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Gail Hansen and Erin Alvarez2

o l o r i s t h e most noticeable and memorable to the 12 basic colors or by mixing any of the colors. The
element in the landscape and is usually the focus three basic color schemes are known as monochromatic,
of most homeowners; however, it is typically a very analogous, and complementary.
temporary element, usually lasting only a few weeks a
year for individual plants. Color in plant material and in
hardscapes adds interest and variety to the landscape and
is often used as a focal point. Many homeowners know at
least one color they would like to include in their gardens,
but they are often unsure which colors to add to create a
pleasing color combination.

Color is found in the flowers, foliage, bark, and fruit of

plants. Foliage typically provides the overall background
color for the flower colors. Green foliage in all its various
shades is the dominant color by quantity, but other colors
capture attention more readily because of their high
contrast to the color green. Color is also found in buildings, F i g u r e 1 . Color wheel with 12 basic colors (Credit: Gail Hansen)
rocks, pavers, wood, and furniture. Natural materials,
such as stone and wood, typically have muted colors in
variations of brown, tan, and pale yellow. Bright colors in Monochromatic scheme
the hardscape are also found in man-made materials, such A monochromatic color scheme uses only one color. In
as painted furniture, brightly colored ceramic containers or landscaping, this usually means one other color besides the
sculptures, and glass ornaments. green color in the foliage. One color can have many light
and dark variations, which can add interest. For example,
Color has been studied for centuries by some of the variations of violet can include lavender, maroon, lilac, and
leading thinkers in history, including Sir Isaac Newton, blue-violet (Figure 2).
who developed the color wheel, and Leonardo da Vinci,
who developed color theory to explain the relationship of
colors in nature. Color theory can also be used to explain
the relationship of the colors on the color wheel and how
they should be used in a composition. A variety of color
schemes can be developed from the 12 basic colors on the
color wheel (Figure 1). The color wheel includes the three
primary colors of red, blue, and yellow; the three secondary
colors (a mix of two primaries) of green, orange, and violet;
and six tertiary colors (a mix of one adjacent primary and
secondary color), such as red-orange. An endless number of F i g u r e 2 . Monochromatic color scheme with variations of violet (Credit:
other colors can be created by adding white, black, or gray Gail Hansen)

 is document is ENH1164, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date June 2010. Reviewed March 2013. Visit the EDIS website at
 ail Hansen, assistant professor, and Erin Alvarez, assistant-in, Environmental Horticulture Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611.
and oranges) tend to be more exciting and should be used
Analogous scheme in areas for entertaining and parties. The “temperature”
Analogous color schemes include any three to five colors of colors can also affect the perception of distance and
that are adjacent on the color wheel, such as red, red- space. Cool colors tend to recede and are perceived as being
orange, orange, yellow-orange, and yellow (Figure 3). This farther away, making a space feel larger. Warm colors tend
scheme also includes the light and dark versions of each to advance and are perceived as being closer, making a
color, such as pink, pale yellow, and dark red. The colors space feel smaller.
are related to each other because they include two primary
colors mixed to form a secondary and two tertiary colors, Color can also be used as a dominant element to capture
which means they share common properties. attention and direct views. Focal points can be created with
bright colors. For example, bright yellow, which has the
highest intensity (brightness), also has a high contrast with
all other colors (often described as a “pop” of color) and
should be used sparingly.

Color schemes in the garden can change with the

seasons. Summer colors are usually more varied and
bright with more flowers, while winter colors tend to be
monochromatic and darker with more foliage. Color is also
affected by light quality, which changes with the time of
F i g u r e 3 . Analogous color scheme with red to yellow (Credit: Gail
day and time of year. Brighter, more intense summer sun
Hansen) makes colors appear more saturated and intense, while the
filtered light of winter makes colors appear more subdued.
Consideration should be given to the time of day when
Complementary scheme the area will be used when choosing a color scheme. For
Complementary colors (Figure 4) are those that are example, whites and yellows can brighten a space used
opposite each other on the color wheel. They tend to have primarily in the evening.
high contrast between them. The most common sets are
violet and yellow, red and green, and blue and orange. Balance can also be achieved with color; a small amount
Complementary colors are often found naturally in flowers; of intense color has as much visual weight as a large
a common pair is yellow and violet. amount of a more subdued or weaker color. Because color
is temporary, it should be used to highlight more enduring
elements, such as texture and form.

Things to consider when choosing color

Choosing colors for the yard can be confusing and a little
intimidating simply because there is such a wide variety of
color available in plants today. When making color choices,
take into account the following:

• Consider the color of the house and other hardscape

F i g u r e 4 . Complementary color scheme with orange and blue (Credit:
Gail Hansen) features. Decide if you want to blend with the building
color and extend that color into the yard or if you want to
contrast with the color of the house. If most of the plant
Properties of Color material is located close to the house, contrast may be a
Colors have properties that can affect emotions, spatial better choice.
perception, dominance (focal points), light quality, and
balance. One property of color is described relative to • Consider how the yard is used. Frequent parties and
temperature—colors appear to be cool or warm and entertainment call for bright and lively colors to add
can affect emotions or feelings. Cool colors (blues and energy to the party. Contemplation gardens for relaxation
purples) tend to be calming and should be used in areas call for cool, soothing colors.
for relaxation and serenity. Warm colors (reds, yellows,

• Consider the time of day and the light conditions in the stores, or home goods stores can provide the opportunity
yard when it is used. Consider light colors if the yard is to see a variety of color combinations in a single location.
used in the evening or at night. Light colors usually work Stores that carry craft supplies and fabrics often carry items
better in the shade; darker, brighter colors show better in with ready-made color combinations, particularly in paper
the sun. and scrapbook materials.

