects
and works. The other expectations are good communication skills, management
skills and etc.
3. What is engineering management?
Engineering management is a particular type of managerial work that
focuses on the managing engineering and technology-based resources in order to
successfully meet a technological and engineering requirement. To elaborate, a
well-known person who excels in this field, Elon Musk, exhibits the very definition
of engineering management. Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Space X,
excellently manages almost every kind of engineer and their raw equipment to
build rockets. In this case, the engineering and technology-based resources are
the equipment and the engineers themselves. Also, the technological and
engineering requirement would be their innovative and advanced rockets.
4. How may one define management?
From a personal point of view, I readily equate management to leadership.
This is because every managers should aim to become good leaders. In other
words, managements is the act of leading people towards a certain goal of a
company. They should be the one who pushes employees to do their individual
contributions and then collect those into creating a product, service, among others
that very well exudes the branding of the company.
5. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?
For sure, engineering outputs are needed in current concerns. To narrow it
down, I am going to only elaborate the chemical engineering outputs that are surely
helpful in some current concerns. As a chemical engineering student, I am aware
that chemical engineering outputs are needed in some current concerns especially
in environmental protection, healthcare and green energy. In terms of
environmental protection, chemical engineers have the capability to create
technology that will reverse the damage that man-made activities have somehow
caused. For example, chemical engineers can design an equipment that will purify
polluted water for drinking purposes. In terms of healthcare, chemical engineers
can design technology such as an advanced dialysis equipment that will certainly
aid the healthcare personnel in their vital jobs. Lastly, chemical engineers can
contribute in the design of new green energy technology such as a technology that
extracts energy from biomass.

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