• Consider the garden style. Many historic and recognized Use colors from photos in garden magazines and books.
garden styles—such as tropical (bright, hot colors), People are immediately drawn to color in photographs.
cottage (pastels, spring colors), or contemporary In this composition, the contrast makes color distinct
(metallic, unusual colors)—have a characteristic color and appealing. The advantage of looking for a photo of a
palette. Although it is not necessary to use the traditional landscape to copy is that, like a painting or fabric pattern,
color scheme, doing so would stay true to the style. the entire color palette has already been established.

• Consider growing conditions and plant availability. Color Use colors from botanical gardens, plant nurseries, and florists’
choices may be limited depending on the plants that will shops. Gardens and plant nurseries are great places to look
grow best in the yard and the availability of plants in for color ideas. In botanical gardens, color combinations
local nurseries. have been designed by professionals, and you can observe
different color combinations throughout the year. At a
plant nursery, you can gather plants in their pots and try
Finding Color Inspiration different arrangements, adding and subtracting pots to
Give careful consideration to your color choices and resist the composition until you get the blend that you want. A
the temptation to buy on impulse. Inspiration can come florist’s shop is also a great place for ideas; professional
from different sources. Some possibilities include: florists are trained in color theory and the use of color
schemes to create floral arrangements. One floral
Use your favorite color. Everyone has a color that they find arrangement can be the inspiration for your entire color
particularly appealing. Most likely it is a familiar color palette.
from the past that has meaning—usually on a subconscious
level—perhaps a connection with a person, a time, or a Use color ideas from neighborhood yards and community
place. landscapes. As you drive through your neighborhood or
community, take note of the landscape colors that catch
Use colors you already have in your house. Chances are you your eye. Try to determine what it is about the color
already have color combinations in your home that you find combination you find appealing. Usually bright, saturated
appealing. You can choose to use those same colors in your colors will be the first attention-getters simply because
yard and extend the interior to the outside or try a different of the high contrast. Sometimes these colors can be too
theme for variety. If you want to use new colors, it is best intense or artificial looking, but a softer version of the
to use at least one color from the interior in the new color same color might be more appealing. When you look at an
palette to provide a connection between the spaces. attractive yard, note the color of the house also. It may be
that the colors look particularly good with the color of that
Use colors from a favorite place or time. Most of us think of particular house but may not be appropriate for the color of
our yard as a place to get away from it all. We would like to your house.
be transported, if only temporarily, to a place that reminds
us of our travels, our childhood home, or a place we would
like to visit. This idea has become more popular as people
Testing Color Schemes
enjoy re-creating a favorite vacation spot in their backyards. Color studies. Most designers will conduct a color study
when laying out the plant material in the design. A simple
Use colors from a favorite object—a painting, fabric, or a color study can be done in plan view by using colored
decorative object. Take a tip from interior designers—they pencils to add color where plants will be located (Figure 5).
often choose a color palette for a room from a painting, a It is also helpful to draw a simple side view (section) of plant
fabric print, or a decorative object. The colors on a favorite materials in a proposed composition and color the plant
piece of clothing might also provide inspiration. The forms to visualize how the colors will look adjacent to one
advantage to this method is that the complete color palette another (Figure 6).
has already been established. Visiting art galleries, clothing

Computer software. You can use simple editing software
to test color combinations. Draw a simple sketch of plant
material and scan it as a jpeg. Use the Windows Paint
program to apply different color combinations (Figure 7).

F i g u r e 7. Color study using Windows Paint software (Credit: Gail Hansen)

F i g u r e 5 . Color study in plan view (Credit: Gail Hansen)
Texture, Form, and Color
One last issue to consider is the temporary nature of color
in plants. Because most plants have short bloom periods,
don’t forget to think about how the plant will look the rest
of the year. Consider the texture and form (shape) of the
plant and use combinations that will also look good when
there is no bloom color present in the plants. Texture, form,
and size can affect color. For example, coarse texture, bold
form, and large size can often make a color more prominent
because the plant is visually prominent. Conversely, color
can affect the perception of texture and size. Bold color
F i g u r e 6 . Color study in section view (Credit: Gail Hansen) makes fine texture look coarse and smaller plants look
larger. When making design decisions, the best strategy is
Color chips. Use the color wheel to develop a color scheme to start with a color theme because you can almost always
and then try different variations with color chips. Paint find a variety of textures and forms in each of the colors
sample cards provide great color chips. Arrange a handful that you want to use.
of the cards until you find a combination you like, tape
them to a piece of paper, and take it with you when you
go to purchase plants or refer to it when you develop your
plant list.

Potted plants. If your color area in the yard is small, buy

one or two 4 in. pots of a variety of colored annuals and
perennials that have a few blossoms on them. Arrange the
pots in different color combinations in the area where you
intend to plant them until you find one that appeals to you.
Set the plants next to the house, hardscape, or other plants
to see how the entire composition works together.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other
services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation,
marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida
A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Millie Ferrer-Chancy, Interim Dean

